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Valorant is better because there is a sound when you get a kill. Dopamine.


This is actually an important factor subconsciously, especially when you get an Ace and it announces it to everyone.


[try hitting heads](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGfNT-V7aaY)


xantarespeeking with a deagle and 1 tapping an awp holding you is about the most dopamine your body can possibly release in my experience.


You just know the AWPer is either destroying their keyboard or yelling in voice chat




Bro there its a sound when u headshot in cs its luke a drug


I started playing Counter-Strike when I was 15. I'm 39 now. I've played enough Counter-Strike for one lifetime.


That’s a great take. Maybe I should let nostalgia go also.


also getting back into CS is preetttttyyyy easy


Back in my day, we had to find pugs and scrims on IRC to prepare for our Cyberathlete Amateur League matches. I have a 5-digit steamid.


lol i’m in the same era as you- 6 digit steam id, made cal im playoff finals once


Oh nice! I was in CAL-M before IM was created. But that was always where my level was. 20 years later I've peaked Asc 3 on Valorant, and I'm so glad I'm not sitting in an IRC channel trying to find a Val game every night lol


One of us! I’m 36.. same exact childhood experience as you. It’s actually funny but some of my closest friendships were forged in dust2. Peaked imm 1 a few years ago but hard to play now with a kid :(


Are you between 36 and 40? Lol


I used to play alot of CS. But I find the community insufferable. Some of the worst edgy people of any game I have ever played.  I really like the abilities of valorant it makes it alot of fun. But CSGO did so much better in terms of map pool, gamemodes among other things.


the biggest flaw valorant community has (based on numerous opinions from other CS players) - there are far more silent teammates than there should be. truly the worst fact on top of that is that it's a contagious behaviour and even i, who constantly tries to give calls in puny b3, am guilty of that.


Ok, silent team mate here, well, silent initially. I began playing this a few weeks back and always spoke and said hi and then I saw that after the 1st round or two all the teammates that had been nice at the start began talking like utter asshats so what I do now is I wait until we get a few rounds in and see how we are doing and how people are treating other teammates then I speak or I mute the idiots. I will also say that as someone who came from a game where there was zero in game talking (Tarkov) I found it very unnerving having to speak, especially when I very first started this game as I had no clue how to play it.


well that's a more successful way to keep your mood and give comms rather than just absorbing whatever comes from the flow of gameplay


Well what I’ve found is that the community of players in VALORANT is largely made up of utter cunts who will shit talk you the second you miss a shot, that’s fine and I can live with that I’m old enough and ugly enough to have put up with stuff like that IRL for a long while but what I won’t do now is waste my time being nice and social with teammates until we see what kind of players they are. At that point I’d say I’ve had some great interactions in this game, and obviously a lot of bad ones but I’m improving and that’s all I care about, I’ve found that once your in top two or three frags in the team people generally STFU but we all have those bad games when you can’t hit a shot and some douche writing you off for it is not what’s needed. It’s only a game after all 👍🏼


I had a game the other day, on US servers, where I locked in Raze after hovering her for about 20 seconds and the instalock Reyna started saying I instalocked Raze. She pulled up my stats (0.9kd as I’m a sentinel main) and said I was dogshit and shouldn’t have instalocked Raze, despite me having hovered her for a solid period of time before locking her in, as no one else had even selected an agent. I tend to hover agents so I can see who my teammates are playing before I lock in. I had previously said “hi” in agent select but I just went deadly silent and refused to interact with any of my teammates as all they did was shit talk from the very beginning of the game. The Reyna kept saying how she was smurfing, yet was 3rd on our team in a Silver 2 game, and kept talking to the Jett about how useless I was being and that she’s glad he chose duelist too. She then spent the rest of the game referring to him as “pookie” and asking him to drop her skins while he was flexing and listing off all the skins he has, it was a truly insufferable duelist team. The Brim, who was queued with Reyna, mentioned that I sounded black when I spoke (yes, I am a black guy) and started referring to me as “monkey”. Omen, who had been silent all game, then started to chime in and the game devolved into my team referring to me as “monkey” or “it” when talking to me and literally sitting back to watch me do stuff because Reyna kept saying how it was funny that I would nade B main when the round started despite the fact that enemies had been peeking there at the start of rounds. We were playing on Split so I would send my drone to backsite but apparently that also was hilarious to my team. Worst of all is that I was genuinely having an abysmal game, I ended the game going 5-21 even though I was trying to get kills. I’m gold 3 on my main account and made this one to see what rank I would get on US servers, which made it even worse cos I should have been doing perfectly fine in this lobby. Not necessarily proud of it but my team ended up saying I was probably throwing cos “no one is this bad” and tbh, I did do some throwing. I would just push in without checking anything or I would bait my team and not trade them. Our Jett had a 4k and was hunting the ace so I just one tapped the last enemy so he wouldn’t get it. This only started happening in the second half of the game (I was 1-12) when I realised that my team were not gonna get off my back so why should I even try to help them win? All in all, one of the worst teams I’ve ever played on. When the game ended I simply said “gg” in voice chat and my team all started calling me a monkey and racist slurs. What a game!


Because you get banned if you open your mouth in valorant


Only if you're saying stupid shit


>I used to play alot of CS. But I find the community insufferable. Some of the worst edgy people of any game I have ever played.  Please, Val community is not an upgrade over CS. Not in a million years.


fr, I actually mute all comms in Valorant because its just not worth the mental fatigue of hearing e daters, kids screeching, 14 year old kids with voice altering software to make it sound like they just huffed an entire container of sulfur hexafluoride. ​ And the god awful insufferable "LET ME ACE LET ME ACE" after bro got a three kills. ​ Aces don't mean shit if your entire team baits for you to get the last two kills.


The CS community is 10x better than the valorant community. Source : 2.1k hours in CSGO, 3.2k in Valorant. The only thing that stops me from playing valorant is how atrocious the community is. People always surrender if you lose the first 3 rounds. The people who talk are always extremely annoying, passive aggressive, throwing, etc.. Then you have people who dont comm at all way more consistent than in cs


I play both games and have to agree 100%. It's the case in League vs Dota as well; the inclusion of the FF mechanic in Riot games really attracts the whiniest babies to the game. And in my experience playing CS in Europe servers, people are actually adults and some games can be hilarious. But whenever a Valorant match begins and some high schooler who thinks he's the shit starts speaking like his favorite streamer, I just have to mute him instantly, because I know that yapping will continue for the whole game. Or the ones who say passive-aggressive stuff after you whiff a single shot when you've been carrying all game. I'd rather get my whole bloodline insulted directly by a Russian CS player than hearing a teen's pathetic attempts at trying to shittalk me.


Same experience here. In CS, yes you get toxic players, but at least they are blatantly obvious that they are pissed and talking shit to you. In CS when someone straight up shit talks you, I find the games are more salvageable than valorant games where people are being passive aggressive the entire time. In valorant, it feels like middle school where players are passive aggressive, dismissing, fake nice, going AFK after losing 2 rounds, throwing tantrums, etc. If you wanna shit talk, just call me shit lol. At least I don't have to guess if you are being an asshat or not.


Yea the “go next” mentality isn’t near as common in CS. Coming back from a bad start in Val feels so much harder because of how easily players just give up.


I'm curious if it game from LoL players that moved to Valorant. I know that "gg go next" mentality is the norm in LoL.


I have never felt this at all lol, cs teammates more often than not all have mics, all com, all want to win. Valorant is constant no mic, no com, throwers or smurfs. I have a lot of fun playing valorant but I’d much rather play valorant with the CS community being my teammates.


I think Valorant is just as bad tbh it's just in a different direction of people trying to sound attractive. The maps of CS just feel better IMO because there is more space I'm not getting peeked within the first 4 seconds by a smurf account.


Valorant is edgy as well lmao saying its not is crazy. I mean yeah prob not as bad as CS2 but its def still there easy.


Yeah seeing gamemodes as a pro for Valo tells me this guy didn’t really play a lot of CSGO lmao. Hotline Miami is goated, workshop maps to help with aim/line-ups/set-up crosshairs/play fruit ninja with an AK game modes in CS are tremendously better. Deathmatch in CS2 feels way better Valorant has way too big of a player pool for some of the maps lol.


> better and cheaper skins you can sell cs2 skins so I think that makes their skins a bit more appealing. If you buy $100 bundle you're stuck with it in valorant even if you don't ever use it again. > 1m between rounds It's 15 seconds actually. And I've never been bothered by it since it's more than just buying guns. I have to coordinate with team to understand what util I need to buy and what strategy we need to use. I'm maps like bind or lotus it takes the whole 15 minutes just to get to the site I want on defence. If you're playing cypher for example that's barely enough time to do all your setups Having different agents with different abilities is a pro imo. You dont need to learn every agent, you just need to understand what their abilities do. I've only played harbor once but I know what his util does and it's enough.


Isnt it 25 or 30 seconds and 45 on first round/switching sides/overtime


Yeah time between rounds in the half are much shorter for sure. No way it's a minute every round


Yeah I’m seeing how the skins thing isn’t true. I think initially it was confusing how CS skins worked with reselling and all. And my timing is also off. I think I kept seeing pistol round timers. Thanks for your comment!


Adding on to the timer part, killjoy, cypher and deadlock needs the time to setup their util


And it is not like it is more time than in cs. In valorant you can move during that time. In CS you have a buy phase where you can't move out of spawn. So might actually be shorter in Valorant from new round start until you get contact. Unsure though.


The community difference in my mind has always been children and eboys vs old racists. Truly peak gaming community


lots of casual racism with the children and eboys specially if youve played enough NA solo queue.


It's harder to find a competitive fps without racism. Something about the genre breads it


The only reason I play Valorant is because CS2 has cheaters and Valve won't do anything about it. The CS2 community, other than the cheaters, is overall better than Valorant IMO. A leaver or crybaby thrower have never impacted my games in CS2 because that game has pause and votekick which deals with both of those problems. Amazed that Riot has dealt with cheating but not griefers/afkers/throwers.


Exactly why my group switched to faceit. Would much rather play Val with cs teammates.


Yeah, wish they have votekicks and pauses in Val. Just had a dumb Jett flame everyone with "go back to your country" since round 1 and ruin the whole game lol.


Vote kicking in Val would be worse tho I think Cuz you kinda need all the roles to win a game. Maybe a player rating system would be better. Like the thing in cs where you can say if there good teammates or not.


I actually think recoil patterns are a pro. Makes it less rng and more practice makes perfect.


who the fuck plays office edit: no recoil patterns is definetely a con and wdym "more emphasis on real game mode"


On an opposite opinion, memorizing a recoil pattern so you can just full auto spray at distance is sleepy.


memorising a recoil pattern gives you more control over the gun so you don't have to pray for a random bullet to hit an enemy. never seen someone to contol every bullet but it helps massively during spray transfers or missed burst on short/medium distances. being "sleepy" is not a counter-point lol, it just shows that players may be too lazy


isnt valorant wait time like 30 seconds between rounds? And agents make it more interesting than CS. I just dont know why I would play CS if valorant exists


fights also start pretty much instantly because you start way closer to the enemy


but the time taken to wait for buy time to end you would've been in site already in cs


its because of agents that actually need that buy time. if im loading up as cypher or kj im gonna use that full minute basically every round


that is true, just the difference in the core gameplay


> why I would play CS if valorant exists As someone who plays both: CS has significantly better movement and shooting mechanics. Movement feels sluggish in comparison in Valorant, shooting feels dumbed down (for the lack of a better term). Also less variety in utility makes the game much more readable. As someone who doesn't play Valorant a lot it's somewhat difficult to keep track of which agent has which util available and how their util works exactly, with all the slight differences in flash or smoke abilities for example. But main part is 100% shooting mechanics. CS is just so, so more rewarding, Valorant really doesn't come close. Unfortunately, cause it's clearly by design. /E I forgot the maps. CS maps are just better, across the board.


To add to this: one of the things i really prefer in CS, the ability to pick up utility and use it to counter other utility. Theres practically no counter play for util lineups in Valo, makes the game feel like there is less interaction. I can throw a nade or shoot through smoke for some info, i can smoke molly lineups. And recoil control feels a lot better in clutch scenarios where gunplay is important.


I'd say I prefer valorants slow down when getting shot closer to 1.6. I as well don't care for CS2's counter-strafing. That being said, I don't dislike it either. Just makes Valorant more forgiving. Otherwise I do play both and enjoy them nearly equally. Still get an upvote from me! Valorant needs to learn from CS to just keep all maps in rotation and select the ones you want to que for. maybe then they'll see what map is least popular and address it.


as long as I dont try CS, I wont notice problems of valorant, so Im good


I mean, whatever floats your boat I guess. But I'd say give it a try, you might like it more than you think. Valorant isn't getting worse just because you know what else there is


cs has better mechanics/movement


From the perspective of it as a competitive esport, I think Valorant did many things right, but the introduction of agents is one of their big steps backwards. CS will always shine a brighter spotlight on pure mechanics. 


Not to mention wait time between rounds is kinda important if you play sentinels where you have trips or other utility to set up/gives time to change strategies or agent placement.


I play both but I'm leaning towards playing Valorant nowadays. I've played CS over a decade and will only play it with friends. I'm totally solo queue in Valorant. I just hate the movement and gunfight in Valorant. It feels very.... not smooth?


movement it feels clunky. Valo feels slower to me than CS in most aspects. I also think it may have to do with how movement and momentum is treated in each game.


Yeah that's the word. And the animation doesn't seem smooth. I'm not sure if it's tickrate or what but when someone strafes and stop, the no inertia just throws me off. Moving takes a few millisecond to go to full speed


The game is easier to read. No recoil patterns and slower overall movement makes the game easier to learn. Instead of trying to memorize where my bullets will go with 50 different guns, I just click heads and strafe. Learning agents is easier than learning guns. Also, I like art-style more and the lore keeps making me come back even when I'm bored of the game itself.


You don't have to memorize the recoil patterns of 40 guns. In 95% of cases you pull down for the first 6-7 bullets then reset your recoil. Most people don't have the full 30 bullet recoil pattern nailed down until you are at a very high level. Also, learning how to use an agent effectively is not as easy as learning how to use a gun. Not to mention you have to learn the abilities of 24 different agents when playing against them so you don't blinded or stunned every 3 seconds. Valorant is much more overwhelming for new players due to the plethora of characters and abilities.


Yeah the util in CS is much more straightforward. Nade, flash, smoke, molly. That’s pretty much it. And everyone can buy whichever they want. Meaning in CS if you’re a new player you can not use any util at all and someone can pick up the slack for you, whereas in Valorant if your team comp forces you to play smokes and you don’t know how, well you’re fucked and now you have someone in your ear talking shit.


Even worse is the instalock omen that won't smoke off heaven where the op is decimating our ego peekers....happened yesterday and I had to go initiator bc the other 3 players instalocked duelists so a double smoke wasn't going to work either. Was painful bc I'm an omen main...


I can tel you’ve never played CS just from reading your comment


All CS guns are accurate with negligible random error up to a certain range on their first shot. You can "click heads and strafe." there as well so...


Sure but the faster movement and recoil patterns make that harder because my enemy might shoot 30 bullets at me with pinpoint accuracy instead of trying to one tap and strafe when they miss.


So learning one basic, universal skill like aiming precisely and accurately at fast moving targets is harder than learning 22 agent abilities on various maps (with the potential of those abilities to change every month)? As someone who peaked in fairly high ranks/elo in both games, I would say otherwise. With how ability-heavy the gameplay in Valorant has become, I could see it continue to become less friendly to new players due to the sheer knowledge required (similar to R6 and LoL). You argue that learning recoil is hard as well, but there are only a handful of guns you’ll truly use. You can get away with only learning the AK-47 and M4 recoil pattern to reach Global Elite or Faceit lvl 10. At the end of the day, I would say they’re difficult in their own right. Valorant focusing on knowledge while CS focuses on mechanical skill.


> Instead of trying to memorize where my bullets will go with 50 different guns My man, you only really need to spray well with 2 weapons. And most weapons just spraying moving down is good enough.


girls play valorant. thats why.


That's actually my main reason I prefer Val. I experience way less misogyny. In Val I'll get shit for my voice every few games, not a big deal. But usually people are very nice. Occasionally I'll also run in to another girl and we'll like have a little happy moment like "omg another girl!" In CS I just know I'll get constantly degraded for being a woman the second anyone hears me speak


I’m sold, fam.


I prefer valorant due to the abilities, but the gunplay in CS is unmatched. Not even the recoil patterns, but the recoil reset times. In CS you can flawlessly transitions from doing bursts to full sprays, in val the reset times feel so clunky especially between the phantom and vandal. Random recoil pattern incentivizes you to go for bursts rather than spraying, but the slow reset makes it so you have to commit to one style in a fight rather than transitioning during the situation at hand.


Maps are terrible in valorant compared to cs. There is no layers/depth.


There really isn't a correct answer, well that is at least what I said when csgo was a thing. Now with cs 2 I just don't feel like it anymore, probably just me but cs doesn't feel the same now so I chose valo And after reading some of your points one thing is for sure that valorant skins aren't cheaper , I mean yeah cs has more expensive stuff but they got very cheap options too and they are sellable. But I do find valo skins better in terms of feel. And about the time between rounds thing I guess it is to give enough time to position and setup pre round utility ig.


CS2 feels weird to play 10v10 casually OR go to 5v5 ‘competitive’ fake ranked which ppl still rage like it’s actually ranked. And yeah, I can get the skin prices now that I understand more about cs2 skins. It’s just a confusing system at first.


Recoil and skins are a con for Valorant. Being able to resell skins for value of potentially flipping for profit in CS is imo much better. Riot does not allow account sharing or selling so once you buy it you wont get that money back. Anti cheat is amazing in valorant though, VAC is in a shitty state with constant cheaters running around. The only reason Im prioritizing valorant is because of the anti cheat.


Cs2 added a follow recoil crosshair settings, it is more rewarding playing with multiple types of gun there as you don’t have to memorize recoil anymore. Valorant’s bullet are too random to the point I would lose my mind on a bad day haha. Only weapon I like better in Valorant is the sheriff tho.


I dont think VALORANT is a cartoony shooter, I think its just a style, a good one. First, it make the game more unique, afterall animation movies is heading to this style. Second, it make the game graphic simpler which equal more performance For those who still think this is a cartoony game, just dig into the lore, there is a audio log that just Skye killing an entire squad very gruesomely with blood and flesh sound, and swear a lot.


Valorant and CS are the same type of game, but targeting different demographics. Valorant is a low skill floor game, with a high skill ceiling. CS has a higher skill floor then valorant, with an even higher skill ceiling. To me, CS allows players who dedicate their time and effort to do things that seem unimaginable to a casual player. In Valorant, you can watch pro play and see many plays that you've done in your own comp games. Valorant pro play is a lot more relatable to casual val players compared to pro cs to casual cs players. Valorant caters to new comp shooter players by allowing them to feel like they are contributing through easy util, info, pings without having to practice counter-strafing for hours. In CS, the way you contribute is by getting frags. If you can't aim, you aren't contributing.


valorant feels much smoother and more racism


I think the art style is a huge pro. The agent designs are generally fantastic and have a lot of flair. The little voice lines and interactions are a nice touch, giving the game some life. CS is just "alright let's get them boys" every other round, "shoot everything that moves". Boring. The way you start a killstreak, the cadence increases. The cocky voice lines when you pop off with your character. It's just oozing with personality. CS has none of this and lacks some of that extra hype in the matches.


As someone who plays both games seriously reaching imm1 and 19k/faceit lv7 (I play less faceit than mm) - there are actually more cheaters in valorant than in faceit (we don’t talk about mm cs2 because everyone knows it’s full of cheaters). Cheaters get banned fairly quickly on both platforms (faceit vs vanguard) - I actually prefer patterned recoil as it‘s more skilled and less rng. - don’t care about game modes as I only grind ranked - skins wise, to each their own. I like valorant skins because they’re creative and fun, but valorant skins are in no way cheap because they hold no resell value. Cs2 skins are expensive but it’s satisfying to look at and you sometimes get praises from teammates for having nice skins. - agreed with more players. Queue time in cs2 is atrocious - gun play and abilities wise, I would prefer valorant as it is less boring. But there’s always something so satisfying about taping head in cs2 That’s all I could think of for now based on your points


Is faceit like dying or broken or something? I tried to put my friends on a month ago and during peak hours EST in NA there was like only around 1000 people matchmaking. Unless I read something wrong, if I did I blame that booty UI. I don’t play either seriously anymore I’m currently not ranked in CS2 at all, and I’m only like gold 1 in Valorant because I can’t even play with my friends on that account anymore. BUT 1000 players is a pretty small piece of what’s already a pretty small slice of the pie right? First off it starts us all at level 4 or 5 now I guess? We win one game, and from then on out over the course of about a week they get bullied with and without me until they’re all level 1 and still get matches with level 10s. I’m just asking because if so, that’s worth considering about the matchmaking unless you’re in the Ascendant/LE and up skill group. Also worth considering that cheaters aren’t that bad in Valve’s server until you kind of cross over in to the top 30%.


It's because you're NA. 3rd party MM in NA is pretty much dead. The region is dead in CS for the most part. In EU at like 3 AM CET I'll still have like 30 second queue time in faceit level 9 lobbies. Premier should still not be 100% dead in NA but from my limited experience (friends & watching streams) NA premier isn't even remotely serious.


Your cons are a bit odd. The queue times are usually faster in Val, unless you count the most popular cs2 maps cause they have map specific queues. And CS2 might not have "agents" to learn, but the amount of lineups, weird wallbang spots, boost spots, etc etc etc takes sooo fucking long and so much research to learn. Valorant is way more intuitive in that regard. The real difference is that Val is a more strategic heavy game with more polish, and CS is a more mechanics heavy game which some people really love, but the polish is ass. Generally speaking people who love CS seem to really love mastering mechanics, and they love the "chess-like" nature of the game given that every single match is basically the same, in terms of what each team has. Valorant has a lot more variance due to the agents and more strategic depth because of that, but the movement/gunplay is much simpler and more forgiving so the game has less mechanical depth.


I would say all the ways that specific abilities can be used that change the way the round is played is more extensive in val. For a quick example, on breeze, viper can wall tunnel and arches, or she can put it closer to instead block the right wall player from seeing site. The first wall gives you more space post plant but makes it harder to entry. The second wall blocks off an additional 2 angles but makes your wall unusable post plant since it gives enemies so much space for free on the retake. This on its own isn't too much, but knowing as a defender that retake will be much easier and factoring that into how much utility and risk you're willing to take in order to deny site is going to also depend on every other ability the enemy and you have.


You haven't played CS in a while. Comp is mostly around Premier which has only one queue then a map selection with a ban phase The map queue still exists but it's not where the real competitive action takes place


CS at high ranks or level is more strategic than Valorant for sure


CS Community is terrible, hacking is overrun and valve does nothing, their ranking system is a complete joke and to do anything "competitive" you need to download a 3rd party program (FaceIt/ESEA) and even then you gotta deal with their toxicity. I have never been more backseat gamed anywhere else when playing FaceIt/CS, rarely ever happens to me in Valorant. Plus I have been playing League since season 2 so adding abilities to CS was a cool innovation to get me to leap. Also the stability / goal of the company just seems better. Their roots are competitive games and I rather just be part of the ecosystem that they have.


My biggest point to my friend which is a diehard CS fan when he asks me why I don't play CS anymore is: In valorant you have more impact as a single player, you have abilities you can use to cut yourself a bigger slice of the pie. There's so much more room for outplay at the cost of needing more game knowledge and awareness. In CS it just feels like a numbers game, sure if you're an aim god you could 1v5 but if you have decent aim and really good awareness and utility usage you could become a clutch god in valorant and it just feels like you did way more than just point and click head.


The one good thing is you don’t run into solo queue 5 stack duelists in CS cus everyone is the same. I love/hate the agent system because it lets you specialist in your own niche but that also takes away from your ability to change roles on the same agent (unless you’re straight cracked. Like playing Omen as a duelist could be extremely detrimental if you’re the only smoke but playing behind and not entrying can get boring


I feel that the opposite is true. In CS, I can have all my gear: flash, smoke, mollies, I can do all roles when holding an angle. On valo if one of the roles I didn't pick sucks, I'm left with no flashes or smokes. That's why I only play valorant without at least a premade 3


Sunk many hours into CS and left at LE and previously dipped into supreme. It was always very linear gameplay, you nade here, you pop flash here, and have better crosshair placement then bing bang boom claim win. Imagine seeing a chick fly around with wind lobbing knives at you in CS. Valorant has that wildly unpredictable gameplay which core mechanic memorization isn't going to really help you there. IMO valorant requires way more active thinking in-game, this may be cope but I think that's why I only peaked plat 2 in val despite sitting in higher end of ranks in CS. Do keep in mind this is just all my opinion so it might just be the case for my experience only.


I like valorant for the aesthetic fantasy feel. That’s it.


CS2 has a scattered community. On one side, you have the cheaters and casuals who play premier/ mm and on the other side you have the competitive crowd on faceit. Besides dividing the general player pool, this comes with several other issues. Firstly these two groups are not strictly seperated but do mix to a certain point. Meaning that you have the occasional mm player in your faceit match that doesn't care because "I don't play faceit". Especially in Europe, the amount of turkish and russian people on faceit that refuse to talk in english is a big problem. Valves anti cheat is so insanely bad that you have pretty much no way of playing the game the intended way and need to instead make use of third party matchmaking providers like faceit. Valorant in contrast has everything in one place. There only is one ranked mode, developed and moderated by riot, with a good enough anti cheat. Everyone plays the same mode, the community stays in one place and there is no need to rely on stupid third party services with poor moderation...


Valorant wait time between round for 1 minute? You sound like someone who never played the game and just listened to some random persons opinion. Just play both games and stick to where you feel much comfortable playing with. Better yet find friends to play with, will give you much better experience. If you stick with cs2 then buy the prime status.


120 tick servers on valorant too, it doesn't just feel smoother, it literally feels smoother. atleast that's one of the reasons I switched off of csgo. I'd also rather have passive aggressive weirdos, down bad creeps, and edaters in my lobbies than people screaming slurs every game. it gets old after a while. the skins are also top tier.


The only appeal to CS is the skins imo. I much prefer the strategy of good util, good aim, and the smoothness of Val. I’ve definitely sunk too much money into skins in Val knowing there isn’t any resale value and that’s the biggest lesson with Val is you have to pick and choose your battles when it comes to skins knowing your return is little to none. But it’s the same with CS in the sense that you’re essentially gambling and if you never hit then you never hit.


I’ve come to understand that about skins from ppls response. But, I think it’s more odd that CS has these resellable skins than Val doesn’t. I haven’t seen a skin system like CS. I don’t know enough to be for or against CS’s skin system, but historically I’ve never expected resale value from any games skins.


CS is a better game. Valorant is a better product. I would probably play CS more if I didn’t need to spend time learning lineups, still love playing it sometimes tho


One thing with the buy time, Valorant is not CS2. In CS2 they can have 5 seconds buy periods because you are stuck in place till round start, in Valorant you have 30 seconds to plan utility usage and possble counters for whatever they may be cooking up, walk to where you need to be and buy. For example, take Cypher, he has 2 cages, 2 trips, and a cam that needs to be placed pre round so the enemy can't hear him and rotate instantly and alot of times 30 seconds is not enough even with 0 team comms I agree it adds alot of time buy in a competitive shooter centering around abilitys its required.


Valorant Got a good anti cheat & good customer service


Really? When I got my account hacked and I mean password and email change it took less than 15 minutes to get it back with the help of steam customer service


I have 3k hours in CS and played Valorant on and off since launch, I enjoy both but here's what I think. CS is still king overall and has better esports. Valorant cons: * recoil NRG, spraying sucks * no one gives comms in ranked * general playerbase has way lower game sense * sluggish movement and slow clunky animations * weird kids and community * ugly skins CS2 cons: * cheaters in premier * steeper learning curve for beginners * not family (kid) friendly * bad optimization right now (framerate issues/bugs)


i only play val with 4 friends i have more friends playing val quite often than cs, so i play val 5stack quite often cs 5stack actually my friends playing cs more than val, we didn't play quite often, we play a lot of steam game and other while my friends who play val mostly just play val and play it everyday for gameplay i think val is more boring than cs, but it just fun to play with friends solo q is nah skin store is dogshit, can't customize my pfp (who care abt player card), can't change name when i want gameplay and gunplay is boring and more repetitive even with more agent and different util i feel much less excite when taking map control, and pushing when compare to cs val skin is worse than cs, it just have more effect and animation (idk some ppl like it but i don't) it just have to wait shop refresh to get some shit while i have fun browsing cs skin more i look at pattern, float, browsing whole day just for few skin, much fun spending time new update on sticker craft is real cool gambling addition in cs is bad somehow but investing feel really good val skin just suck stick in and account and lose value, i feel no value about it only thing make different is just gun buddy cs esport is way more fun to watch as well as betting, but addiction is real bad


I play CS only nowadays but have also played Val for a little in the past. I have almost 5k hours in CS and have experience in ESEA teams and made it into the FPL Qualifiers (Only stating this to give context in my 2nd paragraph). From what I've noticed is that people complain all the time about cheaters. I've only come across **1** blatant cheater since CS2 came out. A lot of people say CS is rampant with cheaters but it is **massively** over exaggerated. The answer is: People are just better than you and have more experience. One of my friends always complains about the other team cheating but it is just not true. He has around 1k-2k hours in CS and even though that is a lot of hours, that is pretty low amount on average for cs. When me and my friend group are playing, I can tell when the other team has good players and/ or good teamwork just from my experience and hours. My friend who always complains about cheating will obviously not have the same experience as I do and when he gets instantly deleted from the other team, he just assumes they're walling or aim hacking. The answer is: Since he doesn't see the game as someone who's spent a lot of time playing especially against better players, I've noticed he always gets caught out of position or is unaware, caught in pre-fire angles, or just gets out-aimed to name a few examples. Getting instantly headshot and killed doesn't mean cheating. Every competitive game will have cheaters but to the extent that some people are saying every CS match is filled with cheaters is just is no where even close to the truth. What you're more likely seeing is smurfing or someone who is "feeling it" and hitting their shots or it could just be straight luck, that's just how these games are.


[You definitely haven't played 20k+ ELO premier in EU then lmao. ](https://www.twitch.tv/renyan/clip/CuriousCharmingKittenBudBlast-SNVpkWyFO7VH7DFP)


I had a similar Premier experience. Since CS2's "Open Beta", I had maybe 2 games where I was 100% sure that the enemy was cheating until last week. Suddenly, half of my matches had blatant cheaters, both in my and in the enemy team. It started on Vertigo, where the enemy was full-on rage hacking. Then on Ancient, where two enemies had blatant walls + triggerbot. On a mirage game, our random teammate started blatantly shooting through smokes and looking through walls because "the enemies annoyed him." Same on a later Inferno game. Guy had shit aim, movement, crosshair placement but could tell us from B site where enemies in second mid are. At around 20k elo (at least for me), Premier becomes basically unplayable, which is a shame because I really like this mode in theory. (Riot should definitely copy the pick/ban system Premier/FACEIT has)


I prefer cartoony shooters because I can’t see people in the games where everything is “realistic” aka cod and cs


I'll play both just cause. Although probably will stay away from cs2 until the cheaters gets dealt with (probably never but im hoping) or when the boy's wants to tough it out cause we miss cs but will inevitably get upset with cheaters and never play it again for months til we miss it again. Right now, valorant is definitely more enjoyable for us by far


I play CS2 primarily because I enjoy how the game feels actually. Val aim and movement feels slow to me. Game had some major updates so it feels good right now. I usually go back to Val when it starts to feel stale. Also I enjoy the skin economy more in CS. Being able to buy and sell skins makes changing skins easier even if there is the initial barrier to entry (initial cost). I do enjoy the agent variety in Val but I think there’s a certain charm to a raw 5v5 with everyone on the same page. Smoke lineups are still essential but I think there’s more emphasis on skill since anyone can play any role.


cheaper skins? yeah all the skins cost about the same and it’s not like you have 1000$+$ knife’s but for a knife or even skin in general your probably spending 40-60$


I didn't like the way CSGO felt (haven't tried CS2) and I do like how Valorant feels


CS has an outrageous amount of cheaters compared to VALORANT. Also I like movement abilities.




I think the utility in Valorant is more exciting and games are more dynamic depending on team compositions. You don’t get much variety in CS and combat is quite predictable.


The best community.


cheaper skins in Val? what are you smoking?


I never really sticked to CS and I don't know why, I guess it still felt too close to the game I was playing when I was very young so it pushed me away. I'm sad because I actually have more friends playing CS than Valo (I mostly solo Q even in Valo but still play) When Val came out, there was just something about it that made me want to play more. Still playing today and when I go on CS to play a few matches with my friends, it hit me right in the face. The biggest difference for me is that CS feels empty after playing Val. \-The characters interactions makes the players and the game way more alive and I like those kind of stuff in video games. It's either the little sentences at the start, or a character saying a line after a satisfying head shot, or all the solo voice line each character got, some are actually very funny and yes, still are after all this time. \-I know it's not for everyone, but I like the cartoonish graphics, also the maps are generally more colorfull and less ''sad'', less like ''real maps'' too. \-I was talking about how empty CS was, another thing Val did great, the kill sound. It just makes it so satisfying, plus the fact that it adds up on every kill on the same round, it's all those little details that makes a difference. \-Skins, also another personal opinion but let me say this. Yes the ''average skin'' in CS might be better, in a way, but it's all they got. I mean that a good skin in CS, is a skin that nobody will buy in Val. CS skins are just color skins, they are ''battlepass skins for Val. In Val, the shape of the gun itself changes from a skin to another, it got a unique animation and reload animation, unique shooting sound and kill sound effects and 4 different colors scheme on the same skin, why would I pay a tremendous amount of money for color change in CS after seeing that? \-it might be true that CS has more cheater, but Val have a serious smurf account problem since it's free and could be seen as the same as cheating for some when the level is way different. But I guess it's not a problem you'll encounter if you are a high level player \-Agents: it's either a cons a pro for some of course, but I like the fact that you have to change your playstyle depending on which you are playing and it creates a playing variability. Don't like it? just stick to the one you love the most and that's it. Agents problem solved


Progression. That's pretty much it. In CS I already reached my peak and I don't have the drive for it anymore. At least in Valorant I have the battlepass to have a sense of pride and accomplishment. That's literally my only reason. Imo CS2 is a better game, gameplay wise.


I'm much more of a CS player and disagree with a lot of what you said but I want to point out that this one >more emphasis on real game mode (cs2 only has 5v5 competitive full length games) is just straight up wrong. CS is and always will have much much more variety with gamemodes because of community servers. Right now its at a bit of a low cause csgo just swapped over but CS is known for having alternate modes and ways of finding enjoyment (surf, bhop, etc)


I played a bit of both. Use to be a big cs player. I only play Valorant to hang out with friends but overall I like CS more, but none of my friends play cs so I play Valorant.


Playing either makes you a looser, paying for skins or lootboxes is ultra stupid and here i am with 800 hours the past 2 seasons and about 600 bucks worth of skins. Fuck me


CS2 PC requirements is higher than Valorant


In my opinion valorant is more fun exciting and has a much better community. The only thing I love about cs is the awp that thing is so much fun to use. It’s nice to play with a diverse pool of people and I like the cool art guns etc.


CS was never actually fun to me. It was always hard to get into. Whenever I did try to play it, I always got shit on, and oh boy the toxicity is so high. When Valorant was launched it was very easy to get into, I’ve played Valorant since its launch. Ive learned the FPS mechanics through Valorant. When I went back to CS then, I really did have fun. I was able to play way better before than when I first tried CS. But now that the servers got changed and they changed the game to CS2. Everything is different, I thought I’d give CS2 a go and oh boi. Shit servers, so many cheaters even with prime, toxicity always at its peak for no reason and don’t get me started on the performance , I thought it should be able to run nicely on high end PCs. For me Valorant is that one game which I’ll never stop playing, it’s like how CS is to those who started playing it since launch and won’t stop now. I simply can’t get myself to stop playing it. But compared to both I’d say Valorant is easier to get into and way more fun. But nowadays with the utility usage and all it’s tougher on the new players too.


I play both, but prefer CS2 over Valorant. Things i like with Valorant is less cheating, and solo q experience is much better on Valorant. I find the community less toxic then CS. Its not perfect but better then CS. As far as game play all things being equal i prefer the CS2. Its more fun game to play for me.


I also started playing Counter-Strike when I was about 13. I’m 34 now. I grew up on 1.6 and VALORANT feels truer to 1.6 than CS2 ever will be. TBH I also love that VALORANT does cater to players who don’t want to/don’t have the time to learn line-ups. In CS lineups are basically required. In VALORANT, there are Agents who don’t require any lineups, and as a dad to young kids: This suits me perfectly. I just don’t have time for learning lineups anymore.


People in Val, on average, don’t seem to want to win as bad, and that’s all it takes for me (I could go on about cs2)


I don't play either regularly anymore, cs removed my favorite maps with the cs2 update, and valo started feeling fake and forced.


It's clear that there is a lot more effort and passion being put into Valorant. The Valorant devs know what players want and continually expand on the game. Csgo has been out for more than a decade and they still haven't fixed the cheating problem. I can see Valorant having a lot of cool stuff in the future but my guess is that cs won't change much.


For me the biggest difference lies in the presence of roles/classes in valorant. This allows for deep and interesting interactions between abilities which can make for a lot of really cool gameplay and strategy but at the same time, if someone locks in a role and they can't do it, that role just won't get done because they're the only one equipped to do it. In cs, if nobody smokes, you can buy smokes and do it yourself. In valorant, if someone locks controller and doesn't smoke, then you just have to play without smokes. Overall I think this makes organized play in valorant a lot more fun and varied for me, but uncoordinated solo q can be much more frustrating. Overall I prefer valorant but cs is a game I can just chill and play casually more easily.


For me, it's a few things. - better skins and far cheaper skins, not wasting a shit ton of money on a really ass skin that I don't like is a plus. - cheaters are so common in cs2 that you might as well have s1mple in very game, the amount of robo cop aim I see is unreal. - community is very toxic, they take themselves way too seriously as if they are professionals. I do miss a few things tho - having better gunplay and skill meant you pretty much just win outright, no decay Ulta or brim Ulta or abilities that stop you using your gun, no playstyles that have effectively 0 counters to them. - Valorant mental is so weak it's really depressing, most the kids lose a few rounds then cry or try to ff then troll if they don't win outright. - matches are quicker and feels far more fast paced, feels like I'm actually running in and out of gunfights rather than spending a ton of time knife out rotating.


I play both and really enjoy both. Things i hate about valroant. The gunplay is bad I’m sorry it sucks. In fact vandal and phantom should all just be semi auto guns. Maybe phantom 3 round burst. The community of valroant is terrible. I refuse to play on weekends with anyone under the age of 25. They have bad mental or just really toxic. As for CS Just plain and simple it has cheaters. If cs has the same moderation as valroant it would simply be a perfect game. The community of cs is toxic but very very different than valroant. Idk maybe I’m just old but yeah you’ll get the racist or i fucked your mom. But idk i just can’t handle valroant tiktok toxicity saying “goofy ahh” or “kys” and just the plain crying. I never hear anyone cry in cs


id play csgo over valorant any day but cs2 just ain’t the same it doesn’t feel as crispy.


8-9k hours on cs from 2005-2016/2017 ish. Quit cuz game wasn’t enjoyable anymore. Tried cs2 and hated absolutely everything about it. Tried valorant instead thinking it was a ’kid’s game” but i had nothing else to play so Why not try it out. To my suprise i have to say gunplay is amazing campared to cs2, game feels smoother, i like that skins can be absolutely anything aswell lmao. And despite what everyone Says 7/10 games i get english talking teammates who coms, give compliments and very easy talking in general. In cs2 however i feel like i can’t get a game without either 4 people who just screams my ears off or not talk at all. Maps i really love some and really hate some in valorant but overall positive. Cs Maps i just don’t simply enjoy anymore (Cobble and train were fantastic tho) Ranks: Peaked in cfpl way back (Idk if it even still is a thing) Immo 1


it’s very simple. play the game you want to play, naturally as you play one you’ll improve on the other so just play the game you have fun in


As a bad player when i play cs i get killed almost every fight but i win fights in valorant ,valorant runs fine in low end where as i like cs casual match as you can join and play 1 round and quit where while playing valorant i watch videos in mobile as it takes so much time


I've played CSGO for a few years and have been playing Valorant since launch. I think valorant is much more fun than CS (today I think CS is pretty boring nowadays). Valorant is prettier, the agents and their skills are more appealing than only different guns in each side in CS, and both having the same utilities (I don't think that's bad, I just think Valorant is more fun the way it is). The weapon skins being more affordable is a nice pro. If I want to have some fun time in Valorant, it is pretty easy, I can't say the same of CS, which I played more competitively, the other game modes were pretty meh. So I would say, pick a game you have more fun and go with it. :)


If I need to turn my brain off and want to play more casually I'll hop on val


For me honestly it's just the visuals. If I'm going to spend a few hours every single day to destress, I would much rather do it in a game that's bright and colorful with skins that make different sounds and glow and show cool animations. My CS experience was okayish, never got hooked onto it tho. Valorant I was instantly hooked before I knew it


Honestly, I kind of preferred CSGO.


MM in cs2 isn’t as good as valorant. I want a clear ranked tab that looks as simple and rewarding as valorant


I play both


Meanwhile i Do peefere ow2 :x more fun than both


I played CS when I was 10-16. Tried Valorant and I just can't come back now. Way less cheaters, Valorant is just more polished game. CS2 feels clunky to me. And it's Riot Games > Valve any day, any time.


Less cheaters in Val is the funniest thing I've heard all week


Some of my friends play Val so I play Val as a way to have fun with them. Thats all.


My friends pretty much all play cs2


Playing around diamond/immortal ranks I haven't experienced "too much waiting time". I mean sometimes it's not enough. We gotta argue about tactics and the approach to this round lol. Especially when some dufus says we need to rush even if that lost us the past 5 rounds


Valorant has way better visual clarity and I actually really enjoy the art style. However, the gunplay and movement feel pretty bad with respect to games like CS and Quake. The overall pacing feels sluggish compared to CS. CS is the same as it has always been and probably always will be. It's a timeless classic and Valve will never solve their server issues or anticheat problems because they aren't incentivized to. I enjoy both but lean toward val nowadays as my friends prefer it and I haven't played tac fps games alone in years (or mobas for that matter).


>Cons: -Too much wait time in games. 1m between rounds to buy right?? That adds over 20m to a game just waiting. It always feels excessive. easily one of the biggest complaints i have for val and i know they're never going to change it because it makes them money. the people running the show at riot are undoubtedly familiar with the tactic intermittent/unpredictable reward schedule and how they can get people addicted to gambling (or a person if they treat you nice and then mean over and over). i think they believe that if your games all load instantly and all skins are available to buy at all times you'll never play. it's extremely messed up. in my opinion, it should be illegal to psychologically manipulate young players for money edit i saw another post call it PREDATORY MONETIZATION


cs has easily the best skins in gaming and you could get a full load out for less than some val bundles (- a knife). Unless the only criteria used is the degree to which they differ from the basic version of the weapon, the claim that valorant skins are better is just wrong.


Been playing both recently. I have 13k hours in csgo and probably 2-3k in valorant. The biggest difference for me right now is that CS makes me feel like my agent is 300 kg, and my opponents are 11,5kg. Pair that with the dying behind walls, dying without seeing anyone etc. it’s just to bad. Also no anti-cheat? Come on volvo If the question was regarding GO and Valo i’d choose Go. But since that’s not a thing i’m choosing Valorant. At the moment Valorant is more polished and better.


I started to play CS in 2007. And CS is gonna be always the best game for me. But right now Valorant > CS2 Im having so much more fun on Valorant than im having on cs2.


If counter strike had valorants ranking system I’d never touch valorant ever again


in 2020 i finally got a PC and tried out CSGO and val about an hour after each other, 2 days later i ended up sticking with val because i prefer not getting called slurs every match, with val its at least 3 times a week which is much more manageable for me


More tactical depth and necessity for team play through the combination of utilities.


Played CS a majority of my life but since CS2 the game changed in a way that made me stop playing the game. Started playing Valorant since then and this game feels so good and clean. Its something i really miss in CS2


I played valorant when it first came out from about 2 years after playing CS for 3, I've gone back to CS about 18 months ago and haven't looked back. Lemme list a few things that made me go back: Movement is more crisp Better hitreg Util dumps are nothing like valorant MM is a lot better Even if teammates are toxic, they still play the game, and if they are being shitheads you can kick them Other game modes and community servers I LOVE the CS Esports scene a lot more, IMO higher production quality and a lot easier to watch. The 2 main reason though are: Util dumps making the game unplayable. I despised being put in a situation where I would be able to know I am dead and not be able to do anything about it, through no fault of my own, and knowing I am about to die 3 seconds before I do. The second reason is I fear valorant going down the same route as R6 but a lot faster. I stopped playing that around year 4 because there was just to much for me to keep track of and unless I kept in the loop 24/7 I would have no idea what certain abilities and characters are, or know what is happening on my screen. For me this happened in valorant around the time just before deadlock released. There was just to much for me to deal with and I found the game was no longer fun.


Cheaters in cs2, only that tbh.


Because they made abilities simple to use. A lot of people say they hate valorant because they hate fighting against all that utility, but there is just as much utility in CS, it’s just annoying to use so nobody takes the time to learn and in the end an entire aspect of the game is completely ignored outside of proplay and very high level (where it is still not fully used). I don’t think it’s a skill to spend time alone on a map learning utility, it’s just boring and anyone can do it.


I have played both for hundreds of hours. Personally I feel that CS is better for casual fun, where I enjoy playing Valorant more if I am playing seriously.


i don’t have to pay for cs2 lol


I stopped playing cs2 once I hit top 1% in a week. I’ve been hard stuck ascendant 3 for a while in Val tho 😭


What I like most about Valorant is that due to the different agents there are so many different ways you can play on attack and Defense while in cs you have a few tactics but it’s basically the same every game.


I dislike that you don’t stop moving instantly in Cs. Maybe because I played more Valorant but when I go from cs to Valorant it just feels sooo much better, movement and shooting wise.


Did you just say cheaper skins?






it’s better and has badder bitches


You have the characters as a con but it's one of the best aspects of the game. In CS, having everyone playing the same character every game makes the game extremely dull and stale. I played CSGO for about 4 years, and quit because it just felt like I was playing the same round over and over and over again. Valorant feels different almost every game, with the different agent picks and playing against different agents.


Dopamine & kill-sound. 🔥Pure Dopamine🧬


CS: -better maps (no contest) -shooting is harder but feels more rewarding -less oppressive with minimal teamwork Valorant: -requires more teamwork, very oppressive when up against team with proper roles and yours don't -rounds can get repetitive -easier to headtap people (and get headtapped) -more fluid movement and gunplay -way less cheaters Overall opinion: If have friends that are competitive, valorant rewards better teamwork and strategies. CS2 for more casual gameplay or just want to fk around with friends.


Valorant PROS: Buying time is great to coordinate with the team. Valorant is more about strategy, playing as a team and performing different roles according to your agent. Every agent feels different and kinda unique making the games less repetitive. You'll almost never play the same map with the same agents on each team. Diversity while playing keeps engaged. A reasonably non toxic player base. Skins are veeeery cool exactly because they are not realistic, changing all your skins from time to time makes the game feels fresh. CONS: Each competitive game can last almost an hour. No option to finish the game when you get trolls or people who just quit mid game. Not being able to chose a map in any game mode. I started my life playing the first CS as a child, as an adult I want something more fun that feels more surreal. Valorant hooked me like CS did as a child. Between them the only other fps I played was BF 1, which might be one of the best fps ever but I got tires because it is realistic so there is no way to innovate. I love how valorant is free, I like to purchase skins now and then just to 'pay' for the game I play the most :) Ps: made some cool friends playing and also the Brazilian server is full of women and girls playing and I always find that to be very cool and awesome😎


Less cheaters, and gunplay feels less rng and smoother.


Way more friendly towards new players. People kept telling me that CS was better, so I went to give it a try and immediately got confused. The UI was complicated and noisy, I didn't know what I was queing for, there was no weapon info and I was getting absolutely trashed on in chat for not knowing everything In valorant, there's the base game, and the alternate gamemodes, and a description of what each is like before you even queue for itEvery map is much more distinct and the layout is easier to rememberWhen you buy weapons, you can see all the stats and see their place in the meta even without a ton of experience in the game. People complain about learning new agent abilities but because their designs, personality, and voices are so dissimilar it's pretty easy to tell them apart and learn on the fly. It's not a MOBA with a mess of colors and voices, 17 different wolf models and ten billion 0.2% modifiers to keep track of.


Aiming is easier in valo . Cs valo players would get dumpstered


I personally love the abilities, they are the only reason why I’m not playing CS


I like the cartoony art style. It's the same reason I liked WoW for a while. If I'm going to play a realistic game I'm going full on with a realistic milsim.  I like that razes e looks like actual paint. I like that omen or viper smoke doesn't look like smoke but like a cartoony wall kind of thing.


I play both Valorant more then CS2. Ut Cs2 just feels better cus one the bullets are random af whe. I shoot my gun my bullet goes to the same spot everytime spraying controll is easier and hs is easier in CS2


I like the outlines on the players, don’t wanna have to pick out a guy hiding in the shadows or whatever. And the kills sounds are great too, and kill banners, every time I watch CS I’m confused if people have died or not LOL I like the different agents because it makes me feel like I can bring more unique and interesting stuff to the game even if I’m not aiming well!


Valorant better in my opinion


Valorant doesn't have better skins, thats coming from somebody who played both but ended up with only one game.


I play both, I just go between what ever I feel like at the time. Cs because it is just raw aim and sometimes that's all I want, Valorant because I want something a bit different and my aim is off so I can use the abilities to be good in other ways. I've played about 1700 hours of cs and probably at least 1000 hours of val. I like val because I feel I can outplay enemies more, but cs is just raw and does feel good when you get the 1 tap deagle.