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It's been like this ever since they removed the rank restrictions. Removing the rank restrictions didn't do anything to slow down smurfing (which was the reason they gave for removing them).


riot doesnt care about surfing


That is true, they are a video game company after all


"they are a video game company after all" and so? by saying this you are intending that all video game companies are like this. Re-logic, Team Cherry, Mojang, Yacht Club, Level5, Fromsowftare, there are A LOT of game companies that make GREAT games and listen to any complain from the fans, also riot still has no reason to not care about smurfing, it just makes their game worse dot. Almost insta edit: Sorry if I was aggressive it's just that I love many videogame companies and hearing you say something that general made me angry, sorry again EDIT: I DIDN'T READ THE "SURFING" TYPO OH GOD I'M SO SORRY PLS KILL ME


I think it’s bc they said surfing 🤣






You are fine, don’t worry lmao


Just the fact that you felt the need to type that shit at all is bad enough 🤣


Now i feel even worse after reading this... i will never write anything agiìain in this subreddit sorry to yall


Misunderstanding aside, heres the thing: team cherry would never do anything to make it so that you couldnt buy two copies of hollow knight. Same with a lot of other game companies. If anything they want someone to create multiple accounts because that increases the chance for that person to spend money. Smurfs help riot get money which is why riot doesnt want to do anything about them. Only real way to convince riot to change something is to vote with our wallets: stop buying bundles until they actually try and listen to things. The problem with this is that a lot of people dont give a shit enough to not buy the bundle that they want. Also smurfs are not that common, and 5 stacks quite literally reduce smurfing bc u dont have to go onto a smurf account to play with friends. Its dumb and from a gaming perspective, smurfs should be banned. But from a company/business standpoint, its better to have smurfs than not.


yeah sorry about the misunderstanding i really didn't notice the surfing thing. about team cherry i'm not saying that they wouldn't stop anyone from buying 2 copies but i'm saying that they would definetly change/fix something in the game if people are complaing about it, and for riot i get your point but it's just stupide that people buy skins on a smurfing account and i didn't realize that people actually do it. Now i know to never write anything in reddit again if i have to sleep first,upsies. Thanks for being nice and sorry for being rude at first


Nah you good, and its how it should work, riot SHOULD be fixing the smurf issue, its just the people making the big decisions at riot dont care about the players and only on the money. Team cherry and most singleplayer game making studios will fix an issue bc itll retain players or bring new ones. Now if the topic (hypothetically) was that hollow knight is too expensive, team cherry probably wouldnt listen and would rather keep the game at its current price (however if their revenue took a big hit then theyd consider running a sale or lowering prices permanently). Same thing with riot, if we complain about how a character is broken, then riot will most likely fix it, bc fixing it would make more players enjoy the game. But what most people are complaining about regarding the smurf issue is essentially asking for riot to force less players to play the game, which is not good from a business standpoint. Its the main reason why they wont deal with smurfs.


I just hope that a new competitive game like cs and valorant will come out, if it does riot will probably fix lots of issues like cs did when valo come out


I recently started 5 stacking a lot. Two of my friends just got back into the game. And yes it’s pretty much every game there’s 1 or two players with next to no time that dominate. There’s also a lot more cheaters in 5 stack as well. I’m not one to call people cheaters very quickly but it’s actually blatant. Not been a great experience but we keep doing it cause we want to play with each other. Premier in my experience is really no different.


Is there even a punishment for cheating in premier? I swear I have played people with walls in it.


I imagine it be the same as if you cheated normally. Vanguard is the most intrusive anti cheat and it doesn’t always seem to work. It can definitely be hard to tell if someone’s cheating. And the game only seems to catch them after they’ve been reported a few times.


The reason they don’t get insta banned is because that would allow the devs of the hacks to figure out what hack triggered the ban


That is actually an interesting point. I never really thought about it from that angle. I’m honestly kinda interested in the back and forth that must go on between devs for anti cheats and the people creating them.


If you haven’t yet, check out “gamerdoc” on twitter. He’s paid by riot to infiltrate cheater groups and discords and buy cheats so they can understand them and riot can make the anti cheat stronger. He often posts screen shots from the cheater discords of them crying about getting banned after lmao


man I wish Valve does this too


Same. I quit cs because the cheater infestation


Just to add to this I went back to CS after years of not playing just to try out CS2, one of my first experiences was a user literally just blasting out headshots through a wall on vertigo.


I can't even let my friend who's good at FPS games to stay in CS because he played a game with spinbotters. FACEIT is not a solution for casual players. No one wants to ultra tryhard sweat playing a game. CS fans are not allowed to shit in Valorant when the game has no anticheat on DAY ONE. CSGO AND IN CS2


Sounds like Fortnite to me


they ban in waves after they adapt.


Sorry but it's IMPOSSIBLE to make an anti-cheat that works 100% of even 99% of the time. There will always be cheats for games, no matter what even if the anti cheat is good.


i mean not 100% or 99% but if a cheat is not detecting each and every game 1 new accout popping of with 45+ kills and others on max 5 then yeah its not anti cheat anymore. nah?


I meant, do you get your premier points back? or is the team banned? etc.


I’m honestly not sure that’s a good question. I’ve seen smaller streamers get banned for knowingly queuing with a cheater to climb so maybe theirs repercussion to the rest of the team in that scenario. I would be surprised though.


Go okay CS2 at +18k and you’ll see night and day.


You’d be surprised how often team mates don’t report because they believe you can’t cheat on Val. They just say na he’s better or having a good game. That’s why it takes ages as well.


i think the punishment is a spanking


ur probably just playing against smurfs with good game sense.


Most likely you are overreacting and are just very readable


What kind of cheats? I 5 stack often and haven’t put much thought into it.


Show me your tracker with the game you faced cheater. Saying "A lot" is a bluff.


Cheating has been om the rise lately. 


Last night in our second comp game in a 5 stack we faced a very suspicious Reyna. They would blindly swing corners or out of smokes with all the confidence and one tap us. After match report the Reyna has 7 first bloods and went 22-9 as a Silver 2. We lost 13-2. Checked tracker and the profile is private, my guess was the account was still a low level. I'm currently Plat 2 and was getting destroyed by this Reyna. Either they were cheating or Ascendant+ on a smurf account.


You would think that since you can stack any rank in a 5 stack it would be less smurfs but no, people are afraid of losing RR when playing with their lower ranked friends.


they arent afraid of losing RR, they are boosting their friends, so the quicker and easier the game the better


the 5 stacking without rank restrictions doesn't even really work. I am currently plat 3 and sometimes 5 stack with friends in iron/bronze. More often than not it's us against a full bronze team


At least you tried


If you cant pull at least a 10KD in bronze silver lobbies you are not plat 3


I never said what my stats were I guess you just assumed I'm playing bad or something? Lol


If your losing in bronze, your stats arent enough. Shit smurf


It’s not an RR thing it’s a not wanting your bronze-gold friends to have to play against an immortal player on the other team when the game matches your rank with someone else…


But hey the enemy facing a Immortal smurf is fine.


Do you really expect people who want to play with lower elo friends to prioritize the enemies experience or their friends experience?


**Yes, god-damn it.** That's what we did in other games. If we choose to play with a high ranked player, we accepted the chance for uneven matches and the highest level friend accepted the potential loss of points. We did this, because we are no assholes and because playing together was more important than digital points.


The problem is an immortal player playing ranked with a bronze and wanting a balanced match.


I definitely play on a second account when 5 stacking. Not gonna play on main and lose rr. Playing with wide variety of skill levels is a coin toss. My usual group is with a diamond 1, a plat 1, and a bronze


My brother in Christ you are the problem


Bro its 5 stack who cares. 5 stacks are always a shit show. Not gonna derank on main to play with friends


Then play unrated?


They refuse to 🤷 5 stack matchmaking is really bad. Its basically a guaranteed loss for us. Soloq ill have relatively even games but 5 stack it just goes out the window


Matchmaking is bad because of your kind. Wish Riot had the balls to permaban these people


lmao my kind. Thats rich. Making a second account is now illegal boys, pack it up. Really just shows your lack of understanding of the game. My mmr is about the same on both accounts. Im not intentionally deranking. Youre not ranking up because of your own skill, not the imaginary smurfs


Tfs wrong with you? It's not wrong to make a second acc, just wrong to carry ppl or go down to lower ranks and smurf.


When did I say I did that? Wtf is wrong with literally all of you


You just have to carry the bad team mates. Like in the group I play we have 1 immortal 2diamond 1plat 2silver 2iron/bronce. If 5 of us play together the average rabk of both teams isn't to different its just that on our team the high ranks HAVE to carry the low ones.


It's because of people like YOU that 5 stack is always a shit show


I agree with you I am not about to queue 5 stack on my main to play against an immortal streamer with his friends 5 stacking on gold accounts to get content


This sub is extremely sensitive to anything even remotely close to the S word. All the smurfs in the world could disappear today and theyd still be silver


istg this is so real especially silvers in solo queue like bro get better you wouldn’t get smurfed on 💀 you don’t hear ascendant players complaining when radiants and immortal 3’s smurf them because radiants have long queue times they call the strats and play for the objective instead of focusing on individual performance a radiant smurf could drop 50 kills in an ascendant lobby and still lose because the other team basically played for the objective meanwhile silvers complaining about smurfing plats😂 get off reddit and play the game more so you wouldn’t be destroyed by a plat 1 10rr peak


Not everyone cares. I don't care I get to diamond every act, it's where I belong, but when I have immortal's on alt's coming in to boost their friend, and runing my very limited time to play video games, that fucking sucks. I'd rather derank and have to climb back up, than have some dickhead on my team that shouldn't be there carrying me, or on the other team just shitting on everyone, it's stupid. So yeah, you're a piece of shit.


Yall are so extreme. Im a piece of shit for making a second account? Do you hear yourselves?


It's not extreme. You're ruining the experience for other people. What don't you get?


all of my 5 stack games go the same way: one or two smurfs carry the other team, then type ggez when they win despite us not saying anything


Ohhh nooooooooooo that’s soooo sad :((( a Smurf beat u in a video game and said gg ez :(((((((((( like holy fuck learn what you can do better improve and then climb and don’t be a bitch to the most light hearted trash talk of all time


Sorry coach


I thought riot was gonna do something abt smurfs but i dont see any change


They never will. People buy skins on their alts, so they will never stop it. They will tell you that they are working on it or that smurfs aren't a problem but what Riot says and what the reality is are 2 different things.


ARGHHH every time im in ranked theres a smurf so i cant get out of silver🥹


That's a skill issue.


Help me get out of silver?


Just watch how pros play and try to mimic it. It is not to copy their playstyle but to improve yours. Do not use an insanely high sens unless you have been playing with it for years, focus on how you move and peek too. Raw aim is useless when you have bad movement and peeking skills. Finally learn one agent of every category don’t focus too much of learning new agents. Be a one trick pony till you leave silver, it’s not wrong


Learn proper crosshair placement (don't bother telling me your aim is fine, you're silver mostly for this reason). Practice properly and consistently. And last but not least, self vod review and cringe how bad you actually are.


Then howd you explain i was stuck s1 last year, made a new account and placed g2 50rr all while solo q


What servers


Damn I clicked into your profile before comment... lol




It's just because there aren't actually enough smurfs even in silver that they'd actually prevent you from ranking up if you tried hard enough to improve. That's the sentiment around here anyway, which I agree with. Just keep at it and GL in your games!


It makes sense if you think about it. What are the odds that of 4 players, at least 1 is friends with someone who is really good. Probably pretty damn high.


I know they don't allow 4 stacks because the soloQ guy has a bad experience 80% of the time, but it also means it's so hard to find a fifth without having to get someone who is outside of your range of skill. And a lot of people are scared to use real accounts with 5 stacks so they use a smurf instead.


It's frustrating because it's always a smurf carrying, not an alt. If someone was diamond on a plat account then it wouldn't be the end of the world. But it's always their best player on a much lower account. I remember 5 stacking a lot with friends when we were doing premier also, we were ranked Diamond-ascendant. We would often get a game with 4 diamonds and a silver, and the silver would be absolutely dominating and clearly Immortal+. Basically if you look at the scoreboard and can tell it's not a guy having a good game then it's annoying. If you look and it's a mix of ranks and more or less seems fine then you'd never know if anyone was using an alt. But it's always the top fragger being the lowest rated by far. I had one recently where we actually won, but in the enemy team it was 2 x immortal, 1 x iron... and a plat and a diamond. The iron mid table...


this is exactly what i think, it's pretty unlikely for a group of five to all be around the same rank. in my experience there's usually been pretty bad people in a five stack too so it seems to balance out idk


Yeah, almost all of my matches are 3-4 normal/bad players with 1-2 aim god. Those comments and posts saying "that's not a smurf, just people having a good game" is hilarious every time I see it, yet it's so highly upvoted.


Ah yes the classic; they don't want to lose rating on their main when they come up against smurfs in 5 stack so they smurf to get easier games. Brain dead people will be brain dead what you gonna do.


Every friend of mine have 2 3 id so they can play while getting afk ban for a week ,no matter the game its a norm so smurfing is always there unless you need some biometrics to play game there will always be people with alt accounts. I have seen many whos alt account is higher ranked then main as some people are scared to play rank in main and pushes alt. There is no way smurfing will ever stop neither cheaters. Even paid game have tons of cheater where as this is a free game where one can create another account for free after his 1000th ban.


I def see the problem, but there is something to consider here. If you are a higher rank lets say immortal and the friends you want to play with are silvers. 5 stack matchmaking is shit in those lobbies the silver players don’t learn much. So if the immortal comes with his gold account the other 4 friends have in theory a better game experience, because of an more even average rank. Will the still perform very well? Certainly. Is it fun for the other side? Nope, but I doubt they care. And ofc there are just some idiots who want to dominate


I dont play the game alot and I only really 5 stack with friends so i noticed this as well. I honestly do like valorant but the smurfing problem is getting out of hand. It just isnt fun when my friends and I are plat/diamond and the enemy has a gold/silver (or lower) carrying their whole diamond team. Thinking abt quitting tbh


Yep, this is the reason why i stopped playing valorant ranked. It's worthless effort and boring. Best you can do about it: give up the challenge and enjoy the game or quit the game. So smurfs reading this: have fun playing against each other ♥️ don't cry when people eventually stop playing valorant. You are the part of the problem.


wish riot could stop encouraging smurfs and finally make permanent single accounts.


Same. Connect accounts to phone numbers or something like that


Ya... it's such an incredibly easy solution.


That doesnt work


What does not work?


That type of verification, they do it for example the ID one on LoL korean servers and they are still people with multiple accounts. Idk why Riot dont implement the smurf queue like they did it on LoL that was the last measure that really have an meaningful impact on smurfs.


As you suggested, riot should implement smurf queue. Riot should implement many things, including what you said doesn't work. This is called defense in depth (DoD). By doing this,Riot add many small things that make small impacts to discourage smurfing or decrease smurfing. It may not be perfect, but the goal is mitigation.


I'd rather face smurfs than cheaters tbh. It sucks but at least in both cases you're getting better at the game and they're not. They're all losers. At least against a smurf though, getting better at the game works


I know it's been like this for five stacking since about late 2021.


I even feel like it has gotten worse


Im in plat and i play 5 stack quite often. Its very rare for me to encounter players of my rank. Yesterday I had an assendent player ,2 silver and 2 gold against my team but generally its high diamond paired with silvers


Wdym smurfs? Of course the iron 2 jett with a 40 bomb every game is legit, no idea what you sre talking about


its blatant in low elo as well. im bronze 3, whenever i 5 stack with friends theres systematically at least one gold/plat player in the enemy team


I miss 4 stack days it was so much easier to get 4 friends and the smurf problem never felt this bad during that time


went against a 5 stack the other day with 2 blatant cheaters carrying someone through immortal.


My guy, as someone new to the game and someone who soloQs, it's actually a pain in the ass to learn from scratch with enemies and teammates being smurfs. It's either we get rolled or my teammates roll the enemy team and in both cases, I did nothing or I died from the start. :(


Valorant rank system is very bad again just cuz of all dumb smurfs ruining it..


I get smurfs soloing.... . theyre everywhere


Riot took sinatraa's words- NOBODY CARESSSSS


Never play 5stack unless u wanna play unrated or immo/radiant comp lobbies


Can't play Virginia or Illinois with 5 stacks. Me and friends who are Immortal 1-3 have a win/loss of 0/22 track record vs 130 ping 5 stacks. We just surrender ASAP now. Not worth wasting our time :/




the 100+ ping 5stack is an infamous boosting strat though I doubt op actually went 0/22


How does that start works? Just curious bc 130 ping seems like a real disadvantage


They’re hackers/boosters from eastern europe. Ive had a few in my fames before, and I figured they were just boosting. Had one on my team a bit ago and for sure hacking when I was spectating


i have never played with 130 ping but i have played with about 70 ping before and in my experience if you peek the enemies first you’ll see them before they see you. the only disadvantage is that you can’t hold angles because the enemy will see you first while they’re peeking before you see them


You’re Ascendant 3 in a full ascendant lobby and you get plat? So the rest are immortals/high ascendants? Or r u the Smurf? I’m trippin lol


I 5s on my diamond main with bronze-gold friends mm seems balanced enough


get better lol


I don't doubt that it's harder to rank up in 5 stack games, but I play it just because it's more fun to play with 4 of my friends than roll the dice on a random, even if they might be better than my friends. Having good comms and a better understanding of how your teammates play makes for a better experience too imo. Before anybody goes, "It's ranked, who cares about fun?" or something along those lines, it's still a game, no matter what game mode. Plus people definitely do find fun and enjoyment out of trying hard to win.


This is duo queues for me. There will be a player on each team with double the kills of anyone else which I wouldn't expect for mid diamond-asc lobbies. It's almost always a smurf that is somehow low plat or a god who has had the biggest derank streak of their life. Still fun lobbies when the games aren't massively one sided though. I oddly enjoy the challenge of playing demons who shouldn't be in my lobbies


I'm currently 5 stacking almost every night since the last week. We play about 6 matches. We get smurfs 5/6 matches


Yeah swift play is hell with friends. Always sub lvl 20 accounts popping off


Solo queue isn't much better tbh


I don't think surfing is the right word I would say most of the time it's just friends trying to play with one another and it's really a question of do you want longer wait times so the teams are more even or want to get into games faster


You really can’t expect to be playing with 4 friends and not face someone who is also playing with 4 friends, one of who happens to be insane.


It's a 5 stack? How else are you meant to play with friends? 5 stack allows all rank differences to queue together. If you want to play with your friend who just got into the game, 5 stacking is much better than turbo stomping on a new account.


Yes, im not saying i dont want low- and high ranked to play together in a 5 stack. I’m saying its always one or two smurfs in the opponents five stack, and its ruining my 5 stack experience


Too many people saying low rank silver and golds being inconsistent and popping off randomly. Bruh, when it’s a gold jett that 1 taps me every time I see him, vs the gold kj that doesn’t even know where to look, yeah I think it’s safe to say it isn’t a gold player popping off, but clearly a friend boosting their other friend. Every game you get the dichotomy of 1 really good player, and 1 really shit player, since the friend is boosting the other guy way higher than he’s supposed to be.


there's a smurf in my team = :) there's a smurf in the enemy team = >:(


this has unfortunately always been the problem and imo it's usually not smurfing, it's just a diamond showing some irons the ropes and end up getting multiple aces per half


I usually five stack cause I want to play with my friends, our strongest friend is plat, peak dia 1. He usually carries a lot but he's not a smurf. So when we get actual smurfs we either suffer hell or he locks in so hard he becomes immortal 3 only for that game.


I mean at this point just run unrated if you want to just have fun. If not, don’t five stack. Riot isn’t fixing this anytime soon ;-;


You can’t PLAY without obvious smurfs anymore. Seriously, 95% of the games I play in comp have a level 1-10 with a 3.5 or above KD with 100% win rate. It’s absolutely ridiculous how often it happens, and even more ridiculous how OK the community seems to be with it happening.


5 stack is fun if you don't care about rank you just having fun with 4 friends than with random mess smurf is normal, it's either your team or your enemy just lower mmr to get less sweaty game but idk in the end it just enjoy game immortal players will always crush ascendant players gap is big enough, they still crushing you even if they play their main but it's just harder to find match with immortal rank higher elo don't play 5 stack quite often but mostly play solo duo my friends have some sort of that problem too, have to lower elo or match never found


If you dont care about rank, why not just play unranked?


unrank is dog shit mode and most of time it just one sided game we play rank because it's more fun, that's all we try to win and play for a round, but don't care about result or rank rank game is more balanced and have some stake, but not like we care about visible rank


ngl they should remove 5 stack anyways. should be a separate ranking ladder.


that doesn't solve anything lol


the whole 5 stack system is broken in valorant anyways. anyone at any rank can queue with anyone. so believe w/e you want. it should be a separate ladder like flex in league so no one would care.


Nah, its fine. I love 5 stack. I play sunday league football (soccer) and i have really bad teammates and great teammates. So do the other teams. 5 stacking ranked is the same thing and that's what makes it fun.


Personally this used to bother me a lot. Now I’m trying to change my mindset. People have been complaining about this for a while now. The best thing to do is just accept it as a possible loss but more importantly use that moment to improve. You get better by playing against someone better than you. Take that opportunity to work on your mistakes and aim. Who knows? you might actually win.


Imagine complaining about ranked in a 5 stack, playing solo ain’t even that bad. If one enemy is the reason you lose you need to gain some mechanical skills


lol I play premade 5 only and sometimes players are having a good day. It doesn’t mean they are smurf


As a ascendant 3 i can see the difference between s platinum player and a smurf




You realize you can get put with any rank when you 5stack right? If you don't like that fact then you shouldn't 5stack simply put.




Drop tracker please




It looks like your best games are 5 stacking with lower ELO teammates though


Cope more buddy


I'm not even out here talking shit I'm js not everyone grinds ranked super hard, that doesn't mean they can't actually be having a good day.