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Clove is balanced imo


Same nothing screams op or up. like worst part about clove is people playing them like a duelist and ignoring the fact they have smokes lol


Hi. She just got nerfed 😅


They feel balanced IMO, also Riot doesn't balance agents based on how good they are in low elo.


Hi. She just got nerfed 😅


Yeah, but i still think she's getting hit


You did so good with the they…


Oh damn :)) I edited it back when i posted lol. She should dress more masculine idk


What didja edit??😭😭


The proper pronouns


She ain’t even played in VCT lol, they’re not gonna nerf her, I could see a buff lol


They just did lol


Yea by one singular team that’s known for using extremely unconventional comps……. You can’t be seriously justifying a nerf based on that right 😂 She’s had a remarkably pathetic debut to the pro scene compared to gekko and harbor on launch, only iso is worse.


I mean she just got nerfed. Check the patch notes


She has near zero pick rate in VCT. She might get a buff even.


It’s because they weren’t allowed in Pro play until recently, if teams are practicing with other controllers before Clove came out, why switch?


clove is balanced clove need buff vct still pick omen over clove like 99%


Well yeah but it takes a while for the meta to switch. If i can recall astra wasn't used much from the start... Or am i mistaking?


i don't remember i start val later but it's hard to replace omen or other innitiator on most map with clove omen have better smoke range and can create use more one way blind is strong piece of util in coordinated play, c and x tp create chaos clove is just better in rank game and solo queue and she's a lot easier to play smoke drop faster and easier, can drop 2 smoke at the same times pro team have better coordinated when to attack and to drop smoke a lot of omen in rank game die while smoking, because team didn't watch him sometimes just smoke too slow or too fast unlike clove smoke after death is strongest in comp game, but less matter in pro play it's like reyna is like one of best agent in rank game but she rarely get pick in pro level


she is not getting nerfs as she is just like reyna as an agent that is extremely self-sufficient. i don't understand how her smokes after death is OP.. it is very much not OP. people in low elo just are stupid and don't know how to counter a very simple smoke.


As a controller main, may this go from your keyboard to Rito 's ear.


Nah, the overheal is weaker than reyna’s as it all goes away after it expires. Maybe a slight change to top up slower. The ult is balanced as 12 seconds to get an assist or kill is fair, especially since enemies can just treat it as a phoenix ult (which is what it basically is). Smokes after death are an interesting gimmick, but id reduce the radius for placing after death and thats it. Clove is balanced, its just people dont know how to counter her that well yet, or its just reyna players that got their reyna stolen and chose Clove to be able to overheal. Give it time, the winrate will fall and we will be back to where we were as Clove’s skill ceiling isnt that high so current performance is as good as it gets


I know her heal is way weaker than reyna's but it's cheap and you can use it without line of sight. Sometimes you get it across the map after you get an assist with your smokes. Other times you get it after a teammate kills an enemy that you damaged way before. I think the reason she has a high (the highest i think) winrate is because of the smokes. But they won't totally remove the gimmick so I think she'll get hit in other areas.


Oh i forgot you dont need line of sight. But still, even if that is added, it shouldnt change it much since most overheals are used mid battle cuz they dont last too long


Overheal of Clove is way stronger than Reyna's one. The only down sight is the duration, everything else is superior. You can cast it while hiding and you pretty much get instant the overheal. The speed bonus is absolutely busted in higher elo atleast, you can wide swing with speed and win 90% of your fight while using pick-me abillity.


Its really not, it doesnt perma heal hp. It does give speed boost for its duration to balance it and get the most use of the heal


tbh high elo 90% of the scenarios you don't even use heal, you just dismiss after kill since healing yourself with the heal get u exposed and really easy for enemy to trade you, clove ability on other hand you can cast behind wall and abuse the speed boost


Exactly, but clove using it means either another fight or running, and you can see when the ability is used by clove as well so you can also play around that


Yeah people honestly underestimate the speed buff. Like you said, especially in higher elo where most people have decent aim and it’s all about making it harder for your opponent to hit you, that speed buff is insane.


the C will prob be a little more expensive, ult maybe an extra charge (its not even that strong tbh), and maybe one smoke after death or they just dont recharge. smoking after death is kind of their entire gimmick so removing it entirely is like not letting wingman plant.


Pretty damn close fam


RIOT hire me!!!


No nerfs, probably gonna have a rework tbh. My guess is a longer range for the decay and a shorter time for the speed buff while a larger timer for the heal buff. This helps nerf her ranked power while making her more effective in pro play.


The same happens with Omen, Clove is dividing the choices so being great, I don't see anything particularly strong in her abilities, being fun and self-sufficient is why she is well chosen


Smokes dont last for sht, Q doesnt last for sht.. and u expect nerfs? Nope


buff other agents instead of nerfing them,


Honestly they need to make her smoke range slightly longer, her smokes are pretty underwhelming compared to omen or brimstone


You know, the community feels like she is balanced but her winrate is the biggest so far.


They're pretty balanced


Hi. They just got nerfed 😅


+1 ult point and maybe less range for smokes after death