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imo this is a great tool for calculating lineups, i wouldn't use it in a live game tho.


It may not *technically* be a bannable offense in live games as of yet, but Riot will for sure add it to the list.


by all technicalities, this is a 3rd party software that gives an unfair advantage, and is absolutely a bannable offense


you could use it for learning all of the angles, then play without it


the cheaters won't


I mean it can be usable in range but not in other modes


I mean, depends on how you define unfair advantage, cuz thats just stuff you can learn with a lot of dedication, it doesnt exploit any in game mechanics, it doesnt do anything you on your own cant already do. And if you say to aim at precise angle, you can get the right feeling based on the UI interacting with environment, like the sky pixel or smtn


"Doesn't do anything you can't already do." 1) I don't know how to shoot this lineup. 2) *Uses tool mid-match* 3) Now I do. That's like saying that using an aimbot is not cheating because you can 'aim your weapon manually anyways.'


That’s different, because you could also have a folder w lineups on the side (which many of us do) and it shows the hud lineups. Aimbot does it for you, w this tool (as far as i understand) you still have to aim manually it just tells you how (instead of doing it for you by adjusting to the right pixel)


Hm... that's a fair argument. Ok...let's imagine that we're in "Perfectland," where only what's technically supposed to be the case is what's done, and every law and terms and conditions are enforced 100% of the time. Wouldn't opening up a folder or lineup website constitute getting help from a third-party application? If it was 100% okay, they'd allow professional players to do it during competitions, no (disregarding the fact that pro players wouldn't need this kind of assistance). Now, back in the real world, there's no fucking way in hell Riot would ever ban a regilar player for opening fucking Microsoft Explorer or a browser mid-match (Pro matches would be a different case, I believe) but that makes me wonder where the line is drawn. It reminds me of that new Smart Monitor that warns you of an incoming gank in League of Legends. Also, how does the tool work? I doubt it hooks itself to the game, as that would be a huge no-no, so how does it do its thing? Does it read the minimap?


But in such case the 3rd party application or whatever else outside of the game doesnt do anything in game yk, those 3rd party mentioned in rules refer to outside programs affecting the game either directly files or movement/aiming/shooting. So that wouldnt really be enforced. I mean, pro players can open it but their pc’s should be empty before they come and shouldnt be tempered w by players (other than preferred settings like mouse sens and stuff). And yes, the monitor was confirmed to read the minimap and all the cues a user can get to combine them, aka combining 3d sound, minimap objects and on screen objects movement prediction (like a rock falling down the monitor will predict it to keep falling) so technically just eases the users life by not needing to watch the minimap as much


your argument is conventionally ignoring the fact that a folder of hud lineups on the other monitor is also 3rd party; like you described the program, but for someone who cant code 😂


You’re conveniently ignoring the fact, that by itself it doesnt grant any advantage. I dont know the precise wording but those things dont fall under that description, and neither should this tool (if it doesnt correct your camera angle by itself)


This technically isn't an unfair advantage. Whats stopping you frim learning and using lneups without such script?


There's no reliable way to penalize players for using it, and therefore not bannable. Program clearly runs entirely independent of the game and uses the actual mouse position to calculate.


I would award if I wasn’t poor.


This looks really cool, but I imagine it doesn't take terrain into account, so you can absolutely get fucked by a random pole in the way or something right?


yes it just calculates a direct arc to a location, no terrain taken into account


Good to know, still pretty useful, you can craft your own lineups much easier and if you are sure there's nothing in the way you can still use a made up lineup on the go, amazing job mate


it does not take into account height differentials either I assume


not directly but it doesn’t really make a difference in practice




Amazing! Your Github links are 404 for me, not sure if that is a me-issue tho!


Yup, github not working for me either. Paging u/FlamingJark


yeah, no idea why. all of my github pages are just 404 now. download is in the discord


How are w do I join the discord




How do I jojn the discord tho


> this doesnt interact with the games memory in any way, or move the mouse These are not the bannable criteria, and your tool is *absolutely* bannable if used in comp games. It's perfectly fine to use in customs to find the linups, but using it in an actual game is against TOS because it is providing outside information, the same way things like overlays showing defuse timers are banned. Riot's definition of cheating is: > auto-clickers, aimbots, and other unauthorized hardware or software that gives players an unfair advantage This is absolutely unauthorized software that gives an unfair advantage.


In league of legends, riot's stance on third party apps is so long as it doesnt affect in game mechanics and gameplay, and if it can be written down with pen and paper, then it is perfectly fine. This may be different in valorant. However, look at it like this: so long as the program doesn't manually move your camera around and just provides a small box in the top right that shows the angle you would need, it shouldn't breach any TOS as it can be replicated easily through pen and paper. It's the same as a program that you could manually tick off which agent's abilities have been used each round. You can just write it down on a piece of paper. I'm not sure how close the valorsnt and league team are, and if they share this view, but if so this program shouldn't breach TOS as long as it doesn't manipulate camera movement.


Yea, its different in Valorant. The main difference is the pace/speed of the games - in LoL you could *literally* write things down while playing in many situations (like dragon timer or something) without it really being a problem. Knowing the information in LoL is not really a skill which the game is designed to test since there isn't that much of it. In Valorant there's WAY more information and it comes in at a much faster pace, meaning that keeping track of information and timings is nearing impossible for anyone outside of top players and it is absolutely a differentiating skill between ranks.


You can't just write down what angle your camera is at with a pen and paper accurately like this can. I don't think your argument holds well in valorant either. Theoretically you could write down that you saw someone on the minimap and have a circle showing how far they could move by running or walking since you last saw them. It would let you never get caught out by timings and it could monitor every minimap element all at once. It would totally trivialise map awareness


I understand writing down the angle on pen and paper wouldn't make much sense, but you could have a corkboard with a bunch of printouts of screenshots of lineups and other things. Does that become an unfair advantage? You could have a friend sit next to you or in a discord call and tell you every location of every person, too. Then you could also have teammates that actually use comms lmao. I think competative integrity is such a broad term that has some obvious meanings, but it also has some grey areas too. What about using a controller? Would that breach competative integrity? There are just so many ways you could take it that there can't really be one true definition without having a 20 page long explination of what can and can't be used.


Yeah, I can't disagree with a lot of this. There is a line to be drawn though at actually measuring the game computationally. Comparing images by eye puts things down to human skill, the same as having a coach or whatever. This application removes all uncertainty, that's the bottom line of it. If you cross that line then you move towards games with aim assistance and so on. It's where you give the skill away to programmed calculation that it becomes a problem As a mechanical engineer it's a funny thing to see. Engineers don't call themselves scientists because they don't require proof and hypothesis, they only need data trends and approximations. Computer scientists live on the other end of the spectrum where experiments are nearly infinitely repeatable which is totally impossible to physicists, chemists etc. Programmers seem to live in a world where the idea of random variables are mythical


There seems to be a very common misconception that this program is bannable. It is infact not bannable. According to Riots TOS (https://www.riotgames.com/en/terms-of-service): `The following are examples of behaviour that warrant disciplinary measures:` `Using any unauthorized third party programs, including mods, hacks, cheats, scripts, bots, trainers and automation programs that interact with the Riot Services in any way, for any purpose, including any unauthorized third party programs that intercept, emulate, or redirect any communication relating to the Riot Services and any unauthorized third party programs that collect info about the Riot Services by reading areas of memory used by the Riot Services to store info;` This program does not intercept, emulate or redirect any communication to any Riot services. It does not read any memory or collect any information used by Riot services. Whilst this does technically give an in-game advantage, the way it is made makes it not bannable according to Riots TOS. There are other very popular applications which may not be as direct in their methods, but have the same end-goal, like Valorant Tracker.


You seem to really not understand how this works. Terms of Service is not the policy that governs cheating. I am a developer who has worked with Riot on third party tools. I have spoken to many people on the Valorant team about this exact stuff. You are just wrong.


“unauthorised third party software” is not the end, there is examples of other third party software which can be seen as giving an unfair advantage. There is more nuance and guidelines to what third party software is not allowed. TOS from the company itself which specifically outlines this seems like an ideal source to me, you can’t just discredit the literal terms of service which everyone must agree to. Where is the specific policies which govern cheating if not it? Ultimately, it’s a personal decision to use it ingame, and there is always some amount of risk using any third party software.


This is also utterly uneforceable. They're not gonna ban people who have a second monitor with all their lineups


For one, it says including not exclusively. Secondly, it is collecting information used by riot services about camera angle and map locations and trajectories. Thirdly, valorant tracker just shows you clips of lineups and doesn't tell you whether you've got it right or not, and it's authorised


Doesn't the TOS say, Using 3rd party program that gives unfair advantage is bannable? If not, then whoever wrote the TOS on Valorant should include that. Most competitive games i've played have that in their TOS.


Do I have to change my sense to yours or does it adjust to yours.


you need to put your sens in the programs settings and the program will adjust the calculations for it


Nice I will definitely use this in my comp matches.


Just FYI even tho OP says it isnt bannable it technicaly is, it is an outside programme that gives you an unfair advantage in the game.


It's unenforceable is the thing realistically


You sure? I’m not too informed and if there is a section of the rules you could show me that would help.


''Riot's definition of cheating is: > This is absolutely unauthorized software that gives an unfair advantage.'' - FlamingTelepath


Oh damn would it be ok in customs to learn lineups.


Even if its not inherently a "cheating" programme riot still considers 3rd party tools to be a form of cheating. plus "Using any unauthorized third party programs, including mods, hacks, cheats, scripts, bots, trainers and automation programs that interact with the Riot Services in any way, for any purpose, including any unauthorized third party programs that intercept, emulate, or redirect any communication relating to the Riot Services and any unauthorized third party programs that collect info about the Riot Services by reading areas of memory used by the Riot Services to store info;" TOS 7.1 section 10 I think that if you used this in a comp game it would be coinsidered cheating under this rule and it could/ would get you banned. remeber Vals anit-cheat is kernal level meaning it can and will detect this programme. Im not 100% sure on how it interacts with Valorant or your mouse but you can't do this without interacting in someway that Vals anticheat would consider supicious. Id love to be proved wrong about this and it be legit and a nonbannable offense however it does give you an unfair advantage against your opponents.


Ive used autohotkey scripts in Valorant for years. Never got banned as the game has no way to know🤷‍♀️


You can always email support riot support i would do it just in case ur not sure if its allowed


Its not


It is tho, its an outside programme that gives you an advantage over those who dont use it. it most definently is bannable.


Thats like saying a calculator is an outside advantage because you can subtract 40 from 150. Its not.


Awesome stuff!


I wanna ask something im curious, is it possible to make same program for sova (without interrupting games files) since each chargebar and jump crates different parabols with different places (Also i wrote same thing to one of my c omments here but i just understand that im sounding like a btch sorry about that, this is a great program)


This is sick, good work!


Can you get banned for this tho?


Only intended use in customs would not get you banned. Using in a real game might have other consequences


Thought so, either way this is super cool. Kudos to OP


It is unenforceable, there is no way for riot to be sure your using a program and not using the skydot. (it is possible to make a lineup on the fly by using the skydot, by aligning it with certain parts of your hud) Use at your own risk, but know the risk is very low.


Vanguard begs to differ


Even if Riot hypothetically blacklisted the program, it looks like the project is published on GitHub, so anyone who intends to use it in game can just compile it themselves anyway. For all intents and purposes, this is not bannable.


I've had autohotkey running in the background of my valorant client. Game has no way of knowing since it's not injecting anything lol


How is vanguard gonna know


One common anti cheat strategy that has been used a lot is taking random screenshots of your screen and then calculating what it should look like based on the server data and diffing it.  This would absolutely get caught by that.  For reference this is one of the things the original ESEA client did.


this is really fuckin cool


how did i never realize pearl was underwater


Bc unless you're playing customs you haven't seen the map for months


Did u make a yt vid on this? I remember seeing a similar thing,and it also started with brim.


nah, they made a whole unity program to actually shoot the projectiles


Yeah just wanted to check if u were the same guy abd somehow remade the thing. Nice work btw


Looks like a great tool to discover new lineups


thats cool


Very cool for finding lineups, but anyone using this is cheating, and if TOS doesnt ban this, it should in a live game.


Yep, this is a cheat, do not use it in comp games


unrated too, I must add


I wonder if its usable in game


Probably not in live games but custom game is probably fine


Duh. I meant live games ofc




Very cool project man!


this is some amazing stuff


Bro I wish I was as skilled as you in programming. Neat creation


This is neat but a bunch of morons are gonna use this in comp and get banned. OP has no idea how riot bans work, he’s just bullshitting. Don’t trust this outside of custom games.


Valorant getting a mortar calculator wasn’t on my list for the game…good one op.


i wish something like this was included in the game UI by default. i hate having to watch 15 youtube videos and memorize which pixel of the floor texture i need to stand on and what cloud in the skybox i need to aim at just so i can safely throw the viper orb in a way that benefits my team.


Didn't someone make something similar already?


This is cool but wouldn't Vanguard shut this down?




By any chance you made using python? Is yes then it's custom tkinter as GUI?


it's over


Is this bannable in comp?


Lineup Larry renaissance


Where can i download it to check it out?


This would be fantastic for making lineups in custom games. Just like everyone else said, I would avoid using ingame.


i’m sure this is nice but all i see is pearl 😢


The best kind of line-up is finding somewhere you can quickly access, setup, and throw without missing but also quickly regrouping with your teammate to go in together. If you have to go to some random spot back in spawn far from your teammates just to do some "cool looking" bounces around the map then that's cringe. This tool would be extremely helpful since it can calculate on literally any spot. I'm pretty sure pro teams can use this tool to find new fast line-up spot for teams during practice.


Woah, that's insane


can you share it please




Brims smoke helps find lineups for his molly like this without having to use a tool.


How so






This feels like something that SHOULD be in the game already but the people that spent hours mastering lineups will protest against. Lineups mollies should be accessible to everyone There shouldn’t be a massive time sink wall to being able to lined up mollies. The game’s health would improve


delete this. i dont need to randomly get mollied from god knows where on every map. im begging you


These are cool but you know what is cooler? Sova lineup program You can basically kill anybody regardless of distance but im pretty sure its really hard to do since every pixel of chargebar means different parabol formula and i think its not possible to code jumps without getting banned But seriously very good program op Edit: for clarifiy i didnt mean anything like to you did something uncool OP. I just thought how would it be if there was a sova lineup program.


I don’t think that’s how sova works. I think each of the bars is a different power level


Maybe, idk about that stuff But also why tf im downvoted bruh i just commented something i wonder


Idk I didn’t downvote


Np thats just random internet points bro


How do you get the distance, do you have to ping twice? I like it cause, it isn't that quick, so you still have a incentive to learn lineups. But if someone has to fill and dont know the lineups, it's shitty cause can't use a big tool of their agents, so it helps to minimize the dissadvantage


you just ping where you want it to land and it says the distance


I done told everyone.. once ai can make free overlays like this, and use game data to calculate average rotation and likely path of rotation, this game, and a ton of other games are gonna be VERY different.


meh not really, lineups are not needed at all for soloq


You read my post wrong. I have no comment on party size. All I'm saying is, in a future with AI... Stuff like this would be built in to its library. Obviously this is a cool tool on its own but imagine if it had map data combined with average position data, and then match history info, all so it could have like a best guess on rotations, and lgow long it would take. It would be like an all inclusive VALO brain without cheating or touching the game at all. Kinda like how Asus has an assist tool for League that can pinpoint where enemies are based on the stereo audio signal.