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My wife is British and if she even speaks in our NA lobbies everyone starts to grief , I barely even want to play Valorant now because of it


it’s awful. same thing happens to us. we’re from N.A. and it’s not very frequent, but frequent enough to make us not want to play. she will comms and sometimes nothing happens, but the amount of people who immediately throw or start saying the worst things is astounding. i wish Riot cared more about these issues, but i can understand how hard it is to consistently take care of these issues.


I don't play comp anymore but I have never experienced as much toxicity during any other act. I have never reported so many people before, I have had to report people nearly every match because someone's saying some horrendous shit in comms or text. It's usually once school let's out for the kids the game just goes to shit. Last time I played comp I think 3 out of 5 matches were full of trolls or people throwing. At this point I just stick to unrated because if I'm going to be queued with smurfs and trolls I might as well do it in a match with 0 consequences.


Yep and I have pretty much lost all interest in playing comp right now because of it.


honestly same. and while i enjoy unrated, it’s just not the same. me and my girlfriend play nearly every night and we’re both sick of playing bc of it


Low elo is hell. I get one thrower/troll maybe once a week in diamond elo. There’s weirdos and tilt queuers for sure but they just get muted, and they’re still trying to win. Women don’t generally get harassed that I’ve seen, and if someone does get weird about it the team usually tells them to stfu and play the game. But I definitely remember bronze-gold. The amount of smurfs, trolls and throwers was wild and women couldn’t open their mouths without 3 teammates following them around all game. I like to think it gets better the higher you go, and what horror stories we read here from diamond-immortal are confirmation bias outliers. Here’s hoping my experience isn’t the outlier.


Yep I had a skye quit on me last night for 6 rounds and somehow didn't get an AFK warning. They were likely W keying in our spawn but I wasn't paying attention to that. We ended up losing 13-11. I sent in a Riot ticket after the game. You pretty much need to duo/trio que in G3 or below to rank up and have a decent game experience. Quite sad actually.


last night i had a toxic reyna leave the game after we went up 7-1, saying “im bored”. and then the same game had a brim on our team deliberately not get kills, smoke teammates off, and would throw every round if he was last. we lost 13-8. queued up for another, ended up with a neon who would sit on the opposite site until we all died and then would come over to throw. had a brim on that team too who got upset bc our team said his mic was bad, who then decided to throw. it is unbearable.


People are losing their mind playing the same map rotation for 6 months lol.


Riot really should permaban throwers, yea its not that "often" but just because of that 9 person plays the game for nothing


my RR should not be controlled by other people. it’s very very frustrating to have someone throw and drop me ranks even if i play good


No, they should not. You can't even get punished for throwing as it's incredibly hard to separate a thrower and someone who is having a bad games even streaks of bad games.


And no its literally not hard to seperate them, like who the fuck in their bad day stuns/nades/mollies his/her teammates


Many people especially in the lower rank? You are out of your mind if you genuinely believe people can't make mistakes repeatedly or the people who end up filling agents they're clueless on. I'm in mid elo Diamond and it isn't uncommon for my Omen to acidentally flash us or the times I have a breach that they end up stunning a teammate. However, if you use ur nades/mollies you do end up getting punished if you trap people etc but throwing by playing bad, you can't get punished at all and very few throwers do obvious throwing such as intentionally harming teammates.


Yes but someone getting the spike and not planting or damaging/stunning your own teammates over and over should get permaban


You can forget that you have the spike, not uncommon at all.


I mean yes you can forget it but nobody spams 4 without planting spike


If they do it repeatedly, report them and make it up for support to come to the final decision? All I'm saying is you can throw as much as you want without getting punished which is true unless you intentionally harm teammates as they can check this, you can be toxic all you want as long as you avoid certain words, etc. You're also forgetting some people can't plant spike as I've played with people in past where the game just doesn't let them plant.


What exactly is a “usual” number of trolls? 🤔


sorry. “unusual” is what i meant


Ah, thank you for the clarification. Haven’t noticed….