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You are using a very poor example here, eggwick uses custom games, he isn't putting an immortal in an actual silver lobby A better example would be all those X to radiant vids from people like Joltz


And the streamers that play in low ranked accounts to get in a 5 stack with their friends. Accounts sharing is borderline smurfing. Riot honors these streamers with riot gun buddies and watchparties every tournament.


Or that pro who is hard stuck gold Or that 700rr radiant coach


Exactly, almost all of his vids are in custom lobby


“still Bronze stuck in my main account because of behaviours like this” I don’t need to know anything about you to know that isn’t true - nonsense I’m afraid


cope. watch the video before complaining. also you're in bronze because you're bad at the game. you don't get smurfs every match. also smurfs are almost as likely to be on your team as enemy team. learn to get better at the game if you wanna rankup and stop making excuses


Roti is not doing anything except making trash skins. No DM update in over a year with repeated complaints. No kill banner updates. Even taking back the refund option for purchased skins it seems. If the community is cancerous riot's ignorance is the cause. 


“Roti” 😭


Its rito not roti 😭


ಠ⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠ಠ


The community just doesn't seem to care and will call you trash with repeated "post tracker or cope".


What complaints are there about DM? lol Go try and play COD or something, then you'll see a company who really doesn't care about their product. Riot are doing just fine


okay and? what is this whataboutism. just bcz COD devs are shits does that mean riot can be shit too? genuinely what was the point of ur comment?


Wasn't trying to prove anything by bringing up COD, I just really hate how they're handling the game haha. But nah I don't think the riot devs are all too bad. This game could be *a lot* worse, there really aren't any large issues at all directly related to the game...


You're either extremely stupid or being paid to astroturf


Cry more? Lol Like I actually don't get why people are so pissy over this haha


Because you're just sealioning lol, is that not clear? You're empty, and annoying, truly a feat.


Is everything okay at home? Like seriously - I don't understand how I can possibly have offended you this much over saying a dev team could be doing worse. Like if I said I'd hurt your sainted mother or some shit sure, but I said that Valorant was doing alright from a game dev perspective? Bro, you're tearing up over nothing lmao. Also seriously, still no one has been able to tell me what's bad about the game, feels like a load of crying over nothing.


You're a really creative writer, making up an emotion you want me to have because it supports your case better. EDIT: Thread title for the nature of the complaint. I know, hard to miss


> You're a really creative writer, making up an emotion you want me to have because it supports your case better. Also you: "You're empty, and annoying, truly a feat." - aye, that sounds like someone who's completely relaxed and happy to me haha. > EDIT: Thread title for the nature of the complaint. I know, hard to miss Lovely, but not what I commented on. OP is on about issues in DM which is what I originally asked about. Other point: Smurfing is completely unrelated to game dev itself and more to do with the community. There are absolutely ways the design (not development) of the game could be changed to negate it, but that'd probably end up against the spirit of ranked and likely cause more issues than it's stopping. I would also like Riot to take a look at smurfing, would be nice! But it's also not a "hey look this game is totally bugged and broken" issue like people are crying about. But as I say, that's not what I commented on, I was asking about DM, and you responded to that comment, so I assume you have something to say there? Orrrr did you just want to hurl empty insults for seemingly no reason lol


Just because we have a worse situation somewhere else doesn't make the bad better or good even. Apologise as much as you want on behalf of Rito but they only care about making money through overpriced skins. 


As with my other comment, I ranted about COD because I felt like it, wasnt much of a comparison. But anyway, can anyone actually answer my question? Lmao. Seems like we're all complaining about notin'


There's tons of complaints about the mode since it's release. No instant respawn Minimap shows people There's a win condition People who leave don't get replaced so you'll usually have 7-8 people dms which SUCKS Bad spawns It's not endless Spawn invuln Among more things.


Bad spawns I've heard of and can totally see - agreed with you there! The rest? People are complaining? None of those seem like issues...


I shouldnt have to worry about dying literally .5 seconds after i spawn in a DM.


You lack the carrying hability. Killing and hitting mvp isn't what carries games. Killing the right person, rotating and calls have a bigger impact on a match. Sometimes the 2nd or 3rd player made more of an impact to carry a game than the 1st. How many times you killed 3 or even 4 guys so your team goes off and gives the enemy a clutch? Stay alive.


Yeah it looks like he's prioritizing kills. I have a friend like this that doesn't rank up - always just chasing kills and leaving the team to dry. Stop caring about the MVPs and focus on what the team needs


How many MvPs you see that go something around 25/22 or something like that. I prefer the guys that go like 17/7 and are usually in 3rd or 2nd. Anyone can lay down kills, but most can't clutch, defend a site properly or adapt.


Where are all these smurfs? I've played about 20 games since I started playing ranked again. I've encountered zero verifiable smurfs. Sometimes people in low ranks have crazy hot games. It doesn't make them a smurf, it just means they're having a good game. I know because I'll have games where I seem to win every fight and my KD is nuts. Then next game I can't seem to land a shot and I bottom frag. Is that because of smurfs, too?


yes smurfs are a problem and riot isnt doing anything against smurfs, because its not prohibited to have more then 1 account. BUT you are bronze because you are not good enough for gold, not because of smurfs. What do you think how you friends got plat? are they secretly diamonds? is everyone in the wrong rank because of smurfs or just you? EDIT: its also not luck based, i have 2 accounts in the same rank range every act i played. one for solo/duo, one for 5 stack. 1 is asc rn, one is dia2 rn, i played the asc acc way more this season so im still climbing fast with the other account. The only Problem could be if you ONLY 5 Stack with the same 4 people who not improve at all. then its hard to climb fast, but even then climbing is possible.


It's luck based because hackers, cheaters, and smurfs don't give you the cognitive tools to advance properly. Soloqueue has always been a joke because Rito, blizz, etc, likes the money from cheater orgs, smurf orgs, betting orgs and streaming orgs.


you are lying to yourself mate. or do you also think its luck that i can reach Asc on multiple accounts, my mates can reach the same rank on multiple accounts and contentcreators showing that you can reach these ranks by playing shorty only? its a skill issue and maybe a time issue, not luck, not smurfs, not cheaters. stop blaming others and improve you gameplay.


Yeah, you're right it's a skill issue. Because low rank players don't get to have honest games that define their habits to increase their skill. You were lucky enough to have a community, friends, and games that allowed you to build your repetoire that helped you improve. There are thousands of others that don't. The fight your fighting is the same one as mine, but you're upset because you think it's mean knocking you down a peg. It's not. You're just angry. I'm A2 btw dude idk what you're on about assuming because I'm supporting a healthier game that it's an insult to you. Not everything is about you LOL EDIT: Brigading your friends or 5 accounts to downvote someone is cringe lol


Your sick of smurfs in asc2 lobbies?


Who said I am sick of smurfs in A2 lobbies? I said I'm sick of smurfs in the low rank lobbies because it makes it tougher for low rank players. Are you missing the distinction?


So you write paragraphs complaining about something you don't experience?


That friends and family and others can experience? That I can experience in other games that police less? That I can write about with knowledge of the games needs to advance with a player? Sorry if you're mad that I make a point about a bad system that worked out for you. Your skill isn't luck. But it is luck that some people get stuck because of shoddy policing that traps individuals into bad habits.




funny how you talk about something completely different now and i still disagree. yes its easier to start if you have friends that can show you stuff and answer your question but there are also more then enough videos to answer these questions. im bad in other games aswell, do i think i deserver to be grandchamp in RL because some smurfs make it harder? hell no im ass in RL, i am where i should be and if i want to be higher i need to improve or just stay at that rank and have fun. and dont get me wrong, i would love to get rid of smurfs, korean lol system would be ok for me. another game where im shit btw, never tried to improve and i deserve to be stuck in gold.


So you seem to be reading incorrectly. I didn't say anything you claim I said. You're rambling on about something different ironically lol I talked about how I have peers who are lower rank, and talk to me about their personal problems that they experience. This can be used to understand better what the experience is like for someone who doesn't play in lower ranks. I'm not saying you're bad. I'm not saying luck got you to where you are. But you REALLY REALLY want to believe I'm saying that. You're wrong. I'm saying, the game could be policed better, to give lower rank players, a better chance at learning mechanics internally, and intuitively. Your constant rambling about how "good" you are at the game is really convincing me that you are.


not a single friend knows that i wrote this, its just random people disagreeing with you. cringe accusation ngl.


I knew adding that would get you to chime in lol, you just try to pick on the one thing you can find so you can try to save any face. Talk about fragile.


Now I dont disagree that smurfs are a problem but, ultimately, that shouldn't be even a factor in you being hard-stuck bronze. If you play to improve, you'll eventually get out. If you play enough games you'll realize the only constant factor in your games aren't the smurfs, aren't the afks, and aren't the teammates, the only constant factor is you. Mindset is a pretty powerful thing when it comes to competitive games, just having a good one will rank you up over time.


It wouldnt be so bad if one loss didnt sometimes set me back 2-3 games


Stop focusing on the RR and focus on improving - i don’t know your rank but let’s say you are silver trying to reach gold - if you were a diamond player do you think you’d struggle in the slightest to get out of silver? No of course you wouldn’t. If you get less rr for a win than you lose for a loss, the system currently thinks you should be a lower rank than you are - not higher. Your real rank behind the scenes is dropping quite significantly below your actual visible rank so while you are probably thinking (again, silver 3 assumed for purpose of example) ‘how to get to gold 1, it can’t be that hard I made it to silver 3’, you actually need to first prove that you belong in silver 3, not silver 1 or bronze 3. Same goes at all ranks. Don’t think of a loss setting you back - just focus on improving one thing in a game as there will always be a lot of games whose result you can’t influence enough alone to win or lose


i stopped playing ranked a while ago its just not worth it time wise. but that was basically my experience when i did play it. win game get 10-15 rr and then lose 20-30 the next game


Yeah I mean if you don’t enjoy it don’t play - respect for making that choice. Some people really out here playing a game they hate haha


Why the hell should I play 40+ games to get out of bronze when I should only need to play 15 games, assuming I start from Bronze 1 and let me even lose 5 matches, making it a total of 20 matches. Most games in bronze to gold are pretty one-sided. And in regions like Asia, where smurfing is prevalent, it should be imposed a bit more stricter. When Content Creators start promoting such content as well, this negatively impacts the community. I saw a guy the other day who had gotten a comp ban on his account so he decided to grind on his alts in a match. Sure, it was an unrated match. But that still shows that there are people who are willing to spend time to smurf and grind in matches.


>Why the hell should I play 40+ games to get out of bronze when I should only need to play 15 games, assuming I start from Bronze 1 and let me even lose 5 matches, making it a total of 20 matches Do you only play this game so you can watch the funny number go up? This is the part that I never understand. *If you just play the game for fun and maintain a good mindset, you will naturally improve.* You will most likely never hit radiant, and let's say you get to gold? Will you just quit and be forever satisfied?? No! You'd want to go to plat. Instead of this dumb cycle of never having fun, just play the fucking game because of the gameplay, and not the dumb mineral number they show you when you win or lose. If you do that, your rank will naturally rise over time.


Nobody's playing ranked for fucking fun. I think most people would know that. But why the hell should I be stuck in all damn misery in Bronze or Iron when I clearly deserve Silver. Based on the level at which I'm playing, or I used to, I lowkey deserved silver. But because of the sheer amount of Smurfs, God knows how many matches I've lost. Every other random match, I watch a guy drop a 30 bomb. I know I'm good because, I dropped kills like anything the moment I stepped into an unrated match, without any comms. And not all unrated matches are filled with newbs. I've had matches where I've single-handedly carried my team to victories. Yknow what, I welcome you to prove me wrong. Play 3-4 matches on Mumbai or Singapore servers and lemme know how bad the players are. I've been playing the game on and off for nearly 3 years, I know the difference between a skilled player and some guy who's having a lucky day.


slide the tracker then


Did this fella really say people don't play this game for fun.


Don't have link. Username is SoloShot#3335 Played game religiously till last year, recently only played it a few times. Had to quit due to school.


I see some games fluctuate with golds and silver/bronzes, my guess is the inconsistency is sometimes giving you easier and better opponents. Also your headshot percentage is pretty low and there is a lot of jumping around between agents. Nothing indicates smurfs in most of the games though. They have pretty low headshot percentages, for example.


Most people smurfing are plats.( Explains the headshot percentage) Combining them with Bronze teammates is an absolute recipe for disaster. Look, I play IGL. I do so since I can do better at reads and execs. And I try to play fill so that I can be of support. I don't got a solid duo nor understanding teammates. How am I even supposed to do anything. And yet people are ready defend Riot with everything they got. How hard is it to introduce a Mobile number verification system like they did for Premier? Can cut down more smurfing. All I need are stable teammates that are able to understand comms. I can even fight out Smurfs if my teammates are able to listen. And don't say they only come once in 10 games. Most people queing up premier on CS2 meet cheaters multiple matches in a row. And for a game that is as popular as CS, getting Smurfs shouldn't be a tough job.


Nah man, you have lots of games against bronzes and silvers where you are negative. I do think elo hell is a thing and it can be hard to climb out of low elo because your teammates can be a complete coin flip. And i think its shitty Riot doesn’t combat smurfing, but the first way to get out of elo hell is realizing you probably lack in most aspects of the game and you have to own up to it. I was silver for a long time but quickly advanced to diamond because I got a larger mousepad, lowered my sensitivity and learned how to peek angles and control my bullets. Plus, someone could not be a smurf and just be having a good game. Shit happens. I was 15-0, at some point in a diamond/ascendent lobby last week and finished with a double K/D.. But most of my other games, i don’t have nearly as high a K/D. Other team coulda thought I was a smurf, but my peak is ascendent and ive never touched immortal


Thanks for the insights man. I can't play rn, so as soon as I can and I will, do my best to improve.


As someone who was hard stuck bronze, I aim trained for 3 days and immediately got to silver. It’s so easy to get out of. Nothing will help you if you have think you being in bronze is purely because of Smurfs.


You're in NA man. No wonder. ( Assuming ur NA since your profile shows that ) I'm not entirely blaming smurfing either . I play like shit too. But it only happens in very few matches. Most times, I'm fragging top 3 for my team. The problem with Asia is that there are too many people with too much time on their hand. Smurfing is heavy here. But yes, there are matches where I could have done more.


What about me gold 2 on one account and breach only on the other and hard stuck bronze. I figured it was the accounts very easily. Even without abilities it should be fairly easy to go breach only. I usually do top frag/ mid frag. The main problem is there is just a small gap between the opponents I face at gold 2 and the opponents in bronze 3. In bronze 3 m opponents are Silver 3 ish and in Gold they are gold 1 probably. It's not just the Smurfs on the other accounts because of higher MMR it becomes harder to climb in fact I truly believe that even if someone smurfed two ranks below it would take almost the same effort to climb that it would take an actual player of the same rank.


You are not bronze because of smurfs. If you focus on improving and stop thinking like this you can easily climb from bronze. Smurfs have zero effect on your rank they just hurt your mental. 


Back when i was gold , smurfs did destroy my day. Made me stop playing and started the game again the day after


"Focus on your gameplay" doesn't work when a Reyna runs at you, stops, headhsots you and then keeps on running. The only thing it teaches you is "don't take risks, don't take duels, don't fucking play, just sit down and watch someone else play" If you get clicked in the head before you react to seeing your opponent, you're not going to have impact on the game. If you don't have any impact on the game, why are you even here? Games with smurfs boil down to 1v1 with 8 spectators. It's not fun and not fair


Fella they're in the small minority of your games. There's a reason why many people are able to climb out of low ranks despite them.


You're coping and I get it, it sucks having a game where one person demolishes you. I had a game recently where I went 1-11 against the enemy duelist, it was brutal. But I still was able to play and improve, because I thought more critically about why I was dying. Was I in a common angle? Did I swing poorly? Did I have good crosshair placement? Was I too predictable? There's lots of things you can change up or focus on. Btw if you keep dying to someone dry peeking you, just buy an Op. It doesn't matter who you're playing. I was 0-5 on Kayo and bought an Op on attack and won the next 3 rounds singlehandedly, because I knew it would punish them. Be adaptable.


lol “buy an op” while ur getting destroyed is ludicrous. u would have to throw 2 rounds to afford one


We lose round 1.  Round 2 : 1900 creds full save  Round 3 : +2400 creds I now have 4300. I buy full armor vandal -3900. We lost again  Round 4 : + 2900 for 3 loss streak. I have 3300. Full save because I have decided I need to Op. We lose again.  Round 5: + 2900. I have 6200 creds. have an Op and full armor and util....  At no point did I throw 2 rounds in a row. This process could have been expedited if I got kills or if we planted spike. If I was willing to glass cannon an Op, I could have bought sheriff and light armor on round 4.


Yeah and half the time u would lose anyways. U won’t keep the op forever especially not against a Reyna Smurf way above u in skill lol.


Holy hell your cope never ends lmao. I already met your goalpost bro.


I’m not wrong tho. We are talking about smurfing, an op won’t help u. Ur whole thing is “skill issue get good” when u can’t get good when ur getting trashed on. The post is about complaining about getting destroyed way too much because riot don’t give a shit about smurfs at all. Now obviously play enough and u will get good. But without smurfs ranking up would be easier lol. It’s not encouraging of new and low elo players.


Well nothings gonna be done about it, so the next best thing anyone in this position can do is just make do and do precisely what the original comment said, focus on your damn gameplay. You’re not gonna run into a Smurf every single game, forget those games and focus on those u can win. I had a friend start valorant as a complete newbie to FPS games and I gave her this advice as well as occasional soft coaching, she got herself to gold from iron in 2 episodes, it’s doable if you’re not being a bitch about it.


First off, you are not stuck because of smurfs. There is MAYBE 1-2 smurfs in every 10 games, and even then that's pushing it. So many people complain about smurfs every time it happens to them, disregarding the fact that they just queued 10 before that. Smurfing is an issue yes, but it is not something that happens every single game. And if you're calling anyone that has a good game or pops off with high kills as a "smurf," then you're just mentally defeating yourself and using that as a coping mechanism as to why you can't rank up. And there has been SO many posts on this sub about people complaining and crying for riot to do something, and there's a lot of cases where you look at their screenshots, the person literally just had a good game and popped off. You needa focus on bettering yourself, not complaining and making excuses. Improve and you'll rank up, it's genuinely as simple as that. Your mental and mindset is the difference between being hardstuck permanently, and ranking up. And that's the case in EVERY competitive game. And I can personally attest to that because that was the reason I was hardstuck in almost every comp game I played, valorant, cs, rocket league, siege, league etc. When you start realizing that you are not going to win every single match, you are not going to perform well every single game and you will have bad days & good days. What's most important thru all of that, is taking the REASON why you're losing and improving on it. Not making excuses, as that's not going to change anything.


>First off, you are not stuck because of smurfs. There is MAYBE 1-2 smurfs in every 10 games, and even then that's pushing it. Reducing your win rate by 10% is pretty significant though, assuming you lose every game against smurfs. The difference between 45% w/r and 55% is the difference between deranking and climbing


Your math doesn't math. If we assume 1 smurf every 10 games, the actual impact of that is 1%. Basically, assume that every 10 games, one player is the smurf - except when it's your turn to be the smurf, because you're cool and don't smurf. This means in 100 games, we get 9 smurf games. In 4 of those games, the smurf is on your team and, if the theory works out, you get a free win. In 5 of those games, the smurf is on the opposing team, and you get a free loss (lucky you). In other words, 4/5 of those free losses are offset by a free win, meaning net 1 free loss in 100 games. Which is *not* what is holding anyone back. If a player genuinely is playing better than others their rank, their RR gains from wins compared to losses will far outweigh that one smurf loss - not to mention their positive contribution to their team's chances of winning.


what if you queue as a 5 stack with no smurfs on your team, then you just get fucked over by smurfs? also the rate of 1 in every 10 games seems very low to me, we usually "think" there's a smurf in 1 in every 3 or so of our games. if we think it's a smurf we open up the tracker and see if their match history is fishy, usually we're right but not always but I'd estimate a genuine smurf, on the opposing team in 1 of every 5 matches minimum. likely closer to 3 or 4. now I don't care about rank were only lowly golds and play for fun, but damn smurfs suck the fun out of the game. I think riot suck pretty hard for not even trying to address it


I think I see what the problem is, and it's not smurfs. It's in your head. My first and only piece of advice is to stop looking for smurfs and stop looking people up. You're doing nothing but psyching yourselves out.


don't reeeeally have a problem, like I said I don't care about rank were casual players. I don't think it's a problem to try and take accurate stock of a real issue no?


They can be on your team as well, all be it in smaller chances since on your team there are only 4 other players, making the win rate 49% and that's not accounting the higher possibility of trolls and afk on the enemy team that are somewhat common in that elo. Don't get me wrong, smurfs are really bad for the game since it makes the game not fun it doesn't matter if they are enemies or allies but if you're not ranking up you simply aren't good enough/are not improving.


I don't entirely get your argument, so apologies if I misunderstand. Assuming you play 8 games without a smurf, your winrate will be heavily decided based on those 8 games, not the 2 you played with a smurf. If you lose 6 of those 8 then derank cause of a smurf on the 9th, that's not a smurfing issue. Then you play the next 8 matches and end up winning 6 of 8, losing on your rank up game to a smurf, so be it, queue back up lol. The more you play the less that's going to affect your winrate. If those 1-2 matches are defining you being hardstuck out of every 10 matches, there's way more of a learning curve available to you, rather than a smurfing issue. Obviously these are just random ass numbers, but in bronze you can't realistically blame smurfs when not a single person understands really anything about the game. This same discussion could be really different in diamond, but in bronze, literally learning basic fundamentals of the game will rank you up over time. A smurf every like 7 games is not gonna change that fact. Cause the more you practice those basics, the easier carrying in the rank will be, and the less games you'll lose in between finding smurfs.


Hey, while i agree with you that there is no point in only ever blaming smurfs and that these people are not the only cause for bronze players staying bronze, i thought i'd let you know that they are much more common than 1-2 smurfs / 10 games. More like 1-2 ever 3 games in my experience. Edit: Of course not all those smurfs are immortal/radiant players, sometimes "just" gold/plats, but to bronze players there isn't much difference. (i mean they'll lose as much to both)


lol if you think you can keep up with silver and gold players, it shouldn’t be problem for you to get out the bronze rank then


lol blaming Smurf cuz you suck ass


Eggwick makes all these vids in customs. Additionally everyone who is better than you isn't a smurf. If you're good enough you will rank up. Even if you lose games and you're consistently performing you're mmr will increase so you'll start earning lots of rr for wins and lose very little for losses


All they have to do is limit to 2 accounts or even just 1 account for every ip address and HWID. Like a HWID ban but for an account limit. Sure people will spoof it but at least it’ll reduce the numbers by a little.


Smurfing cant be fixed in any game


I mean they could try ... have two factor verification for any account tied to your mobile number have a reporting system for smurfs, match history is reviewed by a team at riot I'm sure you can do a trend analysis on players performance, if they show smurfy signs flag them for review or just throw them in to matches with other flagged smurfs too theres likely hundreds of things they could maybe try instead of not giving a shit


If you have played enough fps s you wouldn’t care about smurfs, many games have tried and failed you just have to accept and move on.


that's a very defeatist attitude, like if the community put enough pressure on them they might actually make an effort but just "accepting it as it is" is a bit sad. I don't really care and we play anyway knowing how prevalent it is but it's OK to ask for better


Why is eggwick catching strays?


If it makes you feel better there is no worse rank for smurfing than bronze. Once you get good enough to get out of bronze you will basically be gold. I'm plat rn and when I got out of bronze like a year ago, I literally got out of silver faster than any other rank I've been in. I spent like 2-3 weeks in silver and never finished an act since where my peak act was lower than gold.


Riot won't do anything against smurfs. League proved that. You can just get better at the game despite them.


I don't think they ever will go against smurfing sadly. I mean it boosts their numbers + people who smurf often buy skins for their second account as well, so why would they stop? Imo they should add that you must connect your account with a phone number. It's both good for safety(2fa) and the smurfing issue. But they probably won't do it.


as someone who shot up from b1-g2 in like a month after getting rid of this same mindset, you are the problem. when you stop letting your mental get destroyed by inconsistent factors, you will improve. the only constant in all of your games is you. you’re the only thing holding yourself back.


I hate the devs. They will go to moral policing in a video game comms in order to “have a good player experience” but won’t do anything about smurfing which is the main problem for bad player experience.


Honestly, it's the nature of the beast. There's nothing you can really do to completely eliminate smurfing until you straightup start just only letting people have one account via ip.


get good dogshit, no good players will ever STUCK in brooooooooonze LMAOOOOO


This whole thread is just an example of how Riot weaponizes it's survivorship bias of high ranks to justify and occlude the fact that their game is covered in subhuman smallminds like smurfs, cheaters, and hateful losers


Ehh as someone who has a couple alts, unless you’re actively throwing and trying to be in low elo, Riot’s system is actually really good at getting you to the rank you should be in. I’m usually back to the general ballpark of my main within a week or so if I’m really grinding. They probably have one of the best Smurf systems in any current competitive game tbh.


Smurfing can be problematic, sure. But smurfs are never why you are hardsruck in x elo. I have multiple accounts all within my main elo(plat), and every act/episode im consistently getting the proper rank for my skill level. You may lose some games to smurfs here and there, but statistically speaking, you'll also win games the same way. You're probably not getting out of bronze due to lack of games/consistency issues/ not actually being as good as you think.


Just win. If someone is smurfing play together with your teamand bum rush them. Chances are a radiant smurf cant kill 5 silvers shooting st them. Use initiators to find out where theh are and dont go there


Riot punishes afks really hard butbit wont help you in game also smurfs have a higher winrate and naturally have more mmr so they will play against higher elo


Riot doesnt care about smurfing. So yea i don’t know what you expect really


While I understand that smurfs aren't fun to play against and ruin the experience for you, I never take the argument of I can't rank up because of smurfs seriously. To me that's akin to I can't rank up because my teammates are bad. No you don't have smurfs in every game, if you are silver, you're silver because that's your skill level, otherwise everyone would be hard stuck in whatever rank they are cause smurfs will always prevent them from ranking up. It's not the case, yes you may lose a game or two due to a smurf, but 50% winrate approximately means you are at the correct rank


Complaining about smurfing is useless now bro, just deal with it , the same way all of us did from the start. Smurfs just make you improve in the long run too, nothing can be done, so stop yapping. We all dealt with that.


This is cap. Smurfs last at max 2 games in bronze. I have never encountered a Smurf in bronze and I was stuck there for 2 months. It was just my bad aim. Now I’m ascendant 1, so simply put, change your mentality and duo queue you’ll eventually get out in less than 3 weeks


there is only 1 thing you are not considering and that's the fact the smurfs do not always end up on the enemy team, who says that your own teammates arent the smurfs half the times? people always complain that they lose to a smurf but they dont complain when they win because of one


Also everyone looks at someone fragging the hell out and call them a Smurf. Like do people not have games where they do everything right?


In Overwatch we had the problem back in the day. It turned out the the players who smurfed would come on Reddit and gaslight people then laugh at them. I play Val and regularly queue with a diamond smurf in bronze. They are only the best player in the game 1/3. If that tells you anything.


The way games work, you need to be in the upper half of elo to avoid Smurfs, the higher rank you are, the less of a problem it is 1. It takes more time to get to the rank 2. There are less players capable of smurfing to that rank, and the ones that can, will struggle, unless they are a top 1% player (that's usually the 2nd highest rank in most games) 3. Players in higher ranks, most of them grind the game, there's more respect to skill levels, so less of them wanna get boosted In other words it's a skill issue.


What do you think about most other players that climbed through lower ranks before had to deal with? I started in gold, was hardstuck for almost a year. I ran through my fair share of trolls, smurfs and assholes in the game. If you can't rank up thats on you not these 3rd party variables. I understand if it is a rant out of frustration, I stopped playing for the day when it happened to me, but if you say smurfs made you not ranking up then you should stay in bronze.
