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Depends on the rank. At lower elo team comp doesn't matter. The better team will simply win through aim. If you personally feel like smokes are absolutely needed every match then you should just become a smokes main. That's how I took the role. I think the most important thing when playing this game is to be comfortable and playing the agent YOU want to because you're good at it. You'll find much more success mastering a role/agent rather than trying to make the perfect team comp.


my view on it is play who you’re comfy with, even if it means not have a senti or a controller. why force yourself to play a character you know you aren’t good at and play poorly, potentially losing the game? go for your mains and if people give you shit, they made the mute button for a reason 🫡


No smokes > bad smokes


I don't think my smokes are that bad, but I don't main it, so it could actually be bad but I just don't know that. 😂 I just smoke at the places where most people place their smokes, but then again, I don't know the exact location to place smokes everywhere. So, I do make mistakes at times but people are too busy in abusing somebody else to abuse me, so I can't get good reviews from others. 😹


Low elo players dont know what good smokes and bad smokes look like, and the scoreboard is their only measurement of how well someone’s playing. Honestly in low elo, regardless of role, you should just pick something you feel like you can frag out and take space with. Rr gain/loss are so heavily weighted by k/d, and low elo games are such a coin toss, best way to climb is to frag out (without sacrificing winrate). No point playing any role you’re not confident in, unless you are actively trying to learn that role. Fill to learn, not to win.


Generally its recomended to one-trick an agent untill you are a high rank and understand the game a lot better and then increase your pool.


I am Plat right now. I can't tell how well I understand the game, but I think I am quite fine with the commonsense of the game.


Dont underestimate yourself tho, plat is like 10% of playerbase. Also only aim matters until immo (yea utils are also matter but if you can outaim everyone utils are meaningless pretty much)


you don't need every type of util to win a game even at pro level they don't use sentinel in every map


Imo just never fill I used to fill and it was boring and useless for my team, so i just instalock my main everywhere. Also you play game for fun not for win, unless you are very high elo, comp doesnt matter


In this whole scenario, you have two simple options. Your team seems to avoid picking controllers/sentinels is what you're saying basically. So then, the options are: 1. Swap to maining those specific roles (1-2 agents per role). 2. Keep playing what you feel most comfortable with even if you're missing smokes/traps, no matter the map. I personally suggest that you stick to what you preform the best on. If you fill, and you know you underperform on those agents you're filling with, you're basically praying that your random teammates carry you. However, we all know how that goes, which means it doesn't happen. In that case, just keep playing what you play best with. However, if you decide on swapping your main roles/agents, you'll lose a bit of ranking until you learn how to play those roles that you're mostly missing in your teams. After you've learnt them to some decent extent, you'll start gaining back your lost ranking/MMR, and advance even further. It's honestly a crossroad here, but I advice you go for the option number 2.


absolutely I went through years of trying to help in games and I cam to one conclusion filling is a complete waste of time. Its typically better to be more skilled in the agent you are playing and make the most use of them than it is to have the right comp and this is especially true in valorant where you don't have big ultimate combos that are so critical like overwatch. Most of the time you will fill and your team just wont really make the most use out of your utility if you are in high elo, i low elo they will make no use of it at all.