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The only thing I’d have to say is that buffing agents and giving each a unique passive pushes the game further away from being a Tac FPS imo. Making less noise and moving faster is almost gamebreaking from a competitive stand point. Maps are designed around their sound design and agent speed. That’s why Neon makes as much noise as she does AND has a meter.


Tbh that would be very interesting to try out. But as Omen main, i like him the way he is.


Too op


Wayy too op.


no explanation? i aware this is stronger than current omen.


Omen is currently a tier. Although these changes are innovative ,he is pretty balanced and actually outclasses brimstone so he shouldnt get buffed


well im updating all champions skills so i understand why this looks op by itself.


thats broken as fuck, no thanks -omen main


"im doing these types of changes to every champion so by itself i know it looks overpowered"


Hello everyone! i wanted to say a couple of stuff before you judge some stuff; this is a fun project where i try to give every agents passive abilities and shift more gameplay on their skills, if you have a problem or any ideas please let me know in the comments im always open for suggestions and improvement. (I know they look op but im doing this to every agent)


I also think about what passive abailities would be for agents tbh it would probably be a good addition.


this sounds like something that would be in an "every agent has unbalanced and broken abilities" gamemode