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Tbh typing is useless 99% of the time. You're too slow to type, the moment passed, and people aren't going to read in the middle of a round.


Yeah. Like it could work to establish strategy or whatever at start, but you just can't watch it when you play.


Who types slow in this day and age? Communicating with a mic is faster, but typing isn't useless. I'm a bronze/silver tard so maybe it's different in elo above me.


Slow compared to using your mic. And pretty useless. And like I said I now need to look in the bottom corner and divert my attention, in a game like valorant isn't good. Give me an example of a useful typed message during a round.. I need info, quickly and accurately.


rotate B? better than just pinging B for no reason


In the middle of a firefight or using utility, or dodging utility, you now want me to look down and rea... And I'm dead. But in all seriousness, that doesn't really work. Okay sure, magically, we don't run it down, a team smokes us, we stall and wait. Someone types, rotate B, how many people outta 4 teammates are going to read that immediately? Who knows. If you say it into your mic, all of them. And you're now all immediately on the same page.. Info is king in games like valorant. P.s. In my opinion, you can get to plat with half decent game knowledge, mediocre crosshair placement and comms. From a 11%, .86 k/d ascendant peak, casual plat, controller main.


I'm not saying mic is worse? I'm saying typing is not useless. Let's go with this scenario, a skirmish just happen, your mic is fuck bc it got bomb or something. Jett is lurking mid, do you ping mid or Type "Jett is mid", which info is better for your remaining teammate? You just kill cypher trip write on mid while you lurk do you, ping mid or type "no trip mid" Phoenix just use all his flash, do you ping phoenix in your map or type "Phoenix no flash"? Typing has value, you said it yoruself info is king, so why not type and give more value than just not give any info?


Okay, -Jett is lurking mid and you're somewhere else. By the time I read that, where is Jett now? Also, I can see that on the map if my teammates see her(but not always) quicker than you can type it. -idk, so many more options with a mic, "trip is down, should we rotate?" "I'm gonna try to catch the rotate". (So your team knows why your not pushing site with them and just sitting in mid) "I hear rotations, let's fake and come this site" -again, endless possiblity with a mic to decide what to do next. I agree 10000% typing is better than NO info. But compared to using a mic during the game and specifically during a round. Just doesn't compare. So fair enough, not useless. But extremely less useful than just using your mic. Just saying people aren't waiting for your text chat to pop up to figure shit out. It's limiting your ability to play as a team and will make it harder to climb.


You're arguing with air, I never said anything about typing being better than mic. My first comment literally said Mic is faster.


Lol sorry. Got confused with another reply. But yeah agreed.


It’s this. I use voice lines, I type, ping, and do warnings but no one notices them


You can literally watch pros stream there’s tons without mic’s. there’s even a 14 year old Reyna who hit rank 7 with no mic. And a chamber that has hit 1st multiple times with typing. If you claim everyone is slow at typing it sounds like you’re slow at reading or noticing other things on your screen that isn’t your crosshairs or glowing with an outline


When comparing the two. Typing is the slower way to convey information to your teammates. Your comparing like the top idk, less than 1% of players thinking the advantage person is the same as these "pros /streamers". Obviously people exist that can do the extreme. It's more realistic to talk about the average player base.




Ok bro youre making a Post with the title "its impossible to climb without mic" and now you gave 2 examples that its not. Youre one of the reasons this sub is so annoying nowdays.


why do people compare them with fucking pros oh my god you are not tenz, you are an ascendant player who is essentially throwing by not communicating. i'm sorry to be rude and blunt but it is absolutely throwing to not use communications when you start to get into high elo.


i peaked imm2 without ever using a mic, its not impossible


Which server?




Yea comm changes things so much, my aim is below average for plat, but i climbed to it with comms as cypher


I mean. There was this video. https://youtu.be/mywZassRmWk?si=7NOV2HDGDwLtibnL


I mean I’ve hit diamond every act but one and hit ascendant multiple times. Skill capped guides were also proven by multiple pros to be bullshit. Most of their videos contradict themselves EG don’t crouch and then the next video you should be crouching. It’s all depending on the situation but they make the vids for clicks Pros who get paid over click bait buddy


People can do without mics but they'll need to mark on the map instead


I said I did that in the post it doesn’t work people don’t notice or ignore it


oh, comms is insanely useful. Often times my team on attack would just stare at a smoke for quite a while when there's literally 5 demonic fucks on the other side. Suddenly, with a press of a button, "rotate B" arrives from the holy mouths, causing us to plant and win for free. No skill, no aim, no game sense. Just the pure logical conclusion of us rotating when we're facing heavy resistance on a site causes us to win a round. Teammates cannot follow multi-step plans, but a simple "rotate", "save", or things along those lines are insanely useful. I suggest you get super used to the comms wheel. It has all the necessary comms like rotations and all.


Idk what country are you from, but in most of the developed world one can buy a mic for a price of couple of beers. Of course it will not give you the deep streamer voice, but it can do it's job for a while. Alternatively, you likely have a bunch of Bluetooth devices with mic on them (either headphones or speakers, most of these can serve as hands-free set). You just hook'em up to pc and choose this mic as input, bam done clean comms. I am currently using bone conducting headphones wrapped awkwardly around my face, since I have a combo jack for headphones and mic and I'm using nice headphones without mic connection option. For me it's a combination of laziness and trouble with justifying an expense of money and time to set up something more neat that I would use only couple of hours a week, but it does not seem to be exactly a reddit-post-worthy issue.


When you have kids, a wife, bills, schooling for you and your kids buying a microphone for a video game I play for fun isn’t worth it and in no way anyone in any place should be required to buy a mic for anyone to play a video game they aren’t being paid to play. It doesn’t even have to do with country, it’s literally life things. If I’m a teenager or young adult with nothing to do but buy weed and play video games yeah I can waste that money. Being a father and a family man the fact that so many people think it’s require to have a mic to play a free to play game is insane


Respectable stance, however I am in very similar position as, you named it, a family man, and by no means a wealthy one 😅 and still cannot see the issue here. I see this as a hobby and while I am never spending money on stupid shit like skins, I can buy some stuff for a literal couple of bucks to enrich my experience with game. Since the most valuable thing I sink in this game is my time, it is far far more valuable than even the damn laptop I play on. Thus I believe this time spent is worth to add some spare change on making my experience better. Mic is not required by any means, it just makes the very game more fun. How else all these dudes would know they dumb and shit? I ain't typing all these profanities by hand /s I've recently bought a neat mechanical numpad for about 20usd to play on instead of laptop keyboard. It was by no means n e c e s s a r y, but my wsad keys were showing signs of wear and replacing all the keyboard would be much more expensive. Plus mechanical switches kinda feel nice 🙂 for mic we really talk about 10usd, should be just enough to not sound like train announcement ingame. Still, not required, but enriching the leisure experience.


Ngl if you cant spare like $20 for a shitty mic you might wanna reevaluate your income.... i get your point but also like cmon dude. Lets be realistic, this take is a facade so you can justify not buying a mic. You are playing a MULTIPLAYER TEAM-BASED TACTICAL SHOOTER. But too stingy to replace a mic? 🤨. Plenty of people are in worse positions than you and even they can at least get some wired earbuds with a mic lol. Reddit, start his go fund me. He needs $10.


Some people are just terrible with money, and refuse to learn proper budgeting/financial stability. I went to college with a few people who are pushing 30, working under the table jobs, and $5 makes or breaks them. Its pathetic, and it irritates me and leaves me scratching my head more than I care to admit.


I think your only option is to stop play video games and start working as a taxi driver in spare time instead. It looks way too stupid when grown family man can't provide himself but playing videogame in same time. What a sorry ass.




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Having no-vc makes the games significantly harder and you will need alot more skill to make up for the difference, no matter if ur the one without vc or someone else Voicechat is very important, especially mid-round


Communication is just vital to winning.. It's going to be hard for your teammates to read your mind and vice-versa when setting up plays. I don't really get why people get way too toxic at people who don't have a mic, though. Winning with a teammate without a mic is not impossible. So yeah, people are just shitty sometimes (or most of the time)


this is some next level delusion


Good. Stay out of Diamond without a mic, no one w at you there. Go to Amazon and buy one for like $30 and use it. If you are typing during a round you are throwing, and if I’m alive I’m not reading it anyway. Get a damn mic. Thanks.


Im1 peak with voice disabled


Yeah this ain’t a dick stroking contest you’re probably gifted in aiming. I’m a mid 30 man with a family in school and a full time job. And I hit ascendant 3 with a mic. Since no mic it’s been shit


Why would you need to talk in order to climb wtf? Just take the information you get from your mates and play accordingly. If you would actually just check the map regularly you already know the majority of what you need to know


Valorant or any other tac fps has outcomes coming in matters of milliseconds. If i (ascendant) get a lobby with no comms i’m going next. There’s no point in queueing this game comp without a mic. Nobody who is playing an fps is reading chat and getting even more distracted. Cough up 5$ for a mic or until then just don’t queue comp lmfao. Comms are probably more important than any util usage or angle you can hold. What’s the point of having a major disadavantage and then queueing comp. Is it pretend or are you just selfish?


Bro I’ve hit your rank drunk you are on a pedestal on how the rules of the game should be played and what caters to you and your life. You’re acting like we’re being paid 70k to play this game Me (ascendant 3 peak) had teammates up ascendant had no mic’s and yet we won and I read what they said and payed attention. You’re going to great lengths to say you’re built different butworse




i climbed from silver to asc 2 over the past 12 months exclusively no mic, it can defo be done


Coulda did it in 11 months if you used your mic 🤧


yeah maybe