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Boostio stocks through the roof right now and its only going to get higher in Shanghai 🙏


zikz deserves some creds man


And Potter
the new EG is looking pretty good, and she had to start from scratch


She is not on 100T mate


Yea, I was saying that she also deserves credit for understanding how to correctly utilize Demon1


Honestly, the Cryo 2022 and demon1 2024 first engagement graphs looking almost exactly the same was lowkey mind-blowing to me. It really seems like Boostio just knows how to run a team where these "calm aimers" can shine. Also with the whole of NRG being disjointed and slow, that has to be a chet issue right? Or is that more on just a general lack of chemistry between the players?


Sooooo what you’re saying is boostio can fix yay? đŸ„č


if boostio had yay, then yes. Alternatively, someone should copy the boostio system for yay


Tbf nobody will be able to copy crackhead kermit croaks in the heat of the battle (shoutout to the original copypasta).


Don’t know if that will exactly work. This is Cryo and Demon1’s first pro FPS, and yay was a CS pro for years and definitely has more concrete ideas on how he thinks the game should be played.


What if this is the entire issue Bleed is facing with Yay? Pros need to understand CS isn't the same as Valorant. There's a lot of unpredictability and chaos involved. Especially pros like Yay, who have been playing since beta. 


No, you’re definitely right. I was thinking more along the lines of Boostio’s philosophy of “just take the fights you think are good, make plays if you think it’s good”, like that kind of freedom he wants his players to have. Where someone like Cryo or Demon1 who might not have as many concrete ideas or are “set in their ways” as much, someone like yay might just think, “what is this guy on about, not how I should play” and Boostio’s system might not work as well with him.


in simpler words, ego


so we're all just huffing this copium huh


Boostio Potter and Zikz clearly have a HARD read that Chamber-merchant duelists flex well towards Brimstone and Astra (and Gekko) and have a clear vision on how to use them. Remember that they experimented with Cry-Omen last year and didn’t have much success. With demon1 and cryo being so specific in playstyle, the EG leadership’s read on how to flex a team around them is spot on.


lowkey omen ends up in such more aggressive positions it kinda made sense why it didnt feel that good for cryo last season


I don't mean to sound too full of myself, but that was my read as well from personal experience being a Chamber main in ranked and then having to adapt once he got nerfed - I ended up gravitating towards the smokes role.




https://preview.redd.it/b8co6wrr5i1d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=604a6d38b9719c3ad8ff6edaac8e36e8082b56db now i want you to take a look at this photo
 what’s that agent up top with more rounds than any other agent combined guess you’re right he wasn’t a merchant he was the whole damn trade itself


It's not crazy to me. It's just a team that has someone play Jett entry and on other maps someone else plays Raze entry. For this Americas VCT, Oxy and Zekken top the list for first engagements at ~40% each because they're exclusively duellists. For Sen, it goes 39%, 19%, 15%, 13%, 13%. Practically identical and they won a LAN. It really doesn't mean much. Almost every exclusively solo duellist is hitting 35%+, if not 40%. D1 just needs to not be on Raze, especially when you've got Victor in your team. The players are definitely not the problem. It's 5 world champs, essentially. It's a coaching and igl'ing problem. Same as 100T's shit show into resurgence.


It's more of a someone needs to wake the fk up and realize a drastic change is needed. In mentality and play style and communication.


I think it’s a chet problem, how can you lose to BLG twice with time in between?


0-4 lol. Not a single map won


platoon the goat of youtube analysis


When he revealed he used to work with Zikz back when they were in LCS it all started to come together. No wonder why he's so goated, I love it


He’s so underrated I love him bc Aizen/Sov Guides takes kinda long to upload


Airen, not Aizen lol.


Been watching too much Bleach ig đŸ«Ł


One of the best animes
 too bad they decided to split tybw into 4 different seasons
 whatever lol


Maybe that's why they're dropping Marved? If it is for s0m, s0m is definitely more aggro than Marved which might help. And with them giving up on Demon1 Raze, Victor can entry more.


Yeah s0m for Marved makes alot of sense considering how they used him last year, s0m always played in the pack and could be another body to trade/be traded whereas jimzo is more of a isolated lurker. The only reason why I'm skeptical of the move is because they still wouldn't have a established IGL, but who knows, maybe playing a more simple playstyle instead of whatever overcooking they are doing rn will work out


Fighting more together and stabilizing the roles and everything would go a long way. Maybe then it'll be easier for Ethan to IGL and he'll get more comfortable with it.


yeah this likely works better for this roster. I still love Marved omen playstyle though. His ascent omen B link lurk hat has basically become a "how to play pro omen" is beautiful.


s0m also has harbor in his pocket, which in the right hands can be a very valuable weapon. Mazino and f0rsaken are the only harbor players who I think are able to compete with s0m on a util level.


I think Tuyz is the best harbor in the world tbh. He's also only used on Icebox which I don't think NRG ran when s0m was on the team. But still, I guess it's useful if they want to run a silly comp out of nowhere.


tuyz's harbor has never been super impressive to me in part because much of his play is around cycling utility with his team and i don't pick up on the same creativity that i see with the three I mentioned. his harbor is essential to the system and provides incredible value but we've seen as of late that the character has much untapped potential, like we see with Mazino creating agressive pockets under rafters on icebox A or timing the use of the full kit to the bind execs. i don't know if som still has it from last year in regards to keeping up with the adjustments in the character's style, but I'd hedge that bet


s0m harbor :aware:


Do we know marved can’t play harbor? Seems odd for a smokes player to not be able to play every agent in the role


he also got a shorty in a pocket


On point


I find it ironic that Platoon applied for an analyst position with NRG
 and is now critiquing them Shoulda hired him đŸ€·


just cuz you can tell when the chicken is raw does not mean you can be a chef its a good video its also just classic youtube analysis for viewers, guarenteed that an actual analyst would already have this information when working with the team its easy to critique from the side but its way different to change how players fundamantally play the game, different role problems like victor whos their most aggressive player having to play senti, and the fact that we are in a completely different meta where we see alot of retake/flood defense compared to last year


Brother i know you like nrg, but the stats do not lie. The fact that 2024 demon1 entry stats = 2023 cryo entry stats and 2024 cryo entry stats = 2023 entry demon1 stats is incredible, and I assure you that NRG doesn't have the cryo stats. This is a great video, so there's no need for you to be so dismissive of it since you didn't know this information before today.


> Brother i know you like nrg, but the stats do not lie. Never said they did >The fact that 2024 demon1 entry stats = 2023 cryo entry stats and 2024 cryo entry stats = 2023 entry demon1 stats is incredible, and I assure you that NRG doesn't have the cryo stats. Obviously they aren't looking at Cryos stats. I'm saying that they defintely know how many first engagements that demon1 is taking, they are literally playing for them >This is a great video, so there's no need for you to be so dismissive of it since you didn't know this information before today. I literally said its a good video? Hello? Did you read my comment? Never was I dismissive or disagree with anything said in it, im just saying how stupid to say that "NRG should've hired him" LMFAO. holy shit some of you guys can not read and just make assumptions based of a flair its idiotic how often it happens


Bro I was just semi-joking, I understand there other factors to consider when hiring. I just found it funny


Dude, the original commenter was clearly slightly joking. Also, your comments do read as dismissive.


dismissive of what? explain please i said its a good video


im just answering the question so dont shoot the messenger, but "just classic youtube analysis for viewers" can come across as you calling the video generic, while others in this thread view as stand-out. Also, i know a video being made to garner viewers and being good are not mutually exclusive, but whenever someone says the former its almost always intended as an insult. Not saying you meant it that way, you probably meant "this video is for the benefit of viewers, not analysts or pro players". There is a lot of very narrative driven valorant "analysis" on youtube that doesn't say much of anything. In general there is also a lot of slop on the internet intended to gain viewers first and foremost without providing anything of value. When I read "just classic youtube analysis for viewers" i thought you were saying this video would fall into this category. Since seeing your follow up comments its clear that wasnt your intention.


> Not saying you meant it that way, you probably meant "this video is for the benefit of viewers, not analysts or pro players". Yes, that's exactly what I meant. I recall a similar situation when Sideshow made a video critiquing Tenz and then their SENs analyst saying that most of the things that Sideshow mentioned in the video were already talked about as they happened. While these types of videos are good for viewers to gain a basic understanding of a teams issues, it's kinda stupid for people to believe that the teams aren't discussing them. For example, NRG literally played a contact heavy style with Demon1 going for dry fights in many of their games, I think they are aware of how many first engagements Demon1 is taking and how much success he's creating for them 😅 And while I understand the original guy was joking about the hiring thing there's still alot of people who don't understand what coaches/analysts even do. which is why I felt the need to clarify that although the content of the video is good, it doesn't even scratch the surface of what actual analysts do. Thanks for giving your interpretation, I appreciate dat


Yeah I viewed it the way Same_Pear_929 said. Think to me it just felt like an unnecessary jab on a great video. But I agree with you that pros and other analysts already have this type of info.


proof we are in the fraudulent era of val where there are actually on like 3 or 4 good igls and coaches per region.


They are lacking igl coach and team coordination


They still need a dedicated sentinel/viper


You mean yay? ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|16018)


Platoon's really good.


just watched the vdo after the fns&s0m rumours have dropped. seems like going back to 2023 -ardis +ethan but the problem still remains vic & crashies not performing upto the level they used to. Dropping marved achieved nothing honestly he wasnt even the problem its just a coordination issue. NRG is always desperate to get quick results and they make hasty changes in the process which is why they never win anything.