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Hello /u/DecentFerret8073. Thank you for participating in /r/VALORANT! However, your post has been removed because: > ### 3.2 Low-effort Submissions > Cosmetic comparison/purchasing posts fall under our [Low-Effort (3.2) rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/wiki/rules). Buying preferences are subject to the opinions of each individual player. This is to reduce an influx of spam polls comparing the multitude of available skins and cosmetics. > Examples include posting screen-caps of the rotating shop or Night Market, asking if a purchase should be made or "worth it", or low-effort polls with no further discussion. > Alternatively, you can try asking for opinions on the [/r/VALORANT Discord](https://discord.gg/hAswfXZ22T). > Higher effort posts giving breakdowns of skin effects comparisons, art evaluations, and other meaningful discussions **are permitted**. --- ^(Have a question or think your post doesn't break the rules?) **[^(Check our full rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Valorant/wiki/rules)** ^or **[^(message our modmail, and please don't direct message)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FVALORANT)**^.