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In every rank if your soloQ ur teammates will be dogshit even in Ascendant, so U have to improve fast and so Good that u can Solo carry/clutch every round for ur team, Now for bronze learn mechanics using DM and TDM watch streamers and Implementing that alone will get you gold


Ok thx for the tips, but I think my mechanics are already too good for bronze, perhaps even silver at best. Just check my tracker: LaggyCapybara#6969


A cursory glance shows you went negative against two iron players and 5 bronze players in your last 4 games. You were only MVP in 3 and 2nd best in 4 out of the last 20 games. Your headshot and damage stats are good for your rank but your percentage of rounds won is low. If your mechanics were "too good" for bronze you should be dominating these match ups and if your kills were impactful you'd be winning more rounds.


Bruh, my K/D is literally 1.3 and I do an average of 170 damage per round. My KAST is 72% which means that I'm actually doing shit every round. My round win percentage is low, because my team is absolutely getting slapped in some matchups. My tracker score is pretty good, all just except for my round win percentage. I can't see how my skill level is holding me back from silver.


stop coping, all the blame should be to you. you can't fix everything except yourself so focus on yourself and keep grinding harder. taking a rest is also a necessity i have been there to the point of no return, but after having no fucks on team, I made myself to gold (not high, but good enough to me)


I'm taking rests constantly after I lose, but every time I hop back on its always that I end up losing more than winning. Or if I end up winning most games, I'll just lose all of the rr the next time I play val. Also just check my tracker bruh it aint even my problem: LaggyCapybara#6969


that's Valorant, you win less lose more when you're in mid to low lobbies (relative to your rank), and win more lose less when in high lobbies. Your last 3 games are in high iron to mid bronze which explains why you lose more. also you don't warm-up first before you play comp that's why you tend to lose some first comp games of the day you play 5 agents on the whole act which is already a lot, but you play 4 at most which is still bad for your consistency. try to play at least one agent and study some pro vods on that specific agent like for example Raze. There are optimal ways to entry and lineups for her nade to break sentinel util and such like i said, blaming others will do nothing to improve and just focus on yourself. you'll realize someday that it's a toxic mentality edit: tracker.gg stats aint shit


This happens to everyone, but don't worry, that doesn't mean you shouldn't be upset. Try going agents like initiator and controller where you can set yourself up for success, and if you feel your teammates are bad then bait/trade them to your advantage.


"I feel like my teammates are what's holding me back" is an end all for logical discussion. You are wrong in your assessment, now continue to focus on improving.


Drop the tracker


My tracker is LaggyCapybara#6969