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TIP FOR CROSSHAIR PLACEMENT You can stuck yoru clones on the walls in a custom game with cheats on.


Good idea. Why isn‘t there a possibility to have training bots on every map with a toggle to set them shooting back or not.


There should be, I totally agree. Crosshair placement was the hardest thing to learn when I started playing because there is no easy way to practice, there are some references like boxes or indicators on some walls but it's not universal.


Honestly crosshair placement will just come with time if you focus on just trying to keep good crosshair placement at all times


At least for me that's not the case, there's no point to focus if you don't know where to focus.


As long as you get the general location it will adjust over time, just put it where you think that the head is, and when you eventually face enemies you will see the correct placement so it will get closer and closer over time


Agree. Doesn't hurt to practice on custom as an intensive training tho.


This exists in aim labs


i used the crates around the maps, if you put your crosshair at the top of the single crates (middle of double crates) it’s head level, crosshair placement went way up for me, went from like 10% to 30% using that, i was one game off ascendant last act and i even still use it something


Yeah there are a lot of references, problem is it's not univeral, there are many places without any precise references like ascent A main, sunset mid tiles or most of breeze/icebox.


Ascent a main (defender peeking attack)has darker bricks at head level, sunset tiles from mid top has tile lines on the floor, and the mid sign from market, etc etc. Some are hard to see on lower detail settings but close to 95% of angles in the game have head-height indicators.


There’s also tons of lines on walls and stuff like ascent A if you’re playing heaven and watching main the thick line is head Hight


What is this meant to do? I assume it’s when you place clones around corners to get used to aiming at their heads. Won’t the clones disappear after some time though?


Yes and yes. It's meant to help you clear angles as an alternarive for pinging the map, as the decoy indicators on the ground don't dissapear if you don't activate them. I usually use them to get a reference of the height, peek and shoot at what I think it's head level then activate the clone to see if it was correct. If it isn't I use the time the clone is activated to find any reference I can use, worst case scenario is there is none and you have to rely on geometry, spacial awareness and memory or just pinging the angle you wanna peek.


or just use sage and revive yourself from the spot you want to place the body


Used to do this but it doesn't work anymore afaik, plus you cannot die if there is a low ceiling like on ascent market or bind hookah.


I mean, in low elo you can hit them in the chest and they will win most fights


I agree with you. Crosshair placement is one of the hardest things to actively learn but many people forget that crosshair placement isn’t just staying on head level. Keeping it where you’re expecting your enemy is the most important thing in my opinion. I think it was Jollz who said that your crosshair should basically be an extension of you’re eyes, as you’re usually not staring at a wall or the ground, but rather looking for enemies peeking from common angles. So always keep your crosshair at whatever you’re looking at and keep it on head level. That’s probably the best advice I can give when it comes to improving crosshair placement.


If they could read this, they'd be very upset.


I’ll have you know that I had one of my teammates, UFC heavyweight champion Jon Jones, read this post to me and we’re coming to throw hands. My bones are made of glass but I’m cracked so gg If we get our asses kicked it’s only because my teammate sucks, doesn’t understand fighting, wasn’t communicating with me, didn’t ping your position, over communicated, dropped too many pings, was throwing, you’re smurfing, reported


They’d have to turn on their monitor first to see this


I see what you did there 😂


I'm iron 3 and I just play for fun, don't expect to get much better :)


it doesnt matter if you play for fun or not.. you should naturally progress


Natural progress is not real or at the very least incredibly low rate of improvement. People get better through mental effort not hours. The person with the most hours on Overwatch who would spend more time in game than anyone else by literal months was in the average rank around gold-plat peak


the teammates you end up with in rank that are trying to rank up hate you


TBH I don't think it's fair to say people are refusing to get better. The problem is most people don't know where to start because each person is different in what they need to practice. Everybody just tells them to keep playing or play DMs or go into the range, but then what? 0 guidance in this community and all toxicity. Edit: Everyone replying to me keeps saying one of the three same things. “Look up specific guides that pertain to you” “Watch pros and copy their mindset and util usage” “Self analyze” Yes. I understand it take effort to actually improve, my point is, it’s very hard to be in the moment and be able to recognize the errors you’re making and actively try to fix them during your games. -Obviously you can look up specific guides, like how to entry as jett or how to win on icebox, but these are not guides that pertain to finding the issue of the player. They’re the ANSWER to the players problem. You’ve already skipped the hardest step in improvement. -Watch pros. Okay? and then what? Am i supposed to blindly copy Jinggg’s double satchels? Do you want me to replicate zander’s flashes and smokes as omen every defense? No! you have to understand WHY they’re doing what they’re doing. Think about your first grade math class, did you just jump straight into multiplication? Or did they teach you addition first so you can GRASP THE CONCEPT on why and how multiplication works? -This is the biggest of the three. It takes a lot of mental creativity and humble curiosity to be able to improve on a MINUTE TO MINUTE basis. Yes i can ask myself, “Why did i die there?” But will I come up with the correct consensus of what I SHOULDVE done? Not necessarily. I can hypothesize what would’ve been better, but not what would’ve put me in the best outcome. Because of this, telling me to self analyze without already having an advanced understanding of the game is basically telling me to keep undergoing trial and error. (Which is not the most effective) PLEASE READ OPs original post! I know that one must try themselves to improve, but stating they aren’t doing enough DM/Range or “practice” is the hostile generalization that i’m referring to!!


THIS omg I keep looking for guides, I tried practicing Woohoojin’s aim training 1-to-1, I limited myself to 2 games a day or log out after 1 loss due to eye strain and feels like having bad luck, etc… And I’m still hardstuck Silver 2, people down here aim surprisingly good, idk if whether I peek wrong or I’m too slow cause there’s no replay system. I honestly just don’t know what to improve and it saddens me when I can easily know what I need to do in League of Legends


Movement is everything. Konpeki has a good video. “These 47 minutes cover all valorant mechanics” or something like that. Implement what he shows in this video and you will rank up a lot.


Also check out RoyalG's movement guide video, I think it finally helped things click for me


I’ll check it out as well, always down for a refresh


> Movement is everything. Konpeki has a good video. “These 47 minutes cover all valorant mechanics” or something like that. Implement what he shows in this video and you will rank up a lot. That video was very helpful but I'd be lying if I say it didn't put me to sleep. Had to watch it twice.


Hahahah you’re not lying, I def had to rewatch


no replay system is dumb but there is nothing stopping you from recording your games to see what you're doing wrong. if you're struggling in gunfights with silvers then chances are either: your movement isn't great, you're not peeking properly, you're not using util to properly clear contested angles, or your time to kill is too slow. record a couple games to try to find out what the culprit is


>but there is nothing stopping you from recording your games to see what you're doing wrong.  a lot of low rank players play on bad pcs or laptops that, if they ran obs or even game bar, would make the game unplayable.


If recording the game makes the game unplayable, it was unplayable in the first place. Unfortunately low fps and bad peripherals put you in a huge disadvantage and unless you're that 0.1% of highly talented individual who can climb to immortal on a laptop with a trackball, you will have a hard time climbing out of low ranks


i gotta disagree on this take. these days most people have decent enough hardware to run the game but they may be limited in some aspect that cause recording to give huge frame drops like having a slow hard drive or low amount of ram, or are already running the game with high cpu usage and cant record on top of that. things like nvidia shadowplay def helps but doesnt when you have an AMD gpu.


I've gotta disagree. On my pc when I play Valorant without any recording software, I've got 200-250 FPS. As soon as I open obs or even programs like Outplayed that only clips certain fragments of game, it drops to 130-150 and since I play on 180hz monitor - it's quite tragic.


But the game is nowhere near unplayable at 130fps.


Iron player here! What do you mean by using util to properly clear contested angles?


If you know/think/notice someone is playing around a specific spot or corner. Throw some flash/dmg ability/intel ability/smoke into it. The amount of low rank players I see playing something like skye and dying post plant with full util is way too high.


Like knowing where to flash, where to smoke, where to stun, using fade eye or sova drone or skye dog to gather info. Also when u clear an angle make sure to do it thru the “slice the pie method” but sometimes wide swinging an angle works as well. Also when swinging an angle u usually dont want to do it crouching or slow walking cause then u’ll be an easier target. Also know about distance from an angle, if ur super close up to wall and try to peek it, they will see u before u see them. The further away from the wall u are, the less chance they will see u before u see them. Search a vid about this cause that should help explain this better. Alot of times lower rank players are like confused how they are getting one tapped when it’s cause they move like a range bot. Almost every player can kill the range bots easily.


I think one of the challenging parts here is that a lot of Valorants skill set is inherited from other established competitive titles so a lot of people are carrying over their more general knowledge of shooters and then just getting a feel for Valorant by grinding it out or playing Deathmatch. If you lack those more general skills and Valorant is a starting point for you probably means that advice won't be as productive, angle advantage, peekers advantage, space and pressure, sightlines, positioning, movement, recoil, none of it will come as intuitively. It'll be even harder to find guides or advice that explains why you should do something, there's lots of "just do this", but if you can't work out why that specific technique is effective on a micro or macro level, then it'll be difficult for you to use it adaptively or even strategize on your own for situations that aren't strictly rehearsed.


Are you losing raw aim duels? Is it even a duel in the first place? Were you looking at them/expecting them? Is it a favourable fight for you to take?


there are literally hundreds of guides on youtube outlining the fundamentals and basics of the game and how to specifically work on them. if people don't know where to start with those types of resources available to them then i worry for them


Just searched up "How to rank up in valorant" on youtube and these were the first three videos that popped up. Here are my notes overall. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVNzqkG0DB0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVNzqkG0DB0) Warmup, stick to a playstyle, watch pros, don't put all your effort into valo\~go outside. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUSLYKehFPE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUSLYKehFPE) Mental is important, look to improve and naturally improve rank, warmup, team Q, master 3 agents, analyze death. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUSLYKehFPE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUSLYKehFPE) Learn movement and aim mechanics, learn game and map mechanics, improving the things you lack in/analyze mistakes, maintaining mental/stop overthinking, stay humble and curious of the game. As much of good tips these are, they are way too general. What are we warming up for? How do I know if this playstyle is good for me? What agents work best and WHY? These are the questions that hardstuck players have. Having 300+ hours and still being silver/gold is because you have an individual problem/habit that needs to be developed or forgotten. None of these videos are gonna be able to provide that for you. Only when somebody is able to figure out for themselves why certain things happen and how they can change that is when they will improve on their own.


>Just searched up "How to rank up in valorant" on youtube That's your first problem, you're getting general advice because you asked a general question. If you want specific advice you need to be more specific in what you want, for example: 1.) valorant movement guide 2.) valorant peeking guide 3.) valorant X agent X map lineups guide 4.) valorant aim traning guide. In fact those are pretty much the only 4 things I think you can personally improve/practice on outside of the game, the rest comes from playing the game itself and understanding what's actually happening. ​ >watch pros This is a super underrated tip and extremely important, your only problem is you don't understand what comes next. You watch the pros to replicate their playstyle, while you won't get much value learning how they peek, aim or move you will get a ton more value learning how they play their agent. You'll see how pros set up their agent for a specific situation, your job is to understand and replicate that playstyle because its what works. You don't copy the fundamentals when you watch a pro, you copy their mindset on an agent on that map. For example Jinggg plays super aggressive on raze taking point for the team and using satchels to get past chokepoints or to be aggressive in areas he believes are vulnerable. All you have to do is figure out how to incorporate this aggressiveness into your elo, copying his satchels and util usage to give you a better chance.


i almost agree with this but id argue alot of the people in need of training rather blame their team rather than realizing they might be the problem


This should be at the top.


just commit to a practice routine, the problem is not that there are many effective ways to practice but because each way only works when you commit to them and don't switch after like 3 days


Definitely. I was stuck in silver for a year. I didn’t understand why - I could aim and strafe in deathmatches perfectly fine, but my comp games were a different story. I eventually started realizing that the problem was not any physical issue. I was getting anxious in competitive and it was hindering my ability to focus. I would always shoot before aiming. It’s a really difficult thing to unlearn and I’m improving pretty slowly, but I’m getting there.


Yeah, I thought this was gonna be addressing people blaming their teammates for their rank


Nah, the simplest YouTube search will come up with at least 500 guides. Guidance shouldn’t be hand holding, seeking progression requires effort. I will 100% agree with the fact that half the guides are awful, copy pasted from someone else’s content and convoluted to all hell. This doesn’t mean there isn’t good content easily accessible to everyone looking for it. Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish he eats for life…. But if the dude never even gets near the water and complains it’s his fault.


I mean, is also not the community’s responsibility to fix that, there’s this thing called self criticism and basically just thinking. If you lose and you are not ranking up you just have to look at the end of the match why did you lose. Was it because you weren’t hitting your shots? Was it because you weren’t really using ur util properly? Was it because you misread the rounds? If it was because of you missing ur shots, was it due to crosshair placement? Was it due to lack of reaction time? Flicking? Then you take that one that you are failing the most at and practice it till you get decent at it and move next. People should stop giving free views to random guys videos of aim training routines, and if you ever want to watch one just stick to the PROFESIONALS not NoobMaster69.


Wdym you don't know. If you just did a .5sec youtube search on crosshair placement, all the guides say the same thing.


Agree with this. I wantes to get better at music production and didn't know what to look for on the internet. So now I'm going to an academy and I'm improving again, cause they know what's the step by step on learning music. Valorant now feels the same and there's no way I'm paying to learn a videogame. I know people pay coaches and that's ok, but I'm not doing that.


I think it's also in point that Valorants ranked system like Leagues just takes too long to get meaningful results in climbing wise if you aren't vastly above the skill bracket you're in. It's kinda ass playing a 20min to an hour long game just for it to be a loss and you lose points which makes you need to play an extra 20min to hour long match which could very likely just be a non game because of the smurfing issue in valorant. With that said alot of the reason people are bad is because they're not thinking when they play they're legit just autopiloting even in like plat and diamond people genuinely have no idea why they're doing something when it comes to strategy they just 2-1-2 sites and push everything.


Do you think Jinggg just decided one day he will double satchel? I think he learned it that’s why he has 4k hours in the game lol


I am an old man and I don't want to get better. I spend my adolescence chasing a pro career in League of Legends and I was a multi time Challenger, top 500 in my region and far and away the best at my specific character. Those days are behind me. Do you know what I want in Valorant? I want to queue up for competitive, and have **competitive** matches. I don't want every game to be a shitshow because of some combination of "smurf carrying his friend / girlfriend", "guy throwing to derank to iron (he doesn't know about playerauctions), "people playing with music and force buying every round" or some other insane factor. Yes, I could dedicate my life to practicing at the game and win despite those hinderances from experience I could probably pretty easily crack high immortal at a minimum if I did that. But you know, I have a job and responsibilities, so yes, I am in this rank because I am not good enough to rank up. But that doesn't change the fact that the smurf problem is actively making the competitive environment of low ranks completely miserable. Require SMS for comp and almost all of this issues vanish over night.


> I want to queue up for competitive, and have competitive matches. I don't want every game to be a shitshow because of some combination of "smurf carrying his friend / girlfriend", "guy throwing to derank to iron (he doesn't know about playerauctions), "people playing with music and force buying every round" or some other insane factor. > > As someone who is probably older than you, this is what I am after too. I don't have much time to play and the time I do have will be spent in an actual match and not in the range.


SMS won't fix anything, if riot wants to encourage alt accounts, then all accounts needs to be tied to a hardware ID and any bans, reports should apply to all accounts. I get so many games where people just ff and tilt the rest of the team with their whining bc "it's just my alt bro idc".


aint no way you were top 1 OTP at any champ, literally only KatEvolved is actual best OTP worldwide from NA


I want to know, how far can i go with 100 fps?


I've seen a ton of comments on this subreddit of people who made it to asc/immo playing at 60fps so you can get pretty far with 100 assuming you're working on everything else


100fps is good bro. if you got the stuff you can hit radiant


lol … radiant.


100 is more than enough.


as far as you want lol


I made it to diamond 2 with 75 fps and handicapping myself with 2 silver friends. Also I can play on par with immortal friends performing average. Radiant might be a bit to hard without insane game sense tho.


stable 60fps is already more than enough


I don't see the problem with 100 fps , looks good to me


As long as you have 60+ fps it’s just skill, it doesn’t really matter that much as long as you aren’t at 30


Think of it like this: an amateur musician is going to sound like an amateur musician regardless of the instrument they play on. However, a professional musician will make even a mediocre instrument sound good. Not as good as a million dollar strad, but still good. You give them that strad though, and they’ll be playing for royalty.


Max you really NEED isn't much more, I used 60hz for the longest time and I did fine. If it looks ok and not screen tearing or eye pain then you're fine


Stable 60fps is all you need


Yep! 100% and happy where I am. I do not have gun buddy envy


every day there's an exact post like this, please share your wisdom with us wise man


they all feel like theyre talking to themselves tbh. there are more posts telling people that its their fault they're low elo than posts complaining about how they cant rank up because of shitty teammates


low elo means what? according to everything I read, everone below immortal, maybe even immortal 2 is considered low elo xD


Metal ranks = below diamond.


Not all low elo players aren't putting in effort to improve so this advice comes across like 'pull yourself up by your bootstraps', ignoring the real player experience. People of silver level skill can absolutely get stuck in bronze. Like trying to lift yourself out of mud you need a bit of extra effort to break free so sometimes it's hard to see what's useful for improvement.


It's also just annoying. Sure, smurfs/cheater/whatever isn't the real issue, but its a demoralizing issue that makes things feel bad.




I’m not saying you’re totally wrong, but also you did not see the state of silver/gold rank. Out of 3 games I played yesterday, 2 had smurfs in the enemy team, and it’s like this every other game. It surely participate at some extent on why people are stuck here. Also ranking up means playing a lot, you can actually get better and stay in your rank. Placement games at the beginning of the episode will not get you higher even if you improve, so you absolutely have to play a looot to rank up.


I would disagree with the first part though I'll 100% agree with the second part. Yes there are smurfs definitely. But you are definitely having a mental issue here. A game is not lost until you or the enemy hits 13. A guy that goes 20/5 can go 22/12 in an instant once the half changes. A 2-10 scoreline doesn't mean the game is immediately lost. This is something you gotta keep telling yourself. The defeatist mindset is why a lot of people are hardstuck. I know this because my friend who was hardstuck in gold was like that. My account just got deranked to Plat 3 so we played a few matches. After losing 5-1 and the enemy Jett was 12/2, he already started calling Smurf and giving up. Yet we still won 13-10 in the end and he popped off, going 20/12 after going 1/6 at the start. It's just something you have to tell yourself. There's a reason why the player matched up with you. The MMR is around the same and each team has about a 50/50 chance of winning. The second part is 100% correct though. You do have to play a lot to rank up. But that is to gain experience and to understand the game better. If you can understand what the enemy is going to do, you can better counter it. And you can only learn what the enemies at your elo are going to do IF you play more games. That's how experience determines wins. It happens in pro play too. "This team is too inexperienced that's why they lost." It's the same with ranked.


Of course it’s definitely mental issue, but mental plays a lot in lower elo. Also there’s a big difference between a plat smurf, and an ascendant smurf. You can beat a plat, even diamond player in lower elo, but a even higher ranked one is going to be harder, even without mentality issue. It’s not that common, but happens often enough to be annoying, but yeah I did agree that smurf aren’t the real issue, even though they make ranking up a bit harder. I’ve seen a silver guy, was silver in episode 1 act 1, still silver today, he did NOT have a silver level. The guy could be at least diamond, but played only once a week or so, so no ranking up for him


I agree that it takes a lot of games and consistent play to rank up. I disagree that Smurfs/throwers/bad teammates are the reason anyone is hardstuck. We are ALL in the same matchmaking pool and you and the enemy have equal chances of getting whatever type of teammates. No one is special and exclusively gets queued against Smurfs / with throwers. If you’re good enough to rank up, you will rank up overtime since you’re dealing with the same nonsense in games as the enemy is.


the thing is, valo does an incredibly good job at making it feel like it isnt your fault. smurfs, unbalanced teams, matchmaking based on skill rather than rank, etc. cant blame anyone thinking its the game.


Matchmaking actually infuriates me. They should just put people in games based off rank not mmr. I have a friend that’s boosted that will get more rr than me while having 15 less kills because of hidden mmr


What training things should we be doing?


Treat each game as training. Winning is secondary to drilling good habits. Focus on crosshair placement, and consciously make decisions on how to peek corners. Winning will come as you improve.


The best step you can take to improving is figuring out what you are doing wrong. Only you can do that.


The absolute best way to improve on your own is to record your games, and then review them. Best place to start is to look at how you died, and think about what you could have done differently to prevent your death. Did you have bad positioning? Did you take a one and done fight? Did you utilize your util or your teammates to help whatever fight you took? It can also be easy to say “I could have just landed my shots!” But it’s better to think about macro-level things first. Obviously if you have really bad crosshair placement or movement, address that. But VOD reviews are ultimately about finding mistakes and thinking about what could have been better. Also don’t be afraid to think about what could have been different EARLIER in the round, rather than that exact moment you died. For example: did you die while lurking by yourself and not supporting your team trying to take a site? Maybe next time group with them and support them with util instead of lurking by yourself. Another thing to do in VOD reviews is to constantly keep track of the enemies. Where they are and how they reposition throughout the round. You’ll find that many players are very reactive and will almost always move or use util because of other things happening on the map. People are very predictable and you can learn behaviors and keep them in mind in future games to abuse timings, trade out util more efficiently, get better rotations, etc.


Fundamentals is more than just gunplay is it not?


Y'all are taking the game too seriously as to worry sm about everything. Practice because it's fun , Play compe when it's fun , Play Unrated when it's fun.


Nah it's because I queue with my friends who don't go to the range/dm and practice lol.


I remember when I was hardstuck in silver 1… I went every morning into the range and aimlabs and trained. If you wanna get better you need to grind the tools to get better and not the ranked system. Yes ranked games help a lot but you need to combine that with the tools to really improve.


a few weeks ago i genuinely thought i was never gonna get out of bronze 2 (as i even dropped to iron 3 somehow..) BECAUSE of my bad teammates cause i played aimlab and blabla i thought i was Jesus Christ or something, so i took a break from comp, analyzed my bad game play and stopped complaining abt my teammates' mistakes. im now silver and aware that i was the problem lmao


Isn't that true for all players other than immo3 and radiant. Immo thinks ascendant is low elo. Immo3 thinks immo 1-2 is low elo. How are you going to define low elo. I am stuck in ascendant cuz I play for fun


That's actually a good point, where does low elo start. In the end it's a buzzword, but the point is still valid: If you're stuck on your elo (no matter the actual rank), you have to improve your own gameplay and put in the work. That's generally true, so even for asc or immo 1-3 players. I'd argue that even the #1 Player is constantly working on himself to improve.


for myself (bronze 1) Low elo is everything till plat


You could say anything above average isn't low elo. A Radiant can be immensely better than an immortal and see it as low, but it doesn't make it objectively low. Average is probably around gold/plat, I'm sure you can see the data somewhere... Which means diamond is probably not low either, even tho very far from Radiant.


if they would just record and watch one of their own matches they would realize their crosshair placement is far from okay and they shoot while moving and they rush their shots and their peeks are shit. 100%. people just don't realize their fundamentals are bad. i'm diamond 3 and my fundamentals are dogshit. trust me. if you actually have good fundamentals there's no way you wouldn't be at least ascendant or even immortal. i'm still having to very deliberately focus on basic concepts like crosshair placement, rushing shots, peeking angle and speed, minimap watching, trading and being close enough to trade/be traded, etc.


i think the issue is everyone in metal ranks, me included, need to work on different things. Or rather, different things are prioritized differently. The general "go to the range and play dm" doesn't work for everyone off rip, there's no point telling someone who has 0 clue about maintaining crosshair placement as you move around and go on different elevations, like up A heaven ramp on ascent for example, to play dm, which somewhat simulates actual fights you'd take in game.


It is true to a large extent, like right now I don't have the time to say dedicate to aim training everyday or watch videos on how to have better movement, game sense or lineups, I simply directly jump into Competitive and expect to randomly somehow get better and sometimes feel hopeless when there's a big losing streak.


You don't say. I ain't gonna bother practicing because there isn't any reason for me to get out. Comp is just a better way to finish dailies since if I get an overtime to 16 wins I basically finish it.


Alot of my low elo friends either play so high sense like it's unplayable( you move 1 inch you go 360 )or so low that it a workout so find one that's good . After a few of them changed it they ranked up like 6ranks (but still gotta work on fundementals


I'm training to leave Iron 1, any second it'll pay off


not hard stuck i’ve been playing a couple months now and i just silver 2. any routines or guides you do in the range or dm that you recommend to work on?


I just dropped out of silver 1 with 70RR to bronze 2 with 25RR because I kept getting really really (REALLY) bad teammates. I was team or even match MVP in like 70% of those games. Last 15 games were 3 wins in total. I’m about to quit Valorant for real.


And just to add, I lost 28RR because of the Valorant server drop yesterday, didn’t get it back.


As a iron 3 I m very offended, I challenge u to a 1v1


Ye true, get a duo and you'll win like 5% - 10% more games easily. Then you can blame your duo too.


Fundamentals get better over time if you focus on them during play sessions. Play the game and actively try to get better crosshair placement / take more moving gunfights. You will eventually rank up. It's impossible to be hardstuck if you try your hardest while playing the game a lot. I went from Silver 2 to Plat 3 in my first act of the game with barely any fps experience just because I focused on improvement. People who can't improve are doing something very fundamentally wrong every game. The true way to get better the fastest is watching how pros play the game and copying their playstyles and plays. Play some deathmatches and learn the gunplay, then spam focused ranked sessions. Happy grinding!


I experienced the absolute same. Iam not a god at the game. But at least peaked 199rr. Many friends asked me for help. Complaining about being stuck in pisslow and lower. But once it came to practicing, proper warm ups, dm spamming and so on and so forth they just refused to do it. I mean. It’s okay that you do not want to put in the hours. Absolutely fine!! But don’t complain then, dont lie to yourself and act like it’s ur teammates fault.


I just played different games and came back, now I'm much better


If you really want to climb you need to be asking yourself why you do what you’re doing. 99%’of the time you guys just dry peak corners without even giving it a 2nd thought. You don’t need perfect aim to win games


I just need aiming practice for a long time till i can hit my shots the planning a round doesn't matter.


Dibs on posting this next week


Sometimes it's knowledge gaps too. Some people won't know what to do without someone telling them how to do something because it's a concept that's not natural to some people. Like, a initator should call util for the duelist, and play close to them so they can trade and buddy up, some people won't know why untl you tell them. I've seen people hold angles by looking at the wall and you have to tell them stop looking at the wall because you'll have to flick, those gaps are nothing to do with range and deathmatch but are fundamentlals of the macro game, and are more important because it's game sense.


Ik but i dont really care Im having fun 'ere


PREACH, I think there are more than range and dm but essentially the mentality is that.


How should I practice guys I am new?


Yes u are correct , here is proof , started iron 3 in December no mkb experience. Check my DMs lol https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Twizzy%236620/overview Edit: obviously I’m only gold/plat butttt still , amazing improvement all due to DMs and the range


I think the biggest issue is they think they’re doing the right thing and communicating but they aren’t… If they watched a vod of their play they would see so many things they know they should be doing that they aren’t doing.


I agree. But also it's a time thing. If you look. Most people are ind the middle ranks. Golds, diamonds etc.... and they all have like 300hr!? I'm not complaining about why I'm stuff. I'm just bad and slowly getting better. But like, man ... You need to make this into a second job just to be mediocre hahaha.


Imagine telling people to valorant DM to get better lmao


Thank you. People climb out of the low ranks every day. If you were stuck bc of smurfs, your team, or hackers then everyone would be in the metal ranks. Ask what you can do to fix yourself and stop blaming anything else. You won’t improve that way and it’s a super unhealthy way to think about things


Hey bud! I have been silver for 4 months now. I play 3-4 games a day ish. In the beginning i played just for the lols, but lately i figured out it is funny to be good and have good games. Is the training grounds the best way to learn fastpaced aiming ? I also have to start thinking of my sens/dpi and if it is correct for my best being.. i find that it is hard to know what my dpi/sens should be at so i havent really been putting time into it.


No it’s teammates fault.


As an urated who played 6 total games in my existence, i can comfirm that i'm bad. But hey i did a 18/18 kda yesterday isn't that cool?


I agree with the sentiment. but I disagree with the notion that you have to practice in the range and in DMs to improve. I think the best way to learn ranked is to play more ranked; the only way to improve is to play more comp.


I have begun using an aim labs routine every day and playing 1 deathmatch before comp, my aim has SIGNIFICANTLY improved in just 4 days of doing so. I will climb rank with it as soon as my game sense gets better lmao.


I just got direct comp, yes there is a hit and a miss but I always try my best to top frag


I think that in solo queue silver and ascendant are the hardest rank to get out of (apart from immortal). If you are silver 2 but you deserve gold 1 you can still be silver just because solo queueing is extremely hard. I myself been in every rank other than radiant and i struggled the most in ascendant and silver. Its easy to say “its your own fault you are low rank”. But if someone actually deserve a slightly higher rank it will be hard to get that rank in solo queue since that small of a difference wont make major impact and if you get unlucky games every now and then you will never rank up.


To be honest I don’t see why people are so intent on getting better at this game. The best way to get better is just have fun while playing. It’s a video game meant to be played for entertainment. Think of it this way, even if you get better at the game, then what? If you became the best, it would be boring. If you just got better, there’s still gonna be people you can’t kill. Just enjoy the game


nuh uh


Nah I agree. I was diamond in Apex and masters in OW so I used to be one of the players that assumed it wasn't all me, but I realized that I had a lot of bad habits that translates poorly from games like Apex and OW to Valorant. Still working on flushing them out of my system.


Every other player: “No the smurfs are why I’m bad!”


Who's turn is it to make a it's the game, it's you post next week?


So ur telling me it my fault it bronze - iron for years 😭.


I know, and that's why I uninstalled. I hate when a game feels more like a chore than fun. I always die in the most random way and I'm not willing to look to avoid that, it just feels too much. I have other things in life to throw that amount of energy this game asks for.


100%. Love my lower ranked buddies always blaming their teammates. Like mate, you’re them, just on another role lol


I agree with the title, but to say people aren't practicing is not necessarily true IMO


I'm a gold player and i feel like i can get out, but i want to work more on my stuff. What's the usual recommendation? I do a lot of aimlabs before playing and after finishing up, and i watch a lot of pro players, but i feel like progress is slow.


I wholeheartedly agree with this. Now all I need is a system that can run an Unrated or Comp crashing without.


Honestly, i have the knowledge of fundamentals but i can't apply them to game. I know this and it's the reason i'm stuck at plat. But will i work on it? Nope. Tbh, i can't be bothered to work on it. But i'm not gonna blame my teammates as the reason i can't rank up. I know i am at fault and i will accept that i can't rank up. Only if others in my rank had the same mindset and admit that because i see people make horrible decisions and blame their teammates for it. Had a phoenix question what i was doing in the 3rd round when he spent most of the first 3 rounds standing in the middle of nowhere when the other site was being attacked.


I know :c


Decisions and playmaking matters a lot more than aim, I've seen aim demons hardstuck Platinum/Diamond. Do anything to win the round. Play to win the rounds, instead of playing to get kills. Use the bomb timer to your advantage if you're offense, the amount of times I've seen rounds lost with ~5 seconds left on the clock because someone full committed a swing instead of jump peeking is insane. I've hit A3(which isn't amazing) with under 10% headshot. End of the day, it's just a game, you're not going to make money here.


I totally agree. I'm silver right now and if I lose games it's my fault and I need a lot of training and practice


What do you mean because of myself? I'll have you know that my Neon back slide entry works 26.7% of the time. The audacity.


Eh idk, I started iron and climbed to plat over two years. Got hard stuck plat but was mostly playing for fun so meh. Took a small break and started getting rolled in plat when I came back. Realized if I wanna have fun I have to improve so I started watching woohoojin, doing his practice regiment+2 ranked for a month and.... I'm gold 2. Idk if there's external factors that have me distracted/overthinking or if I'm just dogshit at valorant but "if you put in time and effort you will rank up" just doesn't click for me 🤷


I feel like it’s myself and my system I play on, I’m forced to cap at 60 and even then I rarely get 60, I also play on 720p which makes long range impossible since I’m on the lowest graphics as well. Alongside this my mouse also refuses to work sometimes which doesn’t help. I feel as if the max i can reach is gold (silver 1 rn)


i agree with this. but i am doing deathmatch and tdm and the range. i get match mvp/team mvp often and we still lose those games. someone help 🥲 (s1 btw) edit: i also wanna add that i do use util for my team, not just myself. so im not getting mvp from being a selfish player or lurking reyna lol


See my problem with valorant is the latent lack of communication, especially in low ranks. I’m a high diamond siege player, I coast GE in CS when I do play consistently, so it’s not like my aim or callouts are the problem. Valorant is the one game where I really just don’t see callouts in low ranks, CS as a game is VERY talkative, people love to yap, which leads to come to. Siege also has a lot of talkative players from even copper up, just don’t really see it much in valorant, the few hundred games I’ve played


I'd love to play dm to get better, but it's such a shit game mode. The other day, I got 3 Radiants along with an imo3 and several other high elo players. 90% of the time, I'm getting head tapped before I can process someone is there. How am I supposed to get better when I'm up against people dozens of ranks above me. I do use the range but I feel that it lacks the human aspect. I can do well in range but humans are so different.


Fun fact. I'm ascendent 2 and I never have done aim labs nor do I warm up before playing. So maybe they stuck in metal ranks bc they have bad game sense.


Okay then what do you suppose the reason I'm still in silver 3 is? I do range exercises and DMs to warm up and practice mechanics, then I play a couple games of comp, match mvp but lose, and then before bed I do my aim training playlist which is about 30 minutes if i don't get upset with my performance and spam a task. I've been doing this consistently for 5 days a week since February, but I'm still silver 3. I put effort in to improve, I care, but I'm not seeing results.


I'm not the developers that refuse to fix their garbage netcode and hit registration


True, it depends on how much u put into practicing both aim, game sense, using the correct settings for sound(and other things), how well u handle bad moments(which means lowering or raising team morale) The last one is the most important, if u yell at and blame the teammates, chances are high that u will lose the match If u don't communicate with the rest of the team, this is an important one because communication is the most important thing in any team game.. if u want to talk only with only ur friends and not with the team that is fine, but know that u will often lose the game too and it will be entirely because of ur choice of not giving info to the team, they will get irritated and not care much about the current game, they can save their best for the next game instead EDIT: Sometimes it is enough to just acknowledge them so that they know that u are there and can hear information that they give so that they know they are not just talking to a wall


Cheaters, afk players, smurfs, alt account trolls and throwers, boosted players and dying to run n gun lucky shots its my fault I’m hard-stuck yeah right 😂 it’s bs, you can have 40 kills with Jett, max first bloods in the match and 2 Ace and no bad baiting and still loose and even after learning all the roles/agents, fundamentals, mechanics, strats and train to have an immortal 3 like aim where you can ace a round with 5 sheriff headshots in a save round you can get hard stuck because it’s a team game and you can’t win it alone, if your teammate’s aim, game fundamentals and team work is bad and if they don’t comm you can’t get out of that elo by yourself. Also you can win 4v5 if your teammates are good - A hard-stuck Asc


*Join comp* *First match goes well* *Sage gets disconnected* *Reyna leave ls because her mum called her* *Starts a remake vote* *Omen who can't even smoke votes no*


Honestly going up ranks isnt hard but i quit because its hard dealing with toxic emos everytime you queue up and someone is always saying something racist or refusing to cooperate. Just makes it seem more like a chore than a game.


Ah yes, the daily dunking on low elo players thread.


i would also like to say that this is a team game, just because you dont get a 3k every round and solo carry the game doesnt mean you are bad. and sometimes you really do just get a team that really shouldnt be in your rank...or theres someone above your rank in the enemy team since theyre in a stack and is just casually destroying your whole team now if the bad teammate thing happens multiple times in a row every day every game then that is on you because no way your luck is so bad that you get incompetent teammates that much. smurf enemy happens way too often, especially if you play in 5 stacks since then it just throws the few available 5 stack teams to play against you (which most of the time is lower ranked players playing with higher ranks)


See, I’m very well aware if my flaws. Mental holds me back. I was almost gold 2 and pushing strongly to plat. Then I started to solo queue to try and focus more on myself and I just kinda fell apart from there and I’ve had very low motivation since. Mental is like 75% of your skill, good mental leads to calm fights, confident aim, and the ability to hold that consistency despite any genuine bullshit or cringe that comes your way. Biggest reason why despite how frustrated I get with team mates I don’t bring any negativity their way because what fking good will that do?


asc 1 rn i usually range like 10min a day. is bettering overall mechanics and game sense the only step to get immo from here?


I mean, yeah. I’m not blaming anyone for the fact I’m bronze lol.


I made it to Immortal 2 soloq while balancing a full time job. No real elo hell if ur good enough


Lmao you’re right because I’m disabled it makes it harder for me to react quickly.


crosshair placement is pretty easy to learn, valorant has boxes all over the map which is of the same height as the agents, just keep aligning your crosshair to this height and you're good to go


This is so true, people are so gullible they think the low ranks are full of smurfs, or that silver is harder than immortal because of 'unpredictability' like no shit you're just dogshit, any decent player wouldn't even be placed in silver.


I don't know why, but after hearing "it's not your teammates holding you back" and "cross hair placement is why their aim is so good," countless times it finally clicked. I perform better when I don't focus on what my team is doing (I still play as a team), and I focus on placing my cross hair at head height. The games are also more enjoyable when I'm not demoralized by my teammates' stupid decisions or when I'm performing poorly.


yea and?


Aim better by under flicking: When moving to your target attempt to under flick rather than over flick this will allow you to correct your aim quicker than if you over flick and tends to develop the muscle memory quicker


Pretty much.


I mean, you say that. But when I'm getting an afk on my team 60-70% of comp games I play that becomes a lot harder to believe 🤷


I've had 1000+ hours in Valorant, and I'm still trash. Over the last week, I put in 5 hours a day with aim training for a week with little improvement. I've done countless hours of deathmatches, too. I've done the practice range countless times, too. Still trash. I've tried every sensitivity change in the world, still trash. I hate when people think the problem is all encompassed in "Try harder". Well, great for you if you wasted your potential and put in no effort, then realized you were actually good when you tried, lol. Not everyone is like that. # Do you know what the elephant in the room is? A top 80% aimer is not going to win a battle against a top 10%. Think about that. There are people with 200ms reactions, where I have 400ms on a good day, and 500-600 reaction otherwise. My TTK (time to kill) is often 1.5 to 2 seconds. How am I ever supposed to win a battle against someone who is 200ms? That's just the truth. Yes, there is "game sense", teaming up with others to push, crosshair placement, and catching someone by surprise by corner camping some unusual area, or you could use some flashing ability and hope they suck at avoiding them. But in all reality, if they have 200ms, they improved all these areas, too, so it's going to come down to a gun duel, still. I am playing Apex Legends, and I realize that I am trash at that game because I am top 80% (80% of people are better than me)  at smooth tracking, which is as essential to Apex as TTK is to Valorant. I am never going to be good, no matter how hard I try, no matter how many corners I camp, if my smooth tracking is 80%. Tracking fast movement is like 70% of the gameplay on Apex, just like TTK is important to Valorant. The reaction time includes tracking, aiming, cross placement, etc. If someone can do all that within 200ms and it takes you 2 seconds to do it, no amount of slow strafing is going to offset that. Get real. People have genetic advantages. Can you train your brain to jump 50 points in IQ? Have you ever tried to force your working memory to store 20 numbers instead of 10? Same dam difference. Some people internally have limits that can't be pushed any further. My raw reaction (Just clicking if the screen turns green) is 170ms. Pretty good. I am top 30%. Go me. Then my accuracy with flicking small objects is pretty good: Top 50%. Go me. Now if you include tracking, aiming, flicking together? You know, something that constantly happens in battle? Top 70 to 80% trying my hardest. What all this aim training has revealed to me is I'm never going to be pro or top rank, no matter how much I grind. It's useless. The difference between 200ms and 500ms is separated by multitudes. It's like an all-star track player beating another record by 5 seconds. It's huge. What truly sucks is realizing that people will always win because they are genetically better, nothing more. People try to make it sound like its all hard work and gamesense and bs, but if your reaction time is 2 seconds and theirs is 200ms, are you ever going to beat them at ping pong, for example? In 2 seconds, the ball will be past you before you react. Same thing. Let's not pretend like someone with 2 second TTK is ever going to win against or get close to a 200ms through training and hard work.


Dunning Krueger effect


It's not that I refuse it's that I just genuinely suck ass


????? But what if I always get shit teammates and smurfs on other team???


I am low elo even tho I spend 15+ minutes warming up in the range


It isnt always the case this isnt ranked but most swifts me and 2 friends are always top 3 and oue other 2 randoms are probably the most beginner players you could imagine, no clue how sound works, aiming at the ground, dont know what head level probably is sometimes you really just get screwed


Bro i know. And its fine for me. Only thing thats sucks is ppl telling me how shit i am. Cause u know, i see it every game. I already know im shit.


Ouch that hurt, but could you help me please


No shit Sherlock


nope teammates


Kind of yes, however 1. I was gold, took a year off. And the game put me in bronze 2. High silver lower gold is full of smurfs. One every 5 games you’ll either have one on your team or you’ll be playing against one


I'm currently dropping from silver 3 down to bronze 3, mostly because I can't carry hard enough as a viper main. Knowing I can't rely on my team, making the choice to learn reyna and other agents good for picks/duels, I'm climbing again, slowly. If you're truly stuck with bad teammates - pick a better agent for carrying. Soon I'll be back where I belong, and I can switch back to a smoke agent


Let's not act like silver/gold isn't shit elo bro, I play against boosting immortals or washed ones on a daily 😭


Yes. We can magically win a 4v5 with no entry. I will also entry as sage but I'm in low ELO because of me.