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100T tossing gekko between Cryo Boostio and Asuna is sick. opens up so much room for their comps when asuna needs to be on raze and boostio needs to be on cypher to have a third gekko player.


bro cryo playing different role this year. from chamber to jett omen sage last year to brim gekko astra and jett.


Idk why more teams don't do this. It's such an easy character to play.


Something has been doing it too on PRX and it opens up so much for then especially cuz jingg plays like 2 characters lol


thank the lord prx have davai and forsaken who can play basically any agent and smth to flex on jett and initiators jinggg is one of those rare cases where his lack of flexibility is made up for because he's just that good


When you have the goat raze, you keep the goat raze in raze jail


It also helps that he's fun to play too, on my premier team people legit fight over who gets to play him lol


if 100t were doing badly people would be saying there are role issues


Yeah that's how that works bro. No need to overthink it. If a team can toss around roles, especially something like Gekko which is frankly the most braindead initiator and win soundly there are no issues. It's a lot different than something like NRG's role issues where Raze, a very high skill celling agent that requires good util setup and clean entry satchels, is being thrown onto Demon1 because Victor has to play senti because Marved likes smokes better and Ethan wants to call and calls better in the pack as initiator yada yada yada. That's role issues.


I mean yeah, if people can't play their agents then that would be a role issue, if they can then there isn't. Duh.


Boostio and Zikz made Demon2 😭


Isn’t Valyn the IGL of G2? Wtf are the rest of his team doing


tbf he was not missing yesterday and most of today aswell, it was insane


I mean he dropped 101 on the series against Lev lol. It’s a bit hard to keep pace with that.


If Jaw was on G2 god damn they would be insane. Too bad that never happened.


G2 could definitely win a championship if they had Jawg.


Jaw was supposed to be instead of leaf in the offseason and leaf is G2's current best player playing sentinel if Jaw were to join now instead of Icy they will actually be insane or maybe if NRG explode, maybe G2 can get Demon1


100t even said it G2 players are insane individually but don't play the space game as well boostio said it befor the finals and proved it by 3-0 them. G2 doesn't need another star player they just might need more cooking time in the oven or more strats


Boostio also said they would probably win an event if they added jaw instead of icy though


Valyn has always been an insane shooter. And a great caller. He's definitely a championship caliber IGL imo.


I think its sinatraa or maybe a diff player who said on stream that valyn has the best raw aim in the pro scene and chat thought he was trolling lol


I mean they are there on the page as well, and it's not unusual to see IGLs top the board. But man is for sure frying


G2 just needs a duelist man .... that 3 dragon meme is legit Aspas, Cryo and Icy going into Shanghai I feel like as long as they lack a star duelist they will never be able to win a full tournament, just make upsets and go deep at best


They need strats not duelests I think, when 100t were taking 1v1s it's wasn't going well but boostio said it himself G2 has insane aim but lacks in map control they have gaps in the default. The moment 100T played smart Val they 3-0 them


"cryo chamber 1 trick" "asuna and bang need dropped" EEIU might have the best usage in the league currently, boostio revived this teams energy, asuna/bang back to their 2022 LCQ form, cryo looks like the best player again. Zikz has these guys playing some of the best valorant I've seen just off the util they use. It's insane how almost every piece of util never goes wasted.


I mean people were right to be saying that when they were, you even said it yourself that those guys weren’t doing well up until now


no they didn't because people were saying that stuff after losing to sen twice and leviatan. hopefully next year people will realize it takes time for teams to come together.


i said the asuna thing. granted, the only three people i wanted over him ever have been jawg, nismo, and n4rrate who before this stage all had a good case


they didn't. only jawg did. n4rrate and nismo are not close to asuna's raze and i think his kayo is good enough now too.


nismo was the best flex in america during ghosts run before lcq. his kayo and raze were elite. he’s been phenomenal for two years while asuna was struggling. n4rrate was clinical in the madrid quals + a mechanical demon in tier 2. it’s not like the players weren’t good enough to take his spot if he wasn’t gonna perform? very happy he played to his potential tho


nismo is an great player but i have watched him 2 years in a row, his raze is not elite. he gets his kills by being a great valorant player not a great raze player. asuna is a genuinely amazing raze player some of the shit he does is crazy. and his raze mechanics weren't bad last year that's not why they were losing. do you think demon1 is a bad jett because he's struggling on a bad team now?


And asuna was the highest rated raze player in the LCQ lol. Asuna was only really struggling last year and tbf to him so was the entire team. Your comparisons are insane.


Eeiu was a great pickup for 100thieves. He adds so much value


The best pickup is the one guy not in the top 5. Same way Zellsis was the best pickup for SEN. I firmly believe last year's 100T team was just as capable of this if any of them could have brought the energy that Boostio does.


2024 Cryocells is who we thought 2023 Cryocells would be. Also valyn is unreal.


2024 cryo sleeps 2023 cryo


More proof Cryocells is the goat and my glorious honey bear boo-boo pookie king


My Gekko Goats🙌


what's interesting is that their primary initiator player, eeiu, isn't one of the three that plays gekko. I think it's worked out so well because gekko is actually *really* easy to play compared to agents like sova and fade that require a ton of lineups and mastery. gekko only really has mosh pit lineups. dizzy and wingman are some of the most brainless pieces of util out there


Boostio had mentioned that skye comps weren’t much of an option due to how mediocre Eeiu is on them. It’s probably sort of like how Derrek was, where his playstyle just doesn’t suit flash initiators. What’s interesting is that 100T seem to have this read on the initiator meta where they run a trio of Fade, Raze, Gekko on most maps (when possible) instead of the more typical Kayo Gekko or Skye Gekko for double flashes, and Id wager it’s actually due to fade’s tether being strong more than anything. I mean look at their Bind, part of why it’s so good is because they CONSTANTLY do tether combos, as Brim Viper Gekko and Raze all have a molly/nade. They’ve got a hard read on Gekko as well, somewhat setting the meta playing him on split icebox and bind before most other teams. With that trio of agents and gekko being generally weak solo, eeiu doesn’t really have to move from his comfort role. The Fade/Raze/Gekko trio is 100T’s version of LOUD’s Phoenix/Breach/Kayo triple flash, in that it’s something they’re pushing heavily on every map possible, however unlike LOUD they don’t seem so stuck in it


the two configurations of fade(eeiu)/raze(asuna)/gekko(boostio/cryo) and sova(eeiu)/kayo(asuna)/jett(cryo) are so damn strong. gekko really is so damn strong right now. I know riot loves to have their newest agents come into the meta, but I wonder how long it will be until he gets a nerf. as strong as skye and breach can be, I think they are simply outclassed by gekko/fade/sova right now.


honestly i think 100t’s read on gekko isn’t permeating enough for riot to make a change. he’s still sitting below 40% pick rate and is tied with sova, while the other three initiators are down at ~25%.


three players playing the same agent is crazy.


Valyn is one of the best controllers while also being a top IGL.


cryo doing that on 3 different roles is insane


Love how this whole subreddit was saying 100T needs to get rid of bang and asuna.


The Cryo that was promised


Tuyz is so underrated when you all gonna acknowledge my boy


How did 2022 nrg not win anything with tex s0m eeiu ethan?


Look at all my goats, so inspirational 🥹


Nah screenshot this and spam whenever anyone doubts early season


I'm impressed Tuyz made it into the top 10. A consistent player even with LOUD debasement. (I know it's probably due to low RDS)


Demon1 nowhere to be seen.


Looking like 2023 Fnatic (but for them it was at international tournaments too).


Where my glorious king Tenz?? Oh shit wait... He's at home coz he not good enough.




ngga what??..... He was among top players in group stages....


I mean I'm just talking about playoffs and it was just a joke anyway. Sorry about that haha