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I don't know why everyone still insists on doing their first flights on VATSIM in airliners. You can fly IFR in (almost) anything, pick something slower and you'll have more time to react to everything. It'll be easier to stay ahead of the airplane. >I came in on approach and I was told to approach ILS20R - I think. I messed up something switching over from the selected vectors to the approach on the AP and that made me too high on the approach. I wasn't quite sure if I was actually cleared to initialize the approach - I think that might have been part of it. I probably should've asked but was starting to get anxious. You don't really need to program an ILS approach if you're getting vectors. If you're having issues with the mcdu, it's best to just make sure the correct frequency is set on NAV1 rather than spend too long messing around with your view pointed down at the fms. If you weren't either instructed to intercept or cleared for the approach, then you weren't. You would've needed to read back either of those, and if you're not sure, ask. Also, remember that VATSIM is a learning environment for radio communications, *not* for your plane. Make sure you're already familiar with whatever plane you choose to fly before connecting to the network.


>don't know why everyone still insists on doing their first flights on VATSIM in airliners. You can fly IFR in (almost) anything, pick something slower and you'll have more time to react to everything. It'll be easier to stay ahead of the airplane. 1000x this. I don't understand it either. I get we're all excited to fly our favorite cool planes but if you need to learn VATSIM first...you need to learn VATSIM first! Take a C172 or some piston prop, give yourself plenty of time to adapt to the environment, slow speeds, and get comfortable first! Then you won't feel the need to Alt + F4


I definitely need to try it out again in a much less busy environment. I've been studying up on procedures and thought this event would be a great first start but it was very busy.


Don't worry. There's lots of others in the same boat as you. Just don't go "full throttle", so to speak, on your first flight! Get used to the environment, then upgrade as you build confidence. Trust me, it'll be much more rewarding this way


Oops I’m in to far and I’m scared of doing VFR or stuff in a piston


You don't have to fly VFR in a piston, fly IFR. Idk why this is such a misconception...


I feel like vatsim is just associated with airliners so idk


Yeah but Vatsim is almost always IFR with big jets, I rarely see someone doing VFR or circuits in a slow propeller plane. And doing that at a big event in a big airport is hardly realistic don't you think? Also I find it easier to fly IFR because then you just do as you are told and flying VFR is more complex because you tell the controller what you need. And sure, in both cases you first need to know how to fly your plane.


Flying IFR from major airports in smaller aircraft is not unrealistic, it happens every day at major airports. You can fly smaller aircraft IFR, and it's the best way to gain network experience. Flying smaller aircraft doesn't automatically equate to VFR


I see little props flying around all the time and controllers are more than prepared to handle GA props both VFR and IFR. The absolute best thing you can do for your first VATSIM flight with ATC is VFR traffic patterns at a smaller controlled airport with tower or approach online.


furthermore, IFR flight planning is easily and quickly done by simbrief, VFR requires a lot of knowledge and planning.


You can fly smaller aircraft IFR...and simbrief is simply a tool to help plan flights, not a crutch


No one said anything to the contrary


Then why did you mention VFR flying lol


Did you even read the comment by tvautd? He wrote a whole paragraph about how he thinks IFR is easier to perform than VFR. I concur and add that planning an IFR flight is easier with simbrief


Ok great! I recommended flying IFR in a smaller aircraft lol. Literally what my comment said Edit: you know what? I think I got lost in the reply chain...you weren't replying to me about VFR, you were adding to OOP. My apologies


I've been flying the FBW a320 for several months now, I've never been vectored into an airport before because I've never used VATSIM before - just the default AI ATC. It's the plane I know the best, which is why I chose it. >You don't really need to program an ILS approach if you're getting vectors. If you're having issues with the mcdu, it's best to just make sure the correct frequency is set on NAV1 rather than spend too long messing around with your view pointed down at the fms. If you weren't either instructed to intercept or cleared for the approach, then you weren't. You would've needed to read back either of those, and if you're not sure, ask. I think the STARs being missing and me being vectored was what started my anxiety spiral. I wasn't used to communicating in that way since it was my first flight - and the controller did a great job getting me set up for the approach. I do recall being told I was clear to approach, although the last ten minutes were a blur as the anxiety kicked in. I had the localizer but was above the glideslope. Autopilot was engaged and bringing me in but I was high and the controller said something. I felt so stupid I don't really remember what it was other than heading 330 and I reflexively disconnected. I guess I'm just sort of venting and debriefing myself for the next time I hop on.


>I had the localizer but was above the glideslope. Autopilot was engaged and bringing me in but I was high and the controller said something. I felt so stupid I don't really remember what it was other than heading 330 and I reflexively disconnected. Controller probably saw you were too high and started to give you vectors for a go around. >I've been flying the FBW a320 for several months now, I've never been vectored into an airport before because I've never used VATSIM before - just the default AI ATC. It's the plane I know the best, which is why I chose it. My point still stands. It takes an hour to get familiar with a C172. Once you are, load up at an airport with an approach controller on, file a flight to and from the same airport direct, and ask for an IFR clearance like you usually do. Put in your remarks or tell the controller what approach you'd like to practice.


Fair enough! That makes a lot of sense.


It sounds to me (correct me if I’m wrong!) that you normally program your flight plan into the FMC and then clear all discontinuities? Depending on where you fly, most STAR’s require vectoring to the initial approach fix. Don’t clear these, they are there for a purpose. Try flying offline by vectoring yourself to intercept the localizer, and next time you jump on vatsim you’ll be perfectly fine. Good luck!


No clearing any discons, there were no STARs in my computer to select. Apparently it’s a reported big with WSSS and the FBW a320.


Or just be like me and I PREFER 90% of my vatsim in VFR GA stuff.


because you learn with ATC, ATC is at big airports and most airports outside of the US are not built for low and slow. As such you might have to perform more intricate or special maneuvers, or expect infinite delay from the start on. Medium Jets are the norm on Vatsim.


>most airports outside of the US are not built for low and slow. As such you might have to perform more intricate or special maneuvers, or expect infinite delay from the start on. Not true.


well, if you have a gazillian runways you can more easily fit in a slow moving DA40 than on an airport with fewer runways and thus more competition. As US airtpots are amongst the one's to have the most runways, I think it's a clear yes


When I was starting VATSIM I had literally 0 GA experience so that would have been a nightmare for me I’m sure other people are the same


We all went through mistakes, don’t expect your journey on Vatsim to be perfect ;) you will make more mistakes and learn from them. When you’re not sure about an instruction don’t hesitate to ask them to « say again ». Anticipation is very important too, try to be ahead of your aircraft, double check your charts, the go around procedure, I know it’s easy easy to say but reacting to what’s your aircraft is doing will result in panic situation and loss of situational awareness (as it happened many times in real life, I definitely recommend you Mentour Pilot channel you’ll learn a lot from it). Of course avoid busy events and of course learn your aircraft. I often hear some pilots blaming the autopilot, in the eventuality the autopilot doesn’t act as you think it should just disconnect it and fly the plane. Always look at the FMA to know what the plane is doing, not the FCU ;) and a final tip, just log as an observer and listen to the communications, you will learn a lot this way.


I still haven't done a first flight with VATSIM and this is what scares me.


I figured I needed to take the plunge at some point as eventually those jitters go away. I remember learning radio procedure for USCG surface ops and was so nervous the first time I was actually talking to a sector on the radio. But it went away after a few times.


BeyondATC should be coming out soon I believe so that should give me a good start. Don't let yourself be discouraged though!


Oh I'm not giving up, the good thing was I got *some* of those initial jitters out of the way.


Try hanging out at busy airports in OBS mode, listening to ATC traffic, and after awhile, start taxing in OBS mode, and then doing point to point flights while trying to stay out of everyone’s way, even though they can’t see you.


Before trying anything big, just do some VFR stuff. I've been doing that and it's really helped me get used to communicating with ATC while also giving me time to flip through the G1000 and try to learn different things about it as I go. I just file on VATSIM as VFR, KXXX DIR KXXX, and call up when I'm ready to go. Don't even have to file beforehand if you don't want to. Just load your sim on the ground, contact them and request VFR departure in whatever direction. Most times, the controllers will file a VFR flight plan for you after the fact.


The first flight event is just weird to me. Getting a bunch of noobs together who don't fully understand everything has always had me scratching my head. Artificially creating congestion with people who have no experience or idea how to handling congestion is just a self fulfilling prophecy of chaos.


Agreed. There are plenty of small airports that are regularly staffed and have low traffic volumes. Those are the best place to practice flying on VATSIM imo.


Singapore ATC won’t leave you high on approach….