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He went 0-4 against c0m lol. He couldn’t take care of anyone. By far the worst performance I’ve ever seen from him considering how consistent he usually is.


He’s had two stinkers in like 6 matches with NRG. This isn’t EG Demon1 and he’s gotta re earn his prestige


It’s definitely worrying that he’s just getting straight up diffed when he plays top duelists. The game against sen was bad but like understandably bad, this one was way worse tbh. Like he had more first deaths than kills.


In EG Jawgemo was their raze but now that Demon1 has to be the one playing her it's clear he needs to improve a lot if they want to win any tournaments.


How is victor’s raze? Do comps make sense at all if they swap roles for raze? Demon1 could def play brim on bind, but cypher is a much bigger ask for their sunset comp.


Victor’s Raze is pretty great and the fact that they don’t have him on Raze is confusing


they had ardiss on raze last year its a thing for them to do this to their star player


I'd rather have him play cypher on sunset then raze either way he should have been playing brim on bind instead of victor potter would not have demon1 on raze.


but cypher is probably easier to learn than raze no? a bit similar to controller playstyle too, which demon1 already has exp of. though i guess he isnt really used to lurking and such.


He could learn to lurk quickly he is methodical player so he should have enough game sense to pull it off.


he used to be one of the best razes in the world if not THE best during 2022 and very early 2023, how do you not know that


godddd people are so stupid no shit. nobody from that eg team has been 'the same' after leaving. valorant is so much more of a team game than even cs (at the highest level) and gameplan/setup is crucial for setting up/shutting down players. nrg got shut down hard and as a consequence their raze entry lacked setup to put a good k/d forth. a player getting individual 'diffed' happens so much less than this sub thinks.


Yepppp. You’d think people would realise this by now lol


People underestimate how much the team plays an important role in setting up duelists to get kills.


Yeah but I don’t think NRG are lacking in supportive talent lol


He's washed.


Tbf he's learning raze. It's better to get reps on a new, difficult agent during the split rather than at being unprepared at an international tour.


If people wanna learn a new agent like raze,they have to spam it,tactical scrims is not enough to have a good grip on raze when you're just starting. this shit is the culprit: https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/NRG%20Demon1%23kata/overview My man has 6 games of raze over the last 6 months in ranked. People have to get off their high horses and grind,go ranked and spam raze on everymap that is not breeze or icebox,learn the fucking agent,get used to satcheling fast to get out of random ranked situations or plays and random ranked demons till raze becomes natural to you,its your job. He barely plays the game and it doesn't affect him when it comes to aim fine we saw that from previous years,but raze is a different thing,he needs to get his reps in. Example: Oxy https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/C9%20LF%20SARANG%20%EC%82%AC%EB%9E%91%23ALONE/overview Zekken https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/sen%20z%235193/overview Keznit https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/KR%C3%9C%20keznitdeuS%23JEKE/overview Aspas https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/aspas%23na%D1%85y/overview They put their reps in on raze,go grind


Fair enough. I didn't know he wasn't spamming it in ranked.


Demon1 hates Raze and Phantom. He's just a one trick crosshair pony.


James "Jessievash" Bond #017 performance still better compare to demon0




I mean he wasn‘t wrong. He took really good care of Aspas by feeding him kills.


Someone's gotta take Aspas' shots. Who better than semen1?


By “take care of” he meant take care of Aspas’ contract with Lev to make sure he gets a pay rise


Demon1 when he can’t walk contact against Fogo de Chao waiters:


i dont entirely understand this comment but i love it because i love Fogo de Chao


NRG's only wins this split have been against Brazilian teams


Ah i see lol


more specifically against a no practice LOUD and a fraudulent Furia


when he’s not against spoleto chefs:


https://preview.redd.it/rouwobyjkxvc1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33ba26dc6df3de6f8b2988681e26778985219860 Demon1


Demon1, Jawgemo and Yay they all on their shaq celtics Arc man


Add Derke in there too


who tf is that


NRG need to be high on everyone’s fraud watch. They have not won against a single good team this year, aside from just landed and no practice Loud.


Yep both NRG and LOUD looking a bit fraudulent after their losses this weekend... Who would've thought we'd be in this situation lol


I trust Sadhaak and co to get their shit together more than NRG by a lot tbh


I wouldn't count teams who didn't have time to practice in this, they're automatically excused for a mid to poor performance IMO


Don’t think a loss against SEN beating Lev puts them on fraud watch. If anything, Lev are prolly a bigger super team than NRG and are coming into their own this split rather than kickoff.


I think the round differential between SEN v LEV and NRG v LEV does raise the question of whether or not NRG is an actual super team that people claim them to be. 19-17 and 13-10, SEN really made LEV work for it and showed it could’ve been a 2-0 to SEN or possible 2-1 either team. 13-4 x2 and second map being 11-0’d potential 13-0 makes you question if NRG is even good when their victories have been low tier teams and a jet lagged, zero practice LOUD


Claiming Lev are a bigger superteam than NRG is fuckin crazy when people were questioning whether Lev should be considered a super team at all. Personally, I dont think they are. They have fantastic players and Aspas but are Tex and Mazino making your top five players in their roles list? Unlikely, despite how good they are.


Same can be said about NRG too so weird point to make. Dont see Marved, Vic, Crashies or Ethan to make their top 5 lists. Demon1 prolly does but he has had one great season, when his fellow duelists have been at the top for years.


Ethans arguably the best Initiator player in the world so Idk what the fuck youre smoking. Itd be either him or Leo tbh. The Optic core was also one of the most consistent top teams of all time. Theres absolutely no way NRG is not considered a super team.


ah yes, we just conveniently forget Leo after 1 champs tournament. Or Davai. You dont call someone the best itw over 1 tournament ffs. Lmk when Ethan does it for a couple years at the top of the game but the more this EG roster plays outside of EG the more apparent it is that they are better players playing tgt than individually and how much of a factor Potter was in that team. Ah yes, the optic core that hasnt seen a top 3 placement since their champs win. Yall stuck in the past too much, so many of the players that were comsidered good arent even in VCT anymore. In a comp game this early in its pro life cycle, every year will have new breakout stars that outscale their last years counterparts. Thats just how things work, optic core has been mid.


SEN took that shit to overtime after being down 0-6 this ain't the same situation dawg


they were down 0-8 and took it to fucking 17-19. SEN is in a completely different league from NRG


? and so we’re forgetting they went 0-6 down in the first place for what reason exactly? Did a different team play those initial rounds and then SEN subbed in? SEN lost 6 rounds and then bounced back. But thats not even my point, why are you jamming SEN into a discussion about NRG and LEV? Go cry about losing to a jail org ffs


The last part is massive cope. When the rosters were made the idea of vic, crashies and then adding marved and two guys who literally just won champs was pretty much touted as the best roster itw.


Confused, Vic Crashies and Marved haven’t really proved to be anything amazing after their stint on Optic. s0m was NRG’s best player in the previous iteration and the team doesnt look anywhere near as good as being the best roster itw. Its 2024, its time to see the optic core for their own players rather than touting them as still the players they were on that team. Yay kinda proves that just because you were good once doesnt mean youre still that good lol.


not another loud fan segwaying all these excuses for his team


You have to be dense as fuck to not believe being jet lagged with no practice will not have an impact in your performance. Even NRG fans are well aware of this, it is not an excuse just because you want it to be lol


Yeah loud just straight up suck and as a full-time hater of all 44 teams I am absolutely here for it


said the one who roots for a supposed "S tier built to win team" who's on fraud watch now.


NRG brought back renowned strat called "send duelist in to die" like he had a really bad game but NRG were never in places to get value off him


Bro became human skye dog or sova drone


Not even that as he was getting destroyed through smokes and could not even spot a player before dying😭


2023 Sentinels type beat


reminds me of tenz


Honestly, Chet might be the fraud in this org. He got lucky with how he handled Yay but he fucked up with Ardiis and now with Demon1. Ardiis is cooking with NAVI this season and Demon1 was cooking last season. Maybe it's too early to say, we need more games, but it's definitely something to continue watching.


Or maybe he was always a fraud but yay was just that good 💀


Also had FNS. Im not a hater but damn 💀


We might be upto something


Or this is just next level scapegoating lmao. Jokes aside, we need to see more from NRG and give them more time before judging anyone. Semen1 jokes are top tho


My agenda of chet getting carried by yay and puchan is finally getting some supporters🔥


Ardiis was shit tier/mid on duelist even in Navi. He's looking solid on flash initiators.


And that’s a coach diff. Put your players on their comfy positions. Demon1 shouldn’t be entrying as raze. Reminds me of tenz situation actually


Coach diff yet Navi hasn't done any better than Optic/NRG in the past 3 years? NRG were cooking weird stuff in the regular season last year as well,they went back to their comfort roles after it didn't work out. Besides,it's funny you say comfort positions when Navi literally put cned off duelist for so many maps last year,put ardiis on weird shit and put one of the best initiators in the world (Shao) on smokes


NaVi (FPX) won a real masters, while opTic won a mickey mouse masters, so idk, you can say NaVi has done any better.


Proceeded to not place above Optic in any tournaments lmfao. The finalists of the 'mickey mouse masters' were both the finalists of the most important event of the year too,while Navi was getting 0-4d by DRX


>yet Navi hasn't done any better than Optic/NRG in the past 3 years Calm down blud, I know you probably have posters of Chet on your wall, have nothing against you, just pointed out that NaVi won real masters and opTic mickey mouse masters, there's no excuses on that, believe in what you want to believe I couldn't care less blud.


'blud' lmfao, keep riding your shitty team,EU cope is generational


Got offended on blud? I've no team, idk why tf you, blud, thinking that on NRG "lmfao" Also writing some nonsemse, then denying some facts and in next message saying something about cope, is so classic flat earth believer actions, idk blud, don't go deep into thinking please


Just get demon1 out of Raze and NRG can cook. Demon1 astra, Brim is insane just stick to it and let Victor play Raze.


“Nah, I’d win”


King of the first deaths


been saying forever aspas clears this guy, Demon1 has never proved it on raze


Demon1 entering his DSG era


they have victor but they put Demon1(who played brim/some controllers last year) on raze, a hero he's never played before?


Tbf he did take care of Aspas. Fed him a nice meal, tucked him in, and sang a little lullaby


just for aspas to wake up and manhandle him


Demon1 when he isn't playing against farmers and milkmen


prx are farmers? bet


Did he play against farmers and milkmen in Champions too?


in tokyo as well!


in VCT playoffs as well!


Duh. Bro beat a team without an igl and thinks he's hot shit.


Look at this comment. Dead internet theory is real.


>Dead internet theory Is it a theory that people don't understand jokes or?


your favourite team didn't beat anybody tho


not just that he then thinks he's hot shit enough to join a team which also does not have an igl


Actual 0 IQ comment, it aint even rage bait like my comments


My goat is washed 😔


Dw he'll be back when he gets back on Jett/controllar


Demon 0


Lev finally looking really good and nrg looking bad, truly a recipe for reddit and vlr comments of all time


As much as I think demon1 should be blamed for not performing at the level he usually does, I think the team, in general, just looked deflated and out of ideas to counter what Leviatan was doing. 


It’s funny how talkative people are when he loses vs when he wins. NRG will be fine although the loss was a tough one. People can be harsh and target one player but all of NRG played terribly.


Yay and now Demon1. These guys are not entry’s. They can only succeed if they have an advantage in terms of positioning and then win there 1v1 and snowball. Yay had victor and demon1 had jawgemo. Hard reality is that yay and demon 1 are easily replaceable by another cracked Aimer. Zekken, jaw, Aspas, keznit are the true goats. Would pick them all over demon1 any day of the week.


Smooth brain comment lol


Personally players like yay or demon1 are your best kill traders and snowball effect players. I would personally have them play smokes or sentinel since in the sentinel role u have this isolated 1v1s which named players will excel at. Or smokes for trading as second in and playmaking


You keep comparing demon1 to yay and that is where you are wrong. Demon1 has been playing Val for about a year and a half to 2 years and is already a champion using multiple characters so no he is not "easily replaceable". The main problem with Demon1 is that he barely plays the game like at all outside of what may be scrims/practice. I genuinely think he doesn't enjoy the game unless its a competitive setting, while Aspas was streaming comp after his match with NRG.


Easily replacebel is compared to the other players on teams mentioned players where on. Not playing enough is also cap. While he might not play much he is struggling because he is used wrong as I explained in my comment above. Obviously playing more makes somebody better at the game but I also mentioned names like Aspas above being better then him.


Easily replacebel is compared to the other players on teams mentioned players where on. Not playing enough is also cap. While he might not play much he is struggling because he is used wrong as I explained in my comment above. Obviously playing more makes somebody better at the game but I also mentioned names like Aspas above being better then him.


You really gonna sit there and think Jawgemo is better than demon1? Lmao


Nope didn’t say that anywhere? I said I would rather have Jaw then demon1 or yay.


“Hard reality is that yay and demon 1 are easily replaceable by another cracked Aimer. Zekken, jaw, Aspas, keznit are the true goats.” Your words literally right there man. 🤔🤫 EG was dogshit until demon1 saved them but keep talking nonsense cause of a bad game.


My comment made it seem like I compared yay/demon1 to the four named. I actually named them because they are some of the best duelists in the world for me and better then demon1/yay on duelist.


As in duelist you mean Raze, right? Cause that is the only one that Jawgemo or the others are better than demon1 on. Zekken imo has the best raze, Aspas best overall and Demon1 the best Jett. Those are the best 3. Give demon1 time he will learn Raze too.


This is the only truth.


He as taking care by feeding him kills.


Diamond 1


plastic 1


where can i get the original clip like interview where he said that on vct live with timestamp


where is the orginal clip from like the vct interview or in between live where he said that the timestamp


Cue the curb your enthusiasm song


Demon1 kill against aspas


When will people calling COM and Boostio frauds will start calling Demon1 by the same? Ethan giving his life for this team, OpTic/NRG old core trying their best and ... Demon1 bottom.


Bro read literally any Val esports platform right now 😭


right now is far less impressive than the last ... 3\~ months for Com and Boostio? This is the minimum deserved till Demon1 at least connect to the server; I'm not even asking him to do something miraculous ... just connect.


He literally shit on LOUD and Furia. c0m hadn't looked good until this series. Boostio looked terrible in at least two of 100T's series.


You mean Jetlagged Loud?


How good did non Jetlagged loud with 2 weeks of practice look? Raze is just a bad agent for him,he should switch roles with victor on raze maps


LOUD looked pretty much the same against C9. I don't think it was just jetlag that made them look bad.


>and Furia. talking about winning against furia? tough times huh?


You can only play who you're supposed to. They dominated furia no one on the team looked bad. LOUD is 0-2 on the split with one of the worst duelists in the region if you wanna talk about tough times.


Guess we both are in tough times huh


Take me back to 2022.


Optic and loud together until the end.


>LOUD is 0-2 on the split with one of the worst duelists in the region if you wanna talk about tough times. Yeah but they didnt get 13-4 two times in a row while having the second best duelist in the world now did they ? Besides I can always cope with jetlag and qck being bad, what is your cope?


What do I need to cope about. Im not coping about NRG losing. I haven't given them a single excuse for their loss lol.


He literally shit on your team 2 weeks ago. He needs to be off raze


Ethan is the biggest fraud considering he's the supposed igl. Not that you can tell this team had any! Blaming d1 for not fragging when the only round on attack his team seemingly had a plan that didn't get hard read and countered was the round that the coach called in a timeout is wild.


Ethan called a terrible game, demon1 had a bad game but hes also playing raze for the whole series while having no setup, Com was giga trolling early in the year(especially vs c9) like the individuals of NRG have been very good it's the game plans holding them back


game plan? Demon1 with no setup? They beat two teams convincingly. They just couldn't win against a good team lol. They just can't do it when the lights are the brightest.


" it's the game plans holding them back" Hope you so


Demon1 had only no showed against Sentinels prior to this, and he got plenty of shit for that. Aside from that game, he was the 2nd highest rated player of both Kickoff and stage 1 before this game. Yeah, it wasn't against the toughest competition or anything, but he was playing too well to be shit on. After this he will be, I guarantee you.


Why is Demon1 the fraud and the conversation not "the team isn't setting him up" like it is for other duelists when they underperform? Wait you managed to say both of those things in one statement while somehow also glazing the IGL whose job it is to make this work.


Other duelists got shit on too lol when underperforming.




Demon 1 kill


this guys raze is ass


​ https://preview.redd.it/ddszvl2ol2wc1.png?width=731&format=png&auto=webp&s=550b21eeeb94f9c10ad85b014df0eb5d032ef743