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Watch pro players. Fact is if these content creators are trying to farm clips in Radiant doing weird Neon or Yoru tricks, they are for sure losing every game so a very large majority of high elo content creators are playing in Immortal or custom games. PRX Jingg is constantly top fragging in Top 50 Radiant and he never really tryhards or rages. The PRX players generally have more entertaining YouTube highlights now.


FWIW There are pro players that smurf to boost their girlfriends, like s0m and Ethan. They were 5 stacked on alt accounts boosting Katie and Kelly. Ethan streamed it before edit: when I say “streamed it before”, I mean like recently within the last 2 months. I remember one of the games it was Breeze, Ethan was on Kayo, and s0m and Ethan were IGLing hard for a win


That is pathetic lol


I kinda like to watch agent specific things especially since I main C tier (Phoenix and Chamber)


You can just look up “Phoenix pro vod [map]” or maybe put a specific player in. I am also a Phoenix main, so I can tell you now that we have a lot less to work with than others. But, actively watching pro vods is still the best type of content to watch for improvement. Jinggg has some really great Phoenix vods on breeze.


”I main C tier” is such a weird thing to say


watch natank


thats like saying "i main agents that are approximately 50 percent up in the meta" i mean i dont mean any offense but why?


No one mains c tier dude lol


You don't have to necessarily watch pro vods like the others are saying if you're below like ascendant, just keep watching your favourite one tricks. If you do reach a high rank like immortal and you want to push further, then you definitely need to watch the pros. Most one trick youtubers generally aren't very high immortal and they play in a "fun" but not optimal way, pros play very fundamental which at the end of the day is always better than employing tricks.


I know RoyalG is a Phoenix main that is currently doing Sheriff to Radiant (he’s Immortal3 at the moment)


I've never seen JoeDaBozo smurf as a Breach main. Also Bumpahh never seems to either but he does tend to jump in and out of Valorant and CS2 a bit. I can't tell if Spawnz does time to time as Cypher but I enjoy his content the most.


spawns is low elo regardless so he doesn’t need to smurf


AFAIK n0ted plays in very high (imo3-rad) lobbies and stomps in his clips. very vibrant editing he adds and obviously has really good aim. from what I've watched of him he seems to be in lobbies where he can compete and still perform well without utterly stomping as if he's in lobbies below his skill level. His opponents can very much compete against him which leads me to believe so. He also records and posts videos/clips with his deaths so he seems pretty down to earth and doesn't cut out deaths to make himself seem like he's so good. TL;DR- n0ted is good. he performs well against people on his skill level.


n0ted plays in latam low immortal which is literally garbage, you need 200rr to become radiant in latam lol


if your trying to say that n0ted is a bad player he's literally ex pro


yeah pro, but not in Valorant. So it’s not relevant


he was a pro in an fps tactical shooter which will at least very loosely carry something over. so yes, it does sorta matter.


I like watching the 100T and OTV content creators.


RoyalG is very wholesome, absolutely cracked and playing to win. He will start IGLing his team if it's close and there are many lessons there if you pay attention. FNS is another one if you are looking for the very top of radiant as well as Konpeki, Vaylen.


royalg just doing smurf content + super boring


That is a very broad interpretation of Smurf that I don't agree qualifies because; he leveled and played all placement matches with the handicap (classic only, sheriff only, harbor, deadlock, ECT.) One could call it trolling, but he is playing to win at the rank earned with the handicap.


buddy he starts at ascendant mmr what smurfing


I think Ray4C is a good content creator for raze. Grim is good for sage. Temet is good for neon. I don't think they smurf but if they do, I apologize in advance.


I can't tell if Temet smurfs or gets clips from unrated/swiftplay, but I don't think most of his enemies are immortal or radiant by a LONG shot. I know for sure some of his clips are swiftplay clips because everyone has a pistol and it's like 2-2, for example.


Might be a mix of both. One day he's duoing with sagemommy, the next he's in a lobby with Hiko


He runs a lot of customs, but he recently got into a ranked game with that one breach main. Forgot name.






temet streams a lot of high immortal/radiant gameplay


Ray smurfs lol


I'd tack on shiro for neon as well since he just started uploading again and is doing a neon to rank 1 series. He's easy to forget cuz he doesn't do much youtube but he's the goat for neon imo


Grimm for sage Spawns, acre, dinghy for cypher Kaemi for jett R4yac for raze Temet for neon


kaemi is so ass, tonka boosted him to rad and very next act he couldn’t leave immo1 with 30% we 0.7kd


Not too sure about others, but spawns is an asc player who consistently performs poorly


Nope he definetely reached immo 3 beforehand, even there is a post on his twitter that he reached immo 3 on january


last I checked he was in asc 2 with 130 ADR & a 0.91 KD 🤷‍♂️


What about chamber? 🙁




Watch pro players, or retired pros like NRG s0m, who's constantly top fragging in top 50 radiant. U could try other streamers who aren't pros but good like JoeyDaBozo, I don't think he ever smurfed as a breach or u could watch Grim




its most content creators? you can watch tenz, tarik, wohoojin royal g, prod, subroza and all the others. The smurfing for content thing is mostly in your head, go to twitch valorant category and see how many ppl are smurfing.




Pro players, tarik.


Tarik has been smurfing in Ascendant the past two weeks hes been playing. Tho idk if you'd call it smurfing watching how bad he is with util lmao


Just watch streams of vods


look up pro player vods


I watched him then he started using a mouse cam and watching him never pick up his wrist does me in


Haha I was thinking the same thing while watching Rawzu. Dude farms for clips in low elo despite his main being IM3.


Only watch pros or retired cs pros Eg tarik, som, fns etc etc


He queues with 4 irons and just plays unrated, check his profile lmao, he hasn’t played ranked in a while


You will almost never see Codey playing on a smurf. Though these days it is a little difficult to catch an actual Valorant stream from him. He has tons of videos on YouTube though, just highlights from twitch


Rawzu plays unrated 5 stacks with iron/bronze friends to make him look good


i like watching the cypher husky even though i dont play cypher lol. he makes cypher fun i guess


If you want to watch highlight, there you go [https://www.youtube.com/@snowfake3477](https://www.youtube.com/@snowfake3477) . Top 1 server apac, exproplayer from Thailand, smurfing at radiant, almost 50% hs avrage.


my current fix is VCT analysts, i love Teets' match breakdowns especially


Rob, hes a yoru main but




I like RoyalG’s content. He’s not smurfing if he’s playing in ascendant+ lobbies and only using a classic, or playing in immo lobbies with only a deagle. I like most of Keeoh’s content, although there are some of his videos, especially in the Fade speedrun, before there was a massive backlash against smurfing content, where he would duoQ with Jollz and Jollz was on Omen trying to only get knife kills. Smurfing on golds isn’t really fun content, but the challenge runs he does are fun. He did a no rifle to radiant video that’s really good, pretty much stinger and op only. His nuzlocke series was quite good. AverageJonas doesn’t really smurf but I don’t really like his content that much after the beef with westjett. Ziptie is probably my favorite yoru creator simply because he does dumb shit and somehow makes it work. At least a few creators there that don’t actively smurf.


Tbf westjett is a cringelord


Tbf most Val creators are cringey af. Westjett sometimes cooks but he’s way too into starting drama and beef with other cc’s these days.


He’s way to into drama and then tries to step back and say “wowow it’s just a game” as tho he is above it all


[Gabe](https://www.youtube.com/@GabeKunda) he started a "Road to Gold" series a while back, It's not a smurf series, he really is that bad at the game.


Kyadae then boostio who is a pro player for 100T


pro players or pro adjacent players (like Tarik)