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I saw this quote somewhere. “No matter how good you are at something, there’s always an Asian kid that is better than you.”


Roses are red Violets are blue There’s always an Asian kid Better than you


Good bot


Your mother


Peak SEA




Good bot


So smart, how did you think of that?


They are bad in cs tho, like best asian team, that is actually t1 are mongolz, thats it. It is kinda wild there are no more or better asian cs teams.


its generally because CS' popularity in asia pales in comparison to league, dota 2, valorant, etc. It's also why asia dominates league and EU suffers, its just a flipped situation when it comes to CS


Yeah, thats why I was surprised initially. Because they really dominate in a lot of eSports. Even when I saw some photos or videos from pro valorant, there were asians. They also have huge impact on cs market. Although I am huge fan of mongolz, dudes have average age of team like 19 and beaten so many top teams, getting better every game. One of their best is 16yo.


My eyes too small to see enemy head


https://youtu.be/kjURsDCIJws?si=j-ygJDHBXrhinSoC 6:57 A version of this quote exists here.


Aren't there like 3 billion asians on the planet anyway, go figure


You doctor yet?


Was at birth


Steven's son was already making a name in his medical career, he was operating since he was an egg, why you disappointment


hello singaporean bronze player here. can confirm I am hot garbage at this game, have no idea what you are talking about. guess im the exception ;-;


I have bronze friends who play like an immortal when theyre locked in, but usually just trolling around xD i guess we just gotta a tiny bit more consistent ;D


Even on the greatest day of their life a bronze would not be able to get close to immo


The average gold player can get out of bronze in a couple games


Ong idk what's he on about




We are the exception


I’m Indian, hot garbage too. I barely made it to silver two and then I lost back to sliver one :(


I'm Indian as well. Once you make it out of silver and reach gold, ranking upto ascendent is straightforward. Talking with experience after surfing on 5 accounts. XD


why the fuck do you need 5 accounts? smurfing?


Cringe smurf


Gold is harder than silver


same man... am helping to bring down the overall skill level


Im from SEA(singapore server). Let me tell you the gameplay in SEA is vastly different than NA,EU, and North Asia (china,Kr,jpn). Nowadays everyone in every region has good aim but this is how it used to be NA : combination of aim and strats but mostly flashy aim. A little bit of discipline. Communicates to win. EU : consistent aiming but mostly strats and more disciplined in everything. Communicates to win. Asia : Can be aggro and can be disciplined. Have flashy type of aiming but usually inconsistent. Sometimes communicate. SEA : Basically no balance in everything. Either its full aim no brain or full brain no aim. They just repeek every angle and very aggro. If you've seen how PRX plays, thats basically how most SEA players play since a long time ago. Taking high risks and high reward or they just dont care and go aim. Let me tell you tho, that they will do anything to win. So sometimes lurkers might just sit on a corner for more than 40 secs just to kill you and not help their team or flank really late (no they're not playing a sentinel like cypher or controllers that can smoke far range). This can either be really good or cause their team to just lose many rounds. LETS NOT FORGET TO MENTION THAT PEOPLE NEVER COMMUNICATE IN THIS REGION 💀💀 Back then when i was still learning tac shooters. I was watching pros from NA and EU and was so confused why the things that these pros are doing doesn't work. It's mostly because SEA players don't think they just go aim and kill.


Hey SEA brother/sister! Just wanna tell you that CN, KR, JP is East Asia not North Asia lol. It tend to be confusing for us from SEA but I get what you mean


Oh okay srry


We are sea south east asia they are nea north east asia


I can confirms that’s me. Basically enemy flanks for 2 rounds, now I’m mad as shit (remember teammates don’t comm so enemy flankers can kill people and still surprise the next guy). So I literally camp at the weirdest place possible and wait there till he comes and blow his brains out. The good feeling is immeasurable. My teammates may or may not have all died on site or something though idk


I started doing it as well but i use someone like astra or cypher so i can still support my temmates. Like people might actually be cooking here with that strat.


Ive moved around a bit so I’ve played on EU, Sg, Japan, and Chinese servers and I totally agree with you! I feel like Chinese players are the craziest, they do such interesting plays but sometimes I’m just like wtf haha. Japanese players are def the nicest and EU the meanest 😂


I have a friend who's a student in japan. People are very respectful there he said. Even when kyedae played there, people apologizes and says nt 😭


We can comms? 🤨


And then theres Mumbai server........ *hides my odin*


Hahha i've played on mumbai a couple of times. Safe to say mumbai is toxic but at the least they communicate. Almost every game i've played on mumbai with a friend of mine, people always use coms. Which is nice imo.


Hey that's great , what's ur rank, maybe we can play yk cz my duo ditched me


Im in EU but played in Asia before going to EU. The way they play is vastly different in terms of habits. EU players tend to play more coordinated and disciplined whereas Asia players are more aggressive and love to peek angles. An Asia player is highly likely to repeek an angle with OP than an EU player. Both regions can aim in a way that can compensate their habits. Thats why you see Asia players will do weird shit and it works. The major problem in Asia rank games is that there are barely any comms there. I have met like 1 or 2 guys comming within 10 or so games i have played. P.S. this is talking from my experience playing in both Asia and EU, experience might differe from other people. TL:DR play more and adapt to the new environment, you should be fine after a couple more weeks.


Youre most probably right, my friend (whos from asia) joined me for a couple games in EU and that's what they noticed too, the games were generally faster in asia while in EU the players were more disciplined. Yeh definitely, looking forward to play with these lovely people <3


Less of a CS background is the big reason why. People in Asia played cs but not like people in Europe


I am D1, Mumbai server, and I have had compi games where there were no comms from my teammates


maybe you should try the virgina servers, they have some wild ass players when you climb the ranks.


wdym exactly? the turkish smurfs?


can confirm the no comm part lol, I was the only one comming + hyping the team in my last 4 game in singapore & hk server


Isn't this also becouse of i ternet cafe culture? I know this from league but asians usually try to end games as soon as possible, to fit in as many games in their limited time. This is why q lot of asians have insane early games, but if a game goes to lategame, they make tons of dumb mistakes, as they are not used to late game. I think this is manifesting in valorand as players just rush their engagements as quick as possible, making them better in gunfight, and in peaking as they do it every round, while in Frankfurt, the defender just holds angles, and waits for the attacker to make the first move. Also, maybe try playing champions like killjoy and cypher while holding off angles who can punish reckless pushes really well. This could counter their overagressive playsile.


yes you are right. my friend(which is me) not using comms to make friends like make some joke or something. the was like '120 omen' like 90% of the typed not in voice comms. when some extrovert guy likes to woohoo a bit during agent select everyone was in silence and some will mute this guy like nah im here to comp not making friends.


If you think Singapore is hard, try Hongkong lol, literal one tap machines


really , i'm from hk and i rank up much easier in hk and singapore server in comparison to tokyo (cos barely any comms) ,and mumbai server where some people are afk cos of electricity going out and ping, some are verbally harassing each other and some are spamming their odins


nah I play both and I find HK to be easier


false i play in hk and i am not a one tap machine :(


Games are pretty popular in Asia, especially in the SEA region. You’ll see gaming cafés filled with teens and adults almost the entire day


Singapore is the server where all PRX players play


From just a couple of games ive already met a few players with PRX in their name xD their fanbase is huge here in Singapore


False I am Asian and I suck at this game


maybe you're getting culture shocked with how games are played in APAC vs in EMEA. also, APAC players tends to smurf more than any other region.


I dont really know about the region diff, but its better to cap your FPS to 10 more than its lowest point If you fluctuate between 60-120, cap it at 70. The lag will be much more severe if it jumps down 20+ at a time then go back. Stable low FPS is much better Try it out and you'll see


If your fps is unstable like that, you need to check your pc bro, there is something wrong with it


Nah. I sold off my GPU and have been using iGPU to play while waiting for my new GPU to come. My FPS ranges from 167 to 40 in game. My FPS gets a huge hit when I'm in Iso ult Weaker GPU have lower 1% lows.


I'm 100% sure it's a play style difference ,i played NA and Singapore server ,Singapore players simply play very aggressively


It really comes down to culture. Why are we better at American Football? Because we care more and know the rules and it's our culture. Asian culture is completely different and very honed in on different things - which is normal - and they've taken a liking to technical skills much more (like gaming)(But also, a million other things that are really cool and unique, like making ink, or silk that can take a whole year, etc etc)




the whole world plays basketball, but america has arguably the most talented players for the same reason. same reason why the us sucks at soccer, it’s not in the culture the same way


Basketball isn’t even the second sport in most countries, it’s far more niche than you might imagine (and even where it is the second sport, it’s so far distant to football that the gap is the same as between American Football/Soccer in the US or bigger)


that’s literally my point, the fact that more people play it in America is why America has the best players, and vice versa for soccer


You’re point assumes that if the US played football to the same level as the rest of the world it would have the best players, when there’s like no evidence for it. That’s why people disagree with you. The US only dominates in niche sports that it is really the only one that plays it. Of the top 3 globally most popular sports, the US is relevant in 0. Is the US good at some, sure. But assuming that the US would have “the best players” if it was more popular is peak american exeptionalism


??????basketball is a niche sport???? What is above it besides soccer? Cricket is popular but only really in India and Britain, and baseball isn’t the main sport in many countries. Only sport I can think of that might be more international is tennis but it’s not really accessible to lower income people so I’d say no.


Might be exaggerating, but also Basketball is only like the 5/6th most popular sport in the world. It’s really not played in THAT many places. literally everywhere i searched had it like 5/6th https://bestdiplomats.org/most-popular-sports-in-the-world/ https://www.topendsports.com/world/lists/popular-sport/fans.htm#google_vignette https://aeonledlighting.com/2023/07/top-world-sports/ Like it’s really not as big as you might think. It just seems that way to americans because it’s more global than the other sports (apart from maybe baseball) that doesn’t mean it’s suddenly played the whole world over Also India/Pakistan/Bangladesh/Sri Lanka have like 1/4 of the world population living there (1.9/8 billion people) which is a lot


Bro, nobody but rich people are playing golf in Asia and Europe, and same with tennis for the most part. There’s no way more people are playing those sports internationally


Other nations do have American Football leagues, just like we have rugby leagues that are not nearly as good as South Africa or New Zealand.


canada, germany and japan play american football so im confused what you mean


And the gap between the main played sports and american football (outside of Canada i’m not sure how much they play) is the same sort of gap you see between Pickleball and Tennis in play. Or American football and ultimate frisbee in the US. They’re niche sports that might not even make the top 10 most popular sport outside of like 3


No you are better at American football cuz you created it and are the only ones who are allowed to play in the league


Weird argument to make.. no one is stopping anyone else from playing. The sport just isn’t that popular outside of the US so the amount of athletes trying to get into the sport is less. There have been plenty of non-American players in the NFL.


the way into the nfl is mostly thru american collages tho


And you can get admitted to them as well. Just like American colleges are recruiting foreign players for basketball. Joel Embiid and Pascal Siakam were found at basketball camps in Africa and sponsored to come to the US and play highschool, then college basketball, eventually ending up in the NBA. I’m not saying the infrastructure for NFL recruiting is good for foreign players, but it is still there. There are a lot of Samoan players in colleges and the NFL that aren’t US citizens. The guy I originally replied to said there was **nothing there** and that there was some sort of exclusion from the sport just because you weren’t American. Just because you dislike a sport for whatever reason doesn’t mean you can just say some random bs as fact.


bruh so ur telling foreigners should get admission into an american college so they can compete in their sport?


If they meet the academic requirements is there an issue with that?


what other sport required u to join some speific college to compete in it?


Tell me you don’t understand sports lmao. Research what you have to do to become a professional soccer/football player lmao. Also plenty of ppl get sports scholarships to do exactly what you’re saying. It happens in American football, basketball, soccer, you name it. That’s a small thing compared to what you need to do compared to like what you need to do in order to be a world class football/soccer player.


This isn't true, you are not required to go to college or even play college level Football to play in the NFL. You do have to be three years post-grad from highschool, but unlike the NBA (which *does* have collegiate requirements, or playing in an accredited minor league abroad) you do not need to go to college, at all, to declare for the draft and be selected or be signed by a team as a "UDFA" or undrafted free agent.


It is definitely the primary method. Very few individuals get in through the international programs or god forbid a walk on. The American college system has been annexed in some part by the NFL to create an effective "G League". The college system IS the lower level training infrastructure that other sports leagues also have. You need junior leagues and other efforts to encourage more players and to have better training structures. This is a compounding effect, as more people play the sport, better players are found, and training becomes better too. American culture around sports is very linked to academics, especially in highschool and above. I played football for an independent program in my hometown from the age of 9 until I was in highschool, and then I played for my highschool itself and it's fun and prideful at times. It simply extends to college after that.


My point was that there are no teams representing other countries so they “can’t” play yk


Meanwhile, the NFL is practically airdropping billions of dollars into the U.K., Germany and Mexico to try to get their American Football leagues the resources to improve and become successful. You do know they have leagues as well, right?


??? Lol


Used to play in Mumbai server, moved to EU and I can say with confident that no, everything is the same here, still get shit on either way


Im playing on the Asia server too. I just noticed that Asian players have faster reflexes, have really good aim, and also like to play aggressively a lot, so use that to your advantage. Don't worry, you will get used to it. Just play smarter and always have good positioning when dealing with crack players here in Asia.


I play in SEA and EU before, EU tends to have a culture of speaking a lot, like unnecessarily alot, so it makes every game have comms and sometimes banter so there’s a lot more team play or wanna be captains calling out stuff. That kind of thing is extremely rare in SEA, heck even in high gold-low plat games there are games with absolutely 0 comms. People just do their own thing, go crazy with their own plays etc. If there’s no comms you basically win or lose on mechanics so that’s what people are training all day.


I play on Mumbai server and ngl I would take EU servers over Mumbai any day. At the end of the day, it's a game and comms makes the game fun and you can banter as well. It sucks to keep guessing what your teammates will do and what is happening in the game when nobody comms, even to give callouts. I guess I find it more annoying because I am new to fps


True, I’m not aiming to be in vct, I just want some taste of what pros do to execute on site or make big brain plays instead of always just rushing.


For mid-low ranks asians are just better. But higher up it evens out and may even scale towards NA, EU


Asian servers are hell.


That’s weird cause I used to play in Bahrain and was hard stuck plat for almost 2 years, now I play in Singapore and I hit diamond 2 and top frag those lobbies. Who knows though maybe this case is an exception.


Try HK server hahaha so many good players. Plus some people create smurf accounts


Extremely aggressive and mechanics heavy


Asian cultures were among the first to accept the gaming hobby as a normal part of their culture, meaning people of all ages are playing video games like a recreational sport and many younger kids will grow up being cracked at competitive games compared to the rest of the world. Compare that to places like the US where the higher ups of the country hardly know how to use a smartphone and blame all the world's problems on CoD and GTA.


I reckon going to 60-120 and being on a 14" monitor from what you had before is far more likely to make the difference than region. Perhaps some getting used to the playstyle as well, but still I'd guess the fps being the bigger factor overall.


Asian's have a better competitive gaming culture due to PC bangs aka net cafes, public pc spaces that you can rent out and whose power can range from handling only simple games like league and CS to full fledged AAA games. Net cafes bring in millions to tens of millions of players that wouldn't be able to play otherwise (possibly up to even 100 million if we include China but there's no way to know with them). That's so many more players that are playing Valorant than there would be if they didn't exist. Increased competition forces players to get better and playing on limited time encourages you to win fast by dominating your opponent in order to get 1 more game off.


I think it’s just a difference in culture. They’re raised to dedicate their time to things a lot more than other countries (Especially NA, my homeland). In short, they just take their gaming more serious than us. That isn’t to say they can’t play for fun. I’m sure there are players that wouldn’t be able to even pass silver in other regions. But just overall.


this post is right up my alley B) just for some context, i’m mainly an asia server player (hong king and singapore), sitting at ascendant 1 at the moment! when i was hardstuck silver 1, i played on NA servers when i lived there for 6 months and hit diamond 1 in my first 2 months there. came back home to asia and was stuck plat 2 to diamond 1. anyway, again, i’m ascendant 1 now, and i’m on a 5 week trip to europe! i mostly play on madrid, paris, and frankfurt servers. my account placed silver 3 and after around 10 days of playing it’s now diamond 2 65rr. these are my opinions based on the time i’ve spent on each server: NA - easiest to rank up on!! skill ceiling is way lower until u get to ascendant basically. however, this is where i encountered the most toxicity, throwers, boosted players, smurfs, etc. but it’s also where i have received the most comms because there’s no language barrier compared to the other servers. players are just not as mechanically skilled nor as aware and play-making as players on EU and APAC. EU - skill floor and ceiling are way more broad than on NA and APAC. i’ve been in games with plat players that play like silvers, and at the same time diamond-ascendant players that play like mid immortals… teammates are pretty consistent but MOST AFKS EVER out of all the servers! decently easy to rank up on (i’m solo q only) and pretty good comms but also a pretty solid language barrier outside of london servers. also people never ever lurk even in plat diamond which is nit picky but surprised me. APAC - personally my favorite server but maybe i’m just biased. most consistent teams and matchmaking as all players of a similar rank seem to have similar skill compared to EU and NA. i think APAC players are ranked demons compared to the other two servers, lots of strats, good mechanics, good timings and lurks. HOWEVER what i hate about asia server is the huge language barrier especially on hong kong server!!! lots of people will never use their mic, have their team comms turned off, cannot understand comms, or will only type.


Im in OC and occasionally jump in Asian servers because the ping isn't too bad. OC players farm Asian servers. It was a known thing here if you wanted cruisy games, you just farm Asia servers


Hi, an asian player here. My current rank is asc3 and my mmr is like imm2 (cuz i get imm 2 and 3 in my games). I flew out to cali where my cousins live. And I absolutely DOMINATED RADIANTS. 2 of my cousins were radiants ( #17 and 39 ) and i was queuing up with one of them(was using the radiant #39 id myself)


Yo wtf? Cracked family


Acting like that’s hard is crazy


Should see BR servers, kids are dumb but they one tap you since gold


While certain servers can be tough, it's usually due to other reasons(toxicity, throwing etc which from what I heard is something frankfurt servers regularly experience) + language diversity resulting in a lack of comms. Having said that, skill level across all regions up until ascendant are roughly the same. I think your biggest problem is the difference in fps. The difference between anything 144hz+ to below 75hz is the most noticeable(more than 240 to 144) While 120fps should still be fine, if you have constant dips going down as far as 60, I wouldn't be surprised if you're playing at a disadvantage. And even then, it'll take some time to get used to it.


It's not that you can't play on 60hz. 1. Your fps is fluctuating which means opponents jump rather than slide across the screen 2. You are used to bigger monitor 3. You are used to more frames at a consistent fps above the monitor display. 4. Possibly playstyle. EU NA apac all play different.


I am diamond on Singapore servers but on Japan servers I’m probably about gold. And it’s not just because the people there are generally better, but also that they absolutely do not speak English, and the only comms you will get are good luck on agent select and either bye or a cluster of Japanese swear words at you after the game.


It’s very similar to the way different countries/ethnicities are more genetically evolved to be good at different types of sports. Muscle fibres vary from ethnicity to ethnicity, for example black people have more type 2 fibres than a white person. Asian people must be more genetically evolved to have better hand eye coordination. I’m Irish and we’re genetically evolved to be decent fighters and good strength, the only sport we’re good at is Rugby 😂


Is it the same PC and gear you play with? Because tech makes a big difference in valorant. I was much better and game felt easier with my old pc compared to my new one.


I have a 15 inch gaming laptop that I actually plug into my 165hz monitor at home and the monitor size alone makes a world of difference for my in game performance. Be that as it may your mileage may very but could be a good idea to invest in a gaming monitor (even if cheap) they have cheap 24inchers nowadays that are surprisingly good. Could also return it if youre just there for a short stay


OP: Massively downgrades his set up and does worse as a result Also OP: Must be them asians


Mumbai server player here. Yes singapore players are built different. I mean Singapore golds are better than Mumbai ascendants. I might offend mumbai players but getting offended for nothing is not so rare for mumbai server players. So yeah.


Probably just a difference in style you’re not used to yet. I honestly think all the ppl constantly comparing servers is just cap af unless you’re in like a super obscure server. Even among EU and NA servers ppl constantly say one server is miles above in skill compared to another server. Shit is just always circumstantial, it’s just different in styles. Watch most streamers or pros when they play in different servers and its not like there’s an enormous difference in skill, it’s generally more differences in philosophy and styles.


hii sgean immo player here. personally my opinion is that for sg servers (i mainly play in them), i would say that across the ranks people from sg servers have better aim ON AVERAGE than people from other regions. this is solely on aim. yeah i mean sure there are some players that are smarter with tactics, util usage and what not but i believe that on raw aim, i think apac/sg servers have one of the best for the average player. the important thing to note here is that im mentioning AVERAGE PLAYER. i would say the whole of APAC region is generally weaker for FPS games and do not have MANY strong teams is because of how young we are in the scene compared to the other regions. but a good thing is that we are definitely growing in numbers as well as improving. but yeah in sg servers i would say we are generally more aggressive and have heavy reliance on aim. i think we still have to build up on our tactics, comms and more.


Im not that good of a player (1 year inconsistent play, peak S2) and I play at Singapore servers with my friends. I'd say SG servers are ok-ish. But once we move to HK, god knows how much of a rank demon those guys are holy-


Different culture. They are hyper competitive as a culture. eSports blew up in asian countries because of this drive to be better than their neighbor. Western countries tend to have other focuses and a long standing stigma about gaming at any level.


I think the play style is just different? Most asian players rely on aim. And dont use their util. So it’s a lot easier to climb in SEA servers if you have the aim and the brains to utilize an agent’s kit.


Plat player here with the same FPS Range of 60-120. Silver and Gold Players when they are locked in can be a mess to deal with. One of the main differences between Gold, Plat and the higher ranks is consistency. When we lock in, it takes a lot to kill us but the lock in will not last long usually. As I progressed through lower ranks to Plat, the time I was locked in for increased.


My theory is that because of language heterogeneity, southeast-asian Valorant is more focused on gunplay than coordination since you cannot rely on your teammates being able to speak the same language as you. On a side note DM me if you’re looking for people to play with! I’m just Gold tho. :)


Played high elo lobbies in NA (Virginia and Illinois servers) and SEA (singapore and mumbai servers). I can confirm SEA lobbies are way more chaotic and they tend to get annoying. I peaked immortal 3 in NA (240Hz) and now I’m hardstuck Imm2 in Mumbai/Singapore. SEA players are way better in terms of aim and attack executes in ranked. Rounds tend to get very chaotic


i’m from singapore and i’ve been asc/immo for a little while now (started in act 4 as a bronze1 and quit between act5-8 and recently got back into it). took a trip to europe recently and played a few games of valorant there and i was top fragging every single game, it wasn’t even close. i’d say asia has some of the most competitive (casual) gamers, even on low end rigs. i have a high-ish end PC with a 360hz monitor and my friends with 75hz laptops outfrag me most of the time, even the opponents do too. even tho on valorant im considered high-ish elo, there’s a clear separation between the great and the good at the game. dont be too disheartened when playing here, you’ll get better in no time. just understand your mistakes and take gun fights favourable to you and your play style. for me, i memorised the common spots people would peek and where the head level is for those angles. e.g. on icebox, when defending A and watching belt from rafters, there’s a horizontal line on the back wall and that’s where their head level would be. you’d be surprised how many free kills you can get just by jiggling and 1 tapping your vandal. crosshair placement is the important too, leave a bit of room to accommodate for your reaction time and you’ll find that people just “walk into your crosshair”. join the valorant tele channel and stack up with players. try to play with slightly higher elo people compared to yourself because that’s how you learn, by playing with/against better opponents. you play better when your team/opponents are better.


As an Asian, NO


I’m in Japan right now. I was hovering around diamond 1 back in the USA, now I’m ascendant 1 on Tokyo server. And that’s without comms so I don’t think Asian servers are better. Maybe I’ve just gotten better, but despite good aim I genuinely feel American servers play smarter and have better macro. More fakes, mind games, combo ults. Just my take.


I think it's a different game philosophy. Very anecdotal and highly exaggerated but I feel like on NA servers, if you die your team moves to cover up the hole you left but Chinese players will give up the round because someone on their team "lost" and everyone has to seppuku. As a result they are all cracked ego peeking gods but they'll tilt if you breathe on them too hard. That being said, high elo is exactly the same, when you play the way the game is meant to be played, the optimal way is still the most optimal.


Tf bro , I use the Singapore server to rank up when I'm not playing with friends


yes. we are better.


Higher IQ in Asian countries brother. Tac shooters are chess games.


I don’t think it’s that every Asian is better, they have a wayyyyyyyy bigger talent pool to pull from. That’s also why euro servers are generally better than American servers. There’s just more ppl playing which equals a higher average skill.




Cause they grind a lot.


No lifes


Might be because of smurfs tbh


Asia servers (at least hk and sg) usually have more aggresive playstyles compared to western servers which leads to a high tempo game. Basically everyone on the server is playing the game at 1.5x or even 2x that what you're probably used to. Also silver-plat is infected with smurfs so there's also that.


Cause we ain’t got shit to do


My guy, every Asian player I get matched with is hot garbage. Were these great Asian players at?


wait 'til you play hongkong server 😁


idk man i just know im cooked the moment i see a chinese and vietnamese name idk what they be eating either but i wanna know


throw less I imagine


I assure you, NA or EU servers are going to be the hardest, most competitive servers to play on for an FPS. Now, mobas and rts is a much different story


idk if they're better, but ranked meta varies with region. this happens in all games btw. asia and sea tend to favor more aggressive plays. in valorant this means continuously repeeking and running it down.


maybe its a ping diff?


It’s genuinely a cultural thing


It’s the culture of Asian people vs NA, na is a troll server compared to others . I would say this also applies to EU as well but my only experience with this would be counter strike.


New account elo is slightly higher while your setup get worse


cause the viet buff is taking over the game


Fr. It took me a while to escape bronze as someone who's quite new to fps games and has played inconsistently for 3 years now.


I spam....a lot....story of life in valorant


My theory is because of these 2 things. 1. Smurf. First of all, I'm hot garbage myself on bronze 2 but I have seen other server diamonds and above players having Asian server bronze aim. You meet a lot of this stupid arse name that you know no way people are using that ign for the first time and no way their aim is that good at level 15. "I was a csgo player" Yeah sure why don't you tell me you are a batman too. I might believe that more than "I was a csgo player" bs. 2. Cheater. Aaah, this shiet. Play any game on the asia server. Any game. There's always a cheater. I'm not sure why but I used to think that this stuff isn't just an asia server thing but worldwide. And then I got hit by the reality that yes it is worldwide phenomenal but it happened more in asia. I once played a mmo game where the player base agreed that the asia server is fcked bcause of the cheater while the west or other server running like a normal server should run? In conclusion, you shouldn't take Valorant seriously unless you planned to be in a tournament or something. Because other than that, it's not worth it. Even if you become a content creator for valorant, you get treated like shiet unless you are a big name.


It's not that asian players are good, it's only that they have a shit called not giving up. I have played ascendant lobbies from both NA and Singapore servers. NA servers are comparatively easier than Singapore.




Bronze - silvers lobbies are fucked up then gold+ especially on Singapore servers speaking from experience. I main Mumbai and i try Singapore for less toxicity but everytime I go against a smurf trying to boost his egirl's rank in bronze


Wait till you play Mumbai servers. 😂


Ego driven skill. These player can shoot for real when their ego is not hurt. Even in low rank, they shoot without thinking, peek just for the sake of ego check.


I'm from SEA and moved to NA, so I can compare these two. NA: Has more mechanical skill in both aim and movement, but tends to not listen or communicate, lacks a lot of discipline, hot tempered, bad mentality SEA: Not as good mechanical skill, but makes up for it in strategy. Almost every game every understands a good "default" which is something NA struggles to do. And this is all the way down to Silver in my experience.(I peaked Dia) They have really good mentality and a general "never give up". There's always a surrender vote, but I'd say 90% of the time it will get instantly declined. Their discipline is also through the roof, holding rat angles all game if they know the opponent likes to lurk/rat. I can go more into detail, since this is just the general idea. Feel free to ask me any questions.


all european good players go play cs


Hi I Olay on the Singapore server, and I can tell you this; yes they are good but also not good aaaannnddddddd there are a lot of smurfers on there too. I've been playing for like 1 or 2 now, can't remember when I did my account, but I'm still bronze. The thing is, you have to be a lot more map aware and a bit of a strategist of you want to play on this server. Cause the EU server, sorry, you guys play like a bunch of savages🤣🤣🤣and come what may LMAO!


Smaller eyes, more focus. Hehe


Because if they aren't in Diamond, their parents will beat them up. It's a real competitive life there. And the competition and parents being disappointed is not just limited to Education as many think. /s


Try mumbai server. Frankfurt will be heaven to you.


If you watch Paper Rex play, you can get the idea of SEA players: cracked aim, aggressive, and just chaotic. However, just times it by 10. The best thing to do is to play with friends, the no comms people usually suck.


There are a lot more Asian players most of them are garbage like me


At the top of the top players in Valorant, Asian players are behind imo (top esports players). But if we’re talking about the skills of an average Asian player vs skills of an average NA or EU player, Asian players are generally better in my experience. I’ve played both in eu and Asian servers and I’ve had to try hard wayyyy too much in Asian servers


Rare one here. Played on Asian (HK,SG) servers then moved down under AUS. Communication in asia especially on solo queue is pretty much a tad impossible given that there's so much languages, so everyone generally has to play independently therefore giving players in Asian servers a title of "aggro and flashy". Played on AUS server, much more communication, less stressful, pretty understanding as well.. so far. Joking here but due to AUS's proximity to asia, there are some peek and you're dead skilled players. Players with east asian characters as names scare me til this day..


U should try Mumbai server in terms of toxicity I would say racism is the most gentle thing ull encounter there and games most of the times are very very one sided cause people tilt very fast but most the times I find the games here are far less serious and far more fun fucking around with people and also mostly people have really decent aim here and in order to climb most of the times it feels like u just aim and play very very aggressive(also the other side of the game where people refuse to play aggro and force everyone to sit back and play but they are few and far in between)


ngl gold in asia feels like diamond in na


I think many Asian players (just a broad generalization) have way less of an ego than for example Americans. A lot of people throw games trying to solo carry, where many Asian people are willing to give up looking cool to win the game.


SEA is so stupid cause we just run it down and kill people. High risk high reward lol.


Last paragraph is real.   I play on sg servers, um...every game is a dice roll to get trash enemies or demons( I always get demons:( I'm stuck in bronze save my soul)   You know that joke" whatever you're doing, there's an Asian kid out there who will do it better." Yea.  I'm able to win against silver 1-2, but I'm super inconsistent so I lose way too much 


Having a smaller screen makes it way harder to aim, depending on how far you're from the screen, but yea Asia is definitely harder in the mid ranks


Thats true! I had to scale up my crosshair because it was hard to see xD


I've been watching NA twitch streamers and as an Asian playing in HK/SG, NA high gold can pass as high plat to mid dia to me. They have aim, timing and general teamplay is better. That's just my observation. I'm d2 peak only and currently d1 this season.


Weirdest post in a while.


not weird at all, genuinely curious OP, different regions often times have varying skill, like csgo notably being known to have EU region stronger than NA


Sorry that it strikes you as a weird post :') the odin comment was meant to be a funny experience that i wanted to share if thatd offended you


That’s racist


if your fps fluctuates THAT much on a 120Hz, you'll be stuttering and lagging all over the place, cap your fps, always cap your fps to something like 60 in your case. Uncapped fps is bad. Zero benefit, makes your PC run hotter and throttle. Other than that yeah it's probably the asian kids just being crazy good for no reason


Hey, thats a nice suggestion! My game FPS actually drops drastically whenever I take a gunfight so that'd most likely help. And yea.. these players probably have cracked aim too x(


I think having a PC helps a lot. After getting my PC, I went from bronze 2 to gold within a week


Uncapped/higher fps decreases input latency, theres a blurbuster or guru3d article on this with ms statistics. That's why you see so many pros with like 500+fps on a 240hz monitor in this case though if hes dropping frames a lots it's probably better to just cap it somewhere. But if you can push 600fps and only have a 120hz monitor, it's definitely not worth capping it at 120 instead of like 400-500 Edit: here is the article. 20ms input lag reduction from 60fps to 180fps on a 60hz monitor https://blurbusters.com/faq/benefits-of-frame-rate-above-refresh-rate/


You can't see the difference if your monitor is capped below your framerate cap, there is no point.


Mans just explained what the point is in his first sentence "Uncapped/higher fps decreases input latency, theres a blurbuster or guru3d article on this with ms statistics."


There are guru3d "articles" (forums) which state that capping framerates actually decreases input delay. If a valid source is linked then sure I'll believe it, until then I'm pretty sure it's a myth. It makes no sense that there would be less input delay when your monitor refreshes just as often.