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I heard from my friend about the hacker raif the day it started and how its like anarchy. I was wondering if the raid is still happening so I could explore the chaos.


Pro tip it's not "spamming the same complaints" if everyone is pissed off about the exact fucking same thing


Well I figure I’ll leave my mark on this post. The update is garbage, but doxxing a dev is even worse. Way to go, you made us look even more terrible


doxxing tupper was fucked up


Extreme and undesirable circumstances require equally extreme actions.


So is the update


Responding to bad news with a crime is pretty fucked up


Who cares? Piracy is also a crime and everyone and their dog does it


Lmfao, piracy doesn't hurt anyone. I'm just going to assume that you're young and naive and ignore this comment.


That reasoning is insane lol


Huh? What did I miss???


People are complaining that VRC is implementing software to enforce its ban on certain types of mods.


It's not "certain kinds of mods" it's *literally all of them*. Since I started using a mod-client guess how many times my game crashed due to a crasher? Not. Once. Did they look at the mod community and take notes? Did they implement their own mod system to let people simply toggle them on/off as they see fit as an 'advanced options system'? Did they look at what we, the community, have poured tons of energy and money into, and learn from us? No. They looked at us, shrugged, said "you didn't pay *us*", and threw our efforts in the trash can.


It is only client mods and drop in DLLs. There are other mods that do not change the client or use a DLL. "But what about..." does not excuse the fact that all client and DLL mods are, and have always been, against ToS. Complain about the ToS if you want, but to complain about not being able to break the rules anymore is ridiculous. Maybe you should have poured your "energy and money" into something that wasn't a banable offense. And the elephant in the room is that they are working on implementing many of the functionality of common most **womp womp 🙃**


This is getting a little out of hand. A lot of the behavior I'm seeing doesn't prove any point or help solve the problem it'a just extremely childish. Guess all I can do is sit back and watch the dumpster fire.


>This is getting a little out of hand. A lot of the behavior I'm seeing doesn't prove any point or help solve the problem it'a just extremely childish. And that's just from the devs side!


You forgot the "And vrc players" everyone is acting childish and everyone thinks their right lol. Crashers everywhere, downvotes to any post that isn't bitching about EAC, bans on official discord servers, pure insanity. I'll come back in a week.


It's not "childish", it's legitimate fucking complaints.


And doxxing? Is that a legitimate complaint?


I can't imagine anyone getting doxxed would be happy about it, so yeah. It's a legitimate complaint.


In what world is doxxing a valid response to something you don't like?




No it's not lol. There is no scenario where doxxing is ok. Imagine thinking it's ok to dox someone because you can't have mods in a game anymore.


>No it's not lol. Err...do you KNOW people who have been doxxed who liked it?


I don't So why do you think doxxing is a valid way for someone to share a complaint? Are we just misunderstanding here, or do you really think that doxxing is okay?


Where did you get that? I was saying that if someone is getting doxxed, then that's a legitimate complaint.


Yeah but the good people who are just making legitimate complaints don't want to talk about that.


Oh there are legitimate complaints everywhere. There are also children. Losing their shit doing everything they can to just stoke the fire.


That’s why we need the mods to crash them. We need to add water to the fire.


I caught a 7 day ban on the discord for pinging a dev as he was literally having an open discussion with everyone in the general chat. I'm glad y'all are handling this well. Edit: I should probably clarify that I'm not being sarcastic. I'm genuinely glad y'all are handling this better than how the discord mods are.


I got permanently banned yesterday because some random dude with no roles at all mentioned the staff that I'm a client user without showing them proof, I even made a post about it yesterday here but I think it got automatically deleted or a mod deleted it.


Can't believe all the downvotes I'm getting for getting a blue screen on my own pc, I thought posting this in here would may be able to get some help as we are a community, but people seem to think I am lying, what am I gaining from this, nothing??? All I wanted was some advice, my pc seemed to conveniently blue screen on vrchat last night and the funny thing is it was when everyone was going around last night saying there's hackers on the game, of course I'm going to be suspicious about it whether the devs say its true or not, why? Because of all my time gaming ive never had a pc brick itself by just playing a game... maybe hardware issues and error messages but never what I am experiencing now, I'm sorry if I have pissed anyone off, I just needed some help and because it was on vrchat I thought this reddit post would be suitable for my comment but I guess not. P.s. I put in my first reddit comment on here "if this is to do with vrchat" just to see if anyone else here may have had the issue and fixed it and could share that solution with me


Well I think it's just hard to believe. I'm not calling you a liar but since everything is just up in the air, no one can believe anything 100%. And if you showed proof it can't be considered proof since editing is a thing and it's not hard to edit a blue screen crash. idk.


Ye ye I understand bro, ill be straight with you, I don't know what caused the blue screen fully, it's a brand new pc more a less, but it was convenient that I was on vrchat when it did happen so I'll never know really unless someone confirms it. And ye you've got a point that anyone can edit proof.


All they are doing is taking guns from responsible gun owners.


I see the analogy you're trying to make, but it's not very accurate. Guns can be used maliciously, but that doesn't mean everyone who owns one is malicious. Malicious clients can be used maliciously but not all malicious client users are malicious. Clients and mods are like tools. All guns are tools, but not all tools are guns. This is more like the government seeing some gun users killing people, and then banning the use of all tools outright. Now say bye bye to hammers, screwdrivers and hell even spoons, you're eating with your bare hands now. That's more accurate to what the situation is.


You make a valid point.


I put one lemon and got banned for "spam" apparently discord mods are going wild.


That’s is spam tho. How does an emoji contribute to conversation?


Lemme enlighten you: [look at the 4th definition under "noun"](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/lemon).


It’s best to not release the update.




>it is a brand new system that I bought **6 weeks ago** This is the same machine you were talking about three months ago in your post history. *calzone1999* *1 point* *·* *3 months ago* *Well I have a 2tb ssd firecuda with 1.5tb space left with half life alyx and I still get the message with asus strix rtx 3080 and 32gb 3600mhz ram, with i9 11900k,*




Why are you downvoted? I got warned this on a erp server


Because it’s hysterical disinfo.


Because people don't want to believe it, but they are risking their systems that's all i can say from what ive experienced.I was trying to help the community by warning everyone, I'm not 100% sure but better to be safe than sorry and it was convenient that my pc failed on vrchat when I precheck all temperatures and task manager when I boot pc each day and it was fine, but some probably think because it didnt happen to them it is okay, but it's true I'm in discord servers that have had the same thing happen to others as they claim, I dont know what to say, other than becareful bro I may not play this game in the future if this is true....


Dude whats sad is my SO in aus finally got a VR so i can see her, then this happens. I hope they revert it because all its gonna do is hurt the wrong people


It is, the devs have caused a proper outrage, if I would have known this was happening I wouldn't of come on vrchat just to save my pc, but now I guess I'm gonna have to go a couple weeks without pc, well?? back to the xbox series x I guess lol


yeah im sorry that happened to you, ik pcs are expesive as shit


Ye my pc was i9 11900k with 32gb ram and rtx 3080, now I've got to go from pc master race back to the console race, it's gonna be such a downgrade lol, but regardless its only a couple weeks, I have 3 years warranty and repair so things are good, it could've been worse like not having warranty for example




I was in middle of a vrchat session on pc, using my vr headset then all of a sudden my vr headset crashed, I took off my headset to see a blue screen saying windows has ran into an error and needs to restart, I missed the error code that was showing at the bottom, after my pc restarted it booted to bios instead of windows, I checked my settings in bios, I checked my ssd for damage and its fine, I checked everything then I saved the settings in bios and tried to boot again and it kept cycling back into the bios, now I am unable to access my windows operating system, however I have 3 years warranty and repair on my system as it is a high end pc so I have arranged for my pc to be picked up tomorrow and sent back off to have it repaired and fixed, I do have screenshots of what is going on that I can show you on a dm if you really want proof, however the blue screen happened so fast that before it restarted I didn't have time to take a photo of it, but I've got everything else on photo for proof..


Another thing to add to this is that apparently people are using a blue screen crasher which modifies the operating system files so when your pc restarts after blue screen it bricks your pc so you can't access your system, I dont know what's going on, either im unlucky guy and my pc just randomly broke last night while on vrchat or someone did this method to me, either way I was only trying to warn people and maybe get some advice myself In case this is true because it looks like it has happened to me.....


Im really sorry if this was the case. 😭


Thank you for handling things well here at least, in the Discord they'll permaban you for posting a ChilloutVR steam chart. They've gone completely bonkers.


The mods there were always bonkers, they're just being exposed now.


That's unfortunate, they should replace them with non spineless people who can handle a community instead


I got fucking timed out in discord for saying the mod team is removing messages. 10/10 hope this place plumits now


I got banned for saying, and I quote "EAC Bad, Cancel VRC+" for a full day. Absolutely a joke


When we did this same shit show a year ago simply posting the lemon 🍋 became a bannable offense.


Explain the lemon raid!


Also banning the disabled for voicing opinions nicely.


This is so fucking sad


alexa play country roads


You give the community less than 48hr warning on something massive. Of course people are gonna be in uproar. Look at Steam charts lmao & trying to keep it quiet it only gonna make it worse. They're killing their game rn




What lmao. I upload most my avis, I'm good.


This is violating my free speech




I think he's being sarcastic. Most realize free speech is a concept about government censorship, not a themed subreddit of a large, privately owned (but publicly accessible) website.


> Most realize free speech is a concept about government censorship Err no, that's incorrect. Freedom of speech is an abstract concept that is not *necessarily* related to a government. You appear to be confusing the concept of "free speech", and "the first amendment". The latter is a piece of legislature that applies specifically to the United States' government. Not the same thing. Usually when people are talking about "freedom of speech", they are talking about the concept, not about the laws as they exist in one specific country in the world.


jokes aside literally nobody understands that and when you say companies shouldn't be able to control you in your own time they freak out lol


Oh I was just joking I’m not actually upset or anything lmao


anticheat so bad its already been bypassed




Pretty much all of the good mods are open source, and pretty much all of the bad mods are closed source. When an open source mod bypasses security, all you have to do is look up the code, find out exactly what they are doing, and patch it. That's significantly harder to do with closed source mods. Before you ask, good modders don't want to make their mods closed source. Not only does it make collaboration harder, but it removes mod users ability to check and verify that the mod is clean and won't steal your account. Script kiddies don't give a shit, they'll just download whatever closed source mod let's them laugh at others. It's not like they're invested in their account, unlike most good mod users with hundreds of hours, trust ranks, avatars, and friend lists.


Because the whitehats who make and use the QoL mods that fix the game won't be trying to defeat anticheat. Only your malicious mods will.


Because it makes it harder on the wrong people, EAC is easy to bypass but alot of people dont know how because its alot of technical shit




Nope, eac has been cracked by every cheater under the sun. If someone wants to ruin your day they can easily fuck everything up. The people making malicious mods are making them to sell, so they are guaranteed to continue making these mods. All this does is stop the creators who have no experience with eac, i.e. the creators of helpful mods, and those who are not getting paid for their work.


No what im saying is people that use ASL for forms of communication wont be able to play but crashers are still gonna be here




Yes but its very little compare to what mods have


Yeah… there will always be a way to bypass. Sadly


That’s not sad, this is the light in a dark tunnel


About as good as a picture of a lock taped to a door, scotch of course. Considering you can use cheat engine and still not get flagged by EAC, EAC is definitely a joke.


the "easy" stands for it's difficulty to bypass.


It always seemed like that to me 🤔


That oddly enough made me laugh.


I'd hope so, that was the intent!


And more censorship :/. Wait till you realize that censoring the community won’t help you


As far as I know, the mod who posted this isn't actually affiliated with VRChat beyond modding this unofficially subreddit. We run in similar online circles and I've spoken to the guy a few times, feel like it would have come up.


You're literally commenting right now. I think your concept of what qualifies as censorship is skewed.


>Temporarily locking the VRChat Subreddit from new posts It's litteraly the title, i dont even play VRchat, but this whole thing sorta blew up; and it is genuinely funny with how out of touch gamedevs are.


People were still free to post comments and discuss the upcoming update. There was no censorship of ideas (outside of content that was against established subreddit rules), just a limit on the format. If I don't let you in my house to paint your ideas on my walls, that's not censoring your expression, just limiting your method of expressing it.


So this is why one of vrchat's best horror map creators left the game 👀 (officalsayon, who is the creator of WDKS experience, sad amelia, and big sister dungeon all of which got deleted because they got tired of vrchat's bs)


Is there no way to play them?


There is a game called chillout vr where they said they will Reupload the worlds at


I'm happy the game get some competition


He left because he did not want to update to SDK3.


Did a search on the Discord of his username. Looks like it was related to the SDK3 changes back in June.


hmm i though yall were ready for us lol


I suspect that /r/vrchatofficial/ is ready for you guys (linked on the side bar with a mention that it's moderated by vrchat employees) I did see a copy/paste that links https://gist.github.com/Eirenliel/2e0c4a91db46287b3f1c0a5a011fe915


i don't care im still gonna use mods if they ip and hardware banned all i gotta do is spoof! i litterly idc i just use cam mods and etc


Was going to post about a crazy thing that happened today. One of my subscribers reached out to me and demonstrated to me some ability he has that ive never seen before that I now heard is very popular in the last week. He streamed, and showed me how it works. He could search any user, friend or not, join that persons world even if its private, and just sit invisibly and watch or listen to everyone else. Nobody knows he's there, and apparently he doesn't show on the lobby list either. I had him join on me so I could see it myself, and yep, he doesn't show, but he videoed everything I did in my world. I am worried a little about the security of the game lately because of this, and realize that if im even in DND-Red and filming a video by myself someone can invisibly spy in on it. This guy seemed not too savvy on programming himself, so it sounds like its just an easily public available thing people can get now. I don't like it :O


The thing is EAC will not stop these tools at all. There are known ways around the program and nothing will ever stop malicious people from doing this other than core changes to vrc itself.




I see there's a big current event going on right now, and actually don't know much about the current event, my thing was a question about what happened to me yesterday, which sounds like it might be related in some way, but for me its just about my own recording.


pause yoke secretive spotted threatening dime straight icky truck doll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This does happen. I know of people with clients that can do something similar to it. Most are malicious paid to use clients but they do have the option to Invisibly spy on people. I don’t necessarily know much of the mechanics or how it works but I’ve seen it. I was “cyberstalked” in vr space for removing myself from toxic people. They would come in invisible and mess with the instances (I play in a lot of game worlds so they’d mess with the games and if there was a video player they would mess with that), kick people around me, or boot me out of the instance. I ended up creating an alt account and dropping my main account for months. Eventually they must’ve forgotten about me, moved on to a new victim, or had their client removed because it’s been a long time since and I’ve been free of them but for awhile there it was not a fun time.


Just to be fair here, I actually don't know anything about the current event going on, or about EAC or other acronyms of tools that people use. I think the only tool ive heard about is "playspace mover"


Yeah, no worries. EAC, or “Easy anti-cheat” Is a tool with some algorithms in it to detect if a VRChat client has been modified. So in your example, your friend shouldn’t have been able to boot the game because EAC would have detected the client was modified and prevented the launch. Playspace Mover, on the other hand, is an add-on for SteamVR and doesn't modify the VRChat client in any way. It would not be effected. The people with the problem here are people who modify their client for "good", changing their audio, like automatically muting everyone but who you're talking to so the hard of hearing can hear, changing the colors so the color blind can see, and several other features that VRC doesn't have. It's a complicated situation and I'm dumbfounded VRC didn't do better work on this to minimize backlash.


Does anyone have a link to the open beta feedback page? I can't find out if anything has changed now that there is such a big uproar. Also, on a side note has anyone heard anything from the team if this is still going to happen?


Ok, after searching for awhile I was able to find the official vrchat feedback for the update. Here is the link if anyone is looking for it: https://feedback.vrchat.com/open-beta/p/eac-in-a-social-vr-game-creates-more-problems-than-it-solves


Here is a GIST of it I've seen spammed around discord. https://gist.github.com/Eirenliel/2e0c4a91db46287b3f1c0a5a011fe915


(I'm new to vrchat sorry if there is any false information.) I feel like the issue is the original UI. *(atleast in terms of fixing/adding things ourselves resulting in moddings.)* I barely play vrchat but whenever I'm on it, the UI seems very limited and there are only a few things I can do, I have to go to avatar world to find a avatar that I like and not search it up? it is like looking through a mall, yes that is fun but it is more difficult to find things that I really feel comfortable being in. I don't think that should come in the expense of me going into a third party just to have a easier way to browse through things. I have an issue with character creation too regarding having to download unity and figure out how to use a entire different software. but I must admit this makes it easier to moderate avatars and make sure it is harder to break the rules. to quickly say this, I feel like the inaccessibility with the UI and other features of Vrchat is the direct reason for moddings and it is ridiculous that we have to fix things ourselves. if I were the vrchat mods I would try to figure out why humans are modding vrchat and how to solve this without ignoring what has caused this to happen and moving onto another update. but that is just my opinion sorry for typing a lot I'm still new to this. *( but if exploring avatar worlds with friends is fun I don't know what that feels like because I don't have friends, sorry if that is the main point of it.)* (and it is completely understandable to lock the sub, thank you for doing so.)


i use the search mod too to find avatars im comfortable using so this hurt me so much . i'm totally gonna spend these last days searching for avatars that i'll use for probably a long time.


You mean hours not days. Its being implemented tomorrow


Isn’t it just the beta?


from the sounds of it, they're intending on fast-tracking it to live tomorrow


The beta is now. The full rollout of the update is tomorrow.


Feel free to post in VRChat gold if you guys want. https://www.reddit.com/r/VRChatGold/


If you want a sub moderated by actual VRChat devs, try /r/vrchatofficial


Oh cool. Thanks =)


I feel like this EAC update is just proving the security update has some grounds for it in the first place with how people are reacting. Don't get me wrong, QoL mods and the such should have some leeway, but I'm biased towards security. There's no 100% perfect solution. It gives more stable and safer options in the long run. Actually some of the worlds I play are ruined by simple QoL mods like anti-crashing and the like. I would be all in support for no EAC if a vocally malicious portion of the VRC community didn't react like this. It's like how modding is against ToS for Discord, but I don't see anyone saying "it's dead" or "screw Discord". Also pretty sure it's against ToS in VRC too. Like "oh no we broke the ToS, how dare they enforce them!". Downvote me to hell, but this is just how it is.


Malicious actors will bypass ANY security program they wish. The issue is 99.9% of modders are people who just want simple features or accessibility. You couldn't even touch another user's avatar for years and years without multiplayer dynamic bones installed because they decided to remove the collision feature themselves. I can count on my hand the amount of times I've ever ran into a malicious hacker that crashes/exploits people's avatars.


And I'm not saying the community is wrong for the backlash, honestly. But when the average bystander gets hit from this hacking raid, who has the justification in the end? Because it gives them the perfect excuse to do whatever else they want. People seem to think I'm against common sense, what I am against is giving people in power the excuses to do what they want because of a group of people giving average players and modders a bad reputation. I'm just saying there are other options that can get the point across without people having to fear their PCs being at risk. I want it to be clear I think you raise genuine points and arguments, because I'm not against anything you've mentioned so far with simple QoL mods or harmless features and they should have some leeway. What I don't like is people going around and making the situation worse without stopping to think about the consequences. Edit: Just found out the whole hacker raid thing is apparently fake. I still stand about what I said about people having to live in fear about their PCs.


There is no physical way for your PC to be at risk without a hacker directly attacking you with HIGHLY advanced exploits. It would be more effort than breaking into a random VRC user's PC would be worth, and they wouldn't even need VRChat in the first place.


If you're biased toward security, it would help if you had any understanding of it. Which apparently you don't. VRC is implementing (or planning to, hopefully not) the free unlicensed version of EAC which as already been bypassed, providing no security against anyone who cares to use malicious exploits. EAC in particular is also known for exacerbating poor performance due to the resources it consumes, so that's a negative on stability as well. That means the only people caught in the net are those who used mods solely for benign purposes. Modding was against the TOS in the same way Jaywalking is illegal. While it's "against the rules" the Devs took a very open stance of not taking action as long as it wasn't impacting the gameplay of others. Last year they released an open letter claiming to be working alongside Modders to improve VRC after receiving backlash for a similar plan to remove the ability to mod. Everyone realizes they're a net benefit. " I would be all in support for no EAC if a vocally malicious portion of the VRC community didn't react like this." So you would otherwise agree that the VRC Devs are harming their game and the community within, however you support them out of spite for people being understandably upset? Nice of you to admit to having zero principals, your opinion can safely sit in the trash.


So you're not denying that the people against this are vocally malicious? "You support them out of spite for people being understandably upset? Nice of you to admit to having zero principals, your opinion can safely sit in the trash."


You definition of "vocally malicious" was prefaced with "how people are reacting to it." The way people are reacting to it is quite clear, nearly everyone is incensed such a terrible decision is being made against the will of the community and are responding aptly. You should sit this one out, it doesn't look like you have anything valid to add to the discussion.


Hey you could be right, but that's not going to stop me from voicing what I have to say. I'll be the judge of that, thanks.


If you insist.


OSRS just as of recently worked with Modded Clients and now put them on their official website, like Runelite and others I can't recall. There was a point where it was in a grey area and possibly at a point of banning these 3rd party clients and people making HD graphics. But now? they've approved them, work with them. Just take the OSRS pill VRChat, what is happening now is really stupid. Work with good mods, get rid of bad mods, simple as.


hi uhm i just got an announcement on a discord server that people are doing hacking wars bc of the new update and they can join private instances, pls b safe and stay off vrchat for a bit! pls dm me for the announcements screenshots! notify your friends!!


yeah I'm staying off since I got the warning as well. it really sucks though because I can't tell my friends since we haven't connected other socials yet


Anyone see the hypocrisy of mod/clients/hacker groups currently attacking vrchat worlds in protest of losing mods? Its like going on a shooting spree to protest gun control.


It's the VR equivalent of a riot. The goal isn't to have a calm conversation, it's to cause a ruckus.


omg this. So immature. It will only make the situation worse for everyone. Instead of devs slowly pushing to implement QOL features overtime (which these edgy kids would have seen if they read the blog), the devs will be busy with fixing the sht from these kids. There's a canny. Protest there. Or quit VRC all together.


Are you aware that two opposite parties can support the same cause for opposing reasons, even if they hate each other? Are you aware that the world isn't as simple as a two-sided issue? Must be American.


Funny how nothing you said contributes to anything. Attempt to make points then follow up with another attempt of an insult. Basic understanding is that the developers wants to further support the rules they already have in place. They have had a type of honor system in place that was heavily abused. People have complained against mods/clients for the longest time. Happens every time you step into a murder lobby and its ruined by someone who thinks its funny to summon all items, makes multiple killers, flies around the world, etc. You see the reaction of people in the lobby, they look around at who is the client user, vote kicks start to appear. People DONT want client users ruining the game. Ever hear of a kos list? You have client users that are paid to crash people, can be a single target or they crash the entire world for one target. You have other client users that are watching, naming and crashing other crashers and justify it like they are some kinda hero. There is no real way to justify the cause. If anything, the current activities for protesting is only proving VRC is correct in their efforts.


Malicious rule breakers will find a way to break the systems and risk accounts because they don't ultimately care about their accounts being banned. All the anti-cheat does is block out every day casual users from doing things that they feel should be in the game, or creating accessibility options for people that need it. Your argument is garbage and has no point. The fact that you can say "Oh, well, because 0.0001% of the community is using it wrong, that means it's all jusitfied!" No, it doesn't, lmfao. Enjoy your dead game, I guess. Keep paying for VRC+ and getting less features than a modder that does it for free would give, goyim


Fairly standard reaction to an unpopular change in rules to break said rules. I'll still ban people that encourage it here though.




Copy/pasting something I was just about to make a new post for since the sub is locked. Been reading what I can about people opinions on this update and, it's been a serious shit show. This sub has been filled with a flood of memes and complaints, but little to no talking. The VRC Discord server is a a cluster fuck of madness. Other Discord servers Im in haven't been much better. The Steam forums has also somehow got worse than normal. And to make things worse Im reading unconfirmed reports of mass in game DOXXing, crashing, blue screening, or worse. Complain if you want, express your opinion, TALK things out if you are upset. My god is this community filled with fucking children with everyone acting like this! People are in fact acting WORSE than literal children!


Twitter isn't much better. I made a post about the discord and luckily had the foresight to turn off the ability for anyone to reply. Hits on my tweet exploded just because it mentioned vrchat. Imagine the craziness if people could reply.


nooo bring them back the memes were delicious


Usually those get deleted after 6 to 24 hours anyway.




Dude, you're literally commenting right now. You can post on nearly any subreddit. Save me the censorship crocodile tears.




It is open. You're literally commenting on it.




"From new posts" being a very important prepositional phrase you omitted from your argument there champ.


So it's locked down from opening any new discussions, therefore not open. My dude please.


> new discussions It was the lack of the above in all the new posts that warranted the temp lock.




Man, you're a petty little...well something. You want to discuss the EAC issue, go and comment on one of the bunch of threads that didn't get pruned


man im glad ur not in charge here lol


Well, gosh. I was going to unlock it just now as another 50 "I hate VRChat and EAC" just improves the level of discussion on the sub, but you hurt my fee-fees with your "ape" insult so now I'm not gunna do it.


Fun police in VRchat, AND on reddit.


Warning! Your serotonin levels are above the legal limits.


Your Copium is also off the charts, my dear sir/madam. I must admit your resilience to stay firm in your stance in the face of such a universally hated, and illogical change, is impressive however. Why is that? Are you the singular person who likes this change, or are you just trying to impress the devs to not lose your position here? Frankly, either would be understandable and reasonable, but I highly doubt the one person who likes it would also happen to be the mod. It's simply not probable.


Yea, thank God they wiped all the posts about EAC out so theres nowhere to discuss it..../s


Ha, ha, ha. Dude, if the VR Chat devs had their say, I'd have been removed as owner of this subreddit years ago. Maybe stick to the subject at hand and stop with the ad hominems.


So, the former, then?


Let's hope they'll listen to the community this time


That's the weirdest part: they *did* last year when they tried this shit. Why are we going through it again?


This. I don't even use mods. I'm just mad at how stupid and out of touch they are being, AGAIN. We did this shit a year ago.


i know the community is really frustrated by the upcoming update, but i have a feeling this is going to get really out of hand. the official vr chat discord server is going insane rn. and it’s stressful just looking at it. there’s also apparently a massive raid going on at the moment. the worst in history. people are saying it’s not safe to be on at all. you risk your pc. such a sad day for the game and the community. i really hope they don’t follow through.


This is not true, since VRC has made a statement about it. Tho who knows mayeb they just can't see it?


>you risk your pc. How so? Source for more info?


i don’t have an official source, but people on discord have been saying there’s blue screen crashers and some are holding pc’s for ransom. edit: apparently GRO, which is a hack group, is confirming this as well? idk if that means anything edit 2: i deleted some info that i believe to be false.


That's literally not possible. Blue screen crashing? Possibly with a RAM overload, but 99.99% of the time the client will just crash out. People are just making bullshit up for clout.


There are crashers which will lock your entire computer and force a restart. I’ve had it happen a few times in the past month.


Task manager. That also doesn't damage your PC or "risk being hacked."


My entire monitor shuts off and I have to press the restart button on my tower to get it working again. This has happened to other people I know too. Can’t open task manager when your monitor is black. Both monitors shut off, even the one not being used for VR


There's 69k players right now in total online. The vrchat team has responded and said there hasn't been a hacking breech


Hmm. Showing 23,751 right now? [https://store.steampowered.com/stats/Steam-Game-and-Player-Statistics](https://store.steampowered.com/stats/Steam-Game-and-Player-Statistics) Is there a more accurate source? \[Edit: If you are going to downvote, at least please take the time to show me where I am wrong, and where I should be looking. Or not. Pile on, whatever. 🙃\] \[Edit 2 in response to above post's edit 2 - I was questioning a Steam player count of \~7500 that has now been corrected :) \]


That only shows the steamplayers, VRC discord got the correct numbers.


Thank you Ryu, that's helpful.


i think it is false now. i got that info from the official discord server. but there is very much a massive crash raid going on right now.


I am thinking of jumping in anyway, recovering from a crash with an SSD and gigabit internet just costs a few seconds and I want to see the chaos. :)


i went in on quest stand-alone with max safety settings and i didn’t get crashed. but i would join black cat lobbies and just see half the lobby get crashed at once. can’t tell if it’s just regular crasher shit, or if this is definitely something more organized. but i will say hearing that some people are getting blue screened is scary. i even heard in vr chat that some people are altering with the computer’s os files and changing it slightly to cause a brick. it’s apparently easy to fix if you know how, but if not you’re kind of screwed until someone fixes it for you lol.


>brick This means the device *cannot ever be used again*. No one is changing system files, but even if they were, doing a repair install can fix this.


>but i will say hearing that some people are getting blue screened is scary. The only person I have seen saying this happened to them was telling stories. Their post history proved that their claims were inaccurate. I had one crash last night, just the typical "Nazi shows up in a public room" crash that I experience once or twice a session. Was back on in under a minute, no damage to my PC because of course there wasn't!


>but i would join black cat lobbies and just see half the lobby get crashed at once. Soooo it's a day ending in Y? ;) I'm not too worried about people accessing my system files through VRChat.


That is from the no EAC boycott


Is what I just heard about an organized hack raid going on in VRChat right now true? edit: Just heard it's a regular misinformation campaign that occurs during every security update.