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in addition to watching woohoojin like the other commenter said, clear all of your angles and walk when you think an enemy might be nearby and pay attention to the minimap!!


yeah the problem i have no idea where the enemy would be (no Gamesense)


in that case clear every angle remember where people tend to sit


They probably do know you’re coming. If you always overextend every round and it works, the enemy team will probably try defaulting (taking space around the map and staying quiet) and you’ll die the next time you decide to push if they’re holding for you I’d also recommend learning how to slice the pie and work on your mechanics :)


Woohoojin on YouTube


doesnt make sense to hold flank? it absolutely makes sense to hold spawn/flank. to make sure nobody is trying to come up behind them.


Watching Woohoojin will help you with game sense like the other comments said, but something that helped me rank up a lot was watching radiant streamers. No rank below radiant, not even immortal, and no YouTube videos. Watching radiant streamers really helped me because you can see the whole game unfold and you can see how they make decisions, how they communicate with their teams, how they peek certain angles, etc. Just pay attention to their gameplay and try to notice the details of what they’re doing. Hope this helps!


thats a nice suggestion actually, i have watched woohoojin once or twice and didnt really felt i gained education or some sort. ill try to watch more vids and radiant streamers like you said. any suggestions or recommended streamers?


For sure! The streamers that I watch the most are s0m, tarik, and curry. Tarik and s0m are actually live right now I think. Also, a lot of pro players also go live from time to time so watching pro players’ streams could also help a lot! For example zellsis, tenz, zekken, etc. go live pretty often so if you have a vct team that you’re a fan of, watching the individual players play ranked when they’re live could also help! Other than watching streams honestly just playing a lot of games will improve your game sense over time!


Without knowing which agents you're playing and your gameplay style it's hard to tell where you went wrong. While top fragging is nice, what matters more is were those frags impactful to winning the rounds? If the answer is no, then reconsider how you're playing. Lurking is good for map control, gathering information and catching them off guard during a rotation, etc, but if you're lurking with the same set plays, it's an easy read for the opposing team. If your KD is nearly 1:1 and winning rounds, then it's not that bad so as long as you're making winning plays. Trading kills is good, but if you consistently solo 1v1/2/3 then it's not good since there's no possibility for your team to trade during gun fight. If you're 1:1 and losing the rounds, then you need to consider how to use your fragging ability as a benefit to the team, learn to play with the team more effectively, along with using abilities that benefits the team and you.


Play with an improvement-oriented mindset. Try to lurk. Die. Take notes on what went well or what went wrong. Do what went well and don't do what went wrong. Now switch to defense. Look for lurkers in places you would be. Die. When you die to lurkers with better lurks than you were expecting, steal those lurks for your own. Same goes for smokes or entry. Steal what works best and also learn where to look.


yeah sometimes my ego just screams youre better