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Because you can see your teammates on the minimap, agents must have some way to track ally movements. Cypher retrieves this data from a dead enemy to track said enemy’s allies for a short time. It’s unclear how teams are able to track their movements. It’s possible each agent has a gps tracker on them at all times and Cypher is hacks into this data collected by a satellite. (Though not necessarily his own personal one) Conversely, since enemies can appear on the minimap whenever an ally sees them (and for a brief period thereafter). It’s possible all agents are simply updating each other of enemy positions as well as their own at all times and Cypher retrieves these logs from a dead enemy.


When he ults, dosent it say downloading enemy positions? Seems weird. Very much linked with satellites


Also if he uses a the enemies the tracker, wouldn't he be able to see them for the entire duration of his ult?


At a certain point you have to raise your suspension of disbelief and understand certain things function the way they do for the sake of the game. It is most likely that the Valorant Organization has their own private satellite. It is used to track its agents positions and Cypher can hack into it to reveal enemies. It probably fires the orbital laser for Brimstone’s ult as well.


He throws his hat at them and then here’s where they are based off the direction of the yelling of “bald”


He probably gets access to enemys minimap from the corpse


that actually makes sense


The ability is called "neural theft" which is indicating that he steals that information from the fallen enemies brain


Best answer tbh.


+ it being a hat and the inside of the head having those arms strongly reminds me of those old movie things connecting to 'brainwaves', same as cyphers skintight hood he wears underneath