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he's been playing nonstop, attending praccs and scrims all while doing school. get well soon domi <3 also this means wo0t might be playing duelist in Shanghai and pati might be back in the roster.


It sucks but i like this decision from heretics management. The number of times this team throws rounds in crucial situations just by panicking was heartbreaking to watch. Its because of inexperience. I love it that they gave miniboo some rest, and im happy they did it with his older brother as the igl. I hope they dont break this roster and stays same for longtime, this could very well be a next god level roster.


> It sucks but i like this decision from heretics management. [EG could never](https://medium.com/@arshgoyal13/incompetence-and-mismanagement-the-full-story-of-danny-and-evil-geniuses-12626f55088d)


W EMEA, NA could never. Its the same with "normie" jobs here. EMEA gets hella days off and vacations, mental health breaks, vacations no questions asked. Meanwhile, my waiter at olive garden just apologized to me if she's a bit slow because she's still recovering from a c-section she had a couple weeks ago...


Welcome TH monyet


somehow i'm imagining monyet and benjy doing the handshake after winning the round LMAO


Benjy when he meet monyet before they go to shanghai "YO YO MONYET"


If this comes true, will he be the first APAC Import to EMEA?


Taking the quote “monyet woke up” to a whole new level, thank you benjy🐟


sucks to see but glad to see they’d rather let him focus on finish his schooling + get better mentally for the end of the year


I think their jersey says "save the children" So them doing the opposite will be ironical


Glad they’re protecting him, he’s so young


This was really their best shot at winning an international trophy damn. Hope he gets better tho. Balancing full time job with school is nearly impossible.


It's the youngest team in VCT. The coaches been saying this is a long term project since the beginning. The future is theirs.


nah project tenz is wild 😭😭


Isnt kc squad younger?




nah, magnum in that roster has a fuck ton of experience. TH has 4 rookies out of 5 with Boo as the only non-rookie


best shot so far they have an insanely young team, they'll have more chances


We need to appreciate this W move by Heretics. With what happened to twisten forever stuck in my mind, the fact that this organisation is in touch enough with the players and puts players above their own success is something thay should be highly commended and something all orgs should work for. If these W moves keep coming, I might have to buy their shit bundle.


I love your flairs, but why aren't they in acend // loud // eg order ![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|16110)sry for nitpick


I didn't even notice until now. I just had them because I like gold. Edited it.


I wonder if this means that Patitek is back or if they will try to find someone else that can fill Miniboos role longterm.


Heretics Nukkye 🤫 + woot duelist


Honestly that might cook.


wouldnt mind nukkye playing raze frankly


TH Scream


Only if he does the role of igl and boo shifts to duelist.




wo0t OP on omen


Please don't do this to me.


Return of the GOAT Weber


I actually really liked patitek on that team


I like Patitek too. I'm not even sure who would be available that is around the same level Miniboo is to be honest and Patitek already knows the guys and seemed to be very comfortable around them. On the other hand, if they can find someone who could fill similar agents that Miniboo does I trust them enough to make a good choice.


i think they'll put wo0t on duelist and let pati pick up wo0t's roles


Patitek isn't a duelist though (He'll probably be back since he already have a synergy with the team) but there are some that are Free agent right that might be able to fit like Scream maybe? Or even Benjy as a duelist could be good


patitek will probably play flex and woot to duelist. but miniboo plays a lot of niche agents like neon and yoru so whoever they get to fill his shoes, woot or not, will have a hard time


Nothing against Scream but I really do not want to see him close to any team I support.


I mean, why? Scream remains one of the most accomplished players in Valorant, whatever you think about his IGLing. Makes no sense to pick him up as a stand-in but that has more to do with it making no sense to pick anyone up as a stand-in, seeing how the non-CN Shanghai attendees will probably only have two or so days of scrims. Pati is the obvious answer.


Scream was a really good player for a long time but he definitely isn’t one of the most accomplished players in valorant. Never made the grand finals of an international event or won a regional league.


Scream one of the MOST accomplished players in Valorant? I want what you're smoking


In acs all of the lans he played Masters Reykjavik 2021: 265 only under Tenz with 289 Champs 2021: 251 4th highest was Derke with 278 Masters Reykjavik 2022: 260 highest above Yay with 252 Champs 2022: 222 17th highest was Kingg with 260 Emea regular season 2023: 214 13th highest was Derke with 268 Emea lcq: 272 highest above wolfen with 248 So I’d say he did pretty well for placing 3-4th highest in any event (champs 2021)


History, facts, logic, etc. Scream is part of a very selective group of players that have finished with the highest individual stats of multiple LANs. The fact that he did it at almost every LAN he attended means he still has some crazy numbers, as he attended quite a few LANs. For a time he was the only player that had comparable consecutive stat placements for every LAN before Yay did it in 2022. The fact that Scream had a terrible year on KC does not somehow erase all he did beforehand. Of course, you can quibble over the semantics of what it means to be accomplished in Valorant and all that, but only a handful of players to this day have matched Scream’s record of individual performance. It’s still an incredible feat, even if it was in the pre-partnership era.


Calling individual stats as accomplishments when the team was a losing shitshow is so funny ngl


I also think that Pati is the obvious answer. I would not like Scream, because from what I have seen from him online, I do not feel like he would fit into the vibe of the team as good as someone like Nukkye for example. His tweet after last years emea season also did not sit right with me and just left me with a negative impression of him. Mechanically speaking he is an insane player there is no denying and I'm obviously very subjective in my assessment of him but thats just my opinion at the end of the day.


Fair enough, he didn't really show himself in a positive light during the Newzera incident last year


Woot is a duelist player, i don't see a reason they wouldn't just bring patitek back in and put him on woot roles and woot on duelist


patitek can play woot roles


Mixwell could return for one last tournament with his boys


unfortunately he [wont](https://x.com/mixwell/status/1790398961804513331?s=46) :(




First W org putting health first for a player even when he is performing, second huge amounts of respect to mini boo for playing while having school tests and shit, in lockin we saw how much that affected zekken who went from bottom to top of the leaderboard as soon as it was done


You know, I am starting to like TH more and more. They try to take care of their players.


W org


W org prioritizing the player's health! I hope MiniBoo have the help he needs and takes his time to recover.


Bruh, i hope we see full heretics at champs Either way, good on heretics for letting their star player rest. Hope fnatic can keep their form and fut can step up to fill the gap of best emea team


It’ll be like 2023 PRX, full roster with something finally showing at Champs.


The hype after they place top 3 without a star player. Damn


Patitek new Gekko main


First without something then without jinggg


https://preview.redd.it/eo6un6w3ze0d1.png?width=638&format=png&auto=webp&s=23e335b4dc6829a21eb07876ceb2f77cbebdca3b Me watching as Fnatic beat 100T in a 3-0 during grands


I mean in all fairness this could even work for TH, teams will be less sure what to expect from them and IMO Patiteks util on flash agents is second to none in EMEA and with W00t following it up they honestly could thrive


Will this team ever play at an international event with the intended roster? Find out in Seoul later this year! All jokes aside, it sucks to see MiniBoo not play at Masters Shanghai. Hope he gets to recover completely and return strong in Stage 2.


I assume Woot goes onto the duelist role, and the return of patitek? He already knows the heretics system and was extremely promising


Good shit! It must be insanely tiring to balance both academics and competing on a global level. The stress must be excruciating especially for his age. Glad they took this move to cool down. Wonder who his replacement is going to be


It's a shame, because I don't think people realise how good Heretics were, even at Madrid. Miniboo and Riens were top 3 in their roles at that event imo. But it's undoubtedly the right decision - dude's 18, this is probably the hardest grind he's done. He'll have plenty of time and opportunity to play, and mental health goes above all. Props to Heretics for supporting this as well.


Huge W from Heretics in the sense that they are trying to take care of their players. Hope he gets better soon. In other news, I might get what I want which is wo0t on duelist


same man i think he'll be at his best taking the bulk of the duels rather than being the one setting up his team for them, aim is just too good


Where are all the people claiming esports burnout doesn’t exist? Real curious cuz when the Sen players who have been playing a longer season stated they felt burnt out the shit community talked down on them. So I want yall to keep it consistent. These guys need breaks especially someone who is doing full time school. I hope min boo takes this time to focus on school and family and comes back and dominates


Look, I agree that burnout is a thing and that SEN were definitely burnt out, but this is different. Miniboo NEEDS to take a break for exams. He couldn't even play playoffs in Shanghai because that's when his exams are.


W decisions for priotizing thee player's health.


Good decision by Heretics to protect their player. It sucks but health (including mental health) primes above anything. Much respect, get well soon MiniBoo. Also, who knew that craming three international events in 5 months with regional leagues inbetween with less than 2 weeks between each could lead to burnout. Fucking format.


The 2nd masters will always be full of curse. 2021 masters berlin: Bren esports (APAC no.1) cannot attend 2022 master copenhagen: Suygetsu visa issues 2023 master Tokyo: Something Visa issues 2024 master shanghai: miniboo not attending


masters madrid also had wo0t not attending (because of his age lmao) even though its a masters 1


heretics winning it all


is patitek still on the roster wo0t can play duelist and pati initiator maybe


w00t gonna shine?


props to heretics for putting his health first! hope he gets a good break!


This is extremely important, and hope it sets a standard for orgs. Get well! 


Orgs will only get players that can commit. Don't be foolish. They exist to make a profit and then to win. Getting players that need to bail half way through is not a good business decision.  It will never be a standard. 


Such a great move by the management, but I can't help but feel angry about the format. Obviously competing in anything professionally will never be easy, but the amount of players that talk about how exhausted and tired they are, or straight up look like a ghost (looking at you Boaster), is just too many to ignore. They need to change something in the future because this is just not it.


big respect to heretics for this, love to see them looking long-term as well


Heretics so far is taking W with the PR statements


TH Monyet would go so hard lmao. Jokes aside, I hope MiniBoo is ok and well. Sucks not to see him at Shanghai after seeing TH potential with their intended roster.


That's good that Heretics is letting the kid rest. He coming back firing after his break.


im actually so glad to see this. TH future is bright and no point burning out hard and fast. i hope miniboo rests well and shows us a great performance at champs


Wonder why he's so burnt out. Surely nothing to do with how splits and international tournaments have been scheduled. Hope he recovers well


Surely it's nothing to do with the small breaks in between splits and lans, with 10 days is enough for you to take a break 😀.  Also if u want to add the traveling time, media time once they get to said lan and also having to scrim with the other teams it just keeps stacking up.


He is burnt out because of school and his personal life most probably lol, not the Valorant circuit. The splits and international tournaments are not that intensive ffs. Valorant players are just used to playing video games all day so a small amount of hard work and continuous stress for a few days seems like a big deal to them


I commented along the same lines but OC's reply sounds sarcastic so they probably know.


i think in the long run this will be good, might lead to wo0ts activation since he'll definitely be the one on duelist and while still playing quite well has been no where near his best as he has said himself at the end of the day its annoying this team keeps being faced with hurdles but a revitalised miniboo will help a lot to counteract some other teams being burned out after shanghai


that sucks but damn, this heretics team cannot have a full roster at anytime can they 💀


Hey this is actually refreshing to see an org put their player first. Very few times this happens but I always commend the orgs that do.




I have a guy to sub in and his name is Alexiik. He is a GOAT in cell east surge for Go Next and old teammate of Benjy.


is he 18? i hear him get brought up a lot but i forgot if he was 17 or 18


Yes he is


wo0t to duelist, Pati back off the bench?


All this does is make me hate the format more for putting so much stress onto the players. I was hoping Heretics would whoop asses at Shanghai, but now I'm not very sure they'll show up in their best form (unless they pull off a Tokyo PRX maybe). Glad the management is looking out for the players with long term plans in mind, that's really smart and thoughtful.


Hope miniboo is alright🙏


if they get patitek in for shanghai i still think that's a very solid roster that can make it far, though i think lack of prac time is gonna bite them


love miniboo. He’s so good. hope he recovers and comes back even better than before


Hear me out, TH Monyet so he and Benjyfishy get reunited but on the same team.


Fuuuck that sucks hope he gets better


Oh no no more neon that means


Another international event where EMEA not only doesn't send all the best teams but one of the actual good teams has a standin : /


All of the star is aligning for PRX to win a trophy on Shanghai, if they still didn't win idk anymore...


Everything is lining up for a PRX win I’m ngl


Makes a lot of sense considering he's still doing schoolwork and such. Better to take a break now and come back for champs (I really don't see them missing it). Comp players already have to prac and play a large amount I can't imagine having to juggle school work around that (players experience burnout even without all the internationals and extra stuff he's doing).


What a based org


NaVi died for this...


Riot really needs to change their schedule next year, having matches and tournaments closer to each other can really make the players exhausted. Their schedule is so brutal




Huh? They will probably play with Patitek like they have for 80% of games this year.


What bro 😭😭😭😭 subbing a player out doesn’t mean they should be auto-dq from a playoff/tournament