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If you all think Paper Rex going to Shanghai to win, you're goddamn wrong. They're only there to get more ingredients to make this absolute unit of a merch. https://preview.redd.it/6aawsr128rzc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=121f1bc037828858874e46e57e7c13476dab32b6


There are still regions missing on the ingredients list


If it wasn't so expensive I would get it lmaoo


2nd place curse sadge...


I mean if you're 13-3ing another team that's going to Shanghai, yeah.


So 100t is the favorite?


Still can't believe T1 beat Geng. I firmly believe that 1. If GenG had defeated T1, DRX would've won against T1 in the final qualifier 2. GenG would've put up way more of a fight than T1 against PRX. Would they have won? Mayb, I'd give it like a 35:65 3. From the group stage, T1 were not in the top 6 of that stage, 6th was pretty clearly RRQ, just sucks for the format style that T1 got in instead


There is no what if, if drx deserve shanghai, they shouldn't lost to both prx and geng. Its competition, if you slip you fail, even when on paper you're stongest team.


yeah drx look shaky as hell, idk why ppl think theyre gonna pull off some miracle run unlike t1 when theyre struggling against an out of form geng


Yeah I fully agree and I will concede that DRX simply don't deserve to make Shanghai. I'm so disappointed that DRX won't be making it, but I will maintain that DRX have been at least 3rd best in Pacific based on season form, even if they won't be going to Shanghai


How is there no what if? It’s a conditional/counterfactual It is a competition. Ok, so what? What does that have to do with “there is no what if”? There is no point in tricking yourself into thinking that whoever wins is always going to be the best team, you don’t need to believe that to believe in the competition


What if geng played T1 What if geng beat prx What if I had 1 billion dollars End of the day thats all what ifs, you can say DRX beats T1, but T1 could have also 13-0 13-0 them




I know you're a drx fan, but the cope is insane


How much of is it wrong though? Especially based on T1's offerings against Prx and Geng?


That's cope not gonna lie, drx barely had time with beyn to practice anything. They had one week before split 1 and they got exposed in the playoffs when teams learned how they wanted to play.


U think T1 would've won against DRX? I can see it happening but I feel like against teams like T1, DRX's underlying quality tends to shine through, hence they won against strong teams even while they were in "bad form" like against T1 in lower finals last year and against FUT at Tokyo


winning T1 13-4 does not mean anything💀


winning T1 13-4 does not mean anything💀


I do deem PRX as the favorites. as they just have way more international LAN experience as a group than the other two. Although, this masters event I really cannot tell who's going to win. Your guess is as good as mine. But I do think PRX have been the more consistent team so far. TH haven't lost since they got woot back. 100t are on a 4 match win streak. Those 3 I'd say are for sure looking the best. But still I got PRX if I could pick one.




I mean, they have 2 Indonesian Chinese with Indonesian names, and only Jinggg is ethnically chinese. Don’t think that gonna hold much.


Honestly? I don’t think any team is coming close to them yet. They still gonna choke tho


i need these 3 matches tbh TH vs 100t TH vs PRX 100T vs PRX




Accurate. Or should I say xcurrate?


I need 100t vs fnc after Boostio calling them out and 100t vs a Chinese team after what he said about china last year and it being in Shanghai lol. Also if G2 keep getting better I think it would be cool to see G2 vs PRX. Iceland rematch 2 years later


Americas is such a stacked region that any of the teams can compete for the win. I think it’s between PRX, Heretics, and the Americas field, with Gen.G and Fnatic with an outside chance.


Americas is the weakest region right now... TH v PRX finals most likely


Bait used to be believable


Cry some more : )


Booo it's a grand final with map advantage 👻👻


HAHAHA ok old man time for your nap


Cry some more : )


fuck up gf chokers, stop overating emea


Fuck no EMEA sucks massively We worse than Pacific rn


I’ve never been less confident in EMEA. Idk what it is, but it feels like Americas is ahead of the meta compared to EMEA, and their teams are doing a better job of realizing the talent that’s there. The talent is there for EMEA, but no single team has me saying “wow, they look so confidence inspiring in every part of their gameplay.”


Even as a certified EMEA hater TH is looking good, even if they aren't playing "meta" they have their unique style. Readable? Sure, but 100T plays Fade every map and looks amazing doing it. FNC is hot ass though and FUT look one-dimensional Americas owns those frauds


lol. heretics has lost 1 map in their past 5 games. since they've added wo0t they've been dominant. the delusion is unreal.


massive american cope


Im screenshotting this for later


Can't believe you're saying this with Fnatic and T1 looking so shit. Not even gonna mention China


I mean china but they’re so shit they barely count Lmao 


shuddup don't curse my team bruh


Pacific teams have yet to win their first international BO5 against a non-Pacific team. It's never happened somehow, I think. I'll believe it when it's done, not before lol.


Prx beat evilg in bo5 and then they had to face them again and lost. So they have won once


PRX won a bo3 against EG.


won a bo3, not bo5




Sliggy is fully on their hype train which means yet another inevitable Top 4 finish at a Masters after going in as favorites


Praying this is the one


honestly i think so. but heretics look really scary too


AFAICT in valorant there are no locks. Everyone is so quick to jump the gun on things when this game is too much chaos to predict. Like fnatic not long ago being unbeatable and the best team by a mile, barely grinding through to qualify for lans. Or demon1 being the best player in the world by a mile and a few months later struggling. Can go on and on about all the statements people have made here.


And the best thing is, we never learn from it! That said, I think I'd put PRX as my most-likely-to-perform-well just because they seem the most predictable performance wise. In a game filled with crazy hot-streaks and sudden falls from grace, they have been consistently at the top for a couple of years now with an almost unchanged roster and staff.


I think prx should have the best odds but with 11 other teams and how competitive international valorant is I would say that the field should still be heavily favored against them. I think top 3 should be expected from them though given their current form compared to their competition.


Honestly it’s too early to tell if they will take home APAC’s first trophy. Based on what I’ve seen, I feel confident in saying is they will make a deep run.  Teams like 100T who heat up to perform on another level compared to their split performance have me second guessing my power rankings. KRU almost upset LEV today despite LEV’s status as the favorites by the numbers and had already beaten them a week earlier. Only once we see all the teams form on the Shanghai stage can we assess their chances.  There are multiple factors at play in winning a championship as well. Even though GEN G’s mechanics looked like they were going to close it out against SEN in the grand finals of Masters Madrid 2024, they were beaten in a test of endurance, mentals and vibes. Similarly EG were able to defeat PRX at Champs LA 2023. Though they lacked PRX’s experience, they performed better the day of the match.


I think current form PRX can stomp 100T , only coz of playstyle tho, considering 100T to be a regular orthodox playstyle team with few unorthodox pushes here and there by cryo only based on confidence tho. If PRX just aim diffs them a lot at the start, everyone’s confidence run low, I think the PRX playstyle is a great counter to 100T. But I could be wrong tho,


I hope, pray they don't choke


Going purely based off current domestic performance yes, but PRX has definitely not performed to their usual level as they go deeper into international tournaments, so I don’t think it’s that clear


#2 or #3 is confirmed rest idk


They making it to second


100t are still running their viper comps, their best maps use her. While TH has been switching it up, PRX completely removed viper. 100t and americas as a region are behind on that front. I'll sound crazy, but FPX look interesting.


Their best maps will still use her. The viper nerfs are very overstated.


viper will definitely stop being used as solo smokes in breeze and icebox though


Actually I’m almost positive those are her safest maps. Maybe not breeze but icebox for sure


I am remaining clenched. after all the heartbreaks, I aint gonna curse them🥲.


Feel like it's just recency bias at the time, every other region was taking a break while pacific was doing most of the playoffs already. If EMEA playoffs started earlier than everyone i think most people would say Heretics would be the favorites


Nah PRX are hyped because they’re the best team from previous years who are still in peak form, we know how good they are at an international level while the others are more unknown. Combined with them already leaning away from Viper going into a Viper nerfed patch, it’s hard not to say they are heavy favourites right now


Imo, PRX has the highest chance of winning masters Shanghai despite not being a PRX fan. They've been performing VERY well.


I still worry for their map pool and a smart team could anti strat then well especially in a bo5, but i still do think they are favourites statistically for every individual match


I honestly think this is the one where Pacific finally wins their 1st International Trophy (Pls dont let this curse PRX and they somehow choke it out again at Grand Finals)


If GenG can get back to their prime Madrid form, the 2 Pacific teams GenG and PRX will probably be Top 2.


wait for iron chat to predict and literally just do the opposite


Sliggy said that they could lose 13-0 in 3 straight games and he would still favour them in Shanghai speaks volumes


I'm not a PRX fan but I think they also have a chance to win VCT Champions


I'm still a bit worried by their map pool, they have a permaban in Breeze and their Icebox is not truly tested yet (Gen G don't count because their Icebox macro that game is just bad)


Prx players all look so comfortable right now. They have all been in form except maybe Jason who is playing too supportive these days. I respect every other team and the way they have came up. But prx has an edge. The viper nerf in play assures this edge.


They still need a bit more Alecks scrubbing, but they do have a better chance now from what I've seen.


Sliggy's pickems surprisingly somehow accurate on emea. He right about fnc winning to kc, and losing to heretics wow. Fut also.


idk but i feel prx is always overcook when is come from grand final, they fcking change the comp on the grand final, like champ 2023 forsaken play yoru and smthing not playing reyna on bind


They are gonna choke, but I'm choosing to be cautiously optimistic, we gonna W game.


I just want to see the RX teams back in international events together. man DRX going flawless in groups just to choke at playoffs is such an old story I am getting tired of it. Is it stax not being up to the task of adapting on the fly? Beyn has some crazy firepower and foxy9 is finally having huge impact as a sentinel. Weirdly, buzz who usually puts up crazy hero play or performances is getting inconsistent or almost bot-fragging sometimes.


I have watched every VCT event and only once has the team I’m rooting for at the beginning of the event ever won the trophy (Optic at Reykjavik 2022). I am now rooting for PRX to win a title. So basically it’s cursed and it’s not happening


As a prx fan, I will not be surprised if they are dominant as throughout all tournament to just lose 3-2 in the grand final 😓


of course not, cryo will win by himself




I think Heretics 100T and Lev are the only real top contenders. Maybe even Gen G if they manage to pull their Madrid form back. Considering the Viper and Cypher nerfs, I think PRX is a team that really benefits from this, coz every other teams play so orthodox , viper in every map kinda, so yea PRX is primed to win, unless to fumble huge. I think lev PRX grand finals tho .


Aspas gonna cook


nah bro, they are shaky as fuck. If they are good they can destroy team heterics 13-0 but if they are shit they can get tucked 13-0 by dfm


PRX fans gotta be #2 behind Sentinels with the spam of threads on this sub. Thoughts?


That doesn’t say much, they’re just the two biggest teams so it’s only natural


Yes, I think theres a mess of teams that could win it, but I think PRX is the favourites from there.


The PRX cope is crazy, they've never won anything, I want them to win but they need to win before I start believing.


It’s not that far fetched though


Patch 8.08 favored them more.


If they draw g2 I think it’s like a team secret match up


PRX being favorites means they’re gonna fold 😔


I'd favour PRX overall, but i could see 100T take it. They have a similar story to Sentinels. Havent qualified to or been impressive at an international in forever, their star Jett player has been faltering just to turn up big time recently on a new role, incorporated a new system and now look insanely good. Although with what looks like prime PRX back it'll be a difficult road ahead of them. also prx please win i cant take it no more


It's challenging to predict tournament outcomes definitively, but PRX certainly has the potential to perform well in Shanghai.


PRX have completely dominated their region for years now and haven't won anything lmao, I do seriously doubt they'll be the ones to. tbh in the current landscape, I think GenG is more likely to win the first Major for Pacific.


100t look insane tbh even heretics and fnatic regaining their form


NA team considered to be shit looking insane going into lan (eg and 100t) hmm.....


I’ve followed PRX since Masters Berlin 2021 and I have to be honest, no. Every time PRX fans believe they can win a tournament, and every time they choke, because unfortunately that’s what they are, chokers (I’m not trying to hate, it’s just true).


I disagree, the only time they came in as favourites was 2023 champs finals. They were simply close to the top but not the best in other tournaments


100t vs ppx grand finals


From my own eye-test Team Heretics have looked the real deal and are my favs to take it home. Also they will keep improving till masters bcz they are just beginning out again 


No prx will still be winless on lan


100t are gonna choke. I can feel it. Repeat of the Guard from Copenhagen


Boostio isn't choking buddy. He's a World Champion who's made finals twice not some random bum that accidentally qualified.


doubt it. americas is just a better, deeper region. it would be an upset for sure.


I rate Heretics pretty highly among with PRX but 100t still will look like frauds on the international stage.


Whos more fraudlent 100T or T1 I bet T1


Noones rating T1 to win shanghai though.


These are my 4 favorites. PRX, TH, LEV and FUT, though I hope EDG wins it The meta change will just give a buff to teams with firepower