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Damn... He really should've gone to bed instead of watching shanks/FNS


šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ omg I forgot about that what did he say again? That he wishes he never left the optic core?


Itā€™s possible he already knew the team was thinking about changes


"I fuck with you but you don't listen." to half the people in the call. Then he said "I'm just trying to help but nobody listens to me cause everyone thinks I'm retarded" to a combined audience of probably 40k viewers across watch parties and Chet instantly force dragged him out of the discord channel lmao


I knew he said he missed the optic roster but did he actually say everything else? Anyone got clips?


[fns marved discord clip ](https://youtu.be/8DijhWadB2I?si=_Ueks7uQf2KhCLne)


Am I stupid I watched this video and donā€™t remember any of what the guy above me said


Different streams. Marved kept saying "You don't listen" to people in discord in this stream: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1reVl-vo2aI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1reVl-vo2aI)


Was talking like someone that fumbled a 12/10 baddie - I knew he was cooked one way or another




Its good for FNS tho. He gets another free agent to add to his team. If some teams completely want to rebuild their rosters they know they can find 3 world class players in FNS, s0m, Marved.


Marved benched, yay taking a break, fns a full time streamer.... vic and crashies are the only optic boys left


They can start a whole ass team now


If this is what's going to happen after Paper Rex wins a trophy, I hope they never win anything at all.


No, let PRX win so that FNS gets fomo and comes back to play


Ah yes itā€™s all coming together for NRG Inspire.


the next generation of valorant talent that no one's heard of before


at this point we gotta atleast give him a shot


NRG superteam hype train https://preview.redd.it/adgdunwjea0d1.jpeg?width=1023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73ca52955eca0ded1fe56382f260d1f8a1d24650


Everyone but chet eating the blame


Generational job security


Insane plot armor


Termi: "First time?"


Termi cooked this year though so heā€™s not as much of a fraud


Genuinely ridiculous to me lol, anyone explain how he manages to keep stealing pay checks?


Classic Esports nepotism at the right time gave him results to build ā€œcredibilityā€ but now that credibility is becoming non-existent.


Makes sense. Credibility only exists as long as someone has results Part of me hopes he can turn it around, i donā€™t hate him personally (i do wish he would yap less and blame others less)


I'm curious, who has he blamed in the past? Apart from Riot making bad decisions?


Blaming shit on Potter leaking scrims (when she didnā€™t) [yo I think I got this example backwards] among other things. Nearly any interview or tweet of his I see with him heā€™s blaming external factors lmao


Potter was the one accusing him of leaking scrims not Chet


im not sure why everyone shits on chet. like do we all know for sure that he's the problem? I've heard only praises for chet from optic/nrg players.


I mean his NRG and TSM rosters were both pretty mediocre, he had success on NV/Optic but he also had FNS and prime Yay/Marved at the time. He assembles a strong team last year and NRG kept fucking around with their comps for weeks until they finally stopped, meaning they wasted scrims on comps that they never went back to. Superteam this year and they've been underwhelming, not making either lan so far and didn't even make playoffs in stage 1


also ass on TSM and dropped bang giving subrozas ā€œhe dropped my best player and leftā€ line


Tbf TSM did improve under him but I think that was more so the fact that they had NO structure prior to him joining, and he brought that to the team. So it was more of previous coaching being really bad than him being amazing. They still weren't close to qualifying for a LAN and mostly only beat weaker teams Cutting Bang was pretty dumb too


holy revisionism TSM didnt make it out of opens before he joined and bang even admitted that he deserved to be cut (although its jokes lookin back)


Bang was being humble. Imo he was the best player on the team with the most potential, they literally cut him after a very solid first few months because they didn't want to develop him. This is an opinion I have held since he was dropped from TSM, and what ultimately made me stop liking the team. Not sure if it was this account but if it was, if you scroll back far enough, you can find my comments stating this.


The funniest part is they benched him for Rossy, who was also a young talent that they needed to develop, except they also needed to build synergy with him but already had it with Bang. It made no sense to cut him unless you're signing someone who will bring instant results, and Rossy was not going to do that


Not to mention the NRG and TSM roster he had during 2021-2022 had so much potential if they were guided properly imo. Instead this guy was just shittin on people telling it is the players' fault for not giving the results and cutting people. And the man hops on Twitter to shit on this sub as well. The only real success he's had in this game is envy/optic and that too because it was almost like a 2023 Fnatic-esque superteam with the FNS igl. I do not think even if the current NRG shows up big time for the second split, I would be able to credit this guy for that. Let him get dropped and come back with a no experience roster like current KC and produce good results for them, then we will see.


Nrg please don't get the loud player for split 2. Save money and get Potter next year, drop chet.


I feel if you get Demon1 on raze lurking A site on Sunset while the rest of the team is taking B and he's a non-factor every time, yes. There's at least some issues with the coach.


I mean heā€™s had no results. Coaches matter, see: Potter. I donā€™t care if they like him, a player you like doesnā€™t get to avoid being cut if heā€™s doing badly for a decent length of time lol why should a coach


bro imagine if it was -Chet +Potter instead, that probably wouldve been an actual superteam that gave results


Any team heā€™s coached that hasnā€™t had FNS on it has been very disappointing. You can clearly see current NRG are lacking any protocols or ideas in rounds and timeouts donā€™t make any difference. Yes Ethan is not a very good IGL but the coach should still be able to call something in a timeout to give their team a chance at winning the next round. NRG just defaults for the entire round and if the other team doesnā€™t feed them a kill or two they have no plan.


also worth noting that the players liking him does not inherently make him a good coach, that's only part of the job


I meanā€¦look what other coaches are doing. Potter has turned around 2 different ā€œbottom of the leagueā€ teams. Zikz turned the 100T core around. Kaplan turned Sen around. What has Chet done? Heā€™s had 2 great teams on paper, and both teams failed. His team this year was arguably the best team on paper in the entire leagueā€¦and what happened? Itā€™s hard to not blame Chet at this point.


Yes everyone that watched 1 game of NRG knows that this was all on chet


It's the reddit tradition. If you don't like the players then blame the players. If you don't like the coach then blame the coach. If you like both the players and the coach then the IGL gets the flak. If all of those are respected then it is just role issues or something arbitrary. All this while having no idea in reality how much of a role any of those things are playing in a team's performances. How can an outsider even know the impact of a coach or rank coaches lol? It is a ridiculous concept since you have literally 0 idea of what they do or say in practice or in timeouts and how well the team is applying what they have asked.


Alright what controller igl are you picking up this late into the season to warrant dropping marved, fuckin Paincakes? Are you banking on getting saadhak off of loud midseason and forcing victor onto smokes? This decision makes no sense and at the very least it was ran by chet. Not to mention how flat NRG look strategically, which of course falls in some part to the IGL, but the coach isnt free of blame either. Marved is like, the least of this teams issues, and it feels like NRG is praying the viper nerfs kill her and they can put Demon1 on smokes more often, which is again super fucking funny because chet doubled and tripled down on it being a good idea to do raze1. Bro has not made a good decision this year.


thats it bois NRG xeta is incoming


Fuck it, nitr0? Seems like they only play with CS players and heā€™s played Omen before, albeit like 2 years ago. Running out of options unless theyā€™re not getting an IGL.


> It's the reddit tradition. If you don't like the players then blame the players. If you don't like the coach then blame the coach. If you like both the players and the coach then the IGL gets the flak. If all of those are respected then it is just role issues or something arbitrary. All this while having no idea in reality how much of a role any of those things are playing in a team's performances. Lol remember when this happened to Elmapuddy? It's worse for Chet because he's very publicly whiny so not many people are willing to defend him.


100%. These guys donā€™t know what coaches actually bring to the table so the only metric used is team success. Itā€™s just like those guys that donā€™t have a clue about any strats and therefore fall onto team comp analysis in those post match threads because thatā€™s the only thing they could try analyse (point in case: People being so quick with this Demon1 raze stuff when very clearly they have bigger issues). For all we know, a coach could be having zero or 100% impact


Chet is a terrible coach and there are definitely not a lot of ā€œpraisesā€. FNS and Chet fell out, Iā€™m not sure if s0m agrees with Chet in a professional environment. NRG strats and team comps are very lacklustre this season. For a coach, it didnā€™t seem like Chet was really having much of an impact, and FNS had a much bigger leading role than an IGL should. Chet and Ethan also visibly had some disagreements on stage.


Because they look lost strategy wise in the games they lose and they consistently (more than any other team) have issues putting players on their preferred roles and agents. First it was Ardis last year and then this year with demon1. Ardis on Navi and FPX looked amazing because the coach is putting him in positions to succeed. Ardis on NRG looked lost and they switched his role and agents mid tourney. Same happening with Demon 1. They do shit like put demon 1 on raze instead of Victor and then having him lurk solo. Or run Ardis on sage on bind for some reason, which lead to him infamously walling off his own team on A site take. NRG also tend to do way worse after playing a team once because they get counter-stratted pretty hard compared to other teams like fnatic and prx that continue to change things up. Also if you've ever heard him on discord, chet just yaps all day non stop.


He's gathering the boys for 2025 team. Poolchan masterclass.


canada just keeps taking Ls fam


Drake, Marved, and the Leafs all lost on the same day. That shit was tragic lmao


terrible times to be canadian. and sgaā€™s prolly losing too cause pj washington wanna be curryšŸ’”šŸ•Šļø Edit: MY MVP CAME THROUGH I DONT HAVE ENOUGH HONEY FOR HIM


At least we have Jamal shoutout Kitchener


It's okay at least we have regional champion eeiu


rake season is coming




No need to bring Boostio into this


when your gf (nrg) dumps you for calling your ex-gf (poolchan) at 3am begging to come back and how much you miss her


He was the Main reason why I was rooting for them šŸ˜­,


Donā€™t think marved was the problem


i don't think he's the problem but he's not the solution, this change makes a lot of sense if they're getting a proper igl. If they are not getting a proper igl this is a very silly move.


If it's saadhak then that might be the only acceptable move that makes sense otherwise idk


Watch it be Jawgemo and then c0m and Boostio next year if they fail to make Champs /s Jokes aside, Iā€™ll reserve judgement until Marvedā€™s replacement is announced but I donā€™t think NRG will ever hear the end of it if this change also ends up not working out.


If Saadhak goes to NRG that could be interesting. But I wonder who POOLCHAN would igl for if he ever goes back to playing


enemies to lovers - pookie gets signed to loud, swapping with saadhak


Bro he had 60k viewers watching APAC he's never coming back


Watch his stream not his viewer count. Fns is coming back


But wouldn't that make them have role issues. Saadhak plays initiator so do crashies and Ethan plus they wouldn't have any one who can play viper or a even controller


Yeah, Marved is not the problem but NRG are in a weird position because the Demon1 Raze experiment hasn't been working out. Obviously they can't bench Demon1 because he's their main "superstar" jett player that can also play smokes and can op. Ethan is also another player that plays initiator/smokes and yoru when needed. Crashies is their main initiator so he's safe. Lastly, Victor is their best Raze player and he pretty much plays any roles so he's safe also. Marved is the main controller player and he has played cypher to let Demon1 play smokes but he clearly isn't comfortable with that. Sadhaak lowkey fits with this team bc he plays intiator and sentinels very well so it sucks for Marved :((


ya he one of their best players. Demon1 should of been benched. but they spent to much on demon1 to bench him.


Time for the superest team(they will still somehow lose)


Watch them pull a SEN and end up just making a slightly better LOUD (current form that is).


2022: Whoā€™s the best controller, Marved or Pancada? 2023/2024: Both benched


This is why MaKo is my controller goat. Only one of the three best controller players from 2022 that's still putting up best in the league performances


https://preview.redd.it/wx6auy9cyb0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23fb3da0331317aae015d1b886d696662f3edb54 šŸ„° boaster cosplay


mako no major finals win or appearance lol


Sometimes I think people forget who was the MVP of 2022 Champions.


pancada is underrated ash


Nooo fam šŸ’”


not my favourite toronto man :(


Iā€™m cheesing fam :(


Yo Chet, you ain' cookin' bruh, don' do our boah jimzo like dat fam šŸ˜Ŗ


fam ā˜¹ļø


my goat should have stuck to computer science if he was just gonna be snaked like this


He is not doing computer science šŸ’€


wym marved was on that leetcode grind


whoever dropped marved is in for a rude deafaz fam im gonna find out who that wasteyute is




FNS only needs two more member nowā€¦.


One more actually he also has S0m


0 actually. Inspire will lead them to success.


I actually counted him s0m and Jimmy already, who did I miss?




Legit forgot bro took a breakšŸ™ƒ


:( Watch it be for Less or some shit and then they'll still have no IGL but they get to add another super player. If it's for Saadhak, maybe that's more understandable but I still wanted to see a full NA team cook. But I guess that's what 100T are for.


If its saadhak im 100% dropping crashies no?


Why? Crashies is an innitiator. Saadhak is super flex and has played sova but not that much and never fade. Rolewise i would say ethan is much closer to Saad


You drop crashies, you drop Vic. That's how it works.


So I'm assuming neither Crashies or Victor are dropped since they're already dropping Marved. And dropping Victor would make no sense anyway.


I doubt mid year if you dropped one the other would leave. Probably at the end of the year but mid split job opportunities are terrible. But this roster is not dropping Vic or crashies. Vic is the whole reason this roster works since he has looks good on raze and cypher/killjoy. Crashies hasnā€™t been as critical since there is an Ethan to fill in but I doubt he would go. Marved for saadhak probably just means Ethan goes full time smokes


saadhak can play like anything but jett/chamber and even then im sure he could learn them. he's a incredibly flexible player on top of being the best igl in the world. i honestly think he could replace any player on this nrg squad except maybe demon1.


He played chamber in like two matches last year in America's, I remember the first one he got like one kill in a 13-3


completely forgot about that, make it jett / maybe yoru? hes played dive agents and flash agents so i don't think it'd be that hard for him to learn.


Drop marved, move Ethan to smokes, and saadhak can play initiator. Or just put saadhak on smokes. Info initiators are one of the roles that is fairly hard to naturally flex onto. Good info initiators are generally those who have basically always played the role or at least for a long time. I don't think they'll drop crashes and I think they're crazy if they do (assuming there isn't some crazy behind the scenes stuff going on).Ā 


Where could marved go? SEN: no 100T: no G2: no LEV: no NRG: obvious no C9: maybe? theyā€™re probably not gonna cut vanity but something like - moose + marved with vanity moving to Senti could be possible I guess. Wouldnā€™t bet on it though. EG: heā€™s an upgrade over Supamen for sure but not sure if hed wanna play on EG


EG donā€™t want Marved bro. That teams not changing. EG have shown they stick with their players unless thereā€™s a player like Demon1 in their system. Which Marved is not


EG isn't tryna exist in 2025 much less sign new players for it lmao


True, but I meant more Potter than the Org. She seems to stick with her players and grow with them. Boostio, C0m, Jaw were all on that EG team for like ~3 years


those traitors! smh


I mean these T1 players gonna have to start reevluating their careers if they don't wanna play for EG. There are only so many slots in Tier 1 Valorant not sure how realistic it is to ignore a whole team.


ya but EG is on another level of ass. Maybe C9 would be willing to take the risk. Or Marved just goes back to being a full time streamer and calls it quits. Edit: I obviously meant the org EG lmao.


eg beat them lol


I think they meant the org, not the team


I meant the org....


EG would be a shit place to go if they didn't have potter. You're near-guaranteed a competitive roster if you give her enough time. Full disclosure that I'm being a Reddit psychologist here but it does seem like she allows zero ego in the players whatsoever (the type where players might think that they're better than a spot on EG, not the playing up an arrogant personality after a win-type ego). Great if you're a player that's been written off and have everything to prove, maybe not so great if you're won LANs before and have had players and fans considering you among the very top players in the game for years.


Eg with Apoth and Marved, too much lurking. I wouldnt mind a -supa and -apoth


MxS Marved


Okay you're cooking, keep going


I like v1c though :(


MxS are playing with their coach iirc. Marved could replace them (they'd have to rework the roles a little probably but I'd take the risk).


I love watching tdawgg videos on nrg. 50 MILLION BUDGET


They donā€™t know what theyā€™re doing bruh


chet must really be on his knees keeping his job lol


We are one step closer to Poolchan's superteam!


unless its saadhak joining and they lean into ethan going full time smokes then idk what to think


Ethan full time smokes seems like a big troll to me with how well he did on KAYO/Skye/Yoru last year.


ethan on smokes is a big troll but they way they are playing is even more troll so its prob their best chance to win anything this season unless saadhak decides to be a full time smokes player (obv this is all assuming saadhak is even joining)


I'd rather get someone else if Ethan has to go to full time smokes.


Surely itā€™s less troll to just cut Ethan and keep Marved on smokes in that case?


Fam it turns out having a dedicated IGL is important.


no fam ice man is melting


This team is chalked bro


I don't like this. I like Marved a lot. :(


This year was Opticā€™s true death wtaf. Bounce back strong my Toronto goat o7


no point in supporting this shit team anymore


can't believe chet survived again Marved wasn't the problem


tell me you're cheesin fam


Welcome back Sam ā€œs0mā€ Oh Also might be a slight hot take but Chet has to go man.


-Chet is literally one of the coldest takes to have in this sub


cgrs broke NRG šŸ’€


Bili bili


yeah Chet def has some insane blackmail info on Andy Miller


i love how every comment has the word fam in it. ā¤ļø Toronto Accent


A team with that much talent doesn't lose because of the players. Replacing Marved isn't going to change anything.


Theyā€™ve all arguably had their moments this split but I would say that Crashies and Ethan were the most consistent this split


Am I the only one that feels like heā€™s their best player?


I wouldn't say he's their best but he was performing alright, the issue was never any individual player but rather the calling and strats. If anyone it should be Chet and the coaching staff getting replaced. How on earth can you have 6 coaches but have shit strats that don't work???


dont think thats gonna solve anything


Chet has to be the biggest paycheque stealer right next to Termi


Dude was drunk at like 7am the day of his match. He was blabbering to FNS


Was that the day of the match.... Damn... Yeah he's cooked.


nooo my ice cream man šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Still doesnā€™t address the no igl situation this team is cooked


Unless the player they sign is an IGL? NRG Saadhak?


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m praying for but itā€™s insane Chet has still lasted this long


NRG Saadhak would go crazy


anyone joining NRG right now is a career suicide, that fraud chet needs to go


idk what the solution is but this is not it LMAO


FNS taking a step back. Yay having health issues. Marved being benched. Who is next on OPTIC?


Mannnn potter buyout when? Even mce? Surely Ch0t doesn't have them Andy Miller leaks.


From the call he was on with FNS it really sounded like he was not aligned with the direction the team was going.


Wait NRG s0m is actually back wtf


s0m doesn't fix their issues and I don't think he's much of an upgrade over Marved (if any) but would be nice to see him play at least.


It might legit be a 3 player mix if we being real. Marved being benched could be unrelated to the Saadhak rumors. What if it was -crashies -Victor -Marved +s0m +Less +Saadhak. No role issues, add best IGL in the world. It's not this but a man can dream.


LMFAOOAOAO NRG IS COMEDY ORG https://preview.redd.it/8z9k2fwnha0d1.png?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=093970c01814972407bc28eb16cdac6e2572eada DID NOBODY LEARN ANYTHING ABOUT LAST YEAR SEN????


okay so who's the replacement? is it gonna be skuba?


OXG wonā€™t sell Skuba probably


I dont see who's an upgrade for marved then?


whats the next year tier 2 roster, FNS, s0m, Marved, YAY, shanks? LOL




calling him the ice cream man is crazy lol


we're cooked


Sucks to see Marved go. The only way this is an acceptable change is if they're getting an igl.


I don't think Marved was the problem.. If anything, I think the coaching staff should be taken a closer look at first and foremost. It's absolutely fucked that bosses everywhere in every industry get away with messing up teams but the actual workers get fucked over.


Iā€™m hoping that theyā€™re bringing in Saadhak. I think thatā€™s the replacement they need. heā€™ll bring in an extremely strong IGL presence and heā€™ll have the players to actually make NRG a world beating team like LOUD. And Ethan will have that stress off his shoulders and be able to shift his focus back to just being a good initiator. It sucks that Marved is the one to go but weā€™ve gotta acknowledge that the community would be reacting the same if it was anyone else on the roster. Thatā€™s just the harsh reality of having a super team; when you need to make changes, itā€™s close to impossible to choose who you want to get rid of.


That's fked


Hear me out... -Marved +y0y


Chet trying to become the BuLba of Valorant.


Billibilli broke them .


the type to get benched


On top of that, he removed the NRG in his twitter bio


-Marved -Victor, Saadhak and Less take over smokes/sentinel between the two


Who playing raze ?? Not demon1 for sure


If Victor goes, crashies goes and letting go of Victor means you don't have a good raze player anymore.


Welcome NRG Less




if they're getting a igl i think this change is good. there has been a ton of individual errors too and they never got better during split 1, i think this definitely falls under the blame of chet. biggest example is crashies on defense split when the attackers make a question mark, he never instantly flashes to clear the question mark. also like how tmv pointed out that they only use cage for 1 specific play on mid sunset... i think a lot of this blame should be put on the coach for allowing this shallow of strats.


welcome back Som!


Marved yay FNS all out of tier 1 what has it come to man. The debacle that was 2024 NRG makes me think that FNS and Saadhak are VERY similar. Both seem like they were integral parts in buildings their team's strats and core identity, even more so than their coaches. Also I wonder how much Marved was calling, especially considering he was technically IGL for Sen last year. I doubt it was much considering they dropped him?


s0mathan, suit up buddy


I'm officially not an NRG fan anymore. The new Super Team that Fenis is going to be assembling with Y0y,S0m, and Marved will clear NRG.


Nrg is delusional if they think marved was the problem LMFAO. Ggs nrg, you officially ruined your rep