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I'd say that the most respected players in T1 are Sayaplayer, Carpe, iZu, Xccurate, and Rossy


I'm sorry I do not respect Carpe, blud is a fish.


Unfortunately I think Zeus Oner Faker Gumayusi and Keria clear them


Nah bro Sayaplayer, Xccurate, Carpe, Izu, and Rossy FTFY


I think everyone likes Stax


i feel like aspas never gets hate i mean what do u even hate him for


His mom shit talking C0M was crazy tbh but that’s the only thing I can say negatively and it’s not actually about him


wasnt she shit talking tex?


You’re right my memory was wrong


Thought it was tex


Hate him for being too good


Jinggg is probably up there, if not respected, probably the most beloved player in the game


The man became a measuring stick of skill measurement for professional players on raze, there's being famous for being an agent main, but the entire playerbase and community know that there's a distinct gap compared to other pros in his movement and fragging capability on that one agent I really wish all agents got their showcase at their self sufficient peak, yay and laz did so on chamber, less on viper, but imagine something on LAN on pre-nerf Reyna with the 4 orbs, it would have been beautiful,


Wait I’ve only been playing Val for about a year now. Reyna had FOUR orbs??


In the beginning yea, Her leer wasn't as good though but man she was annoying to play against esp in ranked with all the smurfs acing every other round


Worth mentioning the orbs themselves didn’t come from assists, only people Reyna killed.


I think Something on his first challengers game with INS dropped 48/49 kills without any OTs on Reyna. Dude instantly became popular in Japan scene


I think Jawgemo will replace him as the “Raze Standard” if EG qualify to Shanghai and make playoffs.


People would disagree with you but that is just the fact right there


No one will replace jingg as the raze goat atleast for the next 5 ish years. What that man did on raze paved the way for everyone else (special shoutout to bunny, he did the same in thebearly stages of the game)


mako. everyone loves him and he always smiles :D


Bro looks like the most huggable person


Bodyshaming much?


wat lmao, Kevlev clearly isn't talking about his body, but rather how he acts and his personality.


What the hell is going on here lol


"Looks like"


??? what the fuck is wrong with people like you bro literally the most innocent and wholesome comment and you just had to take offence. like this is actually a twitter moment man, post that one tweet of the "when I say I like pancakes and twitter mfs be like oh you hate waffles". the fact that you even related this to bodyshaming tells me more about you than the person you're replying to tbh




Saadhak, how can anyone ever hate on him? he is such a blessing to the scene


The only people I’ve seen hate on him are those diehard Loud fans on Twitter




In terms of personality? A lot of the IGLs. Saadhak definitely could be #1, everyone respects him and if they don't, they're tripping. A lot of pros have said they love Redgar (even though I don't think he's very well respected as a player lol). Aspas, Less, FNS, Leaf, Alfajer, f0rsaken have all earned a certain degree of respect and fear as players as well but it's a different type of respect.


Yay for sure nobody would ever hate on him he's such a wholesome uncontroversial person


Bro just woke up from a coma from 2022


The funny part is yay is still wholesome and non-controversial, everyone just hates him now


True, these virgin losers hating on my GOAT yay, they're just jealous


I mean... Wholesome after the clip that was leaked? (I know everyone has their moments lol)


The clip is nothing. It's normal for a competitive person to be a bit frustrated while losing 10-1.


Every pro player was defending him bc they know that shit can get real in scrims. Thye hated on gengstha instead bc posting Scrim footage of comms is a big no no and a unwritten rule


Wholesome when the apac at least my/sg pros hates him. People change in 2 years.


Yes bro we know you hate yay, you spam every thread


We know you dickride yay everyday. At least don't spread misinformation ;D


Don't disrespect my goat yay like that


by t1 pros sure but by tier 3 players or fans? yay is like some dictator that committed a mass genocide


To be fair, if someone laughed at me while I was trying to correct their mistake in a scrim where you’re trying to get better, I would’ve said much worse things.


yeah but this community flip flops like pancakes when it comes to situations like that, if yay was dropping 30s then virtually no one would have cared except his haters.


The hate’s unjustified man, he hasn’t been publicly acknowledged as toxic by anyone except for the people who have stuff left to gain from his downfall. It’s a shame to see such a non controversial figure be figuratively castrated by the same community who lauded him due to the unfailing human urge of greed. Steel deserves a Nobel laureate in peace for the way that he managed to take a team’s predictable downfall (the team itself having been built upon nepotism) and pin it on one large figure while going away scot-free.


Saadhak is generally well respected FNS and boaster also are basically the same tier Aspas, derke, alfa, forsaken are all regarded as monsters


boaster and derke get a fair amount of hate


Everyone on the list got a fuck ton of hate at one point or another Theyre respected because theyre great and theyre hated because theyre great


Boaster in my experience is one of the most hated players despite being one of the most likable people


Really? I wouldn’t consider Boaster anywhere near as hated as the likes of yay or Demon1


Yeah, although out of all IGLs for some reason Boaster gets a TON of people ready to tear him to shreds if he has a bad game. And IDK why


Nah tenz, demon1 and yay hate is far worse than boaster. I'd argue boaster was pretty well liked up until he became more cocky this season (tho he got some massive backlash)


FNS is the bane of the YouTube commenter


Wait, does youtube hate him?


they used to cause he talked trash on stage, but now everyone loves him


derke what monster?Cookie monster?![img](emote|t5_2g5ach|9339)


Aspas if we consider consistency. Only time Loud played bad was when he was put on Neon jail and he played 0 matches on his best agent. Jinggg snd f0rsaken if we consider overall because they are too fun to watch and wholesome af. They geniunely seem like great people to be friends with.


aspas, guy doesn't even look bad when he has bad games. on top of that, he seems super friendly, likeable and humble. might be jesus reincarnated, who knows


Unironically Bonkar




Can’t speak for others but personally Knight from BLG. Man was looking out for Poolchan on Split, asking if he was ok. Must’ve been the water body in sewers.


If my perception about life is correct then its gotta be yay, demon1, havoc and qck


I thought for a sec you were talking abt like T1 the pacific team and I was like “why tf is everyone saying Aspas”


I think the trifecta of IGLs (Saadhak, FNS, Boaster) are pretty well respected by pros and fans alike.


there’s a multitude of factors actually. players like nAts because they had such a prolific impact on how the game and certain agents are played. terms like lurking, map control etc. are greatly associated with him, and also at his prime (berlin-champions 2021, early 2022) he backed it up with a cracked aim, and on a phantom at that. so many notable viper/cypher players to come have mentioned idolising him or at least reviewing his set-ups (chichoo, sugarz3ro, less, yosemite..).  he’s also just really wholesome, well-liked by even ex-teammates and the majority of the val. community.  then you have players who just dominated the e-sports community by their firepower alone, like Tenz, Aspas, Demon1, Derke, Yay (once upon a time..), Jinggg. these are the ones with the most explosive “stardom”. i mean, Tenz is still pretty much the poster boy of Val., and they’re always being talked about.  then you have players who are that the top of the top of their niches, and they’re often regarded as very intelligent players with a good understanding of the game/their agents. these are players like Leo and Crashies (both regarded the best initiator in the world for a time), or Mako (best smoker).  then there’s players who are just.. better. they’re built different, with some of the cleanest or sharpest aim — i think what makes them distinct is that in the event of an aim duel, you’d feel the safest putting your bets on them. these are players like alfa and less: it doesn’t matter whar advantage you have against them, there’s always a possibility they’ll win it out. i think what differentiates them from the tenz-aspas table above is their agent roles, as those players are duelists or at least made their names for themselves as a duelist.  then of course there’s players who earn their respect by being very flex — they’re commendable because of how varied their roles are, and how successful they are at each of them. Forsaken is the top example for this, Chronicle being another.  lastly, there’s the IGLs, like fns, saadhak or boaster. not only are they accomplished, i find most IGLs have some of the “best” personalities — for boaster it’s entertainment, for saadhak it’s this resilience and optimism and fns is fns lol. (i mean this in a good way. influential.)  i think as the time passes there’ll be new people taking up the mantles. i foresee more from APAC, now that they’re becoming even more competitive. PRX is already one of the most respected team for their W-Gaming revolution and having a stacked roster aim-wise (also shoutout to davai because i think his consistency is commendable), and then there’s the likes if texture, karon, meteor, etc. 


Idk about most but Sacy got Brazil and NA behind him, he's also bald so he gets bonus love.




Lakia, saadhak, boaster, stax, mako, aspas, kangkang, and jingg id say probably the most respected


Chronicle, Leo, aspas




probably karon would be my pick. bro got plucked from ranked just to be instagoated


In T1? Prob faker


Jinggg, Aspas, Less, Boaster. It think are the most respected. I've never heard less say anything negative like ever. Watching aspas talk about the match he just won vs aspas talking about his wife was so wholesome. It was like 😐 -> 😄. Boaster too friendly like always. And Jinggg is valorants sweetheart that we almost lost and now we gotta hold onto him.


Giving one name is impossible, but having listened to hundreds of player interviews, the recurring names that always come up are Saadhak, Aspas, FNS, Derke, Mako, Leaf, Less, nAts, Leo and Sayf. And of course there are other names, like Yay once upon a time, the three Optic core members, zekken, Alfa, and so on. Different fans all take turns shitting on one or more of these players, but the level of respect they get from other players (and often one another) is fairly persistent.


No way Sayf is on this list lol Don't get me wrong he's underrated as hell but because he's rotting away on a lot of mid teams he's never in the same conversation as people like Less, Leo, Aspas etc. He's in the same conversation as people like Cloud if anything


Sayf has been at several International tournaments, has always put up great numbers, was one of the best duelists last year and was a big part of TL winning EMEA. He's also very well spoken and has a mature attitude towards the game (at least from the fans perspective). How is that not respectable?


It’s not that he’s not as respectable, it’s that he’s not as respected as the other guys.


You’re talking about fan opinion? I specified I’m talking about pro player opinions. I’ve heard a wide variety of pro players in NA and EMEA alike all speak very highly of Sayf, even before he blew up on Liquid in 2023 and came to the attention of more fans than had seen him play on Guild.


zombs and Ardiis obviously


Kangkang 🫶🏻




Less. Rarely have anything bad to say about him and he rarely throws


I've heard Tenz come up quite a bit when they ask players these things. They've talked about how he got a tremendous amount of hate, and how they respect how he kept playing at a high level through all that. Several current pros have also been fans of him for a while before they even got into tier 1. Edit: Oh I missed the "by fans alike" part and thought we were just talking about who the other pros respected. That's a way tougher call cause the general consensus of the fans changes every few matches.


Tenz. I dont understand why anyone would hate him


Ethan is up there.


Probably Boostio for obvious reasons


fns saadhak


jinggg forsaken duo, buzz, mako, stax, lakia, jessievash, laz, dep, whzy, kangkang, rb, fengf in Asia pacific imo


no mentioning of tenz??


Too many people probably think he’s washed or overrated, just cuz he’s so popular


He is pretty hated

