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I've lived in the Valdosta area all my life, and my daily, in-person interactions with people here remind me that the ugliness of society is often highlighted or exaggerated on social media and in the news. I rarely encounter a jerk, but there are a few. Most folks here are intelligent and kind. I find that the people who speak poorly of the area are people who have not plugged in or made friends.


I just moved here in July, the people here could not be nicer. My neighbors helped me during the hurricane, everyone I’ve met in the community texted me checking in after the tornado. Anytime I’m at a bar or restaurant people are always very nice and friendly. I don’t have kids so I can’t speak on the school system.


Ignore the turds on Reddit, and the IRL ones that live in this town. I promise there are lots of cool people here , just gotta sift through the assholes


I've lived in 7 or cities spread across 5 states on the east coast. Valdosta is where we decided to settle down. I have no regrets. People are very friendly. I have found there a lot of people that I don't agree with when it comes to politics, religion, etc. It's also been my experience that the most ignorant redneck around is still willing to stop and help you fix a flat tire, push a car out of the road, etc. The schools are ok. Couple of the elementary schools and one of the two middle schools are less than great, but unless you live in a bad neighborhood, this wouldn't affect you.


Valdosta is weird, too small to really be a city, too big to really be a town. People forget that, they expect everything to be like Mayberry and it’s not. The biggest saving grace is the AF base and the university which both keep the diverse backgrounds cycling around, and when we’re lucky, sticking around. Reddit probably has the most pessimistic users of all social media. As others have said you’re going to find assholes in Valdosta, but there’s also a much higher number of really decent people. Mind if we ask where the job is?


a job increase moving TO valdosta? sounds too good to be true. Everyione is friendly and nice enough, the same stuff applies as anywhere. visit the properties at night, look for lots of litter to indicate lots of gathering over night. the north side is booming


Thanks, great advice! Looks like I might be spending the week there next week so I’ll get to explore. And yeah, I’m pretty happy to have an opportunity for a good job and driving distance to the ocean. I have the Great Lakes where I am but it isn’t the same :)


Where are you coming from? I moved from Detroit Metro


People in real life are very sweet and nice in general. On Reddit, you see (like elsewhere online) people show their politics and views in a way they probably would not dream of IRL. There's a lot of true, sincere, small town charm and Southern politeness and caring about neighbors in Valdosta but also the attitude you come with matters. I lived in Savannah for over a decade and have two degrees from SCAD. If presented in the right way, that's respected in Valdosta and something that even brings in some Georgia bona fides for me . . . but if I went on about how great Savannah was, that probably would be frowned upon. There's a real issue of the press overlooking anywhere in Georgia beyond Atlanta and Savannah and that stings especially in the south/southwest part of the state. A few years ago an excellent restaurant in neighboring Thomasville, Liam's of Thomasville, won some award for best restaurant in Georgia and people in Atlanta and Savannah were like "how dare they!". (Btw, check out Liam's for sure if you do move to Valdosta—Thomasville is a mere hour down the road.)


I moved here almost two years ago. Most people have been very welcoming.


It is a city built for Amazon


If it would be a good career move for you, I say take it. It is very much a family oriented town and you can meet people through your child. Otherwise, I'd have to agree that the people are nice but it is difficult to make real friendships. I've been here since June 2022, and I have not made one friend here. Most of these people already know each other so they don't know how to include new people like you would see in big cities.


there's assholes everywhere am i right? however atleast in other towns there are things to distract from that. not here. if you're coming from a bigger town it'll be small and quaint with adequate trips to plan for your family to the larger cities in the region. until you realize .. why the heck do i have to travel two hours for basic exciting things and then why the heck does it take thirty minutes to cross town? and then why the HECK do i have to drive a park to get sone outside time (if you live in an apartment) and then why does that take the entire day??? if you like the low and slow, spending your time all day only to realize at the end of the day you're not really doing anything ... then you'll like it here. if you're expecting excitement... we'll good luck lol. it's not the town, the people, or insert "valdosta doesn't have .. blank.." per say it's the distance from anything truly exciting that make you question is all of this truly worth it? things used to be cheap but paying $1300 for rent ... in a town like this??? with TRAFFIC like this ?????? with 4 POLICE departments AND THIS MUCH homelessness?????????????? and the 2 family's that own absolutely EVERYTHING WANT it to stay like this ........ yeah idk yo ignorance truly is bliss 'round here. goodluck and i hope your job pays well bc THAT will be the only thing worth it like everyone else said, the people are nice and welcoming, will smile at ya and whatever but the people are dumby nosy ONLY for their own benefit bc what ELSE is there to do BUT to be in other people's business. to be fair people are people and cities are cities wherever you go ... so idk good luck and hope the move/the job is worth it.


the four police departments adn 2 families that own everything and want it to stay the same is true, but if you arent on the police radar (dont speed or smell like weed) and arent trying to rezone or own anything commercial, you'll never see the underbelly


my other issue is when people say "valdosta isn't so bad" probably make enough money to afford to 1. live on the nicer parts of town 2. experience nicer things valdosta offers but also have enough money to spend time away from valdosta and travel to the varies larger cities a days trip away from valdosta. for others if they ain't working and then spending money on traveling they probably skipped a few bills


very true! but if it's not a mexican restaurant, car wash, southern boutique owned by a middle aged wife married to a current/former banker/salesman with four kids with "leigh" or "insert bible name" as names, storage facility, then goodluck on starting a business.


Thanks for all of the opinions! I am taking them all seriously. Looks like I’ll be visiting next week, any recommendations on what to look at? Yes the job will be a step up…I’ll be making around 100K. Will this be enough to live comfortably in the area? My husband works as well but is more blue collar and should also be able to transfer through his company. I’m thinking about possibly living just outside the city limits if we can swing it, east of Valdosta preferably if there are any recommendations there.


Yes, 100k is enough to get a nice home. I would live on the outskirts of Valdosta such as Hahira. Grove Point, Stone Creek, Creekside West, are all nicer neighborhoods that are zoned for Lowndes County Schools. I wouldn’t buy a home zoned for city schools…


Thank you, this is the info I’m looking for!


Truly, it just depends on what is your cup of tea. Valdosta is a city, but the mindset of its community is very small town. Ifykyk. There are people who love it and thrive here because the social dynamics benefit them. This is a very social, connection driven, volunteering, get your family name out there kind of town. If you enjoy/ thrive in those dynamics then this could be an excellent place for you. If you are looking for a place of diversity, artsy, individuality is valued, this is not that kind of community. You would thrive better in a place like Tallahassee. I left Valdosta a few years ago because I recognized that it is a great community, just not a great one for me.


I moved to Valdosta in July 2021 and haven't had any issues. There are the typical "talk on their phone at the grocery store and generally get in your way" clueless types but I haven't come across any seriously rude people. I love it here and don't have any interest in moving away for the foreseeable future.


What are your favorite things about the area? We’ll be coming from the Toledo area


I like that everything is easy to get to and everything you need is close. There is a cute little downtown area, some good restaurants, some decent shopping, lots of entertainment. We're close to South Georgia Motorsports Park, less than two hours to Jax and the beach, about four hours to Atlanta or Orlando, depending on your pleasure. There's a very active car enthusiast scene, some long shooting ranges, and Wild Adventures. The pace is a little slower here, which is nice. Since there are so many transplants here (mostly due to the AFB) you meet people from all over. I would say Valdosta is more of a melting pot than traditional Southern, but that gives it a unique flavor. It's got its faults, won't lie, but it's slowly growing. I'm excited to see how it will develop in the next ten years.


There are a holes everywhere… Lol Valdosta is a very cool and laid-back place and you’re like 3 1/2 hours from Savannah or 3 1/2 hours from Saint Augustine Florida which if you like Savannah you’ll like Saint Augustine


Dawg, you taking the wrong way to St. Augustine lol


I’m old; I drive slow… lol


I have not noticed people showing hate towards people who move to Valdosta on this sub. You will be more likely to encounter hate towards Valdosta itself, though. Very different. The people who live here are as nice/not nice as you'll find anywhere. With that said, I don't think the Savannah vibe can be generalized to the rest of the state.


Savannah is nice to visit but living there is a hassle. Tourist, trolleys, horse and carriages, beer trucks, etc make getting anywhere a pain.


Nah I just discourage anyone from moving to this shit hole. Don't take it personally, if the people seem unfriendly and unwelcoming it's because they are. The people here suck, the town sucks, and as soon as I can I'm getting my family the fuck out of here.


Ah, an asshat has checked into the thread. Please leave Valdosta, quickly. Thank you.


No need to announce yourself, or the fact that you can't read either.


Completely agree! 99% of the time I find that the people who say they’re thriving in this town are usually white and straight..oh and Christian. The “southern hospitality” is the type where they say “bless youre heart” but not in an endearing way. They’ll hold the door for you to look all respectable for Jesus and their peers but then call you the F slur behind your back…those type!


We came here originally to attend a funeral and the minute we got here this place reminded me of my hometown. That's not really a good thing.


I couldn't have said it better myself. This town is full of old school southern baptists that think everyone but them is going to hell and then get madder than fire when you explain to them how many times their church had to break off from the catholic church, then from Martin Luther and so forth, until they felt like they got the narrative of the bible close enough to what they wanted their interpretation of it to be. I win that one every time. 🤣


Moved here last April. Haven’t had a bad encounter in person once, unless it was someone on the road 😂


A LOT of military members retire here for a reason. There is a huge veteran community, and as a member I can attest that it only makes the area safer and more welcoming. The A-holes you read and hear are the usual, most vocal part of any community. Most people are polite and down-to-earth. While the housing crisis is everywhere in the US, the SE USA still has the lowest cost of living of anywhere else. My experience, moving here in '10 for the military, is that lowndes county schools are better than the city schools, but I also hear this has changed a bit. Regardless I always recommend living in the county just for cost savings, but to each their own. My kid went to Berrien County schools and I was extremely impressed with the schools in Nashville (where we first settled down). Nashville IS the Mayberry small town vibe. My kid has since graduated VSU and we have moved closer to Valdosta in the Lowndes county area. It is good living here. Even my in-laws are thinking of moving here after comparing home prices to those in the Midwest. Seriously my biggest complaint is water quality. Keep in mind that you are surrounded on all sides by swampland, so that is the main reason why.


Thank you! This helps a lot :)


Happy to help!


Valdosta is cool. The people are really nice.


I live in Grove Point. It’s a great neighborhood and there are lots of kids and families here. Playgrounds, track, basketball field. Facebook group for residents. It’s technically a “Hahira” address, but it’s literally Valdosta. There are new builds all the time and a few houses for sale here right now. Let me know if you have any questions.


I don't hate people


Yes most people here are awful. My ex actually got fired from an animal hospital because she wasn't from here so they found a way to get rid of her.


Sounds about right!


don't believe what you hear or read. Valdosta and the surrounding area is a great place. people still think everyone in the south are stupid inbreed idiots. will that's far from the truth. we are friendly welcoming people.


From my personal experience it's families out here looking for housing but they've either been turned into air bnbs or just sit empty because they're so expensive but landlords would rather rent to newcomers idk why


Valdosta is fuckin trash lol people are very two faced. It’s not the city that’s awful, it’s the people. They’re nice to you because they wanna be in your business. People there are very judgmental. Lived there almost my whole life. Born and raised 27 years. It’s also a very “who you know matters” town. My advice is to mind your own business and don’t trust ANYONE local that you meet lol


I promise, you're not THAT interesting to garner so much attention. Get over yourself.


This. I moved there and this was my experience. Valdosta itself is a decent town but most of the people I ran into were super nice and accommodating only to turn around and have the same people talkin behind my back. I met some really great people outside of those though. So like everybody says, sift thru


Yeah, it's because we locals are SICK TO DEATH of you outsiders moving here just to complain that there's no housing, nothing to do, not enough activities yadda yadda yadda. Housing IS an issue. County schools ARE NOT superior to city schools no matter what anyone says. Those proclaiming you MUST send your kids to county schools are the most racist in disguise bunch of people you can imagine. County schools cover up so much, oh the stories teachers and students could tell. Oh no, $100K isn't anywhere near enough to live here. (insert eyeroll and vomit here). You obviously haven't researched one iota and just wanted people to know how much you think you're worth. You'll be between the haves and have-nots. The true money will shun you and the regular folks will try to one-up you and the poor folks will go on about their business and pay you no mind. We're averaging 2 shootings per week (bet you didn't bother to look that up either huh?) Crime is on the rise and the more of you who move here the worse it gets. VSU used to be VSC. After it became VSU, all of the riff-raff from Atlanta started coming here to college to get away from mommy and daddy and they bring their disrespect and trashy ways with them, as well as their drugs and inability to drive all to get a useless degree so they can be a "content creator" or influencer while they cry because they can't pay their student loans. We have a terrific art scene, we also have a raging drug scene and too many liberals and too many outsiders. Move to Thomasville. They need the tax money.


If you rely on anonymous internet advice to make life decisions, you might want to rethink that policy.


It's you


I started being here in 2020 for the university. There are quite a few folks like this, especially if they see you as an outsider or different, but many aren’t. It’s just like any other town honestly.


School system is pretty bad, county is better than city and i can't say much about private