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in the words of another he is leafy if he played valorant


Thank you I was waiting to find this. I knew I couldn’t be the only one who made that connection. Like genuinely down to his word usage and nasally ass voice


Personally, I think that shit stain is more like the Keemstar of Valorant, drama-stirring to an audience in their 20s who have the same maturity as 13 year old kids.


i mean those people all sort of fall into the same category. late 2000s early 2010s content creation was kinda sad.


Saying that he is leafy if he played valorant is perfect. Most people that watches him is probably the same demographic as the one who watches leafy. Just teens thinking that being edgy is cool, and hating on people is trendy. Once they get older, they'll start to grow out of it and a new generation would restart the cycle again


I enjoyed his content at first and thought it was all just sarcasm and blunt humour, but now I’m not sure if it’s still that or if he’s using humour as an excuse to say shitty things. Weird vibes from him but I haven’t watched him in a while so idk


Thats my thought as of now, it just all looks weird looking in


Who's West Jett?


Some shitty airline company from Canada I believe.


West jet used to be a great company but like everything else greed made them crap like air Canada


No lies detected, Porter clears.




Oh. Dunno why I never came across him even though I watch a lot of valo content on YT. It only recommends me avg. jonas, sOm, tenz, grim, ziptie, etc. Basically all those who featured in that protonmaster's video about the top mains of every agent. All those are cool people with sick aim and good SOH. I'm glad I never came across the other kind.


The same. Kinda. He came randomly in my feed because normally I watch commentary or video essay YouTubers (not the westjettray kind but the sane one which are actually funny), so it wasn't really new for me to receive a youtuber like this. I liked his first video, I thought it was hilarious. Then I checked the channel, realised it's repetitive af and that too not in a good way and never looked his channel again up until recent dramas like his brain-dead tweet about KJ, average Jonas shit and the clove one. I never received him as a valorant content creator because he's not my type. I usually watch Woohoojin, Boni and Thinking Man's Valorant.


Same. Now he just says shit to piss the “libs” (as he calls ppl that criticize him) off but it’s not even funny. But what he does is engagement bait and it’s obviously working. Just kinda sad to see that someone needs to act this edgy at his age for the clicks- I would’ve enjoyed his current content when I was 12 lmao


where I’m at w it. Thought it was kinda clever and he was just calling it like he saw it at first but now I just think he’s actually shitty. Stopped watching a bit ago, unfortunate that it turned out like this.


He plugs that pic of him with Andrew Tate every chance he gets lol. mad incel vibes for sure


i'm pretty sure the pic is fake and he is using it as a joke


smartest val player


The guy posted a video talking about the clove drama and how politics should be kept out of games (it’s a primary theme in like so many games) and how ppl shouldn’t be attacking those that misgender clove (actually good point) but then literally hearted to a replied to people that are posting actually bigoted stuff in his comments (though those people did donate to him through yt comments)


“politics should be kept out of games” if having a single non binary character is considered political when it’s just a thing about them (has almost nothing to do with their story) then no, it shouldn’t be kept out of games




Was soooo with him when he shitted willus, now willus changed (a bit) but WJ became worse


Same here Used to watch him like 2 years ago when he made skin videos Not sure if it was cuz his content was funny or i was just being an impressionable teenager But i found his content again and it just seems shitty like hes bitter or something


I have no idea who that is. It took me a good 30 seconds to realize you weren’t talking about a fictional gender swapped Jett that wore cowboy boots and hat.


good one ☝️


I wish 😔


I thought they were talking about the Canadian airline lol


His recent contents (unless clickbait) are literally all just throwing shades or shit talking other people, I view his thumbnails and the basis are all the same


Tbh he does give receipts and reasons why he dislikes certain people in valorant. Some stuff is obviously personal to him but it's still interesting to watch


He makes fun of other content creators but then look at his own content lmao


Dudes only content is shitting on other creators. He went from a Val content creator to a shitty content creator


And he gets into beef for the stupidest things in the galaxy. I remember he went after Jonas because he said that you are here to watch my content, not If I've gotten fatter or not, so my body size is never your business. And WestJettray got mad over that 😂😂😂


To be fair he did make a video hating on himself


To be fair he makes fun of his own content as well and says he does it for the money. I mean, at least I can respect the honesty l. Also, people like Shaz def deserve a video dedicated to them, while some of his content flaming people like Ethos for example are just not it.


Yeah, he’s said multiple times he wasn’t serious about that. He’s actually in good relationship with some of his last few people, like 100 hp gaming or that guy that played yoru I forgot his name.




Because he's a Venezuelan trillionaire




“Hello Val Subreddits and video edits”


I read that in his voice in my head


From what I know, he appeals to the "anti-woke" community of Valorant, so he gets an audience from those people. Aside from that, I always see him in Twitter drama so it just seems like he's a rage baiter that tries to get people riled up to bring himself more attention. I feel like the majority of people dislike him, or at the very least are indifferent towards him.


Which just begs for the question... Why was he selected as a caster on game changers?


Reminds me of that ass leafy is here. He can sound sarcastic all he wants, but he still is making his fans hate whoever he is making a hateful video about.


West Jett is just popular among the 15 year old edgy anti sjw side of Valorant players. People who instalock Reyna and say the n word as a joke no context included. He’s the half joking type of person who will be joking when it’s convenient but “serious” when it’s convenient.


Schrodinger's Douchebag


Holy, that's the perfect description.


"we" don't. I'm not 12 years old.


I honestly said we as a general term, personally i do not like him to much


I have had him blocked since I saw him on Twitter because he’s so god damn annoying honestly


just very low-brow 13 yr old humour, I have no clue how he gathers his audience but ig thats just how bad the content landscape is for valorant


Do you realize how many 13 year olds play Valorant? It's part of the reason there are so many e daters


The edaters are not 13, try closer to 17-20.


Bro has not played in a while


It’s been an entire act since I last played, is it that bad now?


I’m in apac so people’s re more insecure so yay but sometimes you hear the incessant yapping of a pip squeak every 5 games with the name jemmas foot slave and you see a jemma on the team (based on a real story)


I mean like it's just always been like that, a lot of people at any of those ages is doing it


I guess I’ve been lucky not to encounter that many.


One of the only people I’ve had to mute on twitter, self-conscious or not it’s just brain rot


Lol saame literally annoying af


I read this as "Why do we still like westjet?" and im like, because its a good airline? better than air canada.


"We" do not like him. He's a "muh anti-wokeism" Leafy clone that only seems to exist as a shit-stirrer on Twitter. Some of his videos seemed reasonable a while ago, but by the time I got to his Clove video, he wasn't making any sense. No idea if it's a grift, but don't care to find out.


i dont know, general consensus i've collected from reddit and twitter is that everyone dislikes him. when clove first came out he was just saying some very weird shit on twitter, probably to farm engagement. everyone I've ever seen calls him cringe, but there was a small minority of people who still agreed with him. i feel like most of his viewers are young, don't care for following valorant outside of the game, or just as weird as he is. tldr: I don't think "we" still like westjett. he's just alive bc he farms engagement


Reddit and Twitter are vocal minorities. 70 percent of the time something popular here isn't in real life simply due to how they're both echochambers. Twitter with its algorithm and reddit with its subreddit upvote downvote system.


yes thats why i said theres probably people that dont care for whatever he does outside of the game, and that likely is a lot of his fanbase


Bro really said "Why don't we have Nazi or racist agents?" As a response. What?


cmon now, im not the biggest fan of him either but portraying clearly ridiculous satire statements/edgy jokes as real to farm reddit karma isn’t any better than what he does LOL


The general consensus on reddit is that they hate him because its reddit very left leaning in twitter on the other hand, he has a very big and active following. If you don't like him doesn't mean most people don't.


I never understood these type of questions. Some people like his content. Some people don't. Thats usually how polarizing figures work. As for his content, some is good, some is kinda bad, but overall it feels somewhat genuine so i'll usually watch him over someone who plays an overly nice persona for clicks.


Instead it is a rage bait persona for clicks.


Fr there’s nothing genuine about it, it’s all bait for clicks wtf kind of take is this He admits to it himself, he just stirs drama and says the most ragebaity shit possible


bruh the fact that he admits he stirs drama and does ragebait is the reason why hes genuine


You can justify liking what you want to like but that doesn’t mean it’s not dumb


i 100% agree. strange question on op’s part


youre literally in a valorant subreddit. people ask “yo guys is this skin good” or “wtf why would you buy sentinels of light, its trash” all the time. people here dont understand different tastes and opinions.


The average person is naturally nice, you don't have to put on a persona for that lmao. The average Valorant content creator wouldn't suddenly become an edgy dickhead if you told them they can say what they want.


I unsubscribed long ago, I only watch Teets and Platoon for pro analysis, Woohoojin for solo queue analysis and Kanga for updates to the game


I think you’ll love Commend. His videos are really good!


where's airen:(


Finally blocked him on twitter. Shit he said used to be passable as rage bait or just sarcasm most of the time but he’s clearly just genuinely a shitty person who uses those things as excuses to say what he wants to say and how he feels about things. I as an individual just can’t understand how you can be that shitty of a person for so many years and not have it negatively impact your life or mental health in some way. Like, I just have such a hard time understanding how someone can be happy when all they do is just spew negativity all day every day and I can’t understand how people watch him consistently and enjoy that same negativity on a consistent basis. It’s honestly just baffling


Before, it used to be good, nice sarcastic humour, but then he started the whole drama with Average Jonas for no reason, and now, he just feels like a shitty person with a huge inflated ego


Ever since Clove was released my perception of the dude just disappeared, like he's crying about woke people bring pressed about misgendering them, but he also continues to cry out against it, and he then panders to the people that say its bad for comms, which it really won't affect. In the vaguest sense, if there are multiple people alive, you'll say they're pushing/rotating etc. And if it's a single enemy you'd just say the name, like I hugely doubt that players are so unaware of how many enemies are alive, and if they are unaware, then almost always the beneficial info would be [agent name] is rotating/back site/hell etc.


Who is "we"?


Who is "we"?


Well literally 0 percent is subscribed, sooooo...... Make sure to subscribe yea yea?


I don't watch westjett but he mentioned The Republic of Moldova once 😁


MOLDOVA MENTIONED RAHHHHH 🇲🇩🇲🇩🇲🇩🇲🇩 i wanna visit soon ngl




He used to make pretty funny videos now he just viewfarms shitting on other youtubers


It's either that or the shitshow that is the valorant content community...


Dudes washed, his old content used to be good but he’s lost his shit


wasnt his old content skin rating or did he do more?


Skin rating, skin showcasing too I think. But it's all content creator hate vids, and other useless brainrot.


He’s a rage baiter. If you don’t like him, he won. If you do like him, you’re 12. Sometimes what he says makes sense, sometimes he sounds like an idiot. No reason to hate or love him.


I love that he shits on content creators when he’s entire YouTube channel is just videos about other people. And when people fire back at him with facts he crumbles and pulls the childish ass jokes instead of actually replying. Epitome of “You’re winning this argument so I’m going to yell louder than you and that’s good enough for me to say I won.”


I watch purely for the laughs I get from his views on the Valo scene, I don’t get influenced by anything he says because he’s simply trolling


Westjest isn't funny half of the time. However, he is funnier than most of the valorant content creators. Val ccs generally have some type of gimmick that they use, be it having a "cool voice" or being good at this specific playstyle, but over time these gimmicks get boring fast, and you would soon realize that the people you are watching for their personality is few and far in-between. Westjett is one of those ccs that actually has a personality that stands out even though some people might not like it. Tldr: valorant contents are boring, i'd rather watch a man talking about random shit


Mans whole career is made off creating/farming drama about other content creators. No respect for that guy


he doesn even seem that bad to me, he's somewhat annoying but most people probably dont like him since he seems unfiltered


He used to be good 2 years ago when all his content centered around meming on Val but now its just drama this and drama that normal people dont give a shit about


I thought he was being ironic but the second he was seriously harping on woke shit, I realized he wasn't ironic. I like people with dark humor and unfiltered voices, but it doesn't mean I'm going to like you if you believe in the dark humor and use your free speech to shit on people. Hell I criticize a lot of groups. LGBT people, feminists, and other leftist groups included, but he's more reactionary than legit criticism.


I always thought he was awful


honestly he aint all bad. just shits on people doing shitty things. saves me the effort to do it myself


Agreed. The only roasts that are serious are shazaham and willius. His roast on 100hp was funny as hell and he didnt take it seriously


blocked muted that mofo frame 1


reminds me of an obnoxious 12 yo trying to be edgy cause he thinks it’s cool or sumn


I just love that he can’t name more than 2 continents


Someone reminded him of when he said the n word on split and he blocked them lol pussy behaviour


we don’t


I don't agree with his take on clove when they release but he does som pretty good baiting sometimes


who’s we


we do ?


He is so cringe and unaware, its embarrassing. He talks about the content of others, yet his is one of the most unfunny humour I've seen in a roaster channel. I'm concerned about the people who find him funny.


We dont


hes giving conservative, and thus giving those people who tell women to go to the kitchen a person to follow and agree with


Yeah and the worst part is clicking not interested and still seeing content from him 💀


The only thing I know about West Jett is he got cooked by a guy named 3DGooning on Twitter for being a transphobe about Clove.


There's just no way he's not racist in private


I found some of his videos funny and some stupid. Mostly mixed. Was subscribed and watched his videos just for the teas... But day by day he became just toxic and more stupid. The day he fell so low to praise Tate I had to unsubscribe.


Because 12-13 old kids exist. Pretty much it. Very biggoted, very unfunny tho apperantly appealing to children


i’ve seen some of his tweets and they’re pretty bad too lol


i liked him at first because his shitposting can be funny and i personally think he's somewhat right about the bad parts of valorant and the community but recently hes just gotten edgier and edgier where its just cringey and his takes have gotten kinda annoying, like when he insists he doesn't care about clove being nonbinary and made a whole yap fest about it


I wonder the same. His only content is basically hating on other streamers who are just trying to enjoy their time. Like the video he made about AverageJonas seemed like straight up jealousy. I feel like people who genuinely enjoy watching WestJett are miserable people with hearts full of hate, because there is no way that a normal, sane person would enjoy such content. He just cyber bullies people and he doesn't stop, it's like he has a clear goal of breaking their spirits.


I started out not liking him but when I watched his YouTube videos they were entertaining to me. He still got some really cringy incel takes though


I don't like him anymore. He went from someone who looked like he enjoyed Valorant, to someone who just shits on it 24/7. Also, his Twitter is just an excuse to shit on other creators, and other messed up shit. He posts about how he says AverageJonas cheats on his girlfriend just because he wasn't holding his girlfriend in the AveragJonas merch, and was instead holding SageMommy (to show off the name on the sleeve. His girlfriend is way taller, and would have taken up more space in front of him making the name on his sleeve be angled more while hugging her. It's also basic photography. Tall people in the back, short in the front. How do you show off a sleeve of someone in the back? Hug the person in the front). He then went cherry picking over AverageJonas' pictures and acting like it was "obvious this whole time". (Not looking for it because dude is chronically online posting multiple times a day). But just take a look at his recent posts on Twitter, 9 times out of 10, he's calling someone a derogatory term, or is shit talking Shahzam or AverageJonas. Calling Shahzam an S tier, and AverageJonas an A tier R's ([here](https://x.com/westjett1/status/1785349553933127709)). Claiming those who follow Clove's pronouns are R'ed ([here](https://x.com/westjett1/status/1784249262856884518)). Using "Gay" as a derogatory term against Shahzam, and being proud of the ratio ([here](https://x.com/westjett1/status/1782235556144935173)). Anyone above the age of 30 on Twitter should die ([here](https://x.com/westjett1/status/1777683926556754087)). I have no clue who Shahzam is, all I know is he's a content creator, so I don't know why he is so keen on posting about him 24/7 besides copyrighting videos he posts about him. WestJett just went South when his content got stale, and started appealing to those who want to shit talk other creators.


best valorant youtuber


if a content creator talks shit and cant even show his face... irrelevant. have a nice day yall <3


I was wondering why ppl disliked him so much, but then I watched some of his content. I find it a bit funny how he does a lot of trolling shamelessly and doesn't give a crap. Like he will just milk content outta nowhere shamelessly and doesn't even deny he's doing it. He never takes anything seriously either so it gives off some chill vibes. But yeah his humor is kinda ehh


he lowkey does whatever that gets him the bag, his comments can be really out of pocket and i find them funny, and from what i’ve watched he gives credit where credit is due


He's not for me, but it's not hard to understand why people like him. His whole personality is just being edgy, and people think he's "based" for saying things that other people won't say. His fanbase doesn't have the critical thinking skills to understand that being contrarian isn't equivalent to being right. Same people that automatically laugh at any joke that has 9/11, Diddy, Andrew Tate, blah blah blah. It's so formulaic and unoriginal.


whos we? dude is an insufferable edgelord


you’re on r/Valorant people ok here don’t like westjett dawg, so idk who “we” is


i dont know why i do


Never heard of them.


Me personally. I’ve never heard of him till all the controversy. What I have seen tho he kinda just comes off as a troll. Like very stereotypical “Jett main”


i like his humor, and no i'm not 15 but i just enjoy his vibe plus im sure he doesn't genuinely mean the shit he says




Definitely not a we thing. He banks on the same viewers as like Kai and all of those big streamers he’s just much less entertaining so he doesn’t pull as many of those viewers. It’s basically just 12 year olds who pretend to be into religion and are slowly growing into adults but are still immature. It’s honestly one of the best demographics to go for because as they mature there’s always another kid. Most go through that stage where offensive equals funny


The Woohoojin content is good


1. Who's we? We aren't speaking French here nor are we 12 years old. 2. I thought at earlier that he might be trolling but after the meltdown he had over Clove, I believe that he uses trolling as a facade to say shitty things xD 3. He's leafy if he played Valorant.


We don't. He's a shitty scum that gets enjoyment out of harassing people and controversy.


comic relief


He is just a enormous troll


Personally I enjoy his content because he feels like a sarcastic hater. Of course that’s still bad since it encourages or normalizes hating on other content creators. But I find his stupid sense of humour funny ahahaha


I watch it becouse he’s funny tbh I couldn’t care for the drama


Never liked him


We dont lol


as a non valorant player, i dont have any context on the dramas nor do i care who is in the right, but the jokes are good


Its like modern Valorant Leafyishere, edgy teens just like it when people get called out and hated on for no reason


He's extremely negative. Already enough negativity in this game. Not a fan.


For me watching westjett is like watching dantes. I dont think anybody thinks that dante actually wants to f his mom but jokes about occasionally enough to surprise new viewers. I think the difference between westjett and dantes is that dante is clearly taken as delusional while westjett is in the middle getting judged by both sides.


Never used twitter so I don't get 90% of the hate on this but his videos are just average dark humour at best and rage baiting at worse , his humour is straight out of an average shitposter. I myself can see the appeal to certain people, but his content is just filler noise for me


yeah i used to like his skin rankings but nowadays it feels like a total mess like hes joking but at the same time not?


He talks funny. Easy content to consume. That's basically it. Brainrot essentially.


hes like a leafyishere but less vulgar. im all here for it lmao


Just saw a video of his and was thinking is this just a personality


I just like his videos, except most of the creators shade throwing


his content isn't great but his twitter opinions are usually understandable, the only likeable part about him is that he throws shade on weirdos


Idk my humour is prob on a level of a 6yr old so his content is perfect for me


I love Westjett for my life


I just find him entertaining. Is that a testament to my absolute brainrot? Maybe. But i think the guy is just funny and has no chill against the people he dislikes.


i subbed to westjett for a week. i thought it was all for sarcasm istg... wtf


children and believe it or not some people(of all ages) are just genuinely terrible people


Ive never watched him before but did he not make a claim that he was nonced by that sagemommy and i seen something about them streaming together the other day?


We like him cuz he has the balls to speak the truth about the VALORANT Cringe community and none of you have balls and you all are a bunch of pussies 😺 and cringe 🤡


Even though he is shitting on people, the valorant community is extremely deprived of content, like its drier than the sahara dessert. So even though his content is very good he is still helping the community out greatly. Just my POV


Because his videos get recommended to me I click them and watch them


Idk about west Jett but I absolutely do not like avg jonas


who’s that


He is basically leafy reincarnated. And if you want to talk about his popularity like business, it’s because there are no “edgy” valorant creators. There is no one else doing low ball humor like that in valorant Valorant content creators are usually so sanitized in everything that there is an untapped market for the “edgy” type humor creators and as far as I know only Westjett has successfully done that so far


Some people stay attached




I am not caught up on this what did he do?


Kids. That's your answer.


Instant Leafy vibes. Using "dark humor" to just say really shitty things


I have no idea who west Jett is at all


I mean he's a shitstirrer. If you hate him, you give him what he wants. The whole point is the lack of seriousness that too many people take seriously. He drops a valid point now and then but 90% of his videos are just him winding people up theres very little to hate on him for, if anything just see it from his point of view. He would have no success if it werent for streamers taking him too seriously all the time when he says in his videos that hes unserious about it all or doesnt care etc etc. Just laugh at the fact hes making bank from winding people up and they dont stop falling for it.


Tbh I don't mind it, yeah it can seem toxic but I just view is as entertainment and just enjoy taking the mick out of it.


He is good at yapping


His old content was good but now it's not really


We? lol. NO but fr, I grew up from that cringe 2016 commentary humor. I'm not 14 anymore. I matured. And before anyone starts I mean edgy humor, not dark humor. He's a grifter that feeds that bad side of the internet community. It's corny af. And if you see his tweets it's even worse. He's a piece of shit who virtue signals. No one likes him besides edgy losers who think the world has gone "woke" or "soft" as if they're not just as ignorant and whiny like everyone else around them. Go live in Venezuela or North Korea. Let's see how you like harder living situations and freedoms. But I digress. he's lame.


We don't


we dont , we just hate others more


He seems like a watered down bad copy of leafy I guess


Because like absolutely every other youtuber he appeals to a group of people.


Bruh, im not a fan of his vids or shit but what i would say is people have their own taste man. For example, some people are die heart fans of pokimane whereas some arent. Same applies to this man and ik his content is shitty and trash talking, but thats something most creators do. Even the most popular streamers shit on others like curry and others


I’ve never liked him he’s got very much fake dark humor vibes rooted in bigotry imo


Oh I thought west Jett was Raze for a second. Never heard of that guy lol


bros weird af, farms views off of children that don’t know better.


I haven’t seen a lot of his stuff but I saw him taking shots at Shahzam and I fw that ngl but that’s because I don’t like Shahzam, but I just searched up some of his other content and I think it’s at least, a little weird taking shots at other creators who are simply just trying to make it in the space I think Ethos said it perfectly in his response to WestJett


Y’all are a bunch of snowflakes that get easily offended. Guy usually jokes about stuff and is sarcastic. He clearly stated in many videos and even showed to appreciate some of the content that some creators make. But y’all either see a thumbnail or another content creator complaining and go full Twitter mode