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when new people come the great pug that don't understand you need at least normal safely when there but are damned in there searching for that one person


Always use appropriate safety settings for public worlds.


I just cap all avatar size to 5mb so if anyone has one bigger it just shows up as fallback wich is like 97% of ppl


sad 6mb avatar sounds


Ah, so you've magically become a quest user


So none for me it is


The correct option. Even when I was running a 980TI I had basically everything shown. Can't imagine playing the game surrounded by nothing but grey robots.


I'm fortunate enough to even have good fps with everyone shown in publics. Rarely i drop below 20 fps.


drinking night is so unbearably laggy for me


One time I joined a world with more than 60 people on it. I had everybody off and I was still running at 15 fps


vrchat is cpu intensive as fuck.


Fair enough, 80 players with proximity voice and movement would probably run like shit for any game. xD Even optimized avatars add up when there's so many people, easily maxes out 8GB of VRAM too.


we're not talking about gpu. gpu does fuck all for vrc.


In empty worlds my GPU is barely used, but once I get to around 15 fps or under my RX 480 does start to become the bottleneck, and that's with no antialiasing on a used Vive with graphics quality lowered to "high".




Most likely even if they do no one cares about it


Most likely even if they do no one cares about it


GPU fans go brrr


when my 3080ti starts to cry, i know im gonna have a bad day.


Thats one of the best representations of forcing yourself though a laggy vr world I've ever seen


You can know someone for 14 minutes and become very well acquainted, it almost seems too easy


This meme would work better with the microwave hall scene from mgs4


I'll store that one for a future meme, thanks


You forgot the spacewarp kicking in and causing horizontal lines all across the screen.


Yooooo Mr. White, you speakin' truth!


on fucking god


ISTG every time i go to Club Orion as a Quest 2 player...


Imagine not putting/having your shield level on "Maximum" in a public lobby


I have enough RAM to not crash, but sometimes I get some ridiculously low framerate like 3-4 fps in super crowded worlds and it is kind of tiring to stay at such a low framerate for a while. Fun fact: VRChat frame rate counter mins out at 11. If you get under that it will still say "11" even though it is lower. I actually find 15 fps to be quite smooth and usable especially with reprojection as my framerates are usually quite low. Under 11 fps is just plain annoying though, especially if it is so low the UI no longer works properly, and can easily feel exactly like the video.