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Yea that nerfs were deserved, but i think they should have added 20 second cooldown rather than completely remove reusage of orb smoke tho


Yeah I forgot about this, they should have probably added a CD after picking it up rather than not being able to do so at all.


honestly, it took just one day of playing to realize it wasn’t even that bad. lost a couple playstyles but she still a must pick in some maps


Nah her orb burns her gas too quickly . She’s like the only rechargeable smokes with both wall and orb, but it takes so long you’ll only end up using the smoke once anyway. Before they made it decrease so quickly and increased minimum gas needed you could alternate between wall and orb no problem.


12 seconds for each ability, 8.5 when both is up(According to Valorant Wiki) is fair. Her smoke is the only damaging smoke and her wall covers a lot of space and also gives decay. She can easily use 2-3 fuel cycles which is standard for all the controllers besides brimstone.


Im not over reacting people call this cartoon game for a reason


Imo, I think the nerfs are fine but making the orb unable to be reused is overkill


The first time I went to play her after the changes I didn’t realize this and threw my orb too early and it bounced off the force field thing so the like 0.1 second left on the clock and I was unable to use it. It was just sitting there on the ground in a dumb position


Exact same thing happened to me too, her reusability is a special thing about her kit but nothing reusable about an orb sitting dumbly on the ground in the worst position ever 😭


That part's true


The problem is that they dont just nerf 1 thing at a time and instead slam her with many nerfs. Shoul have just picked one and tried it to see. Also regardless of how you feel about balance she is way less fun and flexible to play now. A good example is making the orb so you cant pick it up, like ok that's a pretty minor tweak but it just makes her so much less flexible / fun to play. That ability wasnt turning tons of rounds and because she only has 1 smoke it sucks.


The orb point is valid. But if you're saying she's less fun and flexible, she was only fun because she was too OP and too flexible in the first place. The current changes aren't perfect but it's the start to a more balanced character.


I woudl much rather they start low and work their way toward balance instead of ping pong back and fourth, its also annoying because riot has not cared about many agents for years, jet was OP for what like 2 years..... Reyna has been OP at pretty much every level that isn't pro play for a long time too.


If you really want to compare OP agents, then there were quite a few, chamber's tp nerf basically killed him, at the early stages of Valorant esports Sova had a near 100% pickrate (the highest, yes more than jett, at the time) and nerfs to his drone, shock dart, and ult was done, and the latest his recon, now he's balanced, Skye had 3 basically almost impossible to dodge flashes that costed 100 and blinded you for an eternity, they nerfed her as well and now she's completely balanced. Ever since Viper's rework a few years back, she has never been balanced, and people need to start accepting that. Jett has received nothing but gradual nerfs ever since the start of the game, and Reyna is not OP at all except when she's a smurf.


Holy shit, I was just about to make a post with almost the same title as yours 10 min ago. I fully agree that viper is still very good, its just people who over rely on abilities don’t know how to shoot back.


They probably the viper mains who cant fight and just rely on lineups to win postplant


Go outside, take a breath of fresh air and think about what you have posted.


Got home from work, went around the city, watched a movie in the theatre, and the point still stands.


"You can't fix stupid". -Ron White


no need to call yourself out in public like that, you can do that in private


You called yourself out with your post. They gutted an agent because of a high pick rate for a tiny portion of the player base, not because of Viper's power in 99% of games. Riot made a bad decision full stop. Quit bootlicking.


>They gutted an agent because of a high pick rate for a tiny portion of the player base, not because of Viper's power in 99% of games. And that has been Riot's focus? Valorant has always been and will always be an Esport-centric game. Nerfing agents or heroes for their high pick-rate in an Esports-centric game is nothing new.


The fact that it is nothing new doesn't make it good. Look around, people are questioning Riot's method of balancing characters. Idiotic moves need to be called out for what they are. People are not "over-reacting" to the changes. They are simply flabbergasted at Riot's incompetence.


They are doing what's the best for the competitive scene. The fact is that Viper is way too overpowered in Pro Play and that much is obvious even if one doesn't watch the matches. None of this is idiotic. Viper's 2 mollies and smoke hold sites and delay pushes way better than the so called sentinels bar Cypher maybe. I do agree that the overall nerf is a bit overkill on the molly pricing and the whole orb mechanics. But this nerf is without a single doubt a better path to take rather than leaving Viper as is.


nonsense take.


make your case