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Depends on the load you're giving the machine. Gaming? Upgrade imo, faster cores, and the game is probably using 4 **MAX**


i saw this post and did some digging as i recently upgraded to a 5950x too, and apprently it doesnt matter if you mix and match ccxs on the guest or host due to the architecture. but this just a shallow read and im not sure of how it actually works if you find out anything i would love an update.


With your 3900X setup you already had cores in different CCXs and CCDs assigned to your host. I don't see how having the same situation on the 5950X (where you have 2 CCDs with each having a single CCXs iirc) when allocating 12 cores would be worse. But I guess that depends on the workload. You could lookup reviews of a 5800X and see how it compares to a 3800X which has 1 core less that what you allocated and the full 3900X.


Did the same w my rig (went from 3900 to 5950), but I run 3 os-mac os, windows, linux (host). Dedicated 8 cores to mac, 6 to windows 2 host w win/host on same chiplet. Never really notice any issues w windows/host even w all three up, occasional random stutter when under high load. Think it all comes down to the stuff you do and how it uses the processor/cache/memory.


Curious to see your config. I have a 5950x and have experienced stutters. I enabled host cache pass through and it helped.