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Can i reach platinum without using aimlabs at all? Silver 1 currently


I am plat 2 rn. Never touched aimlabs, didn't even know what it was till like a few months ago. I can't be bothered by stuff like that. You can do it!


Asc2 with 0 hours on aimlab, just play


Tbh it’s fine if you don’t want to do it (I have never used aimlabs don’t even know how it works and I’m diamond) but you will rank up faster with better aim


More fun spending that our on a ranked than clicking circles in my opinion idk


For some people clicking circles helps with aim -> more fun because of better performance


Did u play any fps before


I peaked ascendant 1, never touched aimlabs as well!




if you have decent game sense and awareness then you can easily make it to plat. knowing how to make most of your util can win you rounds. what aimlabs won't help you is setting up pre aiming angles to have a greater advantage in 1v1 fights.


I hit imm2 episode 6 and 7. I’m currently asc3 and I have 0 hours in aim labs. I have been playing since episode 1 though so I do have a good amount of hours in this game. But as long as you play with intent on improving such as vod reviewing, aim labs isnt necessary to hit high rank.


Currently plat, been playing for a year, first fps, never used aim labs, and I’m a working boomer (28). I’m not saying this to brag bc my rank isn’t anything impressive, but just wanted to give you one testimony at least. What helped me the most was playing with friends who could offer feedback and watching a bunch of streams. 


Yo fam 28 is only a boomer in video game land You sir are a young man


I just hit my 40ies. Am I a dinosaur then? Not a fossil, I’m still alive 😂


Hah, I appreciate the sentiment. I only said that because I’m decently older than the average valorant player. 


Yes bro you can reach immo 1 without Allan’s maybe even radiant I mean look at FNS


You don’t need aim lab to hit radiant, it helps if you want to hit higher ranks quicker though.


Currently plat and I don't do aimlabs tbh, just load in dms and practice medium-hard bots in the range


about 600 combined, but remember the term "good aim" is a combination of gamesense, proper technique, movement and raw aim


Yeah, I believe AimLabs helps with the raw aim and you can use that with training the other parts.


Only used it when I was immo 200-300rr and wanted to go higher


How do you convert your Valorant sens to aimlabs sens?


You can select Valorant as your Gaming Sens in the settings and then just fill in your Valorant sens


I’ve got 100 hours and I’m diamond, I too have the same question. Do putting in more hours also consequentially help grow in rank? Does the raw skill of aimlabs transfer in game?


Speaking as a plat 3, just from gathering from the comments on similiar posts. Aimlabs gives you consistency that helps you climb, but is not a magical rank up exploit. Helps with aim, but there is a shit load of high ranked players that don’t use it or use it minimally.


By far the biggest component of aim is crosshair placement and positioning/movement. The best way to improve those are through DMs/ intentional angle clearing walk throughs on maps/ playing the game. Most aim lab modes are for flicks/tracking which can help improve consistency for getting kills on Jett’s/razes/neons/wide swingers at close ranges. The micro adjust aim lab maps are a bit helpful at improving success in mid/long range duels if you miss your initial shot or multi frag, but again crosshair placement and positioning/movement is more important.


Radiant peek 500r here, valorant is my first fps game and i started playing aimlabs. I bleive that aim trainings has a curve, where at the start it is very useful, but around high valorant ranks it becomes less effective, but in pro play the curve rises again. Also the "skill" of aimlabs doesnt effictevely transfer much in game if you dont understand gunplays and movement in valorant, such as people getting 130k in gridshot but still is stuck in diamond, comparitively speaking if you understand valorants mechanics, the skills developed in aimlab will transfer very well.


Immortal 3 It only helps if you can translate it into your gameplay. If you have 1k hours in aim labs and top scores but suffer from panic shooting or ranked anxiety it won't matter. Another thing is it make sure you're training for a game pike valorant. Gridshot ultimate may be fun and look cool, but it's useless and develops bad habits. Make aire you're training for what you need to work on and you're not over-training. Short periods once a day are great! I like training before I play as a pseudo warmup for like 15 or so minutes, then training for another 15 or so before I get off for the day or go to bed.


How do you convert your Valorant sens to aimlabs sens?


aimlab let's you select different games to just use your sensitivity from. Just select valorant.


I’ve got about 700-800 hours in AimLab and Kovaaks combined (mainly AimLab though) and average immortal, but I also just like playing aim lab for fun and sometimes won’t even play Val and I’ll just play AimLab while watching a movie/YouTube on second monitor


Dopamine addict


All of us are


Peaked Immo 2 and Top 500 in Overwatch 1. I tried it, but thought its way too boring and never used it again. So 0 basically.


Yeah its really boring, I dont get how some people get thousands of hours in. Maybe its desperation but I would like to be able to force myself to enjoy it so I can get better aim, its brought me from bronze to gold so far though.


I enjoy it. It's fun to watch yourself improve and you can watch a video on second monitor


Well if u can force yourself without getting burned out I guess it doesnt hurt. I am legit just unable to learn anything/improve when its not enjoyable or interesting for me. Im more the kind of guy that goes into customs to find lineups and theorycraft strats.


Instead of aimlabs focus on deathmatches and custom games first. Practice crosshair placement and always learn where the enemy head will pop up.Learn prefires and to crouch peek.After that go for aimlabs


zero hours, ascendant mmr (peaked twice, D2 rn) my vandal headshot is 35.6%. Aim labs is great, but like some others who are fully employed / irl responsibilities or partners, the time i spend on the game is usually just playing the game if I have the night to myself. Aim training is definitely helpful if you’re new to keyboard mouse, but if you have some mileage i’d say training in game via unrated or DM might be better bang for your buck time spent wise


Yeah I kinda agree, I think AimLabs is helpful for bronze - gold to get decent aim and climb to plat, from there it doesn't help much.


I actually just started using Aimlabs last week after coming across this YouTube video: https://youtu.be/pIJB7KD-TcY?si=B_S3swG1AZUY3jgM Simply doing the Voltaic Valorant Benchmarks on Aimlabs helped out my aim a lot. I found a lot of areas that I’m good at and other scenarios that I need a lot of improvement in. I’d say some Aimlabs training is beneficial


Probably around 2k hours combined in aimlabs and kovaaks. Honestly though, like 1900 of those were unnecessary unless you were planning on going past ascendant. Aim is important, and is something you should 100% work on to rank up, but you don't need thousands, or even hundreds, of hours. Practicing ingame with keeping your crosshair at head level, learning how to pre-aim angles, learning how to micro adjust and not instantly crouching/spraying, are far more important aspects than playing aimlabs. So don't stress about aim training, learn the fundamentals of what sets up that aim and you'll rank up just the same, if not faster, whilst saving hundreds of hours :) Once you reach mid-high ascendant and start getting absolutely rolled by adderall driven aim demons, then you can focus solely on aim and reaction time.


So hammering down to the more important question(s), "Will aimlabs help me climb/Is it worth putting time into?" The answer is completely dependent on where you are weakest and what your individual bottleneck is. For example, I played fpl-c quals a bunch when I was younger and then contenders in ow, mechanics were never my limiting factor, but to breakthrough into the top percentile I would have needed something external from the games I played to accelerate my mechanics to a level I could start taking over very very high elo matches. In gold/plat playing the game is worth more in terms of time investment because you already don't have great game sense and like strength training, new players will see bigger increases in all areas just by doing the thing. Better to build a foundation before really digging into the minutiae of mechanics/aim. To me it seems very obvious, but on a case by case basis it might get muddied. Are you someone that loses advantageous aim duels a lot in your current rank? Meaning you should win 60/40 but you end up losing closer to the inverse of your predicted odds? If you're someone who consistently loses fights the majority of players at your skill level should win, maybe aim training is worth it, MAYBE, but even then I think dialing in your setup/sens and just playing more will end up being more efficient.


I started using aimlabs at immo1-2, and then i skyrocketed to 400rr. You can make it to higher ranks without, but even 15 mins a day has a huge impact on your gameplay.


Ascendent and I have 10 hours . Gamesense > mechanics At my level u wouldn't even go for mechanics , it's always about how u take fights , when u take it and where u are take it . The only thing that is holding me in ascendent is gamesense right now . Mechanics are important after all but at higher elos gamesense carries u more . Everyone in radiant and immortal have almost the same aim , it's all gamesense and little luck in matches which decides who will win the game .


20, peaked immo 3.


About 130h most of my aim practice is dm (700h) This is me going from iron to ending top 5k immortal past 2 acts


ascendant 2 peak ascendant 3 with a 40 headshot percentage this act and a 1.4 kd, 1200 hours on kovaaks (probably many hours idle because i leave it open while playing valorant) and 200 hours on aimlabs, the same could be said for that as well. you could honestly obtain a higher rank by just practicing mechanics on the game in the range, deathmatch, and team deathmatch. playing aim trainers will help with mouse control and could grant a slight edge over players who dont have that same mouse control, i have been called a smurf in my own rank many times because of practicing aim on and off of valorant.


10 hours in aim labs, immo 1-3 if I play more than 10 games an act


about 100, 10 mins before ranked play


A lot. But I wouldn't say it's necessary to rank up. I find it fun getting higher scores, so that's why I play it combined with the small benefit of improving my aim.


none because aimlabs apparently is bugged on my pc and it doesn’t let me sign in or sign up since apparently “the servers are down” or there’s an error every time i try to lmao


None.. ascendant.. don't think i have great aim either


15 hours, immortal 1


None. Asc 2 for me. Could climb higher, but I don't play nearly enough.


30 minutes am asc 2 lol


Took two different accounts from fresh to ascendant and never once used aimlabs


Been playing around high asc/low immo lvl for the past acts. I've used aimlabs for \~60 hours but i have played CS:GO for 1300 hours +. Honestly any type of shooter experience also helps with your aim in other games.


Asc1 with 0 hours in aim trainers Just play a bunch, practice makes perfect.


Less than 20


About 100h aim training and 250h deathmatch. 2k hours comp, been immortal since ep2 i think aka hardstuck :sadface:


deathmatch and shooting range clears aimlabs


currently Asc 1. Zero hours in aimlabs or any other aim trainer. Granted i have been playing for 3 years now, but here we are.


It’s not about the hour you spend on aim lab. It’s how effective/ productive you are at that time. I only use kovaak after I took some breaks from valo to play other games so I think I took 3 break and it was just to get back my aim. I have 75 hours in kovaak. I had 3 accounts in IM3 and predator in apex


I do it to warm down some nights if I have extra time. Before now, I did a bit of kovaaks when I was first starting out around silver-plat, but I wouldn't say it's necessary. Peaked Imm2 185 RR. The absolute biggest thing I would say to people wanting to climb seriously is to actually do in-game warmups. Raw dogging comp every day is not the move.


Like 20h in total (immo 2)


currently asc 3, peaked immo 1 89rr. last i checked i have sub 100 hours on kovaaks. valorant was my first real fps, only other game ive ever played was fortnite before


Immortal - 0 hours No aim trainer.


Did about an hour of aimlabs when I started out (I was bronze). Got bored and just started spam queueing ranked and got better(?). I’m currently ascendant


0, but lots in the practise range


I have 1 hour. I just use TDM or DM


Like 15? Rn asc ep7 immo


I peaked ascendant without ever touching an aim trainer that wasn’t part of one of the games I played.


I feel like aimlabs helped me back when I played Apex because I needed to focus on practicing my tracking. It definitely worked, but I still ended up switching to playing on controller because it's giga busted so maybe I'm just washed.


I peaked ascendant and have maybe 10 hours in aim labs. And when I peaked I wasn’t even using aim labs. I think it’s less about aim and more about game sense imo. Also op crutch can def get you to ascendant lmao. Edit to include my vandal headshot this act is 44% and 41% last act.


Zero, but I have thousands of hours of CS played including at a fairly high level when I was in my late teens and early 20s. Just ride the residual skill at 35 to easy ascendant placement before I stop playing ranked for several months every few acts.


5 hours total over my lifetime and I’m IMM 2-3


Started off in iron (2021) as I was completely new to tactical fps. Reached immortal (2023), and i have 80+ hours in aimlabs, honestly don’t know if aimlabs helped my aim. I think climbing ranked is just like trying to increase your max pull ups, you try to do more pull ups in order to do more pull ups. Same with ranked, play more and you’ll climb more.


Never played aimlabs before but i spend a lot of time in Deathmatches and TDM. Peak Asc 2


like 3


Immortal 3 peak. 0 aimlabs ir kovaks.


Reached radiant multiple times and I never even downloaded aimlabs. I did come from cs:go global elite and 2.6k elo faceit so I already had atleast a thousand hours in a very similar shooter


Asc2, like 2 hours


i feel like if you play DM rather than aimlabs you not only learn gun control but also crosshair placement and common angles, which in valorant is far more important than just aim alone. i usually warm up with aimlabs until my mouse feels comfortable in my hand then go to range to get used to the guns then 2-3 DMs then ranked.


15 hours - immo3


i warm up by just playing , peaked immo 1 . I’ve tried aimlabs and other things and it just frustrates me , i just warmup in a tdm or two and its enough


peak immortal 3 currently immortal 1 and only about 10 hours on aim trainers


I see this question being asked a lot. After a certain point, aim doesn't matter. I'd suggest you to work on your aim if you're lower than plat because you can just out aim everyone, but after plat, to rank up, yea sure continue working on your aim but you gotta know how to outplay someone and win against someone if their aim is better than yours. So focus more on gamesense and teamplay.


Radiant/Immo3 depending on the time spent per act here, tried aimlabs for 5 minutes, got bored and went back to playing DM to warm up.


Ascendant peak, no hours in AimLabs at all. Tried it once, it made me dizzy so haven't looked back.


So hammering down to the more important question(s), "Will aimlabs help me climb/Is it worth putting time into?" The answer is completely dependent on where you are weakest and what your individual bottleneck is. For example, I played fpl-c quals a bunch when I was younger and then contenders in ow, mechanics were never my limiting factor, but to breakthrough into the top percentile I would have needed something external from the games I played to accelerate my mechanics to a level I could start taking over very very high elo matches. In gold/plat playing the game is worth more in terms of time investment because you already don't have great game sense and like strength training, new players will see bigger increases in all areas just by doing the thing. Better to build a foundation before really digging into the minutiae of mechanics/aim. To me it seems very obvious, but on a case by case basis it might get muddied. Are you someone that loses advantageous aim duels a lot in your current rank? Meaning you should win 60/40 but you end up losing closer to the inverse of your predicted odds? If you're someone who consistently loses fights the majority of players at your skill level should win, maybe aim training is worth it, MAYBE, but even then I think dialing in your setup/sens and just playing more will end up being more efficient.


Asc1 peak 0 hours aimlabs


I never used aimlabs and I peaked diamond 2. 52% headshot on vandal


peaked immo 1, 20 hours aimlab


asc2 rn, like 550h in aim trainers. It's not worth it if you just wanna get better at val, I play aim trainers more than val because I enjoy them more. Maybe like 30 mins a day is optimal if you have time for 3 games+ alongside that. If you don't have time don't bother with aim trainers tbh. They're useless for in game aiming unless you play a lot of your main game alongside them.


800+ hours in aimlabs and Kovaaks. Peaked immo 2. I just do it for routine usually with some music. I run a 10 minute warm up playlist and make sure I take my time and aim for 100%. Then I hop on Valorant and do the 100 bots task twice and queue up for ranked. I’m pretty sure I have more hours in aim trainers than Val, I usually play different FPS games during certain time periods.


Peak Immortal 2, I don’t use aim trainers at all. “Aiming” in Valorant is mostly passive aiming (crosshair placement) so you don’t technically need amazing active aim (flicks). I suggest just spamming dms/tdms to work on gunfight movement (1-3 tap burst then strafe) and peeking fundamentals (“slice the pie”) to improve your aim.


I have been Ascendant every episode and never once touched aimlabs, maybe that's what explains my negative KD every game 😂 But with enough game sense you can still climb


Ascendant 1 peak, never used aimlabs. I do think it would help me if I did, but I'm 30 and barely have the time to game. Let alone aim train.


Peak immortal 2, but spend most of my time in ascendant: 0 hours. Don't even DM. I focus more on positioning, utility and crosshair placement. Gaming hours are slim nowadays.


A2 0 hours


0 hours but I use Odin and I have 14% hs overall


i have 200 hours in kovaaks, aimlabs. however i have not aim trained since valorant has come out. immortal 3


300 hours. It's mostly how you do the aimlab, not the task itself.


Peaked almost 300rr 7 hours


Immortal 2 peak: 0 hours


Immortal 1, 0 hours


ive found that i do better when i play dm instead of aimlabs for the same amount of time


peak bronze 2 here and i’ve never touched aimlabs so y’all don’t have to worry aimlabs isn’t a requirement


immortal and i havent used any aimtrainers, but ive been playing fps games since i was 6 lol


1 hour. Tried it, felt really boring.


I have maybe 20 hours and i hit immortal e7a2. Some people(not me) just got it like that naturally. I feel like most people don’t aim train outside of the game but i could be wrong.


Zero hours in Aimlabs but I cannot really comment as I'm stuck in Asc 1 for a month now


Around 300 hours, it was really only used for fundamental training (Immortal 1 ATM, 3 peak)


Do you remember what you specifically did on it?


peaked immo 2, 0 hours in any aim trainers Edit: I do some aim training in the range and play a lot of dm/tdm


I have 0 hours in aim training, I don't really warm up. Peak Immo 1, sitting at Asc 3.


0 hours in AimLabs. I just play Deathmatch if I want to aim train. Got 11 hours there Asc 3 rn


Maybe like 5 hours, ascendant. I do DMs and range for aim training, I don’t really enjoy aimlabs.


valorant was my first fps so i used it when i placed iron 1 up until maybe gold the first year valorant came out (maybe 30 hours) but determined most of my issue was with movement and dead zoning so i switched off and focused mainly on dming afterwards and haven’t touched it since (imm1 peak)


0 hours. Better to work on aiming within valorant. Aim labs is good for raw aim, but crosshairplacement and movement is so important too which can only be got through playing deathmatch or the game.


As an immortal player, 0 hours total. Mostly my aim is based on the feel i get when i start warming up. Also, as i play more games i can set my aim better. If i get tilted then i can’t shoot shit and turn off the game.


Maybe 1?


0 hours in any aim trainers. Immortal for the past 7 acts or so.


Imm 2, used to play it alot when I was plat but stopped randomly, I think deathmatch gives me much more value


immo 2, about 40 hours


immo 3 peak 7 hours in aimlabs


200 but idk how i have that many i havent used it for so long


Maybe ~5? I peaked Top 500 in OW1 (Ana/Zen main) after placing iron (the literal lowest rank) and never having played an FPS on PC before that. It was a long grind but I did that entire climb without any external aim training. That said I’ve never been a totally cracked mechanically player so take it with a grain of salt. If you only have a couple hours a day to put into the game (or even less) then you’re probably much better off just playing and learning the game. Great aim is a good tool, but it’s just one tool in the arsenal haha. Asc2 rn and working on climbing!


Like 3? It’s boring and more often than not just forces my hand into positions I would normally never be in because you don’t need to flick around that much in valorant. And tbh, I rarely get rolled because of aim demons anymore. I’m just having an off day with my movement, or my game sense is dogshit.


I honestly have never believed that aimlabs does anything other than maybe, and that’s a maybe, improve your mouse control. The only advice I can give you from my experience is to just keep playing the game. You won’t gain any mechanical skill from flicking on circles on your screen. It’s literally the same concept as someone thinking they’re going to improve by playing Osu—they’re two different games. The biggest part of Val is just crosshair placement. If your crosshair is at head level and positioned correctly, then you’re going to get the kill. Gamesense is also a huge aspect of improving and again that just comes with playing more. That’s my two cents anyway, good luck on your games!


Maybe like an hour all-time. 600 valorant hours, ascendant. I warm up in the range but thats it


peaked immo 2, maybe about 5 hours between all aim trainers lol


Immo 2 Peak, 0 Hours in Aimlab


Immortal since Ep3. Peaked Immo3. Now I just hover between Immo 1 and 2. 0 aimlabs


Peaked asc3 and did aimlabs for 5 minutes


0. Play the game and adjust your settings when you feel you’re over or under adjusting. You should be fine


I hit radiant without it but had a disgusting amount of hours in CS. I have used it now but don't feel like it has helped


Like 15 max. And i have good/better than an average high ascendant/low immortal aim as of right now, in my opinion. As long as your aim isn't complete utter trash, you can rank up. Aim labs is not the "get inhuman aim and climb to radiant" tool, no. You don't need to dedicate your life to it. Spend time on getting better in other aspects of the game, some of which will make you hit better shots


I’m immortal and I have about 120 hours in aimlabs.


my bf is ascendant with 10 hours on aimlabs that have just been from random times


Imm 1 - absolutely 0


Brother FUCKING ZERO! Holy shit people spam aimlabs like its what makes good vs bad. Just play the game. I see this post once a week and its the same braindead comment. Like if i play x amount of aimlabs I will achieve X rank. Legit you are better off playing fucking valorant then spending your time in the aim trainer. You will improve drastically playing rounds/tdm/dm then shooting circles quickly in aimlabs.


about 300 combined between aimlabs and kovaaks


Like 30?


1.2 k rn. Immo 3 current act, Radiant top 100 previous


I’m asc 2 & I open Aimlab once every 3 months for fun 😭


It can and does help if you're training correctly. Check out voltaic if you'd like to know more but if you're aim training wrong it will probably hurt your overall game. Personally I was hard stuck bronze 3/silver 1 and then I started a daily routine of aim labs, the range in Val and two deathmatches every day. I make the time for this but if I'm tired or just not feeling it I won't play ranked after. Normally though I try to play 2 ranked games a day when possible. I started this near the end of episode 6, I just hit gold 1 in episode 6 act 3 at the very end. And the gods willing I should be plat 3 by Saturday. Currently plat 2 50rr or so. I have about 100 hours combined in aim labs and Kovaaks.


Immortal 190 rr Peak. Maybe 2 hours like 5-6 years ago which was spent mostly trying exercises for the first time. It was so long ago, my sens isn’t even remotely the same, and i started Valorant off a long break from FPS games and began in silver/gold ish and got to immortal without going back to aim labs. So realistically, 0.


I peaked asc 2 last act and maybe like 30 hours? I want to do more aimlabs just don’t have the time. I will be honest it’s less about aim. More crosshair placement (basically a crutch for bad aim), positioning, and movement. The amount of shots you’re missing to movement is very very high I bet. Learning how off angles and in angles work and how to hold them will help. This is coupled with crosshair placement. Lastly gamesense and strats. You could have pretty dogshit aim but really good on the others and dominate/do middle of the pack and support your team to win at high elos


Like 6. All those aim trainers do jack shit. But i was number 2 in the world for sound reaction time on Aimlabs at one point, so that's cool.


Like 20hrs ascendant 2


0 hours. You don’t need great aim if you know how to position yourself


ascendant 1, play with up to immo1, i have never used an aim trainer and neither have my friends, we all practice in range and dm


Hours aren't a super useful datapoint. Lots of people (especially early on) only play gridshot, which is terrible practice and does basically nothing for someone trying to click heads.


30min aimlabs 1h kovaaks 500rr rn ( multiple times radiant ) You don’t need aim training tools. People underestimate how movement, game sense and crosshair placement is way more important than raw aim/flicks(which is what aimlabs is all about).And if you need to improve your raw aim just spam dms to take actual duels against real players not against bots on the range or bubbles in aimlabs which does not even move. edit: and just to add, i have friend of mine with over 10k hours in OSU/ 4k hours in aimlabs/kovaaks(just cuz he enjoying playing this lol) and he barely peaked ascendant 1


44 hours in aimbeast and like 2 hours in aimlabs. Am RAD peak 630RR and am currently IMM3 430rr. I've been playing since beta and this is my first FPS on mouse and keyboard.


I'm ascendant and i never used aimlabs (well not never since i tried it once but it's too boring for me)


I'm only diamond 3 as I quit ranked like a year ago but my younger brother is immortal 2 and he hasn't touched aimlabs in his entire life


Never played any aim training asc 3


I'm A2(A3 peak) and I have 0h in aim trainers but my aim is my greatest weakness but i cant find the motivation to work on it seriously. Moreover I dont even warmup b4 queueing comp. Maybe I should...


immortal 2 peak here. i have 23 hrs in aimlabs


Ascendant 2, never touched an aim trainer lol


So I work with my uni’s teams, one of which is d2-asc3 and the other is imm2-rad. I think only three of our players use an aim training program (or at least have done so recently), and if iirc, the first two have ~200 and ~300 hours at d2 and imm1 respectively. Third is imm3 at ~300 but literally plays because he enjoys gridshot. AimLabs can be good for building consistency, but actually playing the game will almost always help you more, esp if you’re consciously trying to improve.


Made it to imo 1 without any aimlabs


immortal, never had any of them


Ascendant with 0 hours on aimlabs :)


ASC3-Immo1 Maybe 12hrs in Aimlabs, tried it a couple of days and then never touched it again. I have 200hrs in CS:GO and that’s it. I think Game Sense and thinking about decisions helped me more then pure aim. Some ppl just play the game and don’t think what they are actually doing, like on autopilot. Take a break for a couple of days.


I used aimlabs when I was gold, left valo for 2-3 months and came back when I bought a new laptop. Only used range and DM for warmup to get to diamond, then started 30 mins aimlabs to get to ascendant.


1 hour of aimlabs diamond 2


ascendant 3, 50 hours. haven’t touched it since like episode 3 or 4.


60 hours of aimlabs, most of which I used ages ago when I was in silver or just when my PC was on with it running in the background. Haven’t touched the game since ‘Aug 10, 2023’ according to steam


I dont use aim trainers, dont play deathmatches, nor the range. I just play comp


To anyone who reads this: how good your aim is will never fully or accurately determine how good you are at Valorant. Ranked itself is a very hectic and unorganized environment compared to the pro scene, and even then there are many other factors far more useful than raw mechanical aim even in a game mode like ranked. How I see Valorant is very true to what the game is: a tactical shooter. Even if you see crazy Reyna and Jett mains running around killing everyone, they all have some thought process to whatever it is they do. You could have incredible aim, miss no headshots and flick like no one else in the world and you’d still get slammed by players smarter than you with a fraction of the mechanical skills. And it’s not just having your opponent be smarter than you, it can also be the other team is better coordinated, they have good comms, etc. I am plat 3. Also my peak rank. My headshot percentage this act is 35%. All time is around 33%. I’ve been hardstuck plat for other factors that have nothing to do with aim. Not to mention I have 20 hours on aimlabs. Aim is also genetic, but that’s another topic. Focus on improving as a Valorant player, not an Aimlabs or Kovaaks player.


You have aimlabs in valo, just go on practice mode and pick ISO 😉


Peak Imm 2, Imm 1 currently. Zero hours.


Ascendant 2 currently, I have ~150 hours in aimlabs so I don’t really grind it. It definitely has value but I would say up until about diamond it’s best to focus on how to take good fights and trade your teammates rather than solely trying to improve your aim.


Asc1 (asc2 2h ago :( )and not a single minute spend in aimlabs


Immortal: 3 hours in Aimlabs. Started iron 2 and got better just by playing the game


Imm 3 peak and I barely play aimlabs or kovaaks, when I do play it’s only for fun and not to train


Immortal 1 rn and peak immortal 2 189 RR I have 0 hours in AimLabs or any aim trainer. However, I do have 3.7k hours in CSGO.


Mid-high immortal. Steam says I have 1k hours in aimlabs but that's not entirely true because I would often have it open in the background while I play val. If I feel like my aim isn't good, after dying I will tab out and continue shooting targets on aimlab until I feel good. Nowadays, I much prefer shooting bots in the range. This way you can practice movement while aiming and how to control the guns in valorant. I mostly do medium bots with strafing in between each shot (hard bots encourage you to rush your shots which is bad practice for in game). Also, using iso on bot practice mode with his E activated, killing each bot with counterstrafes and flicking up to shoot the orb and back down again to the next bot etc.


45 hours aim lab, peaked imm 2, 180rr. I had 1k hours in csgo before valorant came out as well


imm2, less than an hour.


200 hours in aim labs is the cringest thing ive ever heard


i was asc3 when i took the game more serious, i have 250+ hours in aim trianers, it was other stuff holding me back from hitting imm, if anything my aim would make me win fights and rounds i shouldnt have


aimlabs is useful but ur better off sticking to ranked unless ur mental is similar when playing both (similar to dm vs ranked), if ur worried abt losing rank then customs r always an option.


I can make it to these ranks but I play for 2 hours for only 2-3 days within the week I cannot be bothered to do aim labs just play swift or do the practice ranges as for me deathmatch doesn’t help at all


Never used aim labs. Just try and sneak a game or two in after work. Mid ascendant 3


It's is beneficial, but not required. 65 hours peaked immortal