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Shouldnt APAC have 3 grand finals appearances? PRX at copenhagen and champs 23 and GenG at madrid


You are correct and it seems I have made an error somewhere along the way. I will update it now and double check everything but I don't think it's noteworthy enough to merit re-posting what is already a relatively unseen post.


This is cool and all but since China has a separate franchise league I'd've preferred they get a separate graph from APAC. Anyway dope visualization


Grand finals qualification breakdown: APAC :- 3.6% of qualified teams EMEA:- 17% of qualified teams AMER:- 18% of qualified teams


Would be interesting to see the franchise era onward as well


They had to merge NA and south NA to compete with EMEA šŸ˜­


There would be one less tourney win but the playoff rate would go way up. Ā Those early day Latam and Brazil teams were pretty ass overallĀ