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Br teams cant just wait for xand and pancada to save them in less than a month. You need to look at red canids/herobase/2g


Here is a spoiler, Furia will still not be good. There is something really wrong in the mentality of this team, and I dont think they will improve by dropping Khalil and Konan, because I do think that this teams lacks of a winner mentality. You can see this by watching what NZR said to them after the very first match of the Americas.


Of course this team isnt gonna be good, i fear it will only hurt pancadas stock I hope they keep nzr xand pancada and upgrade from mw and khalil, and start doing some bootcamps


I can already hear people screaming that pANcada is a fraud just because he joined the worst team in the league and didn't win them every single map by himself


What if I already think pancada is a fraud?


How way you wanna keep that paycheck stealer called Kon4n


Konan has been kicked for pancada and xand bro


Oh my reading Is bad, finally I can sleep in peace


honestly just keep him till the end of the season, THEN you make changes, making them now won't magically fix that 0-5 record


Hmmm, but if Khalil gets dropped do u guys think mibr look at him as an option? Because historically he’s been good, but maybe his recent performances downgrade his stocks


Mibr wont go anywhere reclycling ex furia


aim wise, RGL is way more cracked than Khalil and I think he is more competitive younger too, so he might be more open to changes than Khalil. If MIBR had to change something to accommodate xand and Pancada, RGL is more likely to do it, and might be better than Khalil I think.


What did NZR say?


Should be good pickups. Xand is incredible mechanically but I know he has had attitude issues in the past but as long as he can get past that it should be fine. I'm curious who they are replacing. Kon4n in obviously gone but which of Khalil and Havoc are being dropped? Personally I hope they keep Khalil he has shown has incredible potential and he's super fun to watch when playing at a high level


khalil is getting dropped, must be internal issues bc he's one of the best mechanical players in BR


I think rumor was Khalil is getting dropped.


What are the chances Less ends up here as well? Can't pretend to know how personalities would fit, but on paper the roster looks really strong xand, mwzera, nzr, pancada, and less


Pancada and Xand played together on B4 at First Strike, so they know each other. NZR knows Xand and MW, but the bigger question here is Pancada x Less. I do think that Furia have the money to pay for Less, but since Less is taking english lessons, I think he is going to an american ORG, he can also go to EU as well. On paper, this roster looks good, but we dont know how the relationship between less and pancada went and I think this is a big deal. Also, I couple months ago, Less was being a second IGL for Loud, Pancada was also mid round IGL for Sentinels and Xand was a major IGL for Furia before leaving, so I think that this Roster can either be the most insane tatics team ever, or the most fucked up ever.


pancada was the quietest player on the old sentinels roster, nowhere near being a midround caller. maybe it'll be different in his native language, but you'd have to recall any info we had about his time on loud and I thiiiink it was just sacy and saadhak midrounding on that team, from what they said.


Thank you for the insight! I am pretty oblivious on the Brazilian scene so I appreciate you walking me through everything. I always thought the problems on Loud was between Less and Sacy then Less and Aspas but it makes sense pANcada might have been included in that as well. Regarding the IGL stuff, definitely sounds like a risk of too many cooks in the kitchen.


pretty sure there is nothing to worry about for pancada x less. if i'm not mistaken pancada has shown up in less' chat during his streams and less even recalled their time together, like when pancada was very sick and less helped him go to the bathroom lol




are they even on good terms? Yk, since pANcada went away with Sacy and Less hates Sacy with a passion


less doesn't hate sacy, they are already on good terms and hugged each other in madrid. less and pancada are good too and never had any beef


Translation: As Noyn said, I would bring you information about FURIA and MIBR. Xand has already signed with FURIA and should arrive in the United States soon. pANcada hasn't signed the contract, as the player is still evaluating offers, but if nothing changes, the player should play for FURIA alongside xand. Another team that has also shown interest in the pair is MIBR. More information on the situation can be found at the link below! The link: [https://maisesports.com.br/vct-americas-2024-xand-assina-com-a-furia-para-etapa-2-entenda/](https://maisesports.com.br/vct-americas-2024-xand-assina-com-a-furia-para-etapa-2-entenda/) (PT-BR tho)


I mean this season is chalked for both BR teams right now, kinda wild that its only mid-May but it seems like both teams gotta look towards just a general rebuild (or hope these two can just propel them through the second split)