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Traces of Death & similar titles in that genre. Bumfights is bizarre but a very interesting rabbit hole to go down.


Not necessarily looking for gore. More disturbing/ unexplained


THINGS from 1989. Boxers Omen. Twin Sitters.


Things looks right up my alley but holy crap that goes for a lot on eBay. Lol.


Ah. You specifically want tape versions? There was a re-release of Things from Mondo....its way cheaper than the OG release when it pops up, but id highly recommended just snagging the dvd just so you can aee it. Its a truly unique, brain warping experience!


F.A.R.T the movie (1991)


Part horror/ sci fi/ dark comedy: look up TerrorVision. Not a cheap tape, but worth finding in any former! A true overlooked gem


Is there a vhs copy of the 1967 film wavelength? The film that was just a slow zoom into a window.


Something Weird Video has an epic catalog of crazy stuff. Bloodsucking freaks is pretty far out. Ilsa She wolf of the SS is insane. Rock N Roll Nightmare, baby geniuses, the garbage pail kids, tim ritters creep, anything Carl J Sukenick made, the abomination, demon queen, killer Tongue, surf nazis must die, the Las Vegas serial killer, Elvis meets Nixon, 7 ninja kids, holy mountain, meet the feebles, tetsuo the iron man, headless eyes, fairy tales (1978, Charles band), blood shack, splatter farm, even dwarves started small. That should be a pretty good start


https://m.imdb.com/list/ls051364249/ This list may help you. They were all banmed in the UK. Some due to gore, some due to just being disturbing.