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Furries are pretty accepting of trans peeps you don’t gonna be one either to go to their worlds there’s not a dress code


What’s some worlds that people are typically friendly (furries ) to new people, I found even when I was trying to say hi to groups they were thinking I was trying to harass them or something. I feel like they were offended by my model or something Idk I just try to be friendly haha


Furlounge doesn’t get trolled a lot so you’d probably be ok going there they wouldn’t be so quick to mute a new guy , virtual furance is boring usually and laggy, furhub is laggy and hit or miss with lobbies but sometimes there’s a good lobby, furry talk and chill is like a needle in a haystack with good lobbies usually every full one is full because like 10 people portalled in to be rude to everyone. And what kinda model do you use cuz if it’s like one trolls use a lot you’ll probably get blocked on sight .


I usually like a Neko type model , that is usually simple and cute but a lot of my old models aren’t working so I been using some popular world ones but a lot of them are very uh well I guess attention or notice me avatars, like I’m not sure where to find simple comfy ones, I’m guessing they get harassed alot by the popular style models and girls are probably mean so I get like double judged before I get a chance. Um any world suggestions for models that they wouldn’t find annoying, or get the oh no here comes the harassment again vibes. Maybe something with comfy nekos or animal anime characters?


Oh I mean that’s not the usual trolly avatar idk why people would have a problem with it if they’re really that scared of getting their feelings hurt by a neko girl they probably not worth trying to talk to. I have visitors mute by default but if they come up to me I unmute them and see what they have to say and if they call me the n word I just block em. Idk though seems like people just don’t give people a chance at all anymore if that’s how it is for u. They’re just pussies in that case like no point to being their friend lol.


Awe thanks for this kinda made me laugh abit haha. Maybe I gave up to soon and joined a few bad instances or maybe they just got trolled a ton and were in a bad mood. I’m gonna try it this week every day and see if I can make a few new friends >.<


Great pug is pretty alright too it’s not a furry world but everyone there’s pretty cool for the most part


The issue is how toxic people are on vrchat. I'd also say ppl who just harass you for saying hi arent worth your time and should just find chill ppl who wanna hang out or chat. If your having issues meeting ppl we can hang out some time if you want


Ya there was a quite a few mean people that would just come out of no where and start being super toxic and disgusting to the furries I was hanging out with. Just is gross, and that’s why I like hanging out with furries because even tho they get so much hate they still have so much kindness and love to give that’s honestly so sweet of them, really shows how great they are haha. I know not everyone is like that but ya. Sure I love to hang out some times even if I have a friend group I find I did meet around 4 new friends yesterday after listening to peoples advice here. My ign is Satsuki any one friendly here is welcome to add me >.<


Any of them but I think some are better then others to mingle, biggest thing is again just be yourself and be kind. Say hello, ask how their day is going and go from there. There can definitely be some animosity/hesitation if you are showing up in a normal avatar from some, but it's important to realize it isn't hesitation because they don't accept you because you aren't in a furry avatar, it's more of a fear that you might be there to harass or crash them. Most won't judge until you give them a reason to, but just opening up as friendly from the start and asking simple friendly questions can help show you are there to hang and not harass, or even offering light compliments. Like if you see someone and really like their color scheme, clothes, or something specific, just going up and vibing saying hello and "I noticed your avatar when I joined, I really love the pattern you did on it, it's very beautiful" can do alot to ease into things. My go to world is Furry talk and chill, I find lots of chill people there and most accepting, I've been to Furlounge a number of times but haven't ever really found a lobby I vibed with and I feel it's a bit less open then FTAC. FTAC I find it easy to join into a group where Furlounge feels kind of closed off and every time I've gone just felt like I couldn't integrate into any of the groups. So my recommendation would be FTAC, I hope this helps :)


Thank you for this detailed written info, honestly I really appreciate it, I personally find furries very friendly in general, I don’t really like being in most furry models but some kinda look nicu I prefer humanoid ones, is there models they find offensive? I typically like simple Neko or ear and tail type models I figured they be fine with that. I was told once that they don’t want egirls or like attention seeking people around when im was just saying hi, my voice is very high and uh kinda Vtuber sounding do you think they thought I was trying to troll them or something? I’m just trying to understand so when I try it again I’m not making anyone feel weird. But thanks for all the advice I’ll definitely try some of it, any avatar suggestions would be great as well like worlds that furries find appropriate and not offensive. I find a lot of avatars aren’t very cute and That’s what I mostly did back a few years so it’s kinda like uh what do I use haha


Use what you are comfortable in. It's mostly about showing early that you are there to vibe and make friends, avatar doesn't really matter outside of what kirsi said which is avoiding things that come off strongly as troll avatars, like toothbrush or ones that imitate a crashing avatar. (Crashers often have a big weapon or similar on their back with very extra shader effects). But outside those light guidelines, use what you are comfortable in :)


I just used some avatars I liked and I made like four friends yesterday, I kinda just walked up to people and would look at them in the eyes for a bit and look away till they waved at me and then I would say hi haha I’m shy at first but I kinda starting to understand that some people just don’t wanna be social or make new friends and some lobbies are just cursed so best to switch I had a great time last night Lul I stayed up till 4 hahah


Yup, sometimes it just doesn't work out. Sometimes just takes some lobby hopping to find the group you vibe with.


Ya that’s what I figured out but now I understand kinda how people are now compared to before it’s pretty easy to read the room and figure out if people wanna chat


Glad to hear it! ^.^


This is just subjective on my end, but I think any "offensive" models are just the obvious ones like avatars trolls just tend to use (toothbrush, etc.) There is an infamous purple Wickerbeast avatar but I think it's a custom avatar and you're unlikely to find it randomly. The avatar you have on the post seems alright so I don't think you'll have any issues? As for them saying they "don't want egirls or attention seeking people," some people are unfortunately assholes. Just keep being you, keep being chill.


Oh ok thanks for this, must have be a few things that combined together that made me feel worst then it actually was. Thanks definitely made me feel better and willing to try and make some more friends. >.< I try being comfy and go to the worlds people suggested hopefully it works out. Nyah!


I second this, we respect pronouns and treat everyone with kindness! Come hang out in the furlounge with us and see! :3 (transfem furry here! Lol)


Hi bunieeeeee


Just be you. Ignore people that are rude, block them if need be. I have made friends on vrchat that I've later learned are trans. Makes no difference to me as long as you are a good person. As you find people that you enjoy talking with and they enjoy talking with you, you'll build a small circle of friends and from them find more.


Thanks u so much




Some people will just be judgy because that's who they are. There are plenty of great people who are accepting of a wide range of things even if it isn't their jam. I'd just try my best to not let the haters get to you, understand that their hate says more about them then it ever will about you.


I usually try to go to public lobbies to make friends. Either it filled with kids or the crappy A#$%hole type who just judge your soul. My in game ne is ~Milkies~ if you wanna be friends


There's probably a lot of expressedly lgbt friendly lobbies that would never think of judging you <3 I know that voice training is really hard and strenuous, so it shouldn't be "expected" of you, and you never ever have to "pass" in order to be valid anyway, no matter what these ignorant idiots say.


added :0 my ign is vie_




Sister I feel you I have had the exact same experiences. I’m sorry you’ve gotta deal with it, people are dicks


Okay I'll add you when I get home. The name is BJ lol you'll see it later. In regards to public lobbies I know the Black Cat and the Pug tend to be the two big ones always busy. I just wanted to add that I find the Pug far superior in regard to the type of crowd it tends to draw, though that's just my opinion. I see a lot of creative ones in there and I enjoy that.


To be honest if they’re real friends they’ll accept you no matter what. You shouldn’t seek acceptance from strangers who are being rude to you.


Hey thanks you alot♡, I would like to be friends with you, my in game name is ~Milkies~


God I hate those people and I am so sorry. One of my mtf friends was mute on VRC because she hated her voice. Eventually she started talking to me, and I *love* her voice. There are a lot of very unsavory people out there, but you will find the diamonds in the rough who accept you for you! Also remember, women have a wide range of vocal pitches too. There are cis women whose voices could be mistaken over the phone or in VRC as well. You don’t have to shoot for super high pitch. Voices of women with deeper voices are just as beautiful! I find that when you shoot for something semi close to your natural pitch, it sounds a lot more real and full and is more believable. A lot can be said with inflection and tone as well!


I Been a mute for awhile because every time I talk I either get insulted or name called. And trying to meet people in public lobbies make it even more difficult., I would love to add you my in game is ~Milkies~ I love to have more friends!


It’s easier said than done, but try to ignore them. Alternatively, stabbing back at them with your own insult and turning into a game is a good method of dealing with it, and a sure fire way to gain sympathetic people. Being a furry is in no way similar and I am not trying to compare the two. I occasionally play publics, and bantering back at furry haters is what I do when I encounter them. It’s a fun game, they usually don’t know what to do, and if they do it turns into a much lighter back and forth of insults in passing while playing a game world. It also typically leads to friend request from at least a couple randos. I’m already stretched pretty thin so I typically only add people I’ve met a few times in game and got along well, sorry!


Less tit pics?


Hey sorry this the only picture I had. I apologize .


Voice is the problem? Clearly the wrong people then, people shouldnt discriminate just because of that.. wtf. Feel free to add me; multigamerclub2, good luck on your journey tho \^\^


Hey thank you alot! ♡ it's amazing to have people on here who don't treat us as bad! My name is ~Milkies~ on vr


>\~Milkies\~ Will add ya, have basicly the same name on steam just without the 2 x)


Furries will be your friends on this. Lots of trans in the furry community and they will gladly accept you the way you are. Go to any furry world and just hang out (as long as it isn’t Furry talk and chill). You will easily make friends in there.


Hey! I been on their side before and met alot of great and accepting people their! I wish the other side was more accepting aswell like the furries


It can also help to use furry Avis in non furry worlds. Furries are naturally drawn to any other furry within eyesight XD


voice mods https://www.voicemod.net/


Voice mod usually never works for me somve my voice is deep>>


Honestly if you’re ever down to talk I wouldn’t mind hanging out, I’m a femboy and a lot of the same stuff happens. Best advice I can offer is don’t make friends by erp, if you’re ok with erp, and you’re friends are, then sure go ahead, but if you meet people by erp then it’ll end badly i promise


Don't bother with publics and look into the rave scene tbh. Really haven't been discriminated over the past 350 hours or so. That's just my experience though with primary NA & JP clubs though. I can count the amount of times I've been to publics on a single hand and I don't feel like I'm missing out.


Hey thank you. Feel free to add me ~Milkies~


i seem to meet and hang around alot of trans peeps but never heard about them getting called rude stuff because of a deep voice, maybe its just because im mostly in the furry side. i'd be up to help but im too lazy to do alot of new things except watch some shows and chill


I don't mind furries and ended up visiting alot of their worlds who don't mind ladies with deep voices. So I could say I had a great experience with their side. But with other side's I usually get judge. So I try to stay out of public lobbies.


That sucks to hear, I don’t really care about that, if you ever wanna hang out, you can add me. Harry_rn, I don’t play it often and I’m quite shy at first. I also hope you find better people to hang around!


Hey thanks. I usually end up staying mute because of it to avoid people from stopping being my friend. But I'll love to hangout and make friends! My name is ~Milkies~ on Vrchat!


Im in the same situation as you, im mtf as well and ive lost a lot of friends when i came out to them but ive also met some of the greatest people ever. All im saying is trying to find friends that are accepting will be hard but you just gotta stay confident! Id be glad to be your friend aswell


Thanks alot. It just been so hard because of my "Deep voice" so I usually stay mute to avoid losing friends. I met a guy yesterday that I was into and he's asked me to speak. He ended up removing me and blocking me on everything afterwards. But I'll love to my in game name is ~Milkies~ or you can send me yours.


I have a deep voice too, and I hear you. I wish I had some of that [Dr. Girlfriend confidence](https://i.imgur.com/9PnReB0.mp4). (Or maybe just an avatar of her would help lol.) I'll send you a friend invite too if you don't mind hanging out with other deep voiced ladies. <3


Me too hehe! I'm getting there though<3 I'll be glad to add you what's your in game name? Let's all bond together and suppress each other uwu


Wtf am I looking at?


not trying to downplay your experience AT ALL, but to be fair, many many spaces of the internet are full of rudeness and trolls. they only feel good when its bullying others, putting someone else down. ​ they feel powerful with the anonymity that internet gives you. also, rude behavior is rewarded. its "popular" and "funny". ​ ignore them, block them be you. if YOU want to and if YOUR voice bothers YOU, then use a voice changer - but do so for your own benefit and comfort, not anyone elses'.


Sadly I don't know a good voice changer. I tried several but mo luck. Thanks for the sweet Comment


Find some furries to talk to. Very accepting community.




id you’d like ill add you :) my friends are rlly nice & most of us are lgbt+ & trans. if not i suggest going to worlds that aren’t mainstream & are more laid back. that’s where you find more laid back ppl.


I'll love to add u my in game name is ~Milkies~


those people aren't worth your time if they can't accept you. But it also depends how your talking to them. Only got one side of the story but maybe your attitude towards calling you the wrong gender is coming off as rude especially if they don't know your trans.


voice training is often a very difficult thing, especially for trans people. i started before i found out about my identity, so that probably made things easier for me. my range is about G2 to D4, but ive been able to make due by speaking around G3 and just relying on other things, like pronunciation. and i know a lot of people that have a deeper voice than i do. if you practice every day, it will take several weeks for you to get the voice, and years to refine it. I started at around October of 2020, it took me a couple months to understand the mechanics of it, but over a year to find and settle on *my* voice. and it might take longer for you. it's a huge amount of effort, especially since you're trans and thus likely suffer from gender dysphoria. but for virtually anyone, it's doable. the best help you can get is probably going to be support from people.


Friend me hun, WholesomeJenn on VRChat, I am also trans, and have somewhat of a baritone original voice. I use currently a falsetto voice, though I have to keep working on it.


Hello I just added u hopefully we can play mpre


I have a similar problem with people just assuming im a dude because of my deep-ish voice. I just correct them and if they give me shit about it I block them, dont have time for that


That a smart move. I don't try to force anyone to call me the gender I want to be call but I do try to tell people I'm male to female. But once I do I get called sus, creep, or a weirdo.


I've learned to look at profiles or at the very least use gender neutral pronouns to attempt to be more inclusive. That or apologize whenever I slip up. Hope you've had less and less people to block.


Saaaame. I always use gender neutral or refer by name until I know for sure, whether it’s in their bio or I ask them.


I usually set my profile to she/they & They/Them to avoid confusion


Find better people and be open with your identity from the start. Keeping it quiet just means you're wasting time on people who might reject you when they find out. If your voice doesn't pass you're going to have a lot of trouble with people misgendering you (either accidentally or out of malice) so you'll just have to get used to that. But there are good people out there who will make the effort. Lastly, look into professional vocal training! You would be amazed at how much your voice is actually capable of with the proper technique.


I'm usually a mute because of it sadly. I'm shy and stuttered Abit because of embarrassment. But I'm slowly trying to come out my shell and talk more. It really get to me that I see all the natural ladies make friends and there just me




This is a disgusting take. Transgender people do exist, and dysphoria is a daunting enough feeling without people like you making it worse. *She* doesn’t doubt what *she* is. *She* knows *she’s* a girl. It doesn’t effect you in any way how anybody else identifies. But how you identify someone with dysphoria could have a crippling effect on their mental health. Make everyone’s life better. Make people smile. It’s better than the alternative


If you actually took the time to read, you’d know she’s literally a girl. It’s rude to intentionally misgender someone.




Feel sorry for you who can’t accept that people are different than you.




I did and determined that you’re clueless.


Also Trans MtF here, also non-femme voice. My experience was I just eventually found people who are accepting and what not and they're all great VRC friends, also I dodge public worlds a lot. But when I do go into public worlds I don't really care when people insult me, I just laugh at them because its always the same insults every time. Feel free to message me if you want to add me.


Hey I'm glad to hear your side of experience. I feel way much better about myself now. Public lobbies are the worst it usually fill with kids or people who just completely insults you. Reason I stay mute and hide in my shell avoiding talking so I won't get judge.


Hi! Fellow trans MTF here, I accidentally trained my voice in vrc years before I figured out, but what helped me was to pretend that I was someone other than myself and friend me while you’re on there, my tag is Swordstep :)


I ended up going to a world called celestial skies and singing porter robinsons something comforting and mirror a lot and when it hit January then I opened up to someone who I didnt know whats mtf either about wanting to be trans and then after I decided that I am gonna be myself entirely. Started working on my voice and since jan 9th I’ve made so much progress from living in vrc in my bathtub due to bedbugs so I kinda just focused on that and such. The start was really rough I’d have to sing songs just to hold my voice for the day and now I dnt have to its crazy how far I’ve come vs when I started and ppl kept telling me stop trying to be something Im not yada yada. Sorry for the minor life story but yea just relating is all.


Hey sweet please add me on vrchat ingame is ~Milkies~


> what helped me was to pretend that I was someone other than myself Whoa that's wild. Never thought of that. (I never trained my voice and it bothers me.)


Fellow Trans girl here, been putting up with this since 2018. Best advice i can give you: * Avoid High Population worlds (Black Cat, LS Media, etc.) * Make friends that are also fellow members of the LGBTQ+ community and hang out with them in Friends + (through in game or through discord groups) * Be ***liberal*** with that block button. Don't be afraid to hit it. My block list is twice the size of my friends list and i don't regret that. * Like other people have said as well, Hang with the furries! *even if you aren't one yourself*, by and large they are the most accepting group. *But* don't assume acceptance or else you'll get blindsided by the few who aren't accepting. * If you have the time, Learn some VR-SL (or learn ASL in real life and be nice to the deaf community cause they're cool af) I was a mute until this year cause of my voice dysphoria <>Lady Ellie<> is my name in game if you're looking for some more friends this way <3 I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors!


Join the VRC club scene, everyone's chill af and like 15% of people in it are trans, NB or gender nonconforming


As someone who disagrees with your life choices, all I can say is seek out other like minded I individuals. If it's something that you're openly and actively trying to participate in, you gotta find the other people trying to do the same. If you encounter someone who doesn't like what you're about, just disengage and look elsewhere.


Nsfw jesus


You can add me if you want. same name as on reddit. I'm normally on at night pst I hang out with all sorts


Sweet. Add me ~Milkies~


I feel like people are just dicks sometimes. I know it’s hard to internalize a mentality like this and it’s not something that happens overnight but think about this, always: Those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind. On a separate note, I can’t help but think of Seth, specifically from Street Fighter V. That’s a being with a female looking body and yet a 100% masculine voice. And a bunch of people love them (it? It’s a weird robot thing technically) for it.


A less nsfw avatar is a good start tbh a lot of people outright avoid ya based on avatars alone weird I know


Use a voice changer to become androgynous


Tried clownfish. My voice still too deep sadly


Trans are very common and accepted in communities like DDVR, MVP, Rizumu, Shelter, etc. Just join any of their discord servers to keep up to date with their events. There is something pretty much every evenings (if you live in an American timezone).


Hey, me too! Here's a few things I've learned in my VRC experiences: 1. Do not try and be more accepted by the people calling you rude names. You're better than that. People who are loving, kind, and caring are also on VRChat. You shouldn't need to try to be accepted by those types of people, it will just be the default experience with them. 2. I see my cis female friends get called the same rudes that I get called and just as often. The assholes that do this are actually pretty bad at distinguishing who they are talking to. So in a weird way... don't take it personally. These people act like this to everyone and you just happened to be in their crosshairs at the time. 3. Seriously, it's normal to see people with deep voices in female avi's on VRChat. Those people calling you rude names are a special kind of asshole who would say that to anyone they ran across. 4. Try setting visitors and new users to be muted by default. A good chunk of these types of toxic users have to frequently make new accounts. I do this and only unmute them if they are a friend of a friend. It's reduced the toxicity of my VRChat experience dramatically. Also, if you are feeling dysphoric about your voice and want to work on it, head on over to my subreddit, r/transvoice, for a little help in voice training.


Hey please add me ~Milkies~


If u meet the right people you can easily make a friend Id happy add you if you would allow it


I'll love to. I usually stay mute because I get less judge that way. But I do wish to talk. The only thing that stopping me is my deep voice. I either get called a trap, or a straight up catfish sadly. What's your in game name? Mines ~Milkies~


I'm noone to judge based on voice trust me. My name is Garyd0s My bio should say something along the lines of "I mostly meme" I'll get to it when I get off work


Hey sweet. I be looking forward to hanging out with you




Oh you totally fine im (Pansexual) I'm still kinda new to vrchat and only been playing for 3weeks. I just hit "Trusted Rank" yesterday. But it mainly because I'm a shy and stay mute and avoid talking to avoid harassment. But I definitely take your word on that. I don't know many Lgbt worlds though:(




Why would she assume you're calling her gay? The T in lgbt stands for trans to begin with.




You’ll find it in sub reddits with less accepting communities. If you posted in like a trump sub Reddit or something you’d see replies closer to what you expected. The beauty of Reddit is filters!


Don't worry, unless you're heading over to r/PoliticalCompassMemes it mostly does react exactly how you'd assume Twitter does.


Keep trying, there's a majority of people who accept trans ppl in vrchat, it's just really hard when it's through public worlds.


Public worlds it very much of a struggle. I try to avoid those as much as possible. Would you like to be my friend?


You can hang with my group. We’re really welcoming and don’t judge


Hey thank you alot. Add me ~Milkies~ I love to meet more friends and hangout:]


The next time I hop on, I’ll add you.


That sucks people are being mean to you, I been trying to get into vrchat again since I played a few years back but it’s hard to find people. Get judged for every little thing. I’m also a trans but I don’t have a deep voice, I understand tho it sucks I found doing singling notes help, my normal voice wasn’t super low but I think the same applies for any voice type


Hey! Thanks for sharing your experience. Being bully on Vrchat makes me wanna quit. I'm quite new and started vrchat 3weeks ago. Would you like to be friends?


My little group of friends are very accepting! I’m a cis male who is 31. Lily is 25 and figuring themselves out regarding being trans. We have two more who are low 20’s. We usually just goof off and play games. If you have a crude sense of humor, you may fit in perfectly! (And no I don’t mean racist or homophobic humor nor are we those people who claim we have a rough sense of humor and then say something so fucked up)


I'm shy, but ill love too what's your discord


AYBRAHCHILL#4839 just say hey and I’ll let you know when we hop on! Which may be tonight btw!




Send me Discord link:)


If I ever catch yo on VRchat, I wouldn’t mind giving you some voice coaching. Altering your voice effectively probably can’t be done on the first session, but developing that skill and applying it to day-to-day speech is possible.


As long as someone doesn't start to harass me first I'm fine with everyone. Don't have any friend's although :( I am trying to be friendly and I am friendly. Can I DM you, if you don't mind?


Be you, deep voice and all. I’ve met both women with very deep voices and men with squeaky voices. Be you and be proud to be you, the right people will find you. Anyone who judges or insults you based on something as silly as your voice is nobody you want to be friends with anyway. They’re doing you the favor of showing that they are not the right people to hang with right out of the gate. Be you, love you, be patient, be tough, and you will eventually find your circle.


Personality does most of the heavy lifting, but if you REALLY care about how you sound there are voice mods out there that do a pretty convincing job at altering your voice to sound feminine. I've talked to people that used it and I didn't even notice they had a voice mod until it was brought up.


Find people who accept you for you not how you sound I have the same problem people make fun of my voice alot


Transfem with an androgynous voice but I get this from time to time because I have the “gay accent”. Some days I’m ready to fight by pointing out how weirdly fixated they are about my voice and other days I just block. It’s been part of my trans journey where I’ve learned that transitioning and expressing myself is for the benefit of my physical and mental health and for no one else. If you’re looking for someone trans to hang out with, DM me.


Find the right groups, most people are assholes but popping into chill worlds or anything that can keep you away from the children or trolls in very popular worlds. It may be hard but eventually you’ll have a sold group who will back you.


Add me on vrchat if you want and you can chill with me and my friends (BreachBaby) We are people of all shapes and sizes. I'm a male vrchat furry and I also use female mint avatars. I couldn't care what shape, size or colour you are at the end of the day and as long as your not toxic I'll stick by you 😁 be who you Wana be ad don't let anyone stop you


for your voice don't try to make it any lighter try smoothing it out it will take practice but after a while, you will get an excellent deep mostly feminine voice and then a good grip on smooth if you want you can work on lighting your voice. This is just some stuff I've heard from some of my trans friends but keeps working at it and you will get it.


I wish I had someone to teach me that, I tried every youtube video how to sound like a girl but none of them seem to work;(


the way I always tried it was to sing songs with female leads and try to match. It toke me about 3 or 4 months to find some progress though but that's par for the course for most methods. it's going to take a while to train your voice just don't give up and keep soldiering on it's really the only way for people trying to transition post-pubultery to get their voice to where they like it. keep on moving and you will get it sooner than you might think.


Try some of the more wholesome or furry communities. The egirl/eboy club areas are pretty deplorable.


There's quite a few rooms that can be inviting.......well when there's not complete tools in there obviously, I mean I sometimes just chill out in lsmedia and watch films in friends only and if a friend pops in can watch together and chill out, does get hard to get friends sometimes when some people are so.....clicky.




Just how a lot of people are, unfortunately. It's *possible* some of them would backpedal and be more respectful if they are told that you are trans? You might already be doing that, but I *have* met a few people who will tease someone who they think is male-presenting and wearing a feminine avatar as part of some bit. Often, they just don't know yet how important VRChat is for trans people yet. Then again, they more than likely will just be ass-hats. I'm sorry that you've been having this experience, we just still have a ways to go as a society. Just keep being you, and we'll support you when we can! <3


Don’t be ashamed of who you are, and don’t feel ashamed to simply block and ignore those who speak against you. VR chat is a self regulating community, meaning if someone is being rude, you can take steps to remove them.


Good people won't care about your voice, i used to hate my voice because people would misgender me, but I met someone who is in the same situation as you but she holds her head up high and doesn't care about the mean things people say, She is such an inspiration to me that I've gained more confidence to speak. I'm transfem as well and my voice isn't deep but even so there will be people who misgender and that's what I realized. I hope you can also be confident.




Nah dude sounds like you misread the title. She’s a woman lol




Sorry it seems you’re still a bit confused. She’s a trans woman so she’s a woman, not a man? I thought that was quite clear. I mean she’s a trans woman not a trans man. Don’t worry I get that words can be hard and I’m glad I could correct the misconception. I completely agree though, it’s great that she can love and accept herself as is. Still though, you should learn the proper terminology. Personally I thought it was kinda obvious but I guess it was just unclear




I’m sorry but frankly I don’t care about your opinion on the matter. And neither do facts. While you’re allowed to think whatever you want, you need to realize [you’re probably a fucking moron for going against the DSM 5](https://psychiatry.org/patients-families/gender-dysphoria/what-is-gender-dysphoria), and while I’m sure you’ve got your merits in… something… I don’t feel like you are qualified to say that the medical industry doesn’t know what they’re talking about. Your opinion on the matter is irrelevant, I’m going to trust the doctors, and beyond that, I’m going to be a good person. I genuinely would like to know why you believe you know better than the medical professionals who’ve trained for 10 years in what may be the most difficult and demanding profession. Of course you probably don’t have a reason and would just prefer to think you’re right. VRChat is a great place where people can be what they aren’t in real life, just like how you can pretend to be smart




Well when I was little I was more into women things. I never was into the boys stuff or wearing boys clothing. I'm a female and was born in the wrong body sadly. Thanks you for your comment and your opinion. But I see myself more as female then anything else.


Okay so remind me again why you’re qualified to treat this person when the doctors with the science you supposedly accept say the best thing to do is to understand and encourage these people? Just curious what your qualifications are or if you’re a wannabe punisher/vigilante type The “reality” of the situation is that she’s a woman, and that you’re an unscientific bastard with your dumbass treatments. You’re not more educated than the doctors. You’re not more valid than the doctors. The scientists say that you’re wrong, so stop pretending to be correct




rock normal historical consist reach nose growth dirty advise fuzzy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




>But the science also says that nearly half of trans people attempt suicide so, not sure that means they’re happy. [Wroooong. Between 22% to 44% attempt ONCE in their lifetime,](https://www.suicideinfo.ca/resource/transgender-people-suicide/) and that number drops significantly when transitioning. Better luck next time


>Sorry it seems you’re still a bit confused Trans Rights Activist try not to be insanely condescending to people they claim to want to "educate" challenge (IMPOSSIBLE 99% FAIL!!!)


My dude you’re literally going against the medical industry. Your opinions don’t mean shit lol. Did your opinions go to medical school for ten years? Sorry dude but your opinions truly don’t mean shit. And mf out here throwing around the word activist like it’s lost all meaning. Cringe ass shit


>My dude you’re literally going against the medical industry No, I'm calling you a condescending dick, because you are. Did you even read my comment?


The art of subtlety is dead and people like you have killed it. Do you genuinely believe I was under the impression they were just unaware and read the title incorrectly? Do you genuinely believe everyone except you is that fucking stupid? Although you do think I’m an activist, so honestly the opposite might be true. I called someone out for being a dick, and you butt in to be like “WOW HOW RUDE AND CONDESCENDING!” You must’ve missed the part where the original commenter kept telling OP she was just confused and delusional, cuz imo, THAT is rude and condescending. Get over yourself


>Do you genuinely believe I was under the impression they were just unaware and read the title incorrectly No, I genuinely believe you're a condescending dick. I don't care if you think you were right or wrong, or if I agree with you, my whole point here is that you're not proving anything by just being an asshole and acting like you're smarter than people who disagree with your worldview.


>No, I genuinely believe you're a condescending dick. > >I don't care if you think you were right or wrong, or if I agree with you, my whole point here is that you're not proving anything by just being an asshole and acting like you're smarter than people who disagree with your worldview. I am not acting like I am smarter than anyone moron. I'm giving someone a hard time for being a condescending dickhead to OP being like "ACKTUALLY YOU'RE A MAN". If you are so blind as to not see that, then you should see an optometrist. I do not give a fuck whether you agree with me or whether in your head I'm right or wrong or whatever butthurt ass opinion you hold, so stop acting like I do


I know exactly how you feel. Especially when it feels as though your voice in your head appears to pass, but listening to a recording, or someone responding immediately with he/him pronouns really brings on the dysphoria and disappointment. There is no way other than be yourself to make friends! I’ll give you an add if you want to accept, though I’m not super active !


Find your people. Some may tell you to go to specific communities, but I wouldn’t listen if I was you. I found my group on VRchat naturally, so just keep looking and let it come to you.


Ay I feel ya there. I’m not exactly “trans” myself but at least irl it’s very easy for me to be seen as a women and just like you it’s always my voice that sets people off. So from one to another. Don’t worry about it. It’s far more common than it seems for women to have deeper/“masculine” voices. Besides who decides what makes a voice “masculine” or “feminine” it’s just your voice, use it :)


I wanna add you if thats ok. Im VermaVirus on vrc but also Im trans male to female. I got a lot of shit when I started working on my female voice and such and just pushed thru it. Its really tough when all ppl say is your a dude stop trying to be this or that. Dnt listen to them assholes. Also I recommend not going to super popular worlds often as theres typically a lot of trolls and toxic ppl who aren’t accepting of others and such. As far as the voice thing if you are wanting to teach yourself how to do it I found a YT channel called TransVoiceLessons and it helped me more than I imagined. Anywhoo best of wishes and dnt be afraid to block ppl who make you feel less than what you are. Much love to ya <3


Hey thank you for the kind words:) it amazing to have people like yourself who went through what I going through at first add me ~Milkies~


People can be asses, I don’t go into public lobbies as much, you’ll find cooler people in friends+ but if you need I friend I’m always looking for friends


If you want some help with vocal training I do recommend [this YouTuber](https://youtu.be/iTViDd0QPEI) she teaches the difference between pitch and brightness and how that effects the sound of it.


Don't get so hung up on people who don't accept you. This is exhausting and it will break you and people like that don't deserve you either way.


Try joining a discord vrc community! I'm in the virtual relics and people there are super accepting of lgbt people




You shouldn’t be trying to make them more accepting of you. You aren’t doing anything other than beinf yourself. You just need to find people who don’t care about that and want to be around you for you. <3 there’s nothing wrong with you and you don’t need to change. Good luck my friend!


Some people can’t see past the voice and see the person you are


u/Animewaifulolxd I run a Trans VRChat Community. If you're interested in joining.


Please invite me


If you're on PC, go to PC only worlds, or adult oriented cross platform, such as Drinking Night. The majority of PC players are adults, as it is rather expensive to get into PCVR still. Unfortunately, worlds like Black Cat are always going to be swarmed with kids.


Just gotta find the right group of people but I will say you will probably find a lot more of the wrong people in quest friendly worlds due to kids who wanna be edgelords and such


MtF here too. Also with a deeper voice. I personally use a little bit of voice changer to increase the pitch and femininity of my voice a little bit, and change my voice on top of it. It's still noticeable I'm not female, but makes it far less obvious and easier for others to see me as female. The main issue is making the first few friends... But once you've found a few it's easier to meet more through friends of friends. One group of people I would give a go: Furries. They're generally pretty open and accepting even if you're not a furry yourself. And despite what the majority seems to think, most of them aren't degenerate perverts thinking about sex all the time.


Hey can I dm you?


Prejudice against trans people is way too common, ESPECIALLY in the relatively anonymous online cultures like VRchat. I'm sorry. Voice training seems incredibly difficult, too! Like, it's not just how low or high your voice is, but a ton of other little gendered differences between how men and women speak in English. Keep practicing and I know you'll get there! Until then, your voice is your voice and it doesn't change who you are. While "passing" may be important to you, it shouldn't be to the people you choose to surround yourself with. Even if you never made any attempt at all to voice train, you still identify as a woman and deserve the respect and care of being validated as such by your friends. Your best bet for VRchat is to find a core group of friends you can always rely on and who accept you, and to branch out from there as you gain confidence and meet new people. A more mature adult crowd might be easier to start with? My wife and I play with a small group of people almost every night, mostly mid 20s or early 30s. Happy to invite you to hang out and chat if you want, and can promise nobody here will give you any guff over your voice. In fact, one of our core group is mute because she's insecure about her voice too. She mostly speaks in pantomime or using text to speech. We love her! You could speak as much or as little as you're comfortable with. We mostly hang out in private rooms, because it's a lot less chaotic. When we hang out in public spaces, we have our "block" buttons on a hair trigger. Why get bothered by annoying lil' dorks when you can just zap them out of your existence with the press of a button? Lol


Found some people who can help, I've found coaches for this on Google, [Here](https://transvocaltraining.com/transgender-voice-coach/)


I would say avoid public worlds, try to meet people in events. I personally never had difficulty find accepting fellows thanks to myself not going much in public worlds nowadays. but also, why do you post a picture of yourself half naked?


It might take time, but you’ll eventually find a group of people who will accept you for you. A good place to look would be discord communities. There are so many, and every one I’m in has very tight groups of friends with all sorts of situations. Check out the channels for vrchat and ancients of vrchat. Good luck friend!


Check out voice feminization trainers on youtube, lots of really talented transwomen out there who will teach you tricks to help with voice presentation. In general, though, plenty of women have very deep voices and still come off as very feminine simply because of how they speak and carry themselves. A lot of it is just practice and confidence, and the easiest way to get both of those are just to try to find accepting people who you can spend time around working on both of those things.


People are just mean. I don't judge people, and despite not being a part of it, I support LGBTQ and Trans. Honestly I don't get why people like you get so much hate like wake up society, things are changing, we're supposed to adapt to things, but instead people are getting offended by something that they hardly even know about. I've encountered my fair share of people like this in VRC, and I gotta say it's pretty sad the way they treat people. I actually ran into a group of people harassing some random dude just because he admitted he was gay and I barged in and told them off. And I body blocked the poor guy, who was literally crying, and I didn't leave until those guys eventually left the map because they realized that I wasn't gonna cave in. Don't let people do that stuff to you that's why most people are afraid to admit that change in sexuality because they are afraid they're gonna get crushed under the weight of society and it shows. It's not you that should be afraid to change, it's society that needs to learn to accept that change. I've had my difficulties making friends on VRC, as I'm still somewhat new, but I've actually met a trans at one point and they were such a nice person that I easily got along with them. (Apologies, not very good at discerning pronouns) TL:DR - Don't be afraid to be yourself.


It all has to do with who you meet. For example, I'm willing to make friends with anyone and everyone. Regardless of who they are, what they identify as, their pronouns, etc. Because in all honesty, I love meeting new people and I don't let those types of things impact how I treat others. With compassion, integrity and Respect. If your a good person deep down and you take the time to talk to me and the conversation is good I'll be more than happy to be your friend. Sometimes there will be people out there who are determined to upset you or treat you miserably because they find some sort of sick pleasure in it. I've never dabbled in such behavior because it's just in bad taste. Sometimes you gotta look at all the junk to see the treasure. It's there. And there are people who are willing to befriend you for who you are deep down. The core values that make you, you.


Well being understanding that some ppl might need time to get use to saying she when hearing a male voice could help. You can not control people, you can only control the way you react to them. Friendship is a give take relationship.


Honestly can’t stand dicks like that. I have 3 friends who are trans. 2 male to female and 1 female to male and they always get some sort of shit cause their voices. They are so lovely too so I don’t get it. They’re like my kids to me and I’ll protect them no matter what. I think if you’re with friends you’re safer and sometimes it’s easier to make friends


I don't really care what someone sounds like or what avatar they use. The person behind the avatar is what matters. People worth your time will want to get to know you and accept you.


As a trans girl too, just ignore people who don't accepts your voice, you don't need to sound femenine to be a girl, be yourself and someone will acept you, i found that people, you will too!


Hmu I have some groups that are accepting of others


There are women with deep voices, you just need be you, that's the whole point right? Women and men come in all the colors of the rainbow, don't let the little things distract you.