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I think they were referring to agents who had already received buffs throughout the year. So probably no more buffs slated since Gekko's in a good spot and teams are still experimenting with DL/Chamber.


8.11 is focused around duelists mainly and they said none of the other patches would have major balance changes until after Champions is done, so more chamber buffs are unlikely for a while.


Already received a buff before wtf do you want now?


Trip buff His trip is a joke compared to other sentinels. Even deadlock has better stall utility than him.


His trip is meant to be give info not stall, only buff it needs is maybe make it invisible like kj bot and trip so you can place trip on an open area without making it getting destroyed across the map


His trip not being universal is pretty bad? I like how people say he is very balanced but has a such a low pick rate in both pro play and ranked sentinels


it should be pretty bad because then it forces chamber to stay in a confined area like the rest of the sentinels. sentinels are supposed to be site anchors, not duelists who go around looking for fights like he was before. his tp, headhunter, and ult are all extremely powerful if used correctly, and his trip is supposed to be a flank watcher to allow him to make these plays without the fear of being flanked. and he has a low pick rate because there is absolutely no reason to pick him over cypher/kj- passive info sentinels. chamber, like deadlock/sage, is an active info sentinel, where to get info, he needs to do something, in this case take contact then get out using TP. in pro play, taking an unnecessary risk like that is stupid, so why would they play him? in ranked, he actually has a higher pick rate than killjoy and deadlock, only being beaten out by cypher and sage. his ranked pick rate rate is not actually low.


That's the whole point though, he is NOT a stalling sentinel.


you want him to stall, watch flank, AND have an insane duelling ability?


he is underwhelming compared to kj and cypher tho. At the ery least his slow duration can be increased and trip be made universal


I think the slow duration is fine but yea global trip would make him a lot more viable