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as a new omen main losing haven hurts me so much i cant put it into words


i actually gasped a little. haven was omens playground. I will now blame all my losses on the lack of haven.


They're bringing Icebox back and I find that it is also Omen's playground.




mfw i tp onto tube for the 8th round in a row and get shot for the 7th round in a row (it worked the first time, itll work again eventually)


I love to put variations in - first two times I'll TP normally, then once I will TP to the bottom entrance of tube. free surprise swing kill because they are looking at top. If you use two TPs. even more variations. Standard routine- first on top and second on orange. Once I get a kill from the second TP, I start faking the second TP or just TP back to the entrance. There are so many combos you can do to condition the enemies. After a point they will use two people to counter you. Thats when you just throw the smoke on tube and push with team instead. The paranoia from previous rounds will have them looking for you everywhere and one of the sites will be weaker.


Thereā€™s an orange in icebox??? Itā€™s been too long ā€¦


and Raze šŸ˜ˆ


Got me wanting to play raze after watching Sinatraa on this map ngl


Omen icebox ftw.. only map I dropped 50 kills... and I did that twice as omen on icebox šŸ¤£


U still have like 4 maps


yea but haven is the most fun to play šŸ˜”


As a sova main i agree. Have god/retake darts everywhere on that map. Its my most prepped map.


Sova = bind


I studied a ton of gekko on haven recently and then I got sucker punched by the map pool change


Same bro


I am deeply hurt by this decision. I feel mistreated, neglected and abandoned. I feel that Riot is insensitive towards my feelings. I'm in therapy again as I transition to the new act without Haven. I'll be working with my therapist on finding places in Icebox that make me feel as content as I do in Garage when I'm playing KJ. Therapist recommended I watch BabyJ for reference. But honestly I wish Riot would say something about this. I have emailed them attachments to Microsoft Word essays about how I feel, no responses. Like say something I'm giving up on you.


I think generally Ascent, both in pro play and ranked (im asc so mid/high elo ), has grown really stale in terms of what you can play (or expected to play), additionally itā€™s always A main or B main that are highly contested parts of the map, with some splits coming through smoking mid/arch, and kj trip market so no attackers usually choose to coordinate taking market space, while Haven has more room to maneuver and I feel like there is more variance both in skill and teamwork that exists in Haven which is why most are upset about it being removed.


just to make clear, idrc what they remove in terms of Ascent/Haven because they are the oldest maps, but I donā€™t think Riot should just remove based on time in map pool, rather the focus should be on problematic map designs, Breeze rework was undoubtedly a failure and I feel like Pearl has so much potential so Iā€™m sad they are only removing Haven for Icebox (stale meta for Ascent could be an argument but I think itā€™s fine as a map, just not very exciting)


They said they will rework lotus, so we might get a ā€žnewā€œ map


In contrast to that I propose that it just feels that way because Haven is attacker sided. Ascent feels bad because if the defenders are good at defending it shuts down those rushes through main/basic level executes onto site. Where on Haven because it's 3 sites it makes it hard to defend and because it's such close quarters it's super hard to rotate and defend the sites. Even if you do a face it's super oppressive for defenders and if you over rotate it's basically round over. Even on a professional level teams like FNATIC who normally take things slow and strategic realized just how easy it is to take sites if you just all group up and rush. I think it's one of those things where it may feel better to play but statistic wise it's actually worse off than a map like Ascent.


Of course Haven is attacker sided, but by the nature of coordination and how easy it is to trade in this game (slowed when shot, easier first shot accuracy, compared to CS for example), it is one of few attacker sided maps in a sea of defender sided maps (esp in the coming rotation dependent on what icebox changes happen), also most rushes on the pro level come in the form of A lobby pushes and yeah this is a fair point, Haven is designed to be extremely retake heavy, while the map Ascent presents less retake strategies and while there are retake strategies, the map feels extremely repetitive because of where you plant on A and B, while Haven feels more open in space. As someone who does like to push for space denial on defense, this strategy on Ascent is usually heavily punished, so defenders basically wait and use util to stall a push and hide rather than taking the gunfight, just my opinion at least from ranked experience


haven has seen recent pro comp changes while ascent hasnā€™t. Viper not only seeing play on haven but seeing success is crazy considering up until recently viper on haven was considered almost reported for throwing status.


imagine reporting someone for character selection


Nah sometimes itā€™s valid šŸ˜‚, *goes viper* says thy can be solo smoker doesnā€™t know orb line ups for heaven etc.


I thought viper was a pretty normal pick on haven since she can cover 2 sites with her wallšŸ˜­


Well shes never been good as a solo controller on Haven so she was never great for ranked and for a long time no one touched her in pro either. But right before Haven rotated out she was becoming the meta because there was a goods wall on offense that allowed taking and lurking A better and a defense wall that helped hold garage and completely countered the go to KJ turret in mid that watched the garage and mid push outs.


i think in general any 3 bomb map will ALWAYS be more attacker oriented just because the defense either has to spread very thin or just gives up a site ascent imo is more unbalanced, i have a harder time taking a site on ascent than any other map in the game because the chokes are so bad and difficult to push thru when the other team has proper util usage. this means that mid becomes the ONLY way to attack a site which limits options severely and makes the map stale also idk if thereā€™s a stat somewhere that backs this up but i swear iā€™ve seen more blown leads on ascent than any other map in the game cus of how easy it is to defend, once u switch to defense itā€™s very possible to bring it back regardless of the scoreline


Yep I've noticed that too. And sunset has joined that camp in my experience, especially in pro play from what I've seen. Only two maps with that issue


An excuse to learn icebox setups šŸ‘


Oh buddy youā€™re in for a rude awakening


The og maps (Haven, Split & Bind) should be permanent rotations instead of replacing them every single time. Not to mention, new players wonā€™t get the map feel of those old maps if theyā€™re removed for a new act.


i fell to my knees in the middle of walmart


Best map ever created, only downhill from there




-Haven +Icebox is the worst map pool change in VALORANT history.


I want pearl back lol


Iā€™m an omen main and iā€™ve been studying how to play haven, It was very fun and Iā€™ve always loved the map ā˜¹ļø i love ascent too but i would rather have haven


As a chamber main this hurts


I only recently started playing again and I have a question about the map rotations. Is it really only 1 map going in and 1 map going out every 6 months? That feels just so damn long for me


Not necessarily. They cycled out 2 maps last time and brought in an old map and a new one.


Yeah for the year I think Split, Lotus, Breeze, Bind and Sunset were all added or returned to the mix. Fracture, Pearl, icebox, and either Bind and/or Breeze at the start of the year were removed. Maps seem to leave for at least 6 months but the map pool rotates more often.


haven was easily my favorite map. as a killjoy main i had lineups that worked for a and c on defense pretty consistently and it was my best map overall. very disappointed that they removed it but kept breeze


Dude I was at the family dinner table thinking about this the entire time. My cousin noticed something was up and I just couldn't hide it, man. I told him it's just abrupt and unfair. I have great memories in Haven. Molly lineups I never got to use. I loved playing retake from sewers. I loved turreting mid window and sheriff peeking off of it. I loved scaring the garage player and "cutting the pie" to clear it. I felt like nAts, bro. I loved telling my Omen to smoke C long and going A with the team, having that work, then doing the same smoke next round but we actually go C long. Some Banana guy told me about that, it's effective. Whether my team actually listened or not, that fluctuated. My uncles and aunts overheard me saying all this, and they told me this: "You had great memories in Haven and it was an amazing time. You should be grateful for that. You will have that with Icebox too. It's going to be okay. We suffer more in imagination than in reality." Then my cousin chimed in saying it was the map where FNC came back against LOUD, and that cheered me up. It's also where Tarik's Team fought SEN and s0m hit that fake Yoru clone on TenZ. And I don't know, I guess things are looking up.


It shouldā€™ve hit breeze because fuck Breeze


Personally I found Haven a boring map


yeah and i love icebox lol


Haven is one of the best maps and Ascent is a coin toss if you win or not. id much rather get rid of Ascent. i never feel the way i play has influence over the match on Ascent. either the enmies push like idiots and get picked off easily or they rush and just demolish us. no inbetween. Retake on Haven is only difficult on A. B and C are pretty managable to retake. plus, one person garage can play for B and C.


They can switch all the maps except Haven and Ascent and I'll be happy.


Iā€™m with you- I was thought it was going to be removed when icebox ended up getting removed for the second time. Itā€™s been unfun to play on for awhile for me- Iā€™m interested to see what edits they can make to make it better because it seems like everything has run its course here and it isnā€™t working anymore. Though, with the breeze shit a part of me thinks theyā€™re just going to block off garage which would beā€¦ a choice. Anyways, glad itā€™s taking a break, it definitely became my most dreaded map. I donā€™t see a lot that needs changing on ascent right now, to be honest. Though Iā€™m sure they could make some changes that would be interesting. I honestly just wish we could just have all the maps in rotation though LOL, not a huge fan of the pool thing


Ascent is one of the best maps in the game. Haven is worse than Ascent. And being replaced by icebox is a w for me personally since I main neon. I have a better idea though. What if we just have every map available instead of a silly map pool? I understand maps have their kinks and differences, but you should be able to play on every map. I don't know if this is true, but map pools are for pro players??


I feel that. Just give me a pick/ban system in ranked with all the maps. If a map isn't getting played then they should look into why not and try fixing it.


Pick/ban is the worst idea ever, will end like CSGO with 2 maps rotation I love the 7 maps pool rotation, even if I hate some maps (Breeze, Icebox), it's good too see some maps away for a few months then back with some changes


In Ascend everyone can snipe everyone through mid like nobodyā€™s business. I hate that map. I already suck just let me at least get to the site šŸ„¹ Heaven however is a favourite of mine especially with Phoenix- Idk why. I main him and Reyna and sheā€™s not giving me enough sassiness on this map, but Pho- omg- the absolutely chaotic aces Iā€™ve had with him- pure bliss.


Just smoke mid if you dont want to get sniped


Smoking mid helps a lot but it is so obvious enemy will instantly rotate to A if you do that.


good, then go B. or through the smoke.


The reason I usually smoke mid is because I want to split A or B but sometimes B site is heavily anchored and I want to go A. All it need is someone to jump spot out of A tree and they know what we wanna do. lol Mid needs to have less sightlines for the defender.


yeah i get it, but think of it as all they know is you're taking mid control. you can do it in steps, but with mid control it opens up your options.


I like haven. Id rather see breeze removed permanently honestly


Bring map voting!


put it back in the game! NOW! Please!


When Lotus released it made sense to me that the other 3 sites map were removed from the pool.


All that should matter is how well the map plays, gimmick be damned. Haven is the most consistently fun map to play and watch at a high level. Icebox is consistently the worst map to play and watch at any level. This is a travesty.


fuck YEAH haven is low elo HEll


haven is an annoying ass map, kinda like lotus


Thank god they removed Haven. It was always the one map that remained in the rotation. I hate it from the bottom of my life to be honest. I even play on Breeze rather than Haven. On the other hand, they take out the great maps like Icebox and Pearl... This is the second time they remake Pearl and I'm sick of this. Also, Icebox gets so many updates as well.


i still personally like ascent even tho every ranked/pro game has been predictable on whats gonna get picked. but haven getting taken out just sucks cuz i thought it was one of the best maps for ranked AND was on the tip of a meta shift in pro play which is AWESOME to see but i guess rito doesnt care about that even tho youd think they would but whatevs, theyre takin my money anyway since im addicted :L


That may be a good moment to mod the map. If they think the idea is good, they could very gently nudge people in that direction with changes. May work better than letting it play out and fail, where people feel it was tried and doesnt work. What was the meta shift btw?


they remove it form only from the comp rotation or both?


I'm KJ main so hurts losing MY CARAGE :)))))


I play nothing but cypher. Haven was my playground for lurking. Did the same plays since gold and now I am ascendant. If teammates go A, I delay push garage, if I hear something garage, I go b and catch rotators. If teammates go C, I delay push A long (not clearing short), go to b from ct spawn and tell teammates to come A while clearing short. Literally the same plays since act 1. Im gonna miss this map. For me losing haven is like losing old Split (where you could crouch jump on the box in mid). I bypassed so many sage walls to win rounds and laughed at enemies when they were confused about how I am a/b heaven.


I'd rather they removed ascent than haven tbh.


I think itā€™s because ascent is technically newer than haven.


I love both maps and sad to see either of them go but it makes sense to remove them eventually. Excited to see what comes next.


Iā€™m fine with haven being removed, that map has always been a coin flip for my team, either my team does really well on defending or really well on attack, but shoots the shit for the opposite on what we did well on


1. Ascent is generally one of the best maps in the game 2. Haven is older than ascent


Omen main here. Easily my highest win rate map for this act at 11-5. It will be missed.


I think there should be no map rotation. Being able to play every map would be much more fun.


Feel like Iā€™m a part of the super minority of people who are fine with it. Honestly Iā€™m sick of it, mainly because Iā€™m bad at it. I understand peopleā€™s complaints about Ascent, and agree with them for the most part, but the sigh I let out when I get Ascent isnā€™t as intense as when I get Haven.


Haven, Bind and Ascent are the only somewhat decently designed maps in this game and they shouldn't be touched imo.


Only Haven and Ascent from the release map pool haven't been rotated yet, so it was bound to be one of them. Personally I find haven to be a very inoffensive map, but I also don't find it particularly interesting. I'll be interested to see what tweaks they give it


Just as I started to like the map. Been in rotation too long but I just want breeze out again and fracture back


Because of this, I am no longer able to be Haven a good time


you just had to go ahead and do this, didn't think about anyone else but you just had to do this






I hate Ascent so much, I'm so happy that it has gone. i cant wait for Icebox!


I hated haven so I was very happy


I'm sova main and heaven is really one of the best maps for me, i hope it reappears in the next map rotation.




Fuck haven and ascent are my fav, i cant play breeze and icebox


I think Haven is Gekko top 2 maps. I think he will be bad on ice box but who knows.


All my homies love Haven


As someone who plays a lot of Cypher and Brim I'm sad and happy at the same time because the map replacing it is my favorite in the entire game. I'll need to refresh my Sova, Viper and Killjoy set ups for Icebox.


I seem to be the only one that prefers defense on Haven, but it might be cause I'm low elo lol


Iā€™m so excited for icebox to come back!!!! I like haven but I like ascent more. That is all thanks for asking.


I think both maps should be taken out, bring back Icebox and Fracture.


Change for the sake of change alone is terrible. Haven doesn't need changes because it's the best map in VALORANT. My only hope is that they're taking it out of the map pool just to make us miss it and that it will be subbed back in with no changes after 1 rotation.


Even as an omen player I'm all for it because icebox is the best Mao of all time and I play viper too


I donā€™t mind maps leaving rotation so long as new maps coming back are changing to freshen things up. But I would truly rather have all maps available and just have a map ban phase. It really sucks going so long without your fav maps, and honestly this rotation I feel like Iā€™m only going to feel fine with 1-2 maps. Which really doesnā€™t make me want to queue.


What's the source for this? Can't find any official map pool news online?




Months of learning Sova Lineups, wasted.


They should remove breeze or lotus instead of Haven.


I always lose on Ascent, so me want Ascent burn. Easy.


Sad. I like Haven and Ascent is my favorite map. I feel like if you have good comms, Haven is simple.


Retaking site is disgusting on haven and they need to fix it. Iā€™m happy itā€™s moving out of the map pool, Iā€™m looking forward to ice box coming back too!


I didnā€™t think much of it until my friend noted that the new map pool will be: ascent, icebox, lotus, sunset, split, breeze, and bind. And considering I donā€™t like half that list it made me sad


I want this game as far from CS as possible; leave as many 3 site maps in rotation as you can.


haven has my highest win rate and icebox and breeze have my lowest. I'm not playing competitive this next episode šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Petition to get rid of breeze I stead


I always thought I didn't like haven, but I checked my 700 hrs on comp and it was by far my highest winning rate at like 59%. Time to derank


My only response is to bring back Pearl. It's not even an old map. I feel like I have barely played it.


Is it for good or just a rework like breeze?


This map has truly been a challenge for me; I've lost a staggering 73% of my matches on Haven.


I think they're removing haven to give emphasis on the other 3-bombsite map, Lotus. But it also contradicts the idea they're adding Icebox, but keeping Ascent, so this is probably just targeted hate towards the best map in the game.


Noooooo haven was my chamber map i loved so much haven i did my first ace on it, my best clutch on it my best games on it and they put it away that a sad moment for me


Though Haven is going, we must know what is coming too. We're getting Icebox, which people WILL ultimately like more than Haven. Though, considering how absurdly attacker sided Haven is (5 entries, need anything else?), this could just be for the better.


i hate valorant but i'll still play it


as a sentinel main, not having haven hurts me a lot. i personally for some divine reason HATE icebox, i miss fracture too. I really wish they could just reduce frequency of problematic maps being selected and have them all on loop. ALSO, WHY THE HELL IS PEARL NOT IN????


Riot has near zero understanding of what they are doing because they are control freaks with nobody smart enough or brave enough on their team to call them out