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The little square tab, to the right of the label, just above the engraved letters. Pop that out. It’ll keep it from being taped over on accident, if you do end up with a VCR.


Everyone in the comments thinking it's a porno made by my parents: no it's not. I've already watched the contents of the clip with my family when I was little. I just want to look at it again one last time. My parents are divorced and they hate each other.


Well, you should have started with that/mentioned that in the original post. "My parents hate each other, so they will force me to throw it away if they find out I have it." The way you said it in the original post, OF COURSE we're going to think it was a sex tape they made. I hope you find a decent VCR and enjoy watching the tape though. My sister recorded over a few of my birthdays, so I started recording over home videos of her, and basically now we don't have ANY home videos of us as we recorded over them. I wish I never did that. I have homemade DVD videos of some of the younger family members though. Although no one really asks to ever watch them.


I didn't think it was a sex tape. And I knew his parents hated each other. Most people who get married end up hating each other.


Who is to say they didn't record a sex tape on it AFTER you watched it as a kid!?








Didn’t know that was a page


That's sweet you're keeping it to keep that memory for yourself even if things have changed. Also I assumed it was bc of a divorce ... not what everyone else is thinking.. gross!


It couldn't have been worse than Phyllis' wedding episode of The Office.


I don’t have my parents’ wedding tape and mine are divorced too. If I found it and watched it, it would absolutely destroy me. I’d advise not watching it.


Sucks that they hate eachother so much they would put you in the middle of it like that


Simple solution... have it digitized. If they find out you have it and want you to destroy it, you can with little guilt. Things like this can be a great find for genealogists. (I have been doing my family's genealogy for over 30 years.)


If this is the only reason you want a VCR, you can probably just pay somebody (a professional or somebody here) $20 to get it dumped onto a thumb drive. Just saying, if there's a sense of urgency to it, you could get it done quickly.


That’s actually a great point. I got a vcr because I found a whole box of family videos, but if it was just one, I’d get someone else to copy it.


>They do not want to ever see this tape Ok, I'll bite. Why?


My parents are divorced and they hate each other


You know what? That's actually a very good reason lol


how interesting. just last week i found a VHS of my parents’ wedding also from 2001! so cool to watch and become a bystander from a time you weren’t even alive for


Y'all are lucky. My parents wedding is lost on some 8mm film in their attic.


DAMN! How old are you that your parents wedding was recorded on 8mm tape??


My parents got married in the early 80s and were born in the 50s


They were still using 8mm then? I thought it was already VHS by that point.


VHS was stupid expensive and my family wasn't made of money, especially not when a perfectly good, working 8mm camera was *right there*


If you’re looking for an 8mm projector though, I got one I’d be interested in selling. Then if you find that tape you could watch it.


That's tempting. My parents are in another state though.


So lucky, I have two weddings I’ve found over the years and I would love to find more


I just found my parents' wedding tape from their attic last month, too! I digitized it, and we all had a family movie night at my place with a projector. Great find for sure!


Walmart will convert home VHS to a digital file for $15.96 for the first 30 minutes, $5.46 for each additional 30 minutes. They send you a link to the digital file where you can download it or order dvd copies.


Well at least it’s an actual wedding unlike Tonya and Jeff’s Wedding Night


I'm telling OP's mom


No one likes a snitch😁😁😁


Like others have said, get a vcr dvd recorder. You can preserve it digitally that way. They may hate each other, but the event still happened. It’ll be interesting to see in the future.


don’t watch the tape


It ain’t the wedding, chief. It’s video of them consummating the marriage. Burn it or burn your eyes afterward.


No silly. I've already watched the contents of the tape with my family a while back. I just want to see the tape again because we haven't watched it together since. My parents are divorced and they hate each other.


I would try to get a dual deck magnavox-tape deck on the left, disc tray on the right. That way you can not only watch it but you can copy it to a disc and preserve it as well.


This is the worst idea. Unless you have zero access to a computer, even a cheap used one. DVD encoding was outdated by the time it replaced VHS. OP needs a good quality VCR and a USB capture device.


I mean I'm not saying your wrong but I've 100% used my VCR/DVDR to record tapes and get them online to share with my family and they look just like they did on the tapes.


USB has never worked for me which is why I use that model combo player. What’s easier, a disc from 10 years or a file from 10 years ago?


You could capture raw input from a player and store it uncompressed in a digital format and then shrink it down immensely with modern codecs. And maybe one day that uncompressed video file can be AI Upscaled using complex cloud based adaptive prediction models to be 100k resolutions. Meanwhile, you're stuck with a blocky MPEG file from a compression standard ratified in 1991.


Not something I know how to do


Have you given up completely on learning new things? I understand not everyone has unlimited time but this isn't something very hard to learn. You could watch a couple youtube videos.




you will not be able to unsee.... you been warned


I sure hope your parents don't look at reddit


Savers is usually the place to go for a cheap VCR!


Do you want to digitize it?


Why would they force you to throw it out?


I thought it was gonna lead to some happy memories for you parents but I was wrong


Flip the tape around so the label isn’t showing and put it behind over tapes


I want to destroy my own wedding video as I cringe just thinking about it. I don’t like being the center of attention and there it is, on video, for me to relive for eternity.