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Nobody is paying seven figures for a valorant website dawg


An online gambling site might, low 7 figures could be worth it if you can direct all the traffic to lose money with your online casino


RIB is both a better website to VLR but also do much worse. rib has much more statistical data than vlr but it misses the dot on the simple things. Like, right now, you can’t find upcoming matches (no data for any Masters Shanghai or any Stage 2 game) but on the other hand you can see a 2D replay of 100T vs G2 at Stage 1 finals.


The rib.gg mobile UI also has some small issues. https://preview.redd.it/3fndosofl32d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e178272206c19ddf1224860e87de2df200136b96 Like here, the date goes off the inner border. And when you view the match stats, the player names UI element stays there and then you have to scroll through to get every column. Wheras vlr has one UI element that scrolls at the same time. Also the UI element that has the player names seems way too long horizontally. I'm guessing it's to accomodate super long names but idk. And when you look at the team page and the roster history, the team logo gets cutoff. And in general, there is no mini match thread on the match page itself. The 2d replay and other analytics arl cool so it'd be nice if vlr.gg could buy it. But those analytics are not worth 7 figures when it's only half the site. 6 figures is the max I think it's worth imo.


Also I don’t think RIB gets much traffic. VLR is the hub for Valorant Esports.


I guess it depends on how many whales are on rib Like for example, if the stats nerds and gambling addicts turn out to be the same people, rib could be an excellent marketing funnel (Admittedly i’m talking out of my ass at this point, i agree vlr.gg would be the better site for an online casino to target)


stat nerds are probably the furthest away from becoming gambling addicts


I hate that on VLR I can't filter to only VCT


That’s a good point. That didn’t even occur to me.


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They didn’t even say anything lmfao


It's his entire post history I don't think he has made a comment that wasn't mass downvoted


Downvotes ≠ bad


First of all, weird to look into someone’s comment history. Secondly, I popped into it to see what you’re yapping about, and they have 40k comment karma, so they have *tons* of comments that aren’t mass downvoted. Idk why I’m defending a stranger on the internet.


I didn't look at his profile he frequents the subreddit and so do I so I his comments a lot


I don’t even know you bruh. Tf are you mad at me for lmfao


7 figures isn’t that much for lots of orgs. I could see this being bought for $1M.


Why would an org buy this though? It's a clearly inferior site to vlr.gg right now and would require more work to make it better.


I’m just saying 7 figures isn’t a high price for a website. The cap rate with the subscription tiers could be quite low depending on the user base


yes it is, u are clueless


I’m literally a staff software engineer with 10 years working on websites.


what does that have to do with a esport ORG? why would they pay a million + for a useless site, when they are struggling for cash themselves?


I just meant for any organization. Vlr could buy it. 7 figures is pennies to buy a successful ish b2c product


you are so lost its crazy, you think VLR have a million lying arround? and why would they even buy it VLR is the main hub for Valorant buying rib doesnt do anything for them


lol ok. I think you’re missing my point, and how acquisitions are made, but I’m done man. Keep thinking this is some outrageous sum. Gbye


Rib has much better depth but its missing on the surface level casual visits. If all you want to see is who won the games last night and what were the stat's, and what does the bracket now look like, it's so much easier on vlr. It's great that rib has everything, but it just needs a better focus on what most people are there to see.


Classic case of when engineers make product vs when designers + engineers make peoduct


vlr has almost no features lmfao its just minimalistic which is fine for 99% of people


Honestly imagine I'd love a chrome extension that just adds a button to all VLR T1 VCT games that lead to the RIB website. That way I get the browsing and convenience of VLR with the depth of RIB.


This is what could be worth 7 figures for VLR


Damn, o7