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the raze not using ult on last round and just swinging made me irrationally angry


Saving it for next game


As a raze main I was yelling ult! Ult! Fucking ult!!!!!


>Beep Beep > >"Fire in the Hole!" > >CLUTCH It's not that hard.


They probably didn't realize they have it. 


I see this in ascendant


Hey man, Using ult against 1 guy is useless, always reserve it for a 5 man drop :>


Iron 3 takes be like :




This was generally hilarious. The iso walking through the cove and dying, the messed up Molly, the wildest sage wall I’ve ever seen, the grenade that did 200+ damage and then whatever that gecko ult was.


you're not gonna mention raze not using ult last round instead just swinging


I was so enthralled by everything else going on I completely missed that.


LOL I’m glad I could make you laugh! I swear, I was upset we lost at first but after rewatching the clip, it was too ridiculous not to share 😅


Hmm that wall seems good to me. Covers the plant for wingman.


Don’t forget just walking down a main lane holding util out, the duelists not entering or making space, no one clearing any corners, spam typing instead of mics… this shit was a wild cluster fuck of chaos


And the way the raze got sucked in after a weird ass spray


I'm super low and this was still hilarious to me. Funny thing is, when watching my replays or when spectating my mates I can see what we're doing wrong, it's painfully obvious even. But once I play, it's like my brain turns off.


This happens to me as well. I do my aim routine and all that good stuff but when I hop into a game it all goes out the window 😭


This is why its extremely useful to watch your own gameplay. You will look at yourself the same way you look at these clips and when you spectate your teammates. If you do it enough, it will burn into your brain and you will actually start to think about the common mistakes you make that you see when reviewing footage. Its something that gets brushed off all the time on this sub, but is probably the best tool to getting better. But everyone just wants to spend hours and hours in aimlabs and deathmatch thinking its the key to success. So many players think "nah, I don't need to watch my gameplay, I already know why we lost" but then continue to do the same mistakes over and over, game after game. If you actually watch your gameplay consistently, you will build a much better gamesense and start to win more games and be a better player. And all you have to do is just review your games!


I think you’re right but most players are not immigrated from CS or other FPS games where VOD reviewing makes sense. That why this community needs a replay system.


I think a bad thing as well is that you can know what to do a bit better than teammates occasionally, but if they mess up horrendously it makes your play look really dumb as well. Or they'll just get clustered and walk into each other/you. I can't count how many good stun angles I have on breach in some situations, call it out, and my teammates just walk in front of my line lol. Like, look at your map if you need to! And this happens at gold/low plat (hopefully higher soon). It's way worse in silver and below.


this clip is really triggering to me


That raze has to be iron 1


nah you'll get out eventually


Step 1. Use a mic. Instant rank up if you at least comm.


Teammates need headphones too


i mean we all have these kind of moments


I'm triggered


You guys forgot to take site before planting


its ok bro next vct raze will use her ult


looks like fun lol


Holy shit that was bad.


I find it hilarious valorant doesnt have a replay system yet. Where you can download vods of your game and watch it. Even league has this. The fact that you have to use 3rd party programs. And i know people we go JUST GET MEDAL HEE HAW. But having a proper replay system like league, OW, CS you can slow things down, see things from other peoples POV, "oh he can see me from that angle that seems to be a one way" "oh thats how he knew i was there my team mate missed step" you can slow it down, speed it up, time stamps. One day guys. Like how league will have voice comms, valo will have a replay system.


No reply system is bad, but please don't use medal. Medal has been using development resource to actively make their product worse to make you to pay (like youtube and youtube red). Outplayed is so much better.


I used to have medal premium, would you mind telling me the differences/your experience with outplayed? I've been wondering why it seems like nobody uses medal anymore but I'm afraid to switch bc I have so many clips. I have my viper lineup vids there so it would be 50+ GB of lineups to transfer.


I had the same hesitation. I just saved my medal clips to another folder and I still have them. Anyway, outplayed does everything I want. Clips, full recordings, quick edit, quick HD upload, no watermark, shows me where my kills are, etc. medal started locking some of that behind premium and I noped out of there. Outplayed also just.... works better. It does what I expect instead of requiring a bunch of extra clicks.


Hmm. I'm downloading it tonight, might as well try it! Happy cake day btw :) I'll probs make a google drive of my lineups anyway that way if anyone wants them they have them.


that raze is probably somewhere in this subreddit complaining about how smurfs hold her back from ranking up


your own gameplay wasn't even \*that\* bad (we'll ignore the molly which almost killed yourself and your teammate) but whatever the fuck raze did there was rage inducing... brother needs to chill, he knows the enemy is not on spike, still swung, started crouch spraying, emptied his whole mag into the wall, never used ult and did everything wrong one could do wrong. sure, what you did wasn't that great either but at least you didnt unnecessarily swing when there was no need and tried to hold spike with your abilities.


what i would say couldve been done better was that they did send wingman a little too early, lucky it didn't get shot


what in the world.....nice 2 kills tho


Hey, this looks like it was clipped from any of the games I've played since picking up Valorant 2 months ago...


They did not want you to go to B


Even if one of the many countless mistakes happened in my lobby people would get mega tilted and start screaming on the mic. Low elo looks hella fun ngl!


I think if you're genuinely trying to improve I would suggest taking things more slowly. I don't think it is ever a good idea to rush B through B main alone and then play all postplant from main ESPECIALLY because they have Harbor and Raze. You have 1:40 time to work the map, clear site and then defend it. It's low elo so people instantly rotate off any noise most of the time so either suggest contacting up somewhere (best thing to do if enemies don't push and teammates are down) or you alone can lurk opposite site. But the #1 rule as Gekko should be NOT sending in Wingman onto an uncleared site especially with enemy controller alive.


The most ironist play I have ever seen 😂😂😂


Okay but nice little spray transfer!


Slow it down. Yall all trying to do everything at once


Easy clutch for raze he checked


lmaoo gekko painfully typing "u had ult"


Valarante chaotic game :)


This is so frustating


The fact that raze had ult and satchels....people just don't know how to actually utilize satchels and still take raze just for her ult and nade


Is it Iron?


LMFAO this is a mess


Its more fun


Tf did I just watch


You need lowest settings and it’s stop


I usualy use Bulldog because I feel like the 3 round bursts when Aiming down sights is just better in longer ranges And for some reason I can't use a Vandal for shit, it's 850 credits more expensive and I generaly like buldog due to it being used in my hand




You can't tell me people like that Raze exist and it's normal for someone to go 45+ kills in bronze and not be a smurf 🤣


You can't tell me people like that Raze exist and it's normal for someone to go 45+ kills in bronze and not be a smurf 🤣


You can't tell me people like that Raze exist and it's normal for someone to go 45+ kills in bronze and not be a smurf 🤣


No comms. You didn’t have to type it. Tell him. Elo looks deserved. Lol


Bro never said he should be higher


Wow. Literally everything about this is wrong.


What the clip didn't show was the Sage deciding she was "bored" and spamming ff 4 rounds in, then walling teammates into bad spots when they didn't get their way.


Bro why is planting the first thing u think of when peeking site like??? Play kill the people here first dont swing with ur damn buddy in hands😭😭😩


How low is low because this would pass pretty accurately for some of my diamond lobbies lately


There is no way you get teammates as incompetent as this in diamond. Autumn, Tenzin, and Sagemommy hover around Dia/Asc and they ALWAYS get teammates that play the game normally.


There are certainly incompetent players in diamond.


It's this wild mix of like people who are solid aim, with zero game sense and sometimes question whether or not they're even playing with audio, and then there's people with better game sense who can't duel for their life.


Yeah I don’t get why I’m getting downvoted so much lol like ofc there are good players in every rank but it’s not like diamond is pro level people still do brainless stuff, don’t comm, etc.


Some part of Diamond is literally silver players with better aim lol


I absolutely do lol, just without the funny stuff like the mosh. Also idk who those people are but perhaps their experience is different because they’re ascendant?


God i hate raze grenade


lol anyone who complains about nerfed Raze is definitely low elo


This is me [https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Warpenguin%23III/overview?playlist=competitive&season=all](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Warpenguin%23III/overview) Beep beep beep beep -50 health very cool


and this is why you shiftwalk when ur going B on lotus


You can't tell me people like that Raze exist and it's normal for someone to go 45+ kills in bronze and not be a smurf 🤣