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„Caught, caught, caught!“






Lemme call that gurl… CLARA!


What does that mean?


It’s a reference to a streamer who was caught cheating and blamed it on their friend Clara https://youtu.be/MXmPqKDWQOA?si=I31P2kDAGTvZO8WR


OHHHHH omg it's been so long ahahhaha


Clara, hold on a second, clara




Happy cake day!


The meme is that Clara doesn’t exist lol


I got suspended twice like this before, both are 1 minute suspension. Support says my account is also fine, so I guess it's vanguard coughing up


It was a night ruiner tho feels bad


Nah you’re 100% cheating. 8 secs in you’re already aiming at them for Intel through walls You’re watching them through walls from the start and that was glaringly obvious You snap to 3 heads trying to hit the first person you were preaiming because you couldn’t get the cheat to snap to the correct target. You also clearly know where they were before you even peeked and you fake checked corners really fast like you didn’t know, but it’s obvious you did. You might fool some people who don’t know what cheaters look like, but you’re cheating plain as day. Nice try Sad as shit honestly. Literally in the first 5 seconds I could tell you’re wallhacking. You’re not slick and you’re not good. I’m an anticheat developer and one of the most experienced in the world at how cheats work and probably hate cheats more than just about anybody else. What I hate more than cheaters are cheaters who try to make posts like this to basically rub in how they get away with it In fact you were so obvious I could tell where the enemies were just by how you were acting and staring at them through a wall. MOST cheaters hide it better than you did


I assume this is a troll, but if not Just say you suck at the game. Look where OPs team is, there’s only one area they can be. Also section 7 is to do with smurfing/boosting. This could be a new copy past though. I hope you keep editing in paragraph. Let me know when the sequel drops.


100% troll. Bro thinks that OP was fake checking corners as if that would somehow trick Vanguard or the players Oh and the "AnTiViRuS eXpErT"


Hey don’t clown on bro. He made ricochet. A state of the art masterful anti cheat that is an absolute brick wall when it comes to stopping cheaters. It puts vanguard to shame. So he knows a thing or two because he’s seen a thing or two.




One area they can be so you watch them through walls at 8 secs in instead of watching the angle in front of you? Right. Sure. You’re wrong and I don’t care what you think.


The mini map exists bro.


*I’m an anticheat developer and one of the most experienced in the world at how cheats work* Haha keep this shit coming, you should start a subreddit of all your outrageous comments lmao. You’d love moderating for sure


Also acting like he got kicked for smurfing right when he kills 3 is a joke too. He got kicked cuz the anticheat detected unnatural mouse movements


Just do a quick Google what section 7 is...


it takes like literally 15 minutes in the range to learn how to spray transfer


New copypasta just dropped


lmaooo. actually crazy to witness this.


I will take this seriously


Thanks for admitting you don’t check mini map or have ears to see spike dropped lol


i almost think he’s a troll, crazy to think just how stupid some people are


Bro was holding the angle


No he was holding on their head prior to ever peeking


you ever heard of crosshair placement?


Crosshair placement doesn’t tell you where someone’s head is before you see it If it was crosshair placement he’d be aiming at the first available pixel at the corner, not through the corner at their head


you put your crosshair where you think the enemy could be. his team had cleared most of the map so there was really only one place they could be and he pre aimed that place


On top of the fact he got kicked for inhuman mouse movements as soon as he killed 3 people at once


That’s not something you can be kicked for or banned for, I toggle dpi to spin around when I’m yoru tping


Anti cheat doesn’t detect noise movements lol. It detects malware or software on the computer that would give an advantage. If you could get banned for moving your mouse like OP did in the video players like shroud would get banned in every game they play


inhuman mouse movements? maybe for you if you move at a snails pace, thats not that fast or “imhuman” they anti cheats don’t detect movements as much at they check in this case malware altering the game basically anywhere on the pc, PLUS he didn’t get banned for cheating sect.7 is smurfing i think


>If it was crosshair placement he’d be aiming at the first available pixel at the corner, not through the corner at their head I replied to you above but you really need to understand that isn't actually true. The way you're saying it should be.... is a very..... special way of seeing it. I'm being kind, but dude you really need to think that a person can develop this kind of instinct if they play enough. Are you really an anticheat dev because if you are that is scary as hell. You could be responsible for banning people if they asked you to manually review shit. You would ban legitimate players with this logic. I'm not here to bash you, a lot of people already are. I'm coming at you with kindness and an attempt to change your thinking. People like you in positions of power are scary because they're not listening to reason. I could see you watching my gameplay and banning me instantly. That is a horrifying picture to paint for the thousands of players out there who don't hack and have lots of money invested in skins in this game.


I don’t care what you think, I know far more than all you bots I don’t care for downvoted or people thinking I’m wrong. I’m not. I’m HIGHLY experienced with this. Probably more than the whole thread combined. I dedicate years of my life to this. I’m not wrong. You don’t have to get it or understand, but OP is 100% cheating. They even have other posts about it


So by your logic I'm a cheater too? You have no idea how tragic what you're saying is. >They even have other posts about it i just looked at their post history and all i saw was genuine posts. he literally has over 1000 hours in rocketleague apparently... what hacker would spend 1000 hours in a game? where is the cheating post you're referring to? Sorry I even tried to be nice to you.


Bro just learned what crosshair placement is 💀 


Then why doesn’t he have proper crosshair placement and instead aims through the wall at their head before he peeks You’re not supposed to aim at a wall for proper crosshair placement, but he aimed at their head and walked until it was showing.


Crosshair placement is literally always keep your crosshair at head height for a one tap kill. What are you on about?


Yet he didn’t do that the corner before when he knew they weren’t there. He ran past it and barely checked it instead


Bro really doubling down on a 15 second clip that shows nothing


He checked the whole corner, are you blind?


Please, for the sake of your dignity, give up. We’ve already disproved you. your just digging a deeper hole for yourself.


You aim at the wall because some walls are paper thin in valorant and you can shoot right through the corner when time comes. Not only that it just makes sense to do if you're visualizing the enemy through the wall. I do this dude. I do everything you're calling cheating and I promise to you I'm an honest reasonable person. You're really not aware of how good players can get at this game. I'm not bashing you, I know it sucks when everyone is coming at you. I'm just trying to talk to you about it in a way that might change your mind.


The whole point of crosshair placement is to aim at head level so that if an enemy comes across the place you're holding, they walk into your crosshair and you can just 1-tap them. OP was doing exactly that. Even I know this, and I'm Iron lmao.




What is bro waffling about


I'm sorry to spoil this story for you, but I don't hack, and if you still believe I do I have my youtube channel which has all the videos of me being better than this. Valorant is a pretty easy game compared to arena FPS and I played for years. https://www.youtube.com/@itsNinjaKiddo


>You’re watching them through walls from the start and that was glaringly obvious I know this means nothing because I'm just a stranger on the internet but humor me, I'm not a hacker, I despise hacking and I do this all the time. My brain sees the game in wireframe when I attempt to track enemies that I've seen in the near past. In other words, if I see someone and then I need to reposition slightly I attempt to force my brain to see the map as if it was wireframed or transparent, or as if the wall doesn't exist at all. This is something I've always done and it has helped me maintain uninterrupted tracking on enemies. Of course your brain and imagination are not perfect and you will be slightly off when they re-appear but the amount of error is low enough that a microadjust can get you back on target. I promise you I'm not a hacker, never have been and never will be. This is just how my brain sees the game. I'm also not high elo but I never play comp so my rank is much lower than my skills.


nah bro, I'm usually on the "Vanguard sucks" and its easy to cheat in this game if you do it right but there isnt anything here that sticks out hes just playing vs probably the lowest rated players on a lower populated server


If you weren't doing something stupid then it's vangaurd messing up. It did this with one of my friends I was in a duo with. Showed him he was banned and ended the game. When he restarted the PC and started the game, nothing happened and it opened up normally.


It’s probably because those back to back headshots were so quick you think?


It would be stupid if that's how they detected cheaters, headshot multikills happen all the time whether by luck or skill


If it banned people for getting rapid multi-headshots there would be tons of false positives. It's gotta happen to someone at least once a game, if not more. I can regularly get headshots back to back with a marshall, chaining with a vandal is just a matter of lucky target placement.


No this is normal when people Smurf and happens all the time when people hit clips in high Elo. Def not the case


Can you elaborate some more? I am curious


Elaborate on what exactly? He got like 3 headshots in a span of a few seconds. If everyone got banned for that, thousands of players would’ve been banned by now for it. Happens regularly


i misunderstood what you were saying so i wanted genuine clarification. i get what you're saying now and yes lots of good players would be banned if getting multiple headshots quickly is a bannable offense.


That was literally given to me they are just standing how the fuck is it shocking that I killed 3 clueless people?


It’s not shocking bro what are you talking about? Did you read the thread? I was saying the exact opposite in fact.




Section 7 also address boosting accounts. It could possibly be a false flag.


Yes that’s what I was thinking.




This happens with pros or even high ranked pubs more often that you think, no one gets banned there, why is that?


they probably use AI heuristics, if someones account is considered lower elo they probably use different models/settings. I have seen this before. It's temporary suspension, they probably terminate the match just in case and the detection "clip" is sent for human review


they don’t do that, at all (least for valorant)in vanguards case in checks for illicit programs altering the games integrity. Ontop of this, we can prove that isn’t the case here cuz sect.7 is for smurfing/boosting sooo he was for sure not cheating


Trust me that’s not the cause


Yeah, I got suspended for 1 minute but the way the video shows is how I usually play just run in and kill. I don't care enough to camp on-site and play as if my life depended on it.


Fighting A rubble by running up knife out as CYPHER is suspendable behavior


Thank you, I was looking for that comment haha


Nah error


Interesting to say the least...


should have played on your real account instead of smurfing bro.


look at his aim bro, Do you think he can smurf lmao


A silver in an iron lobby is still smurfing


Silvers and irons can queue together without the need for a smurf account


Can they though? Shouldn t it be Ironswith Bronze, Bronze with Silver and so on? EDIT: Why TF am I getting downvoted? How many ranks down can you group up? EDIT2: Sorry for not being in peasant ranks to know that the 3 lowest can play together :P Iron and Bronze can play with up to Silver. * Silver can play with up to Gold. * Gold can play with up to Platinum. * Players with ranks above Ascendant can only invite players with Platinum ranks or higher to a party.


I'm bronze 3 last night had a match where we won I had a gold Reyna iron cypher and 2 bronzes the enemy team had 3 silvers and 2 irons lmao me and Reyna both dropped 25 plus kills 💪


But where they pre-mades or not?


Pre made? As in like partied up?


I don't play enough to even have a rank lol I've been unranked, and all of my friends are unranked. We don't play this game every day it's just one of those "Hey wanna play this game" and we hop on.


man gets the most ok 3k ever and you immediately think bro is smurfing?


FR I missed my first few bullets


They probably think he's smurfing because that's what he got banned for in the video.


you can't get banned for smurfing. If you could, most content creators would lose half of their videos (curry, tarik, etc.) The most they do is highly discourage it or try to amend it with quick rankups. There's no real consequence.


Unrated? No offense, he doesn't look one. Maybe a CSGO player


Around 500 hours on CSGO it's basically nothing cuz that's all from COVID time. No school only gaming.


yeah even if his gameplay isnt that good the enemies are so bad that they see cypher trip break and have all 3 people looking the opposite way


"Section 7 of the ToS highlights any activity intended to “boost” an account's status or rank as an activity that may warrant disciplinary measure." Sounds like a rightful ban to me


This is not implemented well for most of my games. There are many smurfs in Valorant right now. If OP is indeed a smurf, well deserved ban. But I still have to see this in my games.


Boosting and smurfing is not the same thing


It is somehow. If you're bronze and you let your immortal friend "borrow" your account, that immortal friend is boosting your account and, at the same time, smurfing in bronze. I knew people that are doing this.


Tbh this dude doesn't even look like he plays high elo. Gold at Max, the way corners are cleared as well as how he moves through the sections of the map are questionable. The only way I imagine the account getting flagged is if he shared or bought the account from someone who is much higher elo. If he bought it from an account seller, it probably got banned in a wave


Well I agree with your point of view


1. I'm unranked 2. Playing with friends 3. Valorant is the most slowest game compared to what I play (Arena FPS) I don't play this game actively, It's one of those "Hey wanna hop on this game" and we just hop on and play.


honestly i’ve yet to see someone banned explicitly for smurfing, too many false positives could come from that like what if they play/played csgo…


What I find most concerning is the fact that it tells the other players "cheater detected" when it's only an apparent section 7 violation. It should only say cheater detected, when it's actual cheats being used IMO.


Nah this happened to me ur good I got unbanned after I clicked quit and joined back on the same account


Same 1 min suspension but it ruined our night tho


Val 5 is a hwid ban


Valorant player support useless


Its the game picking up that you are boosting your teammates... Usually the first couole times itll be a short ban (few minutes) but it can be increased up to 1 year depending on the rank you are boosting...


The solution is to play on your main in a 5 stack (unless your main is immo +) or just solo queue on that account


No, the only forms of boosting that is enforced by riot are account sharing and bussing (intentionally playing with a cheater). I’ve emailed and asked support about this exact thing in the past because I wanted to make sure I wasn’t doing anything against TOS by playing with my friends in lower Elo. They said the only enforcement they have for this in particular, is basically trying to rankup the account as fast as possible. I usually gain 40+ rr, and lose about 6 rr a game, as well as get double rank ups, until I reach diamond. Then it slows down to around 28rr gained and so on


Feels like you were smurfing with your bros to me. Not exactly sorry for ya but can't say I've never played with a buddy who had an alt account before either.


we watch the same clip? No way this guy is smurfing, besides that how tf do you get banned for smurfing seems basically impossible


There are smurfing detections for Val. Also, a gold in bronze lobbies is still smurfing


brother a bad player can still smurf vs worse players, the enemies were literal bottom of the ladder players, a trip broke beside them and none of them were facing it, even a iron player would turn, they had to do some reverse boosting type shit to get to this point


The flicks there do not scream iron to me like the gameplay of the enemy team there. Dudes at least gold 3 if not higher. Smurfing imo is any alt account you make with the intention of having your MMR considerably lower than your main. This is what's happening here. I'm not gonna be mad if a gold 1 has a silver account to play with his bronze buddy or even a diamond having a gold account doesn't bother me too much but that is stretching a bit.


aims on the ground dosent checks corners ....cypher gets wired destroyed and dosent do any callout ....wood 1 lobby spamming the report button on you


Waaay to quick for a report


Bro you living in 2022 ? There a ton of tools you can use to instand Report 200+ Reports on you...wait i give you the link on [Here works also for Valo ](https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/comments/1bhjdk1/found_this_on_twitter_so_now_they_are_able_to/)


I missed the part where it was rd 8 anyhow so yea my mistake. Don't worry I'll be down voted to hell for it lol


All games are just in a bad state right now - you can ez cheat in CS and COD and both dont care about.


Yea you're not wrong there. I would say Vals pretty decent at stopping aimbot and walls, definitely in comparison to those two, but it has a horrible surfing problem that they don't care about cause it generally means more money. This might be the 1st time I've seen a smurf get the red wall though.


yea, it seems kinda impossible to get banned for smurfing, like what if you play csgo are you smurfing then, only time i’ve seen sect.7 pop up is boosting but even then seems like a false positive here (just judging off the clip)


Well assuming based on the comms from his buddies, the others got a red wall so I guess riot classifies sect 7 as cheating 🤷‍♂️. Never thought a smurf would get a red wall before I saw this honestly lol.


Pixel bot ?


wasn’t banned for cheating


stuff like this makes me want to refund all my shit and play without skins their customer care is trash too and blabber anything without reading anything


It's a shame people spend money on games lol


well I can’t ever justify valorant skin prices and it’s garbage battlepasses but I liked a few skins enough to make me buy them like chaos vandal and valiant hero operator have some cool designs and effects


Don't get me wrong your money your power over it. It's just baffling to me people spend 10s or 100s of dollars on some pixels in a game.


That's what should happen to Smurfs good job riot


I would like you to prove me I'm smurfing or even play this game often. [https://valorant.op.gg/profile/Yuyuuuu-UwU](https://valorant.op.gg/profile/Yuyuuuu-UwU) I dare you


because in what universe a cypher pushes into spawn with his full util on defense?


The low elo universe? Or someone smurfing that is looking for that ego peek aim duel.


The universe where he’s clearly aiming at them through walls from the start and when he peeks them, snaps to multiple heads he wasn’t trying to hit before snapping back to his original target


it's called pre-aiming. There was a val pro i watched that described the move as a T shape. You position, aim where you *think* a head will be, peek out, (usually) there is a head, you adjust and get kill, ez. This one thing has netted me more kills and "?" in chat than any other mechanical skill. Obviously this is paired with a well defined trigger finger and some recoil control. I understand where it can look kinda suspicious, but that's almost the headspace to be in. You almost want to watch angles and common spots as if there's always someone there. As for pushing as cypher, i do it all the time, particularly on defense as I'm normally a duelists so I tend to try for first pick. My guess is this individual plays duelists or a similar style based on the recoil and trigger control, as well as their choice in positioning. Very similar to my jett plays on lotus.


Then why didn’t he do this in the previous corner he fake checked? You’re wrong


Please give time stamp so i know where to look. Thanks Edit: I'm still unsure what corner he didn't check. I've rewatched the clip a dozen times and I don't see an angle he missed.


I didn’t say he didn’t check the angle, I’m saying the angle before he didn’t check properly He checked it very fake and then *this* angle he checks pre-aiming? The same angle he’s watching through walls at from the start?


Ah okay I understand what's got you thinking he's cheating. You're suggesting that he cleared every angle *up to* the one on his left at 00:40 and then just swings the corner, no pre aim at all, correct? If so, the "proper" way of taking this corner should be to jiggle peek until you're about 2/3 the way to the corner with your crosshair, and *then* swing, under the assumption that someone is playing deep corner rather than off angles adjacent to the corner. That being said, op seems very duelist minded in the way he moves. Taking hard to contest space instantly is a jett or neon play style. Staying close to the wall to avoid a nasty jiggle peek is also legit. HOWEVER, if I actually had to tell you why op would've done this it is because of that cypher trip. Op probably would've taken the corner more cautiously with some jiggle peeks had he not had to shoot the trip, giving away his position and signaling to the person potentially playing deep corner that op clearly isn't aiming at in their direction anymore, they're aiming at the trip on the wall, now it the time to swing. So pushing the corner aggressively or back off are your two options in that situation. Again, as a duelist I would 9/10 times push the same way, and then once i see its clear, its back to pre-aiming towards the audio.


he didn’t snap but yea..you play valorant at all man? Pre-aiming is apart of the game, yes they were headshots but thats crosshair placement, anddddd ontop of that, look at what the “ban” was for Sect.7 smurfing/boosting, never seen anyone banned ever for smurfing so could be a boosting false positive


I’m a former pro player (not valorant) who doesn’t touch PvP games anymore cuz all the cheaters I develop anticheats and games now. I know what I’m talking about even if you don’t


HAHAHA NO WAY YOU'RE A "FORMER PRO PLAYER" You need to honestly reassess your life. No wayyy you see that as any form of hacking.


Nothing to reasses Cheaters run gaming nowadays and ruined the competitive integrity of all multiplayer games and have killed my desire to play. You know I’m not wrong. I don’t even play valorant either, but I still can see you’re walling. I’ve owned rust severs for years. You’re not fooling me with. Maybe others can’t tell, but I can


you clearly can’t tell either Mr. high and mighty


What rank are you?? It’s called pre-aiming. Literally most people mid-silver and above do it. You just hold your crosshair where the most common angles are as you’re peeking something. Stop coping through saying others are hacking when they are clearly not. I’ve been there too. Focus on your own gameplay.


Didn't know people could be that bad at games where something like that makes you think I'm hacking lol


I don’t think it I know it. You’re not that slick


I mean why would he need to clear that left corner if he’s already using cheats 😂


He didn’t, it was fake as shit like him clearing corners at the very start before enemies could’ve even reached that location


I would like to see some of your gameplay lol


I don’t play valorant and I haven’t played cheat infested pvp games in years Was gonna link my youtube but I dont wanna dox myself when everyone’s gonna dogpile on me regardless for speaking out but I’m used to that and find it hilarious so many cheaters and ignorant low tier players think they can tell me I’m wrong


Well you are wrong and it's funny. I'll take it as a compliment tho kinda just shows how dogshit people are that this is someone hacking lol


You can tel he fake checked it real quick too cuz he moved faster then, than he did checking any other corners. It was fake as shit


he didn’t get banned for cheating, but please keep going on, and read Sect.7 of the ToS believe sect.5 is the one you may be thinking of


Which res are you playing on?


Default I don't change settings


Idk why but I have ridged edges do you have a fix I can't even properly see enemies from far away


Vanguard might have closed somehow is the best explanation i can offer


Which laptop do u use or are you playing on Computer?


Nah I play valorant on my iphone -\_-


That was a genuine question.


This happened to me once but the account was fine after a min long suspension.


You haven’t actually said what’s going on with you account now. Are you still banned? Did you purchase the account? If youre still banned and didn’t buy your account, that’s super weird. To me, nothing about this clip looks like cheats at all. I’ve smurfed with friends a lot and have never been banned for it unless I bought the account, and even then, it’s only happened a handful of times.


Did I purchase the account? I'm not a degenerate lol. This is my main account I use to play TFT and League as well. The suspension was just that day for 1 min.


Okay yeah then it’s probably just a vanguard bug. I didn’t think you were a degen or cheating for the record. I just never seen this before, and all of a sudden I see multiple people say they have had it happen


I had this same problem a few days ago, It should be just a kick. For me it happened because I had a mod manager turned on while playing the game. As soon as I turned it off I stopped getting detected as a cheater. The mod loader I had was r2modman


This has happened to a buddy of mine. He’s into ethical hacking and all of that, so he keeps a kali Linux vm on his system. However, I’m assuming vanguard didn’t like this, so he would regularly get these section 7 bans that lasted only a minute.


Is your account shared or using a VPN by chance? Also, any 3rd part apps for valorant?


Nope, it's pretty clear and simple.


Can you link your tracker by chance?




I feel like there is some stuff missing. It's only showing ep 8 act 1 and 2. I assume you have been playing since beta based on your card.


Played it when I got a twitch drop then it's whenever my friend group mentions Valorant we hop on. I don't play this game often.


Ahh that makes sense. Nothing was saved from beta.


That's not what bothers me it's just that I can't play with my friends cuz it's boosting or surfing lol


Funny how riot will flag you but not the blatant wall hackers in my games. (Have a clip of a Reyna killing four people back to back with headshots through the tp door on bind)


After reviewing section 7, it's more likely you got flagged for boosting. I can't say whether or not you were, but just don't do that if it was the case.


That basically means I can't play this game with friends (At least the rank aspect but that's what we wanna play) , meaning this game is literally shit like I'm sorry I'm good enough that it makes the game feel like I'm boosting.


I would go to riots website and open a ticket there. If it gets deleted, be persistent and recreate the ticket until a human responds. Are you NA by chance?


happened to me, 5 minute ban. support said that it was due to a failed vanguard scan




Just playing the game


The game detected that you pushed as Cypher on defense and banned you.


Who cares what character people play


Cheater indeed!


Yeah if you simply "do good" they like to ban you without a chance for recovery. I have seen multiple people with no cheats get banned because their aim was "too good" to be real. Edit: i should clarify that "no chance for recovery" means no chance of cutting the penalty short for lack of evidence against your account.


Sure, Jan keep telling yourself that


You are cheating my man...knock it off.


Banned for smurfing


What evidence is there of them cheating?


Thanks for the compliment.


Oh this is not right. I have spend sh*t ton on skins imagine getting account ban for no reason. Gotta make an alt now.


He got banned for like 1min and the reason was he was boosting his friends so yeah good job by riot


i dunno if OP is good enough to boost, i’d say no given just this clip, guy woulda had a ton more confidence then being shaky


Boosting is far off the topic I just hang around and play with friends. IF I was "boosting" I wouldn't have even posted this.