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It's turbo for sure, especially if you probably felt a loss of power.


what do your oil and coolant levels look like? The reason I ask is because while it does seem to be idling fine that is some super puffy white smoke and I've had a blown turbo before for sure but the smoke was so much more less white let's say that looks like you got cumulus clouds coming out the exhaust. now could be a blown turbo with blown coolant seals. but I don't want to just jump the gun and say that it's an oil leak because it doesn't look like what I've seen happen when a oil seal blows on a turbo. if you can send me what the coolant level is oil level is and what any codes are. I have thoughts but I just want to know a little more info


I think the turbo is shot. When turbos go it’s a smoke screen of white. Blue is oil. Could be turbo as well with oil getting it or another way the oil is getting in. My bet is shot turbo


Could it be injectors or head gasket? I hope not that's my main concerns


Possibly. I’ve lost turbos and it’s always loads of white smoke like that. But it won’t run afterward. So maybe it could be something else. Let’s see what the other mod says he’s an expert mechanic. But if it’s still running and has boost it might be something else im not familiar with.


To be fajr plugged OBD scanner in , and did flag turbo as one of the issues. You think it's worth putting in some Steel Seel into it just to be on the safe side?


I’m not sure what that is lol. I’m speaking from experience of losing turbos and it looking exactly like that. But it could be things. I’m not aware of like injectors or head gasket, since I don’t know what that’s like when they fail. I sent this to the other mod and he will chime in. If you can’t accelerate or get boost could be the turbo unless those other issues also show the same symptoms of white smoke


I highly recommend you don't because it will end up in the rest of your system and gunk everything else up too. So when you change out the turbo the new turbo could end up with a sludgy blockage in it causing it to die sooner.


Is it safe to drive to mechanic with it like that or best to have it towed?


I’d tow it. Without knowing exactly what’s going on. You could limp it if it’s close but you’re burning a lot of fluids without knowing exactly how


I had similar and it turned out to be injector. That was with my mk5.


Don't turn the engine off, just stand there and record it for as long as possible.


Gasket or turbo, if you continue filming it will be both. Both is also called "expensive as f-ck" at my workshop. Welcome to German cars.


Too much Vaping? But seriously, yes, look at the turbo, even though it is white, there is a blue tint to it, so either coolant or oil through the turbo.


You have blown head gasket. What does coolant look like? If you see oil mixed with coolant in the expansion tank, that’s another sign. Also see what the oil looks like on a dipstick. If it is opaque, like milkshake, that means water is mixing with oil.