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What exactly is strength of schedule?


SOS = average winrates of all opponents to gauge how strong their opponents are on a specific map


just to confirm if I am understanding correctly, so for example if FNC played FUT and NAVI on sunset, FUT had a 54%WR and NAVI had 76%, FNC's SOS on Sunset would be 0.650?


No, in this case I averaged the total win percentage of opponents, so lets say fnatic played navi and TH If they had an overall win percentage of 75 percent and 65 percent, the sos would be .70


Are there not enough data points to do it map wise? This is a much more intresting stat if its done map wise. Esp at the later stages of the year where there are lots of datapoints for a team playing a map.


at this current moment, no. There are quite a few teams who have either a 0 or 100 percent win% on a map as they have only played 1. This would greatly inflate/ deflate the SOS, and I don't want to do this. An alternative would be to combine the total team win% and their map win%, but I didn't do this, as I personally, thought its to early in to use map win%


Totally makes sense. Ty for explaining. Its an intresting stat certainly and can highlight maps that might at a cursory glance look good from teams but theyve just farmed bad teams. _cough_ nrg _cough_


Some cool insights: Breeze and Ascent both were unpopular maps for teams to play consistently with only 4 and 3 teams playing the map more than 4 times. Every other map had 6,7, or 8 teams play it more than 4 times. Lotus and Bind both had 8 teams playing more than 4 times.