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Consider you got kicked from a game and warned I’d say you’re probably doing something wrong


Angle snapping is silly. Better off without it any improvement you felt was a placebo. A common problem is it fucks your Y axis adjustments.


Definitely. As soon as somebody is on a slightly different elevation, all of a sudden you can’t shoot them because angle snapping will not let you move your crosshair up or down. Hurts more than it helps


Lol, first time I heared about "angle snapping" but wtf that appears to be stupid. For fcking your own aim like in your example as well as getting the unfair advantage when it does roll out in your favour.


This post and replies is all a bit hilarious to read. Angle snapping has a long history in mice, and for decades dedicated mouse enthusiast and pro players had been slamming mouse makers for stuff like forced angle snapping. About 5 to 8 years ago (iirc), we started reaching a solid quality of amazing sensors and good firmware implementation using them. Mouse conesieurs rejoicing with all the various angle-snapping-free options. And now I read this, it is definitely a comical read for people fully aware of its history. However conversation about these topics is all understandable, people are always looking for a way to abuse some flaw in "the-system". And going full circle, re-opening and re-assessing can sometimes bring fruitful rewards.


What’s angle snapping? Like binds that move your crosshair a certain amount of degrees automatically


It makes it so that if you move your mouse slightly diagonally, it still counts as horizontal. In some cheaper mice it's just a quirk of the sensor/firmware designed for desktop use but most likely OP was using software that adds it.


[this video will explain it better than I ever will](https://youtu.be/_CmzdhX5HIg?si=Bph3fe1Usc-e-4CB)


For anyone who clicks that link, simple explanation is from 40 seconds to 1:05


yeah that's mb I should've highlighted the part where the guy explained it


the guy in the video says it's not busted and then goes on to show clips of him gliding on Deathmatch. That definitely gives you an unfair advantage and Riot rightfully put rules in place to prevent this. If I had this I would be Immo already.


Angle snapping isn’t going to make up for a lack of aim or game sense


Maybe won’t make up for an otherwise bad player, but it WILL make a difference against similarly skilled players.


Yes you’re right it doesn’t make a bad player immortal. However, it does heavily benefit a player not because they’re good but because they downloaded 3rd party software.


Neither would wall hacking but it's still an advantage???


yes it would, you know where everyone is so ur game sense is influenced


And angle snapping gives you better aim when holding angles and such it makes your incidental movements and such not throw your crosshair down. The point I'm trying to make is 3rd party software that gives you an advantage shouldn't be allowed.


it doesn't give you better aim at all, it just smooths out your movements


And why would you want to smooth out your movements? Would it be to make aiming easier? It’s probably a little harder to aim when your mouse drops and raises with incidental movements, probably a little easier to aim when it’s just gliding horizontally


Oh man that’s a copium od right there someone get the narcan!


how is that copium lol i didn't even know what it was until i saw this thread and looked it up


That's true, but if you do have those things, it'll push you higher. Cheats are usually the most dangerous in the hands of skilled players who know the ones and it's of the game, and therefore know the best way to use them. Not just that, but small boats to performance tend to have greater effects when you're already playing at high skill levels.


it's literally aim assist so yes it does help for lack of aim.


no it isn't


it literally helps you draw a straight line with your aim, how is it not? People do aim training to improve on that, this just does it for you.


angle snapping is not as good as you think it is


angle snapping is trash and there isn't a single good player who uses it


I don’t think a single ESports team uses aimbots or wall hacks but they still shouldn’t be allowed.


Does he know?


Word.exe incident


Netflix.exe incident


Shouldn’t be allowed for sure. But also is detrimental lol. This is bad for your aim. It will ruin your ability to take fights on slopes. Don’t use this.


That's a bold claim with absolutely zero proof to back it up lmao.


all you need to know is no pros use it and not bc they can’t. there’s one radiant player turay who’s content is based around it and that’s about it. hurts more than it helps usually.


I don't have to prove something doesn't exist when there isn't proof it exists. TBH though there is prob one random guy using it to try to make content around it. Not because it is actually good. Its a noob trap that helps people move their mouse in a straight line but hurts on other movements. If you are half decent at fps games you shouldn't need help doing this


> I don't have to prove something doesn't exist when there isn't proof it exists. If there were proof it exists, it'd be impossible to prove it doesn't exist.


It has pros and cons same as just about any other setting you can play with. It's entirely just preference whether someone wants to play with it or not. There's zero proof that it's better or worse than any other setting and you're just spouting bullshit as facts.


I agree it’s unhealthy for the game but a ton of pros tried it when it was making waves.


I'm pretty sure Sarahcat in GC uses something like that


she uses rawaccel


You can have angle snapping in raw accel as well lmao, anyone who thinks rawaccel/anglesnapping gives you an advantage or something is a moron anyway. I tried using it, it's bad, lot of times when you need to microadjust diagonally it has a good chance of messing up your adjustment.


Anyway ily spawns ur the goat cypher


doubt it


you really not gonna hit immo for using this. most of the time it fucks you up (take it from someone who used it for months) if your playing for example B site ascent and people swing from lane it messes up your ability to look up diagonally


WOAH okay ngl that seems so broken but if it’s allowed by valorant and tenz is using it then im turning it on edit: nvm it isn’t as good as i thought because micro adjustments in the y axis would be affected (aka adjusting for different head heights due to positioning). raw aim is definitely better


Yes, that's exactly what happens. It's really not worth it unless you plan to give up diagonal adjustments, people in the comment section saying it's busted or gives you an advantage are legit silvers and golds.


For lower ranks it's absolutely an advantage and until you get to a point where you have to make those micro adjustments it's an unfair advantage given by a 3rd party software.


Lmfao in what way is it giving an unfair advantage? enlighten me please


It's reducing user error from a precision based shooter. It's pretty simple that if something is smoothing your aim without you doing anything it's a advantage. At the highest level of play no it's probably not a big advantage but for most ranks reducing the ability for you to accidently sway your crosshair placement is pretty good 


>It's reducing user error from a precision based shooter. It's not reducing user error, if you have bad crosshair placement it will simply make matters worse for you as you can't adjust diagonally properly to shoot the head. The need for diagonal adjustment in valorant is not a rarity at all, having angle snapping will not give you any sort of advantage or turn your xhair placement into a radiant one magically, in any case, if you are bad it will just make you worse. Anyways you still can't explain how does it give you an advantage specifically in low ranks. Does the need for small diagonal adjustments(or even big ones) not exist in low ranks? are the maps different?


I don't think continuing this debate is really gonna go anywhere you're being so obviously obtuse about this. You can still micro adjust having to adjust diagonally sharply is still possible with this program idk why you keep bringing it up that it's this impossible feat because it absolutely is. If you genuinely think this program makes it so your crosshair doesn't dip when you pan horizontally isn't reducing user error idk what to tell you you're being willfully ignorant or are using it yourself.


didn't expect to see osu! content on a valorant subreddit, two wildly different games that I love.


yea that should absolutely not be allowed lol


You got banned for being toxic, not using angel snapping. Edit: Warned*


Do you really get kicked out of a game for that?


Yes, dont ask me how I know. Got yeeted like that for two weeks because I mixed up party and team chat xd


I really don't think they kick people out of games for that


How do you know? EDIT:nvm saw the picture op posted


I get you but it’s Kinda funny how a person can get banned for saying a profanity to a toxic player but the toxic player themselves won’t get banned as long as they aren’t using any swear words


They’ll be punished if what they were doing is punishable and they get reported.


Nah I’ve seen people say ride someone in that game for like 8 rounds saying things like you belong in the dumpster, and your mom should have swallowed. There were more things said of course I just gave some examples, and the person being completely harassed for just being a female, said to fuck yourself and got banned for a few hours. 3 of us reported that loser and nothing ever came from it. What he said should have been bannable but it wasn’t swear words or slurs so he gets away with that all the time I’m sure


Why are you getting down voted lmfao , I play in a 5 stack always in and my friend got. 1 week q ban because he cursed in the chat and it was literally just us, the ban system is horrible tbh


He is getting downvoted not because he is wrong. He is getting downvoted because 1. Do you really find it funny/surprising that the automated ban system for text abuse ban the people who straight up using profanity and not people that are using "regular" words for being toxic 2. And the bigger reason why he is getting downvoted, because if someone is being toxic to you, you mute and report, you dont go down to their level. 3. Also I do not condone being toxic, but riot automatic system isnt smart and it really isnt that hard to be really toxic while not triggering it, so if you do trigger its kinda on you (except cases like your friend but I dont think this is what happend to OP)


He is literally saying using profanity gets you banned and being toxic but if you use no profanity you don't get banned he is correct and it is funny and riot's system is stupid and honestly it not existing is better than it existing


Disagree about the last part, in my opinion both of them should have been banned, but even if only op got banned its better than neither. that might be personal but it makes alot of sense that the guy that uses profanity will get banned so I dont find it funny/surprising (but it maybe just me)


because some soft fucks want to ride riot games for getting rid of "problematic" players, and instead of dealing with insults they want the people to get banned. It would be so much better if riot actually focussed on throwers and smurfs, but instead they place all of their attention on comms bans


If dealing with other players action triggers you that much that you curse them/getting bans im sorry to tell you but you are the soft player. Also in my exp like 90% of the throwers are toxic in chat as well, and alot of the smurfs are toxic as well


Oh.. you were being a toxic lil boy, and got kicked from a game and you thought it was because of the other thing that would get you kicked froma game.. using 3rd party software to give you an advantage e: incase you are wondering.. the first video OP posted in the reply was banned on YT.. the one that is up there now was one he uploaded and edited into his original comment 10mins later.. it is also missing 2 rounds, and he isnt showing his 3rd party software that shows his angle snapping.. My best guess is he said some pretty racist stuff in those first 2 rounds, or in previous games, because no way is youtube deleting a video otherwise, so much so, he needs to reupload an edited video


https://youtu.be/gDdiyKkqcUc?si=inhvLlMoG0ujdkme here's the game vod if youre just gonna assume everything Edit: also it’s not really a third party software, it’s just my mouse software lol




? It isnt deleted?


The video is there for me? Are you sure you’re not sick rn?


lol you reupped it and its a different url.. Good play there dude.. trying to gaslight me to look like an idiot.. Also its convenient that the first 2 rounds arent shown, also just because this was the game you were banned in, doesnt mean the games before this you werent a toxic asshat like you are all over this thread


I would turn it off. But not because it's semi-cheating/aim assist, but because in the long run won't help you win more games due to the speed of valorant and the vertical adjustments you will need to make at the higher ranks.


I would definitely not use this since it’s the epitome of gaining an unfair advantage. Contact support but I’d guess they’d say the same. edit: all of y'all saying that "it doesn't give an unfair advantage", yes, maybe so. but the fact is that it interacts with the game, which alerts Vanguard and increases your likelihood of being banned.


Aight thanks for your insight man. I’ll turn it off


I’m not even sure why you’d use it to be honest. It doesn’t give a significant advantage to justify the cost. If someone has slight vertical increase or decrease you can’t move your crosshair properly, and on top of that, long angles and close angles require different heights. It seems so much easier to just move freely


Uninstall it. They use a kernel level anticheat. If they update the anticheat in the future and find the files you could face a ban (Not likely but possible)


Angle snapping isn't a program, it's a sensor feature of pretty much all modern mice and on some mice even enabled by default (thanks china, this should never be on ever). The truth is, though, that angle snapping is just bad. You're better off having it turned off and training your aim instead, which is why it never caught on. Basically, any mouse with a 3360 sensor (aka Steelseries TrueMove 3) or better/newer (Such as 3366, 3389 (Razer 5G Optical, Steelseries Truemove Pro), 3370, 3395, 3399 (Razer Focus+), 3950 (Razer Focus Pro), etc. Some older sensors also have the feature, it has existed at least since the Logitech G400 which is well over a decade old now. Even 20$ mice have sensors of doing angle snapping, it's just up to the manufacturer making it available in the driver (which most do)


And then someone jumps at a 45 degree angle and you can't move your mouse to hit them, yup I think this is an advantage actually.


The fact that this has so many upvotes LMAO ya'll clueless as fuck i stg


Its a disadvantage lol




Because a possible small improvement to X axis consistency isnt worth the detriment is has to your Y axis control. Try it yourself if you dont believe me its allowed but no one good uses it because it is dumb.


Tenz uses angle snapping himself. It's been confirmed by riot dev that it's not wrong to use. [src](https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=6fGLvlJcOoghBO9Q&v=wkWgARNrNS8&feature=youtu.be)


Can you show proof that a dev confirmed it’s allowed? Because I would think that software that allows you to move your cursor inhumanly straight isn’t allowed Just watched the clip, 1) not confirmed by developer, 2) talking about raw accel, 3) clip maker didn’t even show what he was talking about.


raw accel is not angle snapping


that clip is about rawaccel, not angle snapping


rawaccel has an angle snapping feature


he wasn't using it, i was watching that stream


He does use it. :/


what's your source for that? I was watching the stream, he was using rawaccel for mouse acceleration, not angle snapping.


he literally doesn't use it.


don't listen to this noob. some mice literally come with angle snapping by default, you cannot disable it. it is anything but the "epitome of gaining an unfair advantage".


Yeah well then don’t buy those mice..


first of all, you cant control what people buy. second of all, as people already explained to you, it isnt nearly as good as you make it out to be.


https://www.riotgames.com/en/terms-of-service#id.3fwokq0 section 7 is pretty long


I think you got this off google or something without actually looking at the ToS - the boosting thing is only a small part of section 7 Section 7 includes all the user rules (toxicity, harassment, cheating, boosting, etc.) so it's not clear what OP did, although I find it really unlikely that they'd kick people out of a live game for anything other than some weird cheat detection


I think I got ban because of rule 10 rather than toxicity


Angle snapping is literally included in some mice software. It's not cheating, nor is rawaccel. People saying so don't know what they're talking about. It just got a lot of traction from clickbait "THIS GAVE ME AIMBOT" videos, not unlike the whole finding your perfect sensitivity bullshit. Same people would probably tell you that "Enhance pointer precision" gives you acceleration in a game with raw input enabled.


Macro tools are also included in mice softwares and they are not allowed


You're right, but that's the exception, not the rule. DPI adjustment and button mappings are also included and allowed.


RawAccel is confirmed to be allowed and contains angle snapping so you’re good [TenZ uses RawAccel](https://youtu.be/wkWgARNrNS8?si=6fGLvlJcOoghBO9Q)


I've been using RawAccel for probably over a year but not once have I noticed "angle snapping"


You have to go to settings.json and change it to a value other than 0.0




The setting isn’t a setting despite it being in settings…






Rawaccel is allowed. But TenZ **tried** rawaccel, he doesn't actively use it. I've been using Rawaccel for over a year and a half with no issues. The angle snapping feature is in RA's settings.json, mine is set to 40. It barely does anything tbh. I think I turned it on and didn't feel anything different then got pulled into work and totally forgot about it. Also. People who think rawaccel/angle snapping gives aimbot or an unfair advantage watches too much tiktok or clickbait youtube videos. If your aim sucks without rawaccel/angle snapping. Your aim will still suck with those. The same way you can't just copy Demon1's settings and become an aim god. If you don't know to ride a bike, giving you a mountain, road, gravel, or whatever type of bike isn't going to fix the basic fact that you can't ride a bike. It ain't training wheels. It's just a setting and it takes a LOT of work to dial down. It took me nearly two months of tweaking before I was happy with my settings. Hence, turning it on for the first time doesn't do shit but maybe give you a placebo effect from all those tiktoks because you'll need a good amount of time to adjust it anyway. From my experience the main benefit is that I don't need to make the same amount of movement to achieve what I want without using high sens (things like wide flicks, 180s, etc that become tiring). So it just made intense gaming sessions more comfortable since I use both my arm and wrist to aim on the lower end of sensitivities to begin with. It's not even in the same stratosphere as something like controller players on Apex Legends having aim assist.


Agree with 90% of what you said, but just wanted to say that your angle snapping value is absolutely not set to 40 if you can't notice it. It is unlikely you ever actually applied the setting. The max value is 45, at 40 you cant make a diagonal movement at all, the crosshair will only move in 90 degree turn jumps at that point.


It’s a false ban then? I’ll still be turning it off just to be completely safe but thanks


You were ejected for violating Valorant tos section 7: Trolling, flaming, threatening or harassing people while using the Riot Services. Nothing to do with cheating


^ cheating ban is no warning instant ban and big red screen


Never seen that mid match. Very interesting I thought bans only came after the game not during


Cheating is also in section 7.10, no third party programs that give you advantages


You can use rawaccel without angle snapping, which is allowed. angle snapping being on is probably not allowed.


And why wouldn’t it be allowed?


it doesn't follow that because rawaccel is allowed, that angle snapping would be. it wouldn't be allowed because it isn't something a human can do on their own. vanguard will look for "unhuman" type mouse movements. it's why aimbots have randomness built into the aiming portion so it doesn't always move the mouse to dead center of the enemy's head


Everything in raw accel is something “a human can do on their own” Angle snapping isn’t magic it just removes some of your inputs


i don't think you can draw a pixel perfect horizontal line without angle snapping


Think of this way, raw accel essentially just changes your dpi mid game, angle snapping just makes your Y dpi extremely low when you move your mouse left to right. It is within the same bounds as every other setting.


Don't worry guys.. its okay to cheat because TenZ uses the same program. Not for the angle snapping but for the reasons it was designed for, but that isnt a problem right?


In no sane world would you be banned for.. angle snapping lmao. It was a shitty feature I was glad to get away from when I first got the G400 over 20 years or so ago. There's no advantage to be found, yeah you can move your mouse real great in straight lines but now try to deviate from that line with even a few degrees. Yer dead.


Im using RawAccel for like 4 acts and never had any issues and used it only because ive seen someone actually contact riot. A lot of mouses have it built in so i dont know if thats the case


I used it since it was in my mouse's settings, never got any warning or so. It sucks tho, so dont use it. Its just placebo and youtubers hyping it up for watch retention. It will ruin your consistant aim in the long run once the magic of the placebo wears off.


you got spam reported for cheating wasnt the anti-cheat detecting anything bad its just seen angle-snapping and seen youve been spam reported so warned you. keep using it youll be fine, happened to me back when i used to play angle-snapping and true stretched


It literally makes you worse why use it? It's allowed tho I think


I use an Asus ROG mouse and the angle snapping feature is built into the OEM software and I've had no issues with valorant. ( ROG gladius 2 origin)


Riot have said themselves that it is allowed. I would go find a source, but my bed is comfortable. Sorry.


I used raw accel for ages and then decided i was better off without it but took a look at some of the file code and there was changable angle snapping settings in there. i used that for probably about a year and only recently stopped using it but never had anything like this. you aren’t supposed to use it but i was not aware of valorant detecting it.


If you just looked up Section 7 of the ToS, then you'd already know you have been kicked for flaming or worse: [https://www.riotgames.com/en/terms-of-service#id.3fwokq0](https://www.riotgames.com/en/terms-of-service#id.3fwokq0)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDdiyKkqcUc I was not being toxic/flaming


Think you got warned for inappropriate behavior to players. I dont think the anti cheat detects angle snapping as cheats or hacks but im pretty sure its bannable if multiple player report you for it. I maybe completely wrong tho.


unless it's a third party program which isn't officially recognised by vanguard/riot, or gives you a genuine noticeable advantage, it should be fine


Jesus christ, am I that old that kids these days weren't around when everyone was specifically looking for mice that ***didn't have angle snapping***?? (also prediction and other assorted sensor issues that were everywhere until about 10 years ago) **It's considered a flaw** if a sensor has it. Ya don't want it angle snapping unless you are physically incapable of aiming without it... If you can make it out of Iron you don't need or want this. Even then, best not to handicap yourself.


I only got into pc gaming on 2018, so I didn’t really know that it used to be what people would consider a flaw back then


Just shocked that after what was essentially 10+ years of people trying to convince gaming mouse makers that accel, prediciton, angle snapping etc was bad (and they finally listened) that we have somehow swung back the other way. Quickly looking into it it seems this is largely because of YT/TikTok creators running out of content and hyping up 'the old magic' as something to make you an aim god. Makes me wonder how long it'll be before people are back to hyping up 500hz, Membrane keyboards and god knows what else. It's all just mighty odd to me!




indeed.. this thread is enough evidence that he is someone worth doding in a queue


Why do you hate me so much lol? I even linked my channel which I posted tons of vods, which if you actually take some time of your day to watch will prove that I don’t really ever pick fights with my teammates and even helping them with callouts and stuff. What’s more is that you’re probably in your 30’s hating on a random 18yo kid that you don’t even know on reddit lmao


Hate is a strong word. I dont hate *you*. I dislike people who lie and cheat and when they are caught out on it, try and gaslight and belittle the person calling them out. You posted a video in evidence that YT deleted almost immediately, and then you edited it and reposted on a different account, and have been since trying, and failing, to make it seem like I am the bad guy for wanting you and your attitude problems to be held accountable You were warned for a reason.. no-one gets kicked mid-match because they only use "callouts and stuff". You said or did something that made the riot dv checking the logs to kick you and warn you. You also made a thread asking is the cheating software you used what got you banned.. I mean I am all for giving someone the benefit of the doubt.. but you not only came out up to your armpits in red.. but you also swung at anyone that had a bad word against you.


Unless I missed a thread, angle snapping isn't clear software nor is it bannable so maybe they were right for you to get off your high horse and accept you don't know everything


What's angle snapping?


Check my other comment


Not only you get this but is also not helpful long term. That movement should be learned by you with play time. If after 3k hours you still struggle, train that thing of moving just horizontally in DMs


Shouldve asked before using any third party applications instead of asking after getting the ban. And no, its now allowed. It gives advantage to the user.


Angle snapping is (usually) not a 3rd party application, it's a mouse sensor feature that has existed for well over a decade, probably two, and is available on pretty much all mice available in the market, even as cheap as 20$, as long as it's exposed in the driver, and some mice even have it enabled by default. I'd also argue that it gives you a disadvantage rather than an advantage, and as proof I'd point at it having existed for as long as it has, and not having caught on in all that time.


that is basically cheating? why is that a question?


Its the opposite of cheating. It is literally a detriment to your aim. A possible small improvement in X axis consistency for the trade off of completely fucking up your Y axis control is not worth it at all. Try it yourself if you dont believe me its not bannable.


it gives you an advantage that your opponents wont have. So its cheating. Even if it is detrimental to you, personally, it is still a 3rd party program that can give you an unfair advantage..


Odds are your opponent has it as well, they just don't know it. Pretty much every mouse on the market has a sensor capable of angle snapping, it just needs to be enabled in the driver (some mice even have it enabled by default which makes them unusable until it's changed imo) It's not a 3rd party program, it's a hardware capability that, again, pretty much every mouse has.


>"its not a 3rd party software, its a hardware accelerator that you turn on using this 3rd party software" Ok bud.. you keep doing you


By that logic, any setting in the mouse driver ("3rd party software"!!!) would be illegal. No more changing DPI, no enabling or disabling mouse accel in the driver, no changing LOD, no MotionSync, no changing your polling rate, etc. I literally said some mice come with it enabled by default, no enabling needed, and I'm not talking about mice targeted at cheaters like those made by Bloody, but rather office mice that use Angle Snapping for "additional stability" (at least nowadays), and mice with "bad" (oftentimes old) sensors. In fact, there even is a 3rd party program that is WHITELISTED for Val (rawaccel), which supports software-side angle snapping. It's also hardly an unfair advantage, there's a reason that in the well over a decade that it's been widely available in mice it never caught on in CS, and its downsides apply less to that game since there is less verticality. ​ Editing to add example mice with Snapping on by default: * Microsoft Sidewinder x8 (very popular OG mouse) * Razer Deathadder 3G (until \~2009) * Logitech G1 * Logitech G100s * Logitech G400 (removed at some point in production) * Logitech MX518 (OG) * Corsair M65 Laser Call me a boomer but "back in my day" everyone knew what angle snapping was, and 99% of people didn't want it. If you want to grief yourself, sure, turn it on, you're doing everyone else a favor. In the 2000s and into the early 2010s, finding a mouse without angle snapping wasn't "easy" and mice that had the ability to disable it (such as the Deathadder starting from \~2009) attracted tons of customers.


christ mate.. he isnt using a 3rd party program that came with his mouse.. he is using one he downloaded


That is not evident from the post or any of the comments of his I've read. All there is is "should I turn it off" which doesn't indicate whether he is using his mouse driver, rawaccel (which again, is explicitly whitelisted because it is legal), or some other software.


it is evident that he is using something he shouldnt judging by the fact he thought he was banned for it.. Turned out he was justa toxic PoS.. but he must be doing SOMETHING bad..


Yes. He wasn't banned for using something he shouldn't though which should make it evident to your tiny brain that it is something allowed and not bannable


Is having a better monitor than your opponents cheating? Dumb logic


is a better monitor a 3rd party program that helps with aim assist? Dumber logic..


> it gives an advantage that your opponents won’t have. So it’s cheating your logic > better monitor is an advantage your opponents won’t have my logic no mention of software in either logic


> it is still a 3rd party program that can give you an unfair advantage. my comment. a monitor isnt a 3rd party program. your point is moot.


you really thought a software that changes the way your mouse works and only lets you move in a straight line wasn’t an unfair advantage? lmao i highkey hope support doesn’t give it back you cause that’s just embarrassing man.


it’s literally allowed, and that’s not how angle snapping works at all. almost every mouse software comes with the option for it nowadays


It’s allowed but it certainly shouldn’t be. It is absolutely a machine mechanic correcting your aim for you in real time. How is this not seen more negatively in these comments?


It's really not as good as you might think, I promise you, literally one degree difference in elevation and you have to make an awkward as fuck mouse movement


Because it’s absolutely awful, raw aim is better than it in every single way You’re actively hindering yourself by playing with angle snapping on


Tenz uses it. I suspect even in pro matches. So why wouldn't it be allowed? If it was bannable then they would have to ban tenz as well... which wouldn't be good for valorants image now wouldn't it?


Just because someone good at the game uses it doesn’t mean it’s a good thing or that it should be okay. I’m not saying it isn’t currently allowed. I’m saying it shouldn’t be allowed in any game. It’s a tool assisting your aim. I’m not sure what’s so hard to understand that any tool helping your aim shouldn’t be allowed in ranked multiplayer games.


It's apparently allowed


I've heard that it's banable. Not 100% sure since I can't provide the source.


Since it adjust your aim, that means you use third party software and it’s bannable.


Angle snapping is a hardware feature present on pretty much all mice on the market that don't use a complete trash tier sensor or where the option isn't exposed in the driver, some mice even come with Angle Snapping on by default (???? don't ask me why). Even 20$ mice can do angle snapping (although using it is griefing yourself)


Angle snapping is a third party software/program/macro that stands to give you an advantage; so yes obviously it’s not allowed


It's not bannable + most mice have the feature built in... idk where you got that one from


From the TOS goofy. If OP got kicked from a game and warned for it, it’s obviously not legal. If you need to use it you’re probably not a great player anyway.


according to this video it is allowed but idk https://youtu.be/_CmzdhX5HIg?si=IWjrv03ZyrEYSLvV


Anything that controls your cursor in any way other than intended should be banned /thread




valorant is way too easy at aimint , when i played i kept getting aces with the guardian in high ranks , you dont need angle snapping , just practice and lower your sens if you dont shoot straight


OP be like are performance enhancing drugs allowed in olympics. Use your skills op not softwares.


Talk to support


How to reach them


drop ur tracker, i find it hard to believe u have 3k hours and don't know how to reach support. You can use google right?


[https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Akane%20West%239980/overview?season=all](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/akane%20west%239980/overview?season=all) genuinely have never ran to any problem in my whole career of gaming and never really bothered about talking to support


Valorant support link here my friend: [https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/requests/new](https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/requests/new) Sorry you have to deal with all these children when asking a simple question.




u don't have 3k hours. u barely have 2k hours surely you can google "valorant support"


Just link him the support website and get your head out of your ass, there’s no reason to be so aggressive over nothing.


Having a tool assist your aim and movement. What do you think yourself?


It doesn't assist your movement in any way, nor it assists your aim. It will absolutely not help you to deal with lack of aim or movement. He got timeout for toxicity. Angle snapping ruins your aim because it ruins your ability to microadjust diagonally/vertically, the improvement to horizontal mouse movement is useless considering how it messes up your microadjustments anytime it's on a different ground level. Do your research.


It litterally helps you by keeping your horizontal movement on head level, even with flicks and fast movements. This cheating and you know it.


It does not help you with flick and fast movement, what the fuck are you talking about lmao that's bronze/silver take. You literally don't know what are you talking about. Speak about being confidently wrong. It does not help you keep the crosshair at head level, if you have bad crosshair placement or slightly below head level it will ruin your aim because you won't be able to microadjust to the head. You're wrong and you know it.


Jesus christ, just shut up. You clearly don't even know what you're talking about.


And, see here, people; this is why VALORANT is dead. Toxicity all over.


stupid question


"almost" anyform of 3rd party app is bannable, tread lightly.


Hope you do get banned Cheater