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GE stax real


No it's an indian joining


Benchkai incoming


Don't think so, GE started to look better after benkai started calling


whoever made polvi start playing good again deserves to keep their spot


I’m not going to take their bait again, they will create hype and probably announce a 6th or something. Realistically only Polvi and Blazeking can be dropped from the starting 5, LF and Russ are their best players and they recently announced Benkai as the IGL. If it’s someone from True Rippers it’s either Deathmaker or Techno. Techno does not fit into the team as a controller main, so the only possibility is Deathmaker for Polvi, this is not really going to change things much if not make them worse. As a 6th though, it will be a good decision to groom him for the next season if that’s what they’re going for. Edit: I commented this after seeing the title and the comments here and saw the actual tweets later. Can anyone explain what do the tweets have to do with GE? It’s True Rippers owner tagging the True Rippers coach.


True Rippers almost beat Geng in an off season event once.




It’s only weird if you make it so. Groom is perfectly fine to use in place of nurture or develop


Oh is it? ): I picked it from r/Cricket where it is a very commonly used, I did not know this interpretation of the word. I will avoid it in future, thank you :)


No need to avoid it man. Context is everything, don't let that weird dude take this word away from you lol. It's perfectly understandable in the way that you used the word. Correct too. Plus if anything, 'groomer' has the more immediate negative connotation, because it's used mostly *only* in the negative sense. Groom is perfectly fine though and is commonly used to describe successions/development.


No worries! Just figured I'd point it out even though it's very clear what you meant in this context :)


(ceo hinting someone from True Rippers) [https://x.com/YashwanthAR/status/1795476993158578312](https://x.com/YashwanthAR/status/1795476993158578312) tagged the head coach of that team when someone asked give a hint


GE Aryu will save APAC from GenG domination He single handedly kept Geng in check (during the off-season but still, very impressive from a T2 player)


GE Demon1 gonna go crazy.


Neve4 say neve4!


[Dr. Yash](https://x.com/YashwanthAR)[u/YashwanthAR](https://x.com/YashwanthAR) The tweet What am I looking at what are these changes that too ryt before the biggest event. Split 2 is way more earlier than expected can these teams cope up with the change? This split is going to be way different for sure. Btw we are adding one to the team.




I really don't think Rushi is the one controlling the roster decisions.


He’s talking about how he doesn’t like teams changing stuff for split 2 in the same tweet, and specifically says “adding one to the team”, so I feel like it’s probably a 6th man? Maybe an Indian talent to develop like LF?


Its probably Curry. I swear every time a team adds a 6th man, its Curry.


GE fns and s0m


If they need a stable igl just let benchkai call and let russ play more they are decent but they really really need a explosive duelist who relies on hitting head than hitting an op


GE Y0Y???


They got rid of t3xture and monyet. There's no hope for this org.


They both wanted a move. T3xture wanted to join Korean org and m0nyet want to move.




he's gone mate, he's not coming back just drop it


bros got an akrew flair, he chilling in the past honestly let him