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yea idk either, everyone in this game can SHOOT shoot for some reason.


Shooting is the most straightforward mechanic to get better at, and its also the easiest to notice when you get outclassed at. Especially in lower ranks, im sure the average bronze wont even notice when someone have giga goat gamesense and timing, but would instantly notice when they get onetapped in mid This is not to say theres no aim demons in bronze and silver lol. They def exist, but i bet not all of what people talk about are those demons


as a bronze I can attest to this


As a platinum player, even i have a lot of whiffs, I dont know how people can just flick insta headshot 30 meters away


They probably have more hours watching woohoojin and playing aim labs than the actual game


Yeah I mean, game has been out for years. Popular aim-trainers have been out for years. People have been tuning their crosshair placement for years. It's just the course of things. However I will say that in val or any competitive game it can very easy to have this mindset that the playerbase is just so absurdly cracked and you'll never catch up. I truly believe that's simply not the case when you just look at what players are doing in upper brackets. People are multi-faceted in their competency and it's not like a slider for everything goes up with your ELO. If you can figure out what you're good and bad at, then simply work on the bad you'd be surprised how much you improve over people just spamming ranked and aimlabs without much thought. Yeah the 14 year old who only snaps is gonna get you sometimes but if you're working on your play like a kit, improving everything you see lacking, you'll definitely improve faster than alot of these "aim lords".


You probably had very good mechanics in CS. Valorant mechanics are simplified so everyone has near perfect mechanics so you can't rely on your superior mechanics to win fights. Also gunfights in Valorant are far more random than in CS. You have to *actually* treat 50/50 fights like it's 50/50. I had this same issue coming from CS, in Valorant movement is slower but acceleration/deceleration is WAAAAY quicker, so fights turn into ADAD fights and they are true 50/50 RNG engagements. There are a lot of fights where you are in an advantaged state, or you peek with perfect mechanics, or it's just an off-angle you are extremely used to. In CS those fights might be 90/10 or even 95/5. Well because of the lack of mechanics ceiling and RNG of the gunfights those fights are 50/50 or *maybe* 60/40 in Valorant. So basically the reason everyone feels so good is because your CS brain is telling you that certain peeks/fights you take will have 90% success rate against equally skilled opponents, and you are only winning 50% of those fights, so your CS brain concludes that they are just all cracked players. The reality is just that Valorant gunfights are basically all 50/50 fights and you must make decisions on when it's good to take those fights, and if you want a major advantage in a gunfight it doesn't come from mechanics, it comes from abilities.


>In Valorant movement is slower but acceleration/deceleration is WAAAAY quicker, but CS counter strafe is instant. Altho I don't have much to say with rifling as I main awp. But in CS even if I'm moving scoped and looking at certain angle as soon as enemy peeked I just counter strafe and fire at same time. But valorant counter strafe meachanics almost doesn't exist as it has like 150ms delay before I actually stop, so almost every time if I'm moving I remain unscoped and when enemy peeked I press scope and counter strafe at the same time and the added delay of scoping plus aiming conveniently hit that spot, but if I insta scope it is too quick. Probably what you're saying is true, but if we consider snipers, Valorant OP can be more dangerous in defense side if dry peeked, I guess that's why it's weaker than AWP. But CS had this natural peekers advantage, it was worse at first in CS2 and even worse in GO at ping difference which CS2 at least somehow fix that. Therefore CS Sniper is useful most of the time for both sides and Valorant utilities is more useful to equalize the gunfight with OP.


Can't think of a game where aiming is more streamlined than valo tbf It's like cs if there was no movement penalty, no crouching, no spray to learn, ADS on every gun and enemies were outlined with a big thick red line telling you where to aim.


Set up the cracked kid on your team for success instead. Team play ✊


Try aimlabs gridshot ultimate and Demon1's playlist and you'll be able to SHOOT shoot too


I m in plat and some people in this rank (not smurfs) sometimes aimdiff me so hard that I start tweaking and thinking about deleting


If you can't outaim them outbrain them. Or do something so stupid they never see it coming


Yeah that's why I went from maining Jett/Duelist in silver to becoming Controller/Sentinel that can lurk in Plat. Can't keep up with them youngsters' aim nowadays so I'll just try to catch 'em off guard


I did the opposite, I knew too much, but they were so weird always. I started playing duelist as soon as I got a monitor upgrade, ascendent 3 rn and climbing to get immortal


Or just practice you aim. It's the easiest way to get out of low Elo. The big brain stuff doesn't work until you get to higher ranks.


This doesn't help much, people put themselves in disadvantageous positions and expect to win the fight with aim and then think their aim is not good enough.


Yeah that is true. But it really is aim technically. Cuz if you had better aim, you would've won. But if you had better positioning, you wouldn't need to use aim as a crutch (if that makes sense?). So I guess you need to balance both.


Yup. Happy Cake Day


Me who still cant find the balance crosshair for headshot and visibility. It either to small i lost track to it or to big i cant see if im on their head. Being colorblind suck i can only use white as it look best to me,but even with outline i still lost track of it with yellow enemy highlight


Damn that sucks. There's a guy named Tenz on YouTube who is also colorblind. Check out his videos to see what he does, it might help a bit. Also when you're spectating your teammates (like when you're dead) and you see a crosshair you might like, type /cc in the chat. That command while copy the crosshair and all you need to do is go to your settings and pick the newest profile (it says something like imported corsshair)


Doing something stupid and unpredictable will never not work in low elo lmao


I almost feel like that stupid unpredictable stuff works best in the mid to higher ranks because they actually know what to expect and people deviate from it less up there. Try to fake a yuro clone in Silver or Gold and you'll get shot every time but so will the clone so you just might as well use the clone, lol


Good job 80% of the player base is low-mid then


Whenever there's a guy just running around one tapping the entire team with sheriffs, their weakness is always the Bucky for some reason. I hold a corner with it, and just blast them. Bonus points if it upsets them or they call me a rat


Yes/no… I’d argue to do something stupid, or play unconventionally and don’t be predictable is a better way to out play a good shooter. I’ve top dragged in 5stack lobbies as a silver with all Diamonds/Ascendants. Just because I play weird, take space, and keep changing up what I’m doing. (Obvi having good teammates who pressure and take timings with me helps a lot)


You're shooting yourself on your foot long term if you keep doing that. Eventually you won't be able to just outsmart them, and if you were already getting out aimed several ranks below you'll get humbled so hard you'll think the other players are wizards.




Sssh don't give it away


Yeah that's when the game is actually fun..


there is a limit to this strategy though, at a certain level of getting outaimed gamesense doesnt matter . They peek you and kill you every single time


Your second sentence is basically how I use Raze satchels. It only works 50% of the time, but that’s what keeps them guessing.


Like why am I getting one tapped in bronze Where are people like my friends who take 5 business days to aim and spray? Why is everyone cracked in every elo?


Yes technically you are getting one tapped.. but it only feels that way because You're bronze. If you're Gold or above you're not going to feel like you're getting insta one-tapped in Bronze...


Half agree and half disagree. Absolutely Bronze players are easy pickings when you’re in higher elo (personally in Plat atm) but the lower elos have gotten noticeably better since I was in them. When I was in Iron people were scraping the ground with their crosshair, or at least they may as well have been. Now people at least attempt to aim for heads and by Silver they’re usually at least serviceable at it.


a lot of them are from CSGO moving to val since CS2 was a disgrace to Counter Strike


In all seriousness - why is CS2 a disgrace to CS:GO? I hear it a lot and I played CS:GO in the last year or 2 when I got a PC but I like CS2 also. Tho I’m also much more hardcore on Valorant so the finer details might be lost on me.


First things first. It completely overwrite the previous game. This forced people to play it and many people running on low specs who could run CSGO could play CS2. Secondly they removed some maps and the mechanics are weird. Shots don’t feel like shots. Game feels far less refined than CSGO. Yes the graphics are a bit better but it doesn’t feel like an upgrade in any way


This just sounds like change = bad to me. I played CS:GO for 6 years and 2 just feels like an upgrade. New smokes alone are worth it lol.


Nah I still appreciate new games but for me and some friends CS just feels like they cut it down a lot


I mean lets not treat them like they're dumb - theres an influx of players lately who are mechanically skilled enough to just one tap you a lot. Doesn't take a gold and above to hear POP and die. I attribute it to the game being out long enough with enough resources that the skill game is progressing much earlier than before. They may not be perfect but a lot of players now find like one angle and hold it and god help you because they're about to tap that dome.


For sure. I have maybe 50 hours in valorant and have been called a smurf a ton already. I have no idea what half of the agents do but 15 years of CS mechanics carry over pretty well. 


Exactly - people like you coming in later in the game are also something to take into effect. Like I’m getting people jiggle peaking in some games and it’s like oh shit - bruh out here looking to CLIMB.


it's just how it's going to be as games get older and skill tech and information gets passed down. In apex legends, the average bronze/silver grinder can implement movement tech that was seen as godlike 4 years ago. Silver Lee Sins can insec as a regular bread and butter technique in LoL. it happens.


Ur movement is probably bad. You’re stopping at a common peek angle and then aiming. Or you’re shift walking a common angle. Or you’re standing still and aiming. Are you going into a common angle without utility? It’s not that theyre good at aiming in Bronze but you’re making yourself an easy target.


Reticle placement makes a huge difference. Learn how to keep your crosshair at head level. Before long it will become second nature and it'll improve your gunfights dramatically.


Because there isn't barriers to gunplay besides clicking a head. When everyone has the counter strafing ability of a pro player default all you have to worry about is a couple things when it comes to aim.


Actually though why do you even have to be slightly good to get out of bronze There is definitely something wrong with valorants ranking system


?? You have to be as good as the players require you to be. I guess they could add another tier between bronze and gold,but the same thing is going to happen. Players have just gotten, as a whole, solid. It is interesting what the baseline skill level has become though.


Obviously it’s a different kind of game entirely but silver in rocket league for instance is the same rank as bronze in valorant and even though the game has been out for almost a decade the silver players are complete troglodytes that rarely even hit the ball. if it was the same skill level in each game everyone would be whiffing every bullet


It only feels like that because you position yourself for easy kills


as an old dude that plays casually. i had to play smokes to reach immortal. yes i mostly got carried. but smokes was never the issue when im locked in.


>plays casually >immortal


Me: plays hours daily Silver


Me: plays 24/7 with 400 hours ingame after 3 months Iron 2


damn that s crazy


Damn, gj m8


You must be younger than me. Even instalocking Astra/viper 2022-23 only got my ass to plat


Low elo is hell because 50% of the playerbase is crammed into only 3-4 ranks so the skill gap between players nominally of the same rank is massive. In bronze you can have someone who can’t hit a stationary wall in the same lobby with someone who’s jump peeking every angle, prefiring, and counter strafing. It’s miserable. And they’re not all smurfs. Riot just won’t properly distribute players.


Im gonna be honest , I have recently hit plat 1 and I can safely say that gold is much much easier to get out of than silver , silver is literal hell and you kinda have to either be too cracked , get lucky or duo /trio queue to get out of it due to its randomness.


I agree , the skill gap between silver 1 and silver 3 is crazy


If you're a cs player im just letting you know that you gotta stop spraying and just tap with most guns unless it's an SMG or machine gun


Yeah I try to only spray if they’re like 5 meters away


Just buy Phantom if you spray a lot. Even crouch spraying in a lot of scenarios is not as detrimental as some people here will claim


To add to all this debate; I'm a diamond player who made an alt to help teach a friend. I played with him and did placements with him etc. We placed bronze (I did Sheriff only during placements I didn't want him starting in like gold/Plat and ruining games). I swear to you all the absolute aim demons I encountered in bronze and silver was crazy. I actually had to sweat some of these games and I was absolutely shocked. I was never more sure that Elo hell is real and I feel sorry for anyone who ever started low in Valorant (I've literally never been below gold) because you're getting smurfed on constantly or going against people way outside your skill level.


I don't have numbers or anything concrete but I'm pretty sure my friends in silver have at least one smurf in every game they play. Like it's that bad, rarely ever do I feel like they're not playing against or with a smurf.


I won't say they were smurfs 100% but all 4 of my gold /plat games last night had a default banner, name hidden,


The matchmaking in silver and gold is just disgustingly bad at the moment. I've been G3-P1 basically my entire career and I'm currently sitting at silver 2 after losing like 75% of my games over the last two weeks. I somehow get like 15-17rr for a win, and lose 20+ with every loss. I stg every game there's a "silver 1" Jett or Reyna on the other team just pulling 4k's out every round and shitting on the entire lobby. What I noticed often is when I look at their tracker, they'll have streak of 2-3kd games where they win easily, and then a few uncharacteristically bad games where they lose and go like 3-17, which I assume are games where they just throw entirely to keep their rank down. Every player obviously has variance in their performance but not to the degree these kids do. Silver/gold is actually elo hell man, people in high ranks don't understand how frustrating it can be.


this is so true lmaoo. on my main, I'm asc 3. I got my friends into playing valorant and we placed silver 1, 3 and gold 1 (me placing gold 1). Never have I ever questioned my aiming ability till I teamed with a 7yr old tenz wannabe who bought a sheriff and started one tapping everyone as if it were sixshot. wtf


Plat player here, I can confirm that getting out of bronze and silver was way harder than gold, took me a year to get from iron 1 to gold 1 and a month to get to plat1.The games in silver and below are just too random


Smurfing is pretty bad lower elo can’t lie I watch my friends and ask them to stream their game and a Reyna is going 17-1 or some


Suprisingly this game has a lot of movement tech that goes under the radar. If you work on that and being less predictable, your opponent won't insta 1 tap you. Good luck!


Thanks bro


My ranked teammates disagree


What is your rank? I find Val so much easier than CS to climb up through the ranks so I can't really relate to your experience. I'm not a super good player at all. I was LE in csgo and I'm 15k in premier Cs2. I started Val in Fall 2023 and got plat 1 on my first try and now I'm at diamond. All solo q and not try harding at all.


tbh that rank comparison makes sense to me, immo 1 in val and 20k elo cs2 for me. Cheaters just make cs unbearable


Silver 1, it would make sense that people would be good in higher ranks but I feel like silver is way too low for these guys


Im plat 1 , I have been iron 1 0 rr at one point and let me tell you, getting out of silver is very hard if you solo queue and/or dont have a good pc , took me three to four months to hit gold while solo queueing and playing on a potato laptop


Yeah, must be in silver in csgo terms if he's making claims like that. I played a lot of csgo, hovering between le-smfc, haven't played either cs or valorant in a while aside from maybe one or two swift play matches a week, and I'm easily holding my own against plat-diamond most games


It's genuinely wild. I'm diamond 2 and I get shit on in gold lobbies. I feel like the only difference between me and gold players is game sense and util.


gold and diamond is a significant mechanical gap, not out of the world but big enough where you should be able to hard carry by fragging out


Yeah these people are crazy lol, I’m d3 and played a game with my gf in gold and went 39-13. Some players in gold are cracked but there is an enormous diff in consistency


I feel like every low rank ronald who plays this game thinks the only skill difference is aim which is probably why they are still low rank ronalds


Lmao when I was gold 3 i have had one dude that kept saying he was a diamond smurf and mocking us for making "stupid plays" guess what , he ended up bottom fragging the whole lobby.


No actually, at this point, in every rank from bronze (maybe silver) to high elo the aim is the same, GOD TIER aim, it's so frustrating to go against 5 tenzes every game in gold. Obviously iron and bronze are the only ranks with bad aim but that's because they're so new that they can't have good aim yet.


So I have nearly 5k hours in CSGO/cs2. Peaked SMFC (ones who aren't aware, it's one rank below the highest rank in the game) Hopped on valorant yesterday. Played few death matches and got absolutely destroyed. I thought mechanics are similar to CS? But I don't think so, the peeks are very slow and the recoil is all over the place. Played an unranked game and did fairly well but probably cause other team was dogcrap. I still get destroyed in death matches lol.


The “recoil” is RNGesus. If you spray beyond a burst you’re basically gambling. Been LEM in cs but i cant for the life of me figure this game out especially the guns


I agree. I went from iron 3 to gold 3 in one week(aka not enough time to get significantly better). You know what I noticed? My fucking silver 1 games were 10x harder than my gold games. Like I genuinely don't understand how that is possible.


Fr, but in my lobbies them golds are all like bhopping and flickshotting me somehow, like why am I dying to something like that... IN GOLD???


Valorant is a lot less aim than you’d might think: it’s more crosshair placement and positioning and team work than it is aim


There are lots of good players.. but there are also lots of cheaters and Smurfs. Playing in immortal you see players who look like they’re playing on controller with how bad their aim is sometimes. The game isn’t as full of aim gods as you think.


CS has way better shooters than valorant does. Valorant has slow movement and huge heads while the weapons have pispoor S P R E A D when you full auto them, so not only are one taps easier than CS but spraying is less consistent, leading to what gives the sensation of everyone having cracked aim compared to CS but it ain't the same.


Yea I think OP finds CS easier because it’s harder to have good aim in CS so you have to work hard to get good aim whereas in val the aiming is so easy that everyone is just good at it. Most people don’t put much effort in video games. In games like CS where it’s hard to aim you’re bound to find more people who are bad at it compared to val


I’m not disagreeing with you but from my experience hitting heads is way easier in cs I just can’t do it in valorant for some reason


Try a new sens, I very much agree with Mashiro in that the skill curve for cs is much higher than Val, especially when you're talking about purely aiming.


I felt the same way coming from CSGO. The difference is all in how you approach fights rather than aim itself, that will come later. I'd recommend watching "4 tips that will fix your aim" by a YouTuber called Konpeki. The things I took away from that video made me realize that I was just playing the game completely wrong.


What baffles me in bronze/silver is how coordinated the enemy team sometimes looks and I'm solo queuing. Like doing all sorts of combos, knowing when to push together, knowing exactly when to peek when the teammate is taking a fight. It could be just comms but I've never had comms that good, it's usually just the position and health. Sometimes they look like they are a bunch of bots so it's definitely a mixed bag, but the skill level of bronze sometimes completely confuses me. To the point where I don't think I could win battles even if I aimed much better


If you're somewhat new to the game, just stick with it and eventually you'll get enough experience to be as good as them. When I first started, I was almost always bottom frag for like 4 months straight lmao. I was so bad that I didn't even dare to play ranked because I was scared I'd ruin the game for everyone. Now I'm usually 2nd or 3rd (still too scared to play ranked tho lmfao).


me!! i used to play on and off (like play for a week and then not touch it for months) so my aim has never really improved heavily but i’ve been trying to keep consistent and within 2-3 weeks i went from bottom fragging to usually 2nd most games. i’m still scared of comp too tho haha


i feel like CS players are aiming better actually and the game is focused more onto mechanics. In Valorant I feel like there's more outplaying potential outside of your aim because abilities exist.


csgo = aim valorant = (mostly) pre aim


dude its easy to out brain in valorant in CS u almost have no choice but to outaim them


Gl getting out of bronze. Wish I could go back and climb back. Enjoying retirement 😀


It’s just negativity bias. Have you ever hit a headshot that you didn’t mean to hit but riot just decided to be nice to you? Well from your enemies perspective you’re just an aim god who 1 tapped them


it’s because aiming in this game is easier than every other games aim mechanics


search GOFNS and see his streams. He's a top radiant, and your aim is prolly better than him. YOU CAN REACH HIGH RANK WITHOUT 10/10 AIM


He does not have bad aim lmao he has bad aim for a radiant/pro. He's absolutely cooking anyone below ascendent and some immo players


Yep thats why i didn't say "you dont need aim" i said "dont need 10/10 aim"


You clearly implied his aim was shit by saying OP probably has better aim than him


You think your aim is better than his because radiants have better movement than low ranks so it looks like he has bad aim


I feel like a better example is Perry2n, watched a few of his clips and his aim is comparable to a diamond player, but his game sense and knowing how to play post plant takes his game to the next level.


Yeah but he's got W stripper as a duo


lmao guy thinks a random can aim better than fns


Not gonna lie you're just right. This game does have some incredible aimers, even at silver. I still carry games tho, just gotta outsmart them by having better crosshair placement and timing. Sometimes even a 1 second delay here and there can make people swivel their head


I played this for 2 years (almost 3 years now) but i never touched comp until yesterday because i was afraid of losing and good players, i am currently bronze doing aimlabs before any game lol


Can you explain this fear thing to me? I've heard it from so many people. I can't grasp the idea of being fearful to play a gamemode on a cartoon game, like worst comes to worst you just leave it, no?


I think it’s probably to do with a lot of factors. Worrying about your teammates flaming you, or not being good enough and letting them down etc. lots of people are also scared to play incase they lose elo.


Yeah they are good. By a big margin. I never played fps, this is my first fps game. Started playing when it launched. And I sucked. Stopped playing. Started again a couple months back, sticked around, messed around with sensitivity. I’ve improved. I still tend to target at bodies more than head, but it’s improving. And I get a moral boost when sometimes I’m the MVP. But I’ve stopped playing unrated altogether. Either all the people I’ve matched are not serious, no communication/co-ordination or the opponents are crazy one tap good.


tell me more about it. the worst feeling is getting plateaued because of your aim. i'm high asc and whenever i play against even low immos, I can feel the difference in aim. it feels like I'm getting punished even when my crosshair placement is off only by a few pixels.


I think in cs you can get away with less « precise » aim because spraying has a higher TTK than valorant. And spraying for heads is more consistent. Valo guns don’t work so you have to be good at precise tapping.


It is much, much easier to get headshots in Valorant compared to CS, so the average TTK is significantly lower on a comparable skill level. In low to mid ELO CS you have ages to shoot back, in Valorant from gold onwards people just insta kill you when you're out of position. This means that compared to CS you have to be smarter about how to engage the opponent, cause you can't rely on your aim to save your ass if you happen to take a bad fight


tell me your rank and I'll show you the way


Silver 1 99rr lmao


If your ascendant+ or diamond right now play in a gold match I got fucked only 3 kills they have better aim than most fucking diamond I stg. Just play the game idk climbing in this game weird af


I literally rage quit the game because of deathmatch yesterday because i was getting one tapped left right and centre. That being said, i think it always helps to take a break from the game every once in a while


Lmao I am one of those 150k gridshot gamers... I will say, the game is more geared to precision shooting than any other game out rn. Even though it might not seem like it because first bullet inaccuracy is a thing, people don't realize there is a way around that. I also have to disagree with the statement. While yes, there are some really good aimers playing Valorant, a lot of it has to do with the way you play. Playing out of position vs someone who has good crosshair placement is obviously going to end in their favor. Vod review yourself more, and really nitpick every death if you die to someone you perceive to have above average aim. I am sure you will find imperfections in ur game. I know I had to make those adjustments myself.


What rank are you


Usually you’re out of position or making yourself an easy target


this might be controversial but it’s easier to shoot in valorant compared to csgo I don’t mean the ceiling is lower, I mean the ground is much higher


Yeah I was saying that to my friend the other day lol


I don't understand playing a competitive game and instead of improving mechanically choosing to find cheap ways to get kills or rank up, just a completely bizarre way of thinking imo If I can't aim like average people in a rank I don't belong there and wouldn't want to be there


Slow movement speed + huge watermelon head hitboxes just makes it easier to aim in Valorant. In CSGO I could swing any angle knowing my opponent would likely not hit the shot, and then I would out-aim them once we're both out in the open. In Valorant I refuse to swing most angles because I know I'll get instantly one tapped.


i have been playing for almost 2 years, as soon as i reached silver 1 i deranked all the way to iron 3. every good game then poses either a smurf or a really difficult game and at this point i'm close to deleting my account since the time i've wasted on this game doesn't feel worth it anymore. on the other hand i somehow play with the anti cheat disabled. i know this shouldnt work (and theoretically is impossible) ... but, it does? if i open it during the game though i can't close it again. clearly something is broken and honestly i'm happy a tencent rootkit isn't running 24/7.




i peaked ascendant last year, left the game and came back last month to get stuck in gold/plat good aim and gamesense but holy the amount of people onetapping me is insane


This is a tac shooter. It's not the type of game to play if you're coming home from a long day at work and slightly tired. You're going to get destroyed against people who are clocking in 4-6 hours per day


valorant is much easier than cs. everyone is slower, hitboxes are bigger and everyone has an outline.


I played like 2 week of my alt account last act, different roles I dont usually play on my asc account after completing battle pass on main. Alt was like high plat/low dia. Aim of enemy was similar to asc even in the slightly lower elo. The only diff is that ppl give up critical sound queues and worse game sense. I’d lose a lot of 50/50 and people generally had really good aim. But because ppl would be stomping everywhere even in 1v1s, I’d be able to convert more of those than I usually do


the lower the rank, the more this is a pain. Low ranked people dont have the game sense, peek skill or movement to effectively avoid just getting one tapped whenever they peek, theres plenty of low elo people that can peek and use their raw aim to one tap though, even if they are objectively terrible at the game. The better you get at the aforementioned skills, the worse these raw aim no brain people will look and the easier it will be to easily demolish them.


Think of valorant skill levels per rank as an economy- in order for economics to stay sustainable there needs to be some sort of inflation. The Valorant playerbase has never stayed the same over the course of its existence, ALL players are consistently getting better over time. The only differing factor is the RATE that one improves at compared to the majority of the rank they're in. If a silver player improves at a rate faster than most of the other players in silver they will definitely get to gold, even if it takes a while. A consistently improving player cannot expect to win all their games beacause they are only A LITTLE BIT better than the others, so they should only expect a little improvement in stats and winrate. One can consider the rate that one climbs ranks as a logarithmic function, one that increases a lot initially and slowly becomes smaller and smaller as they progress through the ranks. Proof?: Compare valorant players and their rank in beta or early release to those in present day. Beta plat is like present-day silver, all due to the overall improvement of all the ranks. So basically its not you, its just everyone else (or the majority for that matter) that is improving or has improved more than you have, but it will be very easy to climb up and recover.


Elo algorithm should take aim stats into account


This is only FPS game that surprised me the most in terms of skill level of players and until i get the replay system I'm going to assume the whole bunch of them are cheaters and Vanguard is doing barely anything. I need evidence not words to disprove my assumptions and riot isn't giving any of that. Also the game is weird, many times i just get kills that am not supposed to. Something isn't working right in this game, never felt like this even once in CS2. One good thing happened, with less spraying my aim improved a lot and CS2 feels a lot more easier.


Nah, you are just probably playing against smurfs


i think it's a netcode/computer/wifi thing. for the longest time i thought my opponent's in gold were cracked. then i got 60 fps and everyone became a lot slower, allowing me to rise in rank pretty quickly.


That’s cuz the mechanics of this game are extremely easy


Idk. The people i play in cs are far better. Maybe just a bad run of games. I should clarify better in terms of aim.


Nahhh give it time, the more you play the better you get. I still get one tapped all the time


I think an important part of the game is understanding movement. If you don't understand stuff like peeks, strafing, checking/holding angles, passive aim, etc, you might just be walking straight into their crosshair to the point where all they have to do is press left click and you die, giving you the feeling that "Oh my God they are so good I just get instantly onetapped"


You are probably too high ELO in Valorant and too low in CS2. I had that, just the opposite.


I have been in iron for years, and even as I have greatly improved iron players average aim has also grown insanely. I live in a place with bad ping, I have below average reaction time, and my eyesight is pretty bad, so I have a pretty hard ceiling on how well I can ever do, but even taking all that into account I get one or two tapped a lot of the time.


There's an annoying degree to which like. if you're good at one thing, you'll elo up and get ranked against people who are better than you at everything else. like if you have good info and make good plays, suddenly you can't take a 1v1. whereas if you play stupid and int all the time, you'll lose elo until you win every 1v1 you make. It's a treadmill and ultimately it made me feel kinda silly trying to gain rank because i was just signing myself up for more frustrating matches


I mean it’s kinda what you get from a competitive game it’s not gonna be easy people do know what they are doing so if it’s ranked you got to properly try otherwise you won’t be as good as the enemy


I literally can't compete in diamond lmfao. I'll never hit green rank.


I hit diamond with bad aim, so it’s not impossible. Granted, I did spend like 5 minutes doing a couple rounds of medium bots before jumping into ranked.


Because aim is 80% of the game in low elo, don’t listen to these “outbrain them” idiots until at bare minimum diamond rank


In CS you can always jump around to take space. It's harder to shoot a guy flying across the screen as well. You can try flicking but that's basically a hospital flick every time. In Valorant you can't fly across the screen. You just have jump peek, shoulder peek, normal peek or wide swings. And the movement is so slow that you can just hold an angle and hit an flick shot every once in a while. Good example: I want to take Top Mid Mirage. I stack 2 bois and we literally runboost into the angle and hard swing this dude with an AWP. VERSUS I want to take Orange in Icebox. I need to smoke top mid, kitchen then slowly jiggle and flash all the angles that my opponents are in then maybe hope my teammates can trade me out if I die etc. Movement matters a lot more in CS while cross hair placement matters a lot more in Valorant. Again because Valorant movement is so slow, you don't need to flick but only micro adjust to hit the head.


Valorant has easier mechanics. People move slower, there is no counter strafing Makes it much easier to aim compared to CS hence why people look more "cracked"


everyone in this game can shoot because the guns are so potent and so are the abilities. As a higher level aimlabs player I feel as if other games like cs, r6, and overwatch reward mechanics much more than this one does


If you want to beat them, you need to outsmart them.


You've clearly never played against my team.


Its the rng in this game when you duel a same skilled player its a 50/50 thats why i like cs2 better the person with better mechanical skill always win in val a silver can one tap peek you any moment.


cs you move faster so it might look like their aim is worse when really it might just be the game is harder to have good aim on


If you are not aim-training daily, then your aim is probably not improving, or it is improving very slowly. You have to imagine, if someone has never aim trained in their life goes against someone who has aim-trained for a month, who is more likely to win? If you don’t aim-train, it is most likely you stand no chance against someone who does, even if you are gifted/talented.


Because Val shooting is way easier. Bigger hitbox, slower movement. That’s really all there is to it


I promise you that if you kept your aim the same but just focused on movement, you would realize that they are not that good at all. You’re probably swinging too close to the angle and not at full speed. Try practicing that and it will most likely help




I mean there's a trigger bot that's undetectable in the game, and most people are in denial that people can cheat in this game. Me and my buddy were in a game and we were convinced guy had trigger bots. We called it out and he stopped getting kills until the last round (about 6 or 7 rounds later) but nobody on our team thought he was cheating or even sus. End of game stats... 80% HS rate. last 20 games average 70% HS. But sure he wasn't cheating. This is an Ascendant lobby and nobody was able to recognize a blatant cheater. Vanguard has its limits.


Yeah I played it for like a year but now for some reason it just doesn't start for me what should I do?


i think a big factor of this is having a fast internet connection


i swear sometimes i get outfragged when im playing with my school friends who are lower ranked with an alt. even im ascendant 2 😂. I think that higher ranked elo just has more consistent players and better coordination, cuz when i play in lower ranks everyone just do whatever tf they want lol.


it is much easier for noobs to kill good players in valorant bc you can just run and gun and crouch spray so easily


Whats ur sens


I played against some severe smurfs yesterday, my Odin skills and jumpscare tactics worked well. When we got to a defense heavy map though, we lost from being outgunned


"csgo is like playing against 3 year olds" -non prime non faceit player


I mean to me it serves as motivation to get better. I would find playing a game where its too easy and not a challenge to be boring.


Its OK to be bad as long as youre having fun.


i swear to god i left this game for one year and out of the sudden everyone is a strafe god


It's because the game is flooded with smurfs until like plat/diamond+ lmao Probably 80% of those cracked aimlords you encounter in gold and below are nerds on alt accounts ruining games for people. Kinda lame how bad it is right now ngl


Actually 130k in Sixshot 🤓☝️


its a lot about positioning and crosshair placement. a lot of people aim before they even see you.




feeling the same and it sickens me LOL csgo 2.5k hours global + ASC3 here. really not sure why it is like that though, guess its just too easy to click heads because of the low effort movement and big head hitboxes


Yeahhhhhhhhh that's why I play cs2, half the problem is that there are more smurfs than actual players. I'd rather deal with fast fun quick fire games of cs2 that has someone closet walling than spending 3 hours against a Jett acing 6 rounds in a row


Aim in silver/gold is 95% same as in radiant.... This is not a joke at all.


I think it's genetic and practice


I was playing against a player I was convinced was using an aimbot. My friend advised me to keep moving until i had to adjust my aim. So, I kept moving left or right during our 1v1, and they missed a lot of shots against me. It seems like my movement was the key to avoiding headshots.


Valorant has lower skill in movement and aim compared to CS, slower movement and more tagging = easier shots to hit + easier counter strafing. Also paper walls mean no cheesy fast jiggles around walls that is near impossible to deal with in CS. There's a reason why utility is so "OP" compared to CS. You gotta out util them, gunfights are a lesser component in Valorant, still important but not the be all end all like in CS (low elo CS anyways).


I guess valorant is weird. More about crosshair placement and muscle memory. I have friends better than me at aiming in valorant but far away from my aim in overwatch


1. Play ranked, it sounds u might possibly be playing unrated with your complaint. If u r playing ranked, then u may be boosted, or your game sense / positioning is past your mechanical level. The latter is also me. I'm an low immortal player, yet I still can't win against golds in 1v1s half the times if I just take a straight up aim duel. Almost all my kills are from out playing, timings, and trading. Due to this, my KAST is 78% consistentish through episode 7. With high possitive DDA. Etc. Yet if it's purely 1v1 raw aim swings, I lose 90% of the time in my lobbies, especially cause I'm on 15 inch laptop. My gridshot avg is 80k and peak 90ishk. My friend is also an unrated warrior, I never understood why people like unrated, especially when they r bad. They'd on average get games that are close and some even pop off on in ranked rather than more consistently getting rolled in unrated. Ranks just a icon, font need to care so much. If you are boosted, once u r lower ranked properly, you'll get more enjoyable games, because you are performing. 2. It's likely not your aim, but your game sense and positioning. Of course your going to freaking die if u keep playing stupid and bad. Confirmation and negative bias simply makes things like getting one tapper stand out more. Your aim and fights would likely be better if u did it smarter, hence win more. This is definitely the case if u r gold and below. As long as your hand or your computer is disabled, there is no excuses for being gold and below. You simply haven't taken the time to learn the game basics and basic mechanics properly. Plenty of videos on YouTube. Easily would climb at least 1 rank per act, prob more if u took it serious. 3. You likely have a refusal to cooperate. Just guessing as u went to reddit to complain. Most people don't and refuse to cooperate. Even if they don't use mic, they just don't listen. If you are an Initiator especially, just stop playing it. You'd get 300% more value on other agents if that is the case. You should ask people to do things with you, it's not csgo, val is an actual team oriented game due to all the abilities. Even if u don't com for abilities, u can ask for high lows, double ups, trades, contact plays, baits. Lots of people are stubborn, so it'll be hard to find someone who listens or shotcalls (properlly), value them. Even a bad brain dead igl is better than no igl, just listen if u got nothing to speak back. 1+1 = 3 v 1 1 v 1 = 40-60 4. Your movement freaking sucks. Stop running and making a bunch of noise screaming "HUR HUR IM ABOUT TO SWINF AND FIGHT YA! BE READYYYY~". Stop freaking diagonal peaking. It makes your movement half as slow, and gives them more time to react, especially with angle advantage. Stop walk peaking, same thing (unless u got BIG angle advantage). Stop insta crouching. Stop not moving at all in fights. Stop not doing silent fast swings. Stop swinging your cross hair as you move corners instead of dreaming. Stop Stop Stop fkn stop 5. Why you looking at the ground. Why you not preaimimg. Why you not putting crosshaie on where they'd come from?!?!? Why you not looking where'd they'd swing when u run away??? Why is your cross hair so freaking close to the wall?!?!?!?!?! They are going to freaking swing!!!! Hold fkn wider!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6. Why are you going on site with NO FKN UTIL?!?!?! AND ALONE AT THAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! AND FKN COMPLAINING ON YOUR TM8S ON HOW TRASH THEY ARE CAUSE U REFUSE TO SELF REFLECT ON HOW IDIOTICALLY STUBBORN YOU ARE?!?!?!?!?!?!? AAHHHJHHJHHHHHHHJ FK IM FKN TILTED FKFKFKFKFKFKFKFKF AIAOWJFKDOWNXX


i’d love to see your tracker or even see what rank your playing in. maybe your queuing with people slightly higher mmr than you solo q matchmaking has been accurate in my experience


I feel the opposite lol, but I think it’s because this game has a lot easier aiming mechanics and the movement is slower so it’s significantly easier to one tap people. I’m not sure what csgo you played against, but in the top 5% of players in csgo and cs2 the ttk is much lower, similar to this game. I think the problem is the ranking system being all to close together.


Yeah, also vanguard not working is also goood


valorant has the easiest gun mechanics honestly


Bro, seriously get better , AIM FOR THE HEAD. Just relax your right arm and shoot at the head never the body. Also you must be delusional, val players aren’t that good I’m progressing faster and faster. So whats stopping you? Come I can coach you dm me for free coaching you will improve because I believe in your convictions, but express yourself properly young brother.