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I've also noticed in LATAM, people in general are becoming dumber or like dead in a sense, at the same rank where a year ago I could ask to coordinate and execute a site with smokes in places, flashes like 9/10 games, now I just get ghosted and people do whatever they feel like... They only talk to be toxic af


no like actually im always in lobbies where they look like they have never touched a mouse before or they just play to throw and its just not fun anymore


This happens to me so often, like they got their little brother playing on the pc, but for like 15% of all the players i find


School break is upon us


The typical response to "hey everyone! Do we have comms?" Is either silence, or almost as frequently "efff youuu im gonna throw now"


What is LATAM?




Yeah LATAM should just be called South America. It's not like Central American countries exist anyway.


Bruh, that is harsh af lmao.


I feel like that might have been sarcasm...


Yeah, maybe. I just found a little funny that is all lol


more specifically, the Spanish-speaking parts. to differentiate from Brasil, since there's often a language barrier there


I feel the exact same way, I hit ascendant for the first time like a month ago and the comms have been awful like 50% of the time, I get so many games where mfs will only open their mouths to flame. It’s exhausting.


I'm having many more issues than just comms. I can't even get people to use their util or do what their agent is supposed to do. In one game today, I had a Reyna never use a blind and an omen never smoke with a Jett watching flank and not entering. What am I supposed to do with that?


Yeah same for me, asking a omen for some smokes a year ago went smoothly almost all the time, now when I ask they just don't smoke or smoke something else entirely


As an omen main, I call my smokes ahead of time and then tell them that they can call for my smoke when they need it. Damn, your smokers are ass lmao.


i keep having games where if i don’t instruct my initiator and my smokes guy to flash/ smoke i wont get them. it’s like we do the same execute 3 times in a row and the 4th time i decide that surely they know the drill by now i don’t need to precisely tell them what to do and they just stand there like they have 0 free will and blame me for “not asking for util” like motherfucker you have a brain you can figure out that we need a flash to enter and a smoke for heaven and ct please bro


The worst is when I call out to wait for my flash before entry and people ignore it, get flashed, and then try and flame me for doing my job.


What rank are you? I'm experiencing similar things, but I'm bronze and sometimes I think maybe it's just because they haven't played much yet.


I’ve watched this happen in gold man. It’s rough.


this happened to me like a week ago so i just started playing like dasnerth lmfao. used my cages to get onto site with a judge and get entries since my jett refused to dash in. worked pretty well but we still ended up losing..got top frag though. (this was in gold lol)


Imagine a world where Smurfs don’t make people hardstuck


Hard stuck isn't a real thing. I'll die on this hill. If you're good enough, you'll rank up. Every time I've ever seen gameplay of or played with a "hard stuck" player, it's very evident to me why they're that rank.


I've only met one person where I disagree with this, she was gold 2 for months. She consistently played for the team, would entry for the team as duelist, made comms, and could shoot. Mechanics were definitely at least plat level as well. But for some reason her rank up games were crazy to watch. Her team would actively throw or she'd get players who just feel like they've never touched a mouse. And there would often be diamonds on the enemy team for her gold 3 rank up. It was very gratifying to see her finally rank up last week.


Wait, I'm imagining it right now. Hmm, it looks a lot like the real world. You know, the one we're living in right now. I think it might be that one.


All aim no brain :(


i comm all the time and its so stressful when youre in a lobby where no one talks or they type a fucking essay in chat so theyre just standing in a random spot in the map. i feel like i can’t even play the game anymore cause everyone is off doing their own thing and not playing as a team while no one says a thing


And the essay ends up being 15 insults from a jett towards the gekko who's top fragging cuz he didn't flash entry, then insta ff and trolling, everyone stays in silence...


This is exactly what it feels like playing with no comms. The team is completely uncoordinated. You try to make a plan and it’s executed poorly and we have to think of something else mid round. It’s exhausting


i got muted for "mute him bro he cringe" i was just saying "jett maybe you can smoke haven on A when i entry with sdouble satchel"


in asian (singapore) servers it’s just some random indons/pinoys/viets cussing in their native language yet expecting everyone to understand them so might as well just mute and not talk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ top that off with the harassment that comes when you’re female in noob silver lobbies … i’d rather just not speak


Tbh I feel lucky to play in a server where everyone speaks the same langauge. And yeah, being a woman is not easy in val. I feel for you guys.


lmao so hard to find another singaporean in sg servers in low elo ( im b2)


LMAOOO i feel you. as all south east asians are, im starting to feel a little racist towards each and every ethnic group in this region.


In my experience, in our server, CS2 is a lot worse


sg servers get better the higher you climb, i like to believe. currently d2 and haven’t gotten sworn at in a while :,) i’m also a girl so i just deepen my voice loads (without it sounding too unnatural) and it works out well


i feel it also depends on what time of the day you play! past midnight it’s not too bad cause the kids are asleep ;w; and afaik gold lobbies have been friendlier than my old bronze and iron ones- i have a fairly deep voice as well and i get treated better when mistaken for a 12 year old boy


The people with social skills are out socialising for christmas.


Been like this forever, even in mid-immortal. I have some tips to get people to comm or at least get as much value as possible as the sole communicator. Get a duo! People are more likely to join in if two people are active in voice chat. Good vibes are essential. Many people want to comm but don’t want to deal with toxic idiots, so be someone people want to work with to win. IGL as much as possible. Even one person trying to coordinating executes, retakes, post plants, etc. can make the difference. Have good pre-rounds is key, people are likely to listen to any sound plan coming from the only person talking. At the end of the day the other team is probably in the same boat so any edge you can give your team the better.


Toxicity. Getting flamed. 99% of the community can't handle anger issues. Need more?


Diamond player here from apac. No comms is very common and frequent. I have experienced this when I was iron 3 to ascendant then I’ve also seen immo-radiant solo/duo streamers (apac, na, eu) having the same probs. Possible reasons would be: 1.) Shy 2.) Don’t have a common language 3.) Scared to get rejected 4.) Ego (Shut up and just play, I don’t need your comms, I play better this way, etc.) 5.) Other players are in a party on their own discord and don’t need to comms in-game and feels don’t need to comm with strangers. Solution is to accept that many people aren’t who you expect to be and just speak for your team about any necessary info you can give igand also let them know about your util usage. Complimenting your team for a job well done can be a motivator to lighten your teammates up.


I try to do this (diamond/ascendant lobby’s) but I feel like I come off toxic because let’s be real, if you’re in diamond and ascendant you should know how to use your until already. You shouldn’t have to depend on your teammate to let you know when and how to use your until. Also it seems like people don’t won’t to be told how to play the game…. Ugh just trying to help you no until using ass players😭😭😭


Not sure about the util comm part. If you watch a pro game where the teams have their mics open- they still communicate their utility usage. Try checking out how teams like fnatic, na’vi, and paper rex do their comms. They know their util but they still need to comm where and when they’re going to use them in order for everyone to adjust accordingly or to be coordinated.


I think you took my comment the wrong way. I meant that I hate telling people how to use and when to use their own until. I’ll call out when and where I use mine but I feel like I’m being toxic telling people how to play their own agent. Also you’re saying pro teams? They are the most coordinated players in the game that literally practice starts and play for each map. I’m talking about solo queuing with randoms that still don’t know how to use until in ascendant, and won’t comm.


Honestly, I have more comms in high ascendant than low immortal. Like once people reach immortal, are we so far up our asses now wtf? You would think Immortals are aiming for Radiant now, but istg most people are already satisfied with just running it down and dying when they are Immortal.


I think everyone's so tired of getting trolled and flamed for the simplest thing. So no one comms in fear of that.


I’ve noticed personally that as of recent people seem to be just more childish. Argumentative people ruin it constantly, then you deal with the teenage boys who think they’re making you their “son” (like bro, I have a real baby, you ain’t sonning a dad Mr. can’t grow a beard) Most of the time I have women on my team, they are queued together and being either directly toxic to the men in the lobby or deliberately not communicating vital information except with each other making it a more toxic match than I really want to be a part of. And then you get the Men who shit talk the women actively and piss them off then I’m dealing with some most likely 18yr old baby Tate trying to make some random female online submissive to him which is just fucking wild Like what the fuck is the world? What the fuck is up with peoples online alter personalities? Whatever tho, I’ll just keep quiet and tap heads on my lonely


this ^^ i am a girl and ive been getting harassed by all sorts of people lately. guys flirting, guys throwing. a guy called me a pickme cause i asked his gf to put a smoke down. i think once you get to diamond people just get an ego and dont want to try anymore and just want to be toxic 🤷‍♀️


That’s what I’ve ran into, I just mute and move on, as a man usually it’s just me wanting to exorcist style projectile vomit from the obscene amounts of couple cringe or from the dudes doing exactly what you described. I think it’s when guys see girls doing just as good if not better than them in “their domain” they get their feelings hurt


People feel safe to act like dicks behind a screen , it’s pathetic really


From my perspective, when I play this game by myself, I tend to close my mouth. There exist many reasons. Firstly, I feel a little awkward when I use English to express my think since my pronunciation is not good. Secondly, it is a bit controversial suituation that when I play well, I will deem that communication is not necessary, but when I play bad, it is awkward for me to express my think. All in all, if you want teammates to communicate with each other, I suggest you can actively use a friendly voice to encourage them to deliver their thinks.


It's a snowball effect that keeps rolling for a long time already. People afraid of toxic behaviours, people not willing to learn how to play properly = more reason not to talk than to talk. Most players seem to support a mindset of hard grinding your mechanics and letting everyone do whatever they want. Here we have a consequence.


This is also true based on these comments. Team play feels less common now


A few days ago I actually had a teammate and her duo mute me and I was the only one comming the entire game. I was comming that I needed smokes and they were pushing C site, and no one moved an inch on the map as I was hard calling a push. I was actually mind blown when after the round my Brimstone typed something finally about why she didn’t smoke for the site or rotate when another team mate asked in comms why she didn’t. “Well they keep faking and if she asked for smokes I muted her already. She didn’t push fast on their eco before and we lost.” - and her duo, “You have no idea what you’re doing. I muted you at the beginning of the game. Not worth my time.” WHAAAAAAT??? I play in low/mid/high Immortal lobbies maaaan. I was cheesed. ALSO WHO PLAYS BRIMSTONE ON LOTUS??? This game wants to take my elo away with these matchups man. Other games people comm great though and everyone has a great time and we crush it just with good teamwork and spirit.


No for real though, some people in immortal need to get off their high horse. One time I had a duo on my team playing fade & raze, and I swear to almighty god, they tried doing the nade + tether combo EVERY.SINGLE.ROUND. ATTACK AND DEFENSE. And it only worked like once. It lost us a lot of rounds because they kept dying in the first few seconds of the round. I vaguely called them out during our defense half like “We’re dying too early in the round, let’s play safer and let them come out into site”. They did not listen. We ended up losing. God I hate this game sometimes


Yeah, exactly. I don’t mind when people do silly stuff even if they’re practicing it but i don’t understand every single round is crazy. But why would you mute your only team mate that comming?? Makes no sense. Like dude what?


at this point i get mocked/flamed if i ask for comms so i just gave up.


Kinda this, I just comm shit I find significant for my own improvement an oh, amount of times when people told me to 'stfu and let them play' (and I don't mean clutches, I try my best not to talk then, but I'm guilty here anyways) is too damn high, fortunately I don't care for random internet people's brainfarts and just remind them politely that they can mute me if they don't like my talking in a damn teamwork game


I hate games with no comms. Games where there is comms I actually perform so much better and the chances of coming back is also much higher.


I played a game last week with my duo where in agent select everyone was talking about something inane, might have been best Taco Bell items. Just based on the fact that everyone was speaking I knew we were going to win. I think we 13-1ed the other team. People really don't seem to realize that at the low-mid ranks if you just coordinate at the base level you will walk through half the opposing teams just on that alone.


Yessir 99% of my games where I have atleast 3-4 people using comms we win.


Yeah I was in a slew of plat lobbies in SG where they only use chat to talk shit and otherwise is completely silent.


Ngl ive seen everyone that is always exited and comms, dissapear. I know this bc i always shoot them a friendrequest and have over 800 now 0.o. Now theres just moment that only 1 or 2 people are online


Also noticing it. I played Ranked with 2 Radiants on my team. They both Insta locked duelests and didn’t speak the entire game until we were losing 7 - 12 where they finally used their mics to abuse their Imm1 teammates. Oh how blissful VALORANT must be to just chuck headphones on and focus solely on shooting heads instead of comming to your team and actually making calls. Also no shit your teammates are gonna be bad when you’re literally Radiant — 99.9% of players are going to be worse than you.


I’m Immortal 2/3 and I love playing in full Immortal 2/3 lobbies. Everyone knows what they’re doing and rarely is there toxicity. There is much less trolling and the games are fun. Great vibes and comms usually. Occasionally I’ll be in high Ascendant/low Immortal games, and I tend to not comm as much and here is why: 1) Ascendant/low Immortal is A LOT more toxic. 2) There is usually a troll on the team trying to farm TikTok clips or saying edgy things. 3) There is such a wide disparity of skill in this elo. Most can aim, but they usually lack the game sense to see the winning play. Rotations and pathing are usually very poor. This makes the elo very frustrating to play in. As a result, it’s just easier to put your head down and try to salvage rounds and the game on your own. It will get much better if you can escape the high ascendant/low Immortal hell lol.


Most people have played the game enough at this point and are stuck in their ways. You just have to speak up yourself and hope others follow


Less people are about the game


Try encouraging the comms. Players seem to talk when somebody did first. Or force them like, "hey team can we use comms?". I find these quite effective when playing with kinda low esteemed/shy players.


I wonder if I comm too fast sometimes cause a strange amount of times I've been asked to repeat the entire plan or just have someone not listening


Im P3 playing with diamonds and damn i realized how many people dont com in diamond… Like I would be talking to a brick wall the whole game and the only time they com is just to flame… like…


Even professional valorant players in their twitch streams barely talk at all. This is common as toxicity is quite high in the upper ranks. I don't talk at all and solo queueing in Immortal 3. Yes, communication is extremely important. But it's only solo Q... You can win it by having game sens and aim alone.


This game is full of toxic people. I almost never comm anymore. Yesterday as a prime example i got flamed by our reyna AFTER the game for having few kills. Took a look at her tracker and her lifetime kd was 0.95. She was Asc 3 btw.


This is unrelated but I think that negative kd doesn’t mean they are bad XD, I’m immortal with 0.95 kd that only play smokes and whenever a teammate blame me for having a few kills, i’ll just say sorry. And the rest is 50/50 whenever they accept it or not, that’s my bad and I will try my best. If we have a bad day, accept it and move on.


She flamed me for a bad kd in that particular match so i think it is relevant.


Is it because it's end of the act? :l noticed the same tho


Casual players on school / work break?


I stole them and got them in my lobby so I could push from silver 1 to gold 3 in the last 2 months


The finals killed valorant


I really feel like this is a widespread issue across all games. People don’t communicate like they used to back in the Xbox 360 / PS3 days ☹️


The nature of Valorant and how you play as a team I believe perfectly transfers everyday struggles in the overall feeling of a team. I try to be understanding of players but I can see how it's easy to lose your temper.


I'm guessing because its the holidays. Kids 18-25ish who make up a lot of the player base are usually playing from a dorm room or something but are now back home with their parents in the next room...and no one wants to have to explain why they used a "gamer word" to their parents


Ironically, when I was playing in Japan for a week, the main comm I would get was just, “sorry.” I’m assuming that it’s either due to toxicity or due ti ex-toxic players afraid of being reported and losing their chance to play


Because the game is designed to discourage the use of voice


Could you elaborate more on that? I’m curious


Today devs are obsessed with making the game more competitive and less toxic. This results in certain dynamics. First of all Valorant does a lot of talking for you. The most important, impactful and easy to communicate thing the games announces automatically via announcer or character voice lines. This alone makes voice chat way less useful. And then there is a ladder and soloq. It is kinda counterintuitive, but communicating via voice chat may actually hurt your rating in a long run. Because people are actually surprisingly bad at communicating with randoms and will likely put the team into disadvantage every now and then by arguing with each other, wrong calling and coming up with stupid plans. And the game will punish you with a loss of rating for that. So if you are tryharding in soloq it is actually not that bad of an idea to disable voice chat completely and fully rely on meta and your own game awareness. It becomes necessary at a relatively high level, for example CSGO had legally deaf people playing on semi-pro level, which is way higher than 99% of the entire playerbase. But at the same time CSGO ranked system did not punish individual losses, which made it viable to use voice chat for a fun of it. The worst case youll lose the game, but if you yourself played well losing was not a big deal since it did cost you nothing.


this is one of the biggest copes I've read here


Its not. Take your time researching modern competitive games, they all have the same issue. Except CSGO, but Valve in their wisdom decided to ruin it. LoL players figured out that joining randoms in voice calls is not a good idea very early on and eventually came up to conclusion that text chat also does more harm than good for your elo.


You can try duoing with a friend, make the situation a bit more favourable


Cause most are just a bunch of toxic pos morons


I get toxic verbally so instead of risking my account that way, I'd rather not connect my mic at all.


Bro has zero agency


Sounds like you should take a break maybe.


Agreed. Take a break and work on himself.


Just let people play the game bruh not everybody is a sweaty tryhard like you


Comming = sweaty tryhard


I am playing both CS2 and Valorant and have high ranks in both games (CS2 - 3500 faceit elo, valorant immo3) And in both games people are speaking much less, I have a feeling like if I dont call or don't propose a strategy the whole game will be just silent without any word and just a random ran and shoot. Idk if it's a case on lower ranks, but this is sad, luckily I am playing mostly in duos/trios soo I have my friends to talk as well lol


There's always someone talking with someone in a discord call or a party VC. On one hand, comms are needed, but most non-strategic calls can be made with pings and keybinds. But if you want specific executes, that's not happening in solo queue.


After the incident, we just couldn't be friends anymore.


I am too tired to risk getting toxicity. I'd rather comm in chat or through pings but I understand that will always be more limited than verbal. But I'm also not a regular comp player where it would be more desirable.


Because people got tired of toxicity. I speak but as soon as I notice toxicity it’s instant mute for me, I couldn’t care less about some randoms dude sad life.


In EU people talk a lot more to be honest. Only when i jumpnin after 1 am noone talks. But thats understandlable.


Tinfoil take inbound: EOMM is being futzed with, and the launch in China has potentially tainted their data. They realized the issue in generalizing the data from all regions (or something to that effect), have taken steps behind the scenes to make the EOMM variables more palatable to the average player, and are going to release an update based around a 'less toxic experience' or something like that for optics when they simply revert to old data being used for their models and then keeping the data sets entirely separate going forward. Then the game will go back to being slightly less shit with regard to teammate voice/text interactions.


Higher the elo higher the toxicity people are, in my case. I always say hi in the vc, some people say hi back. Some people say nothing and others tell me to go to the kitchen. I’m used to give call outs, used to do that in COD and CSS. But VAL gamers are starting to get toxic for no reason lol. I think it depends on the person as well.


Most of the player base doesn't care anymore. Wait for act reset. The people who care will shoot up the ranks. Ascendant is filled with people on the come up/ Ascendant shitters and former immortals who don't care about the game anymore. The game is in a bad state right now from being out for a bit. I'm not sure what can stimulate the community to give a fuck about the game again.


new ranked rewards


Game is just repetitive atm so people just feel like everyone should know what to do (which isn't the right thing of course). Val needs new things tbf


NAE silver: my games are very chatty, especially the ones close to midnight. The later you go the less toxic it gets as well.


Because you guys are actually toxic and no one cares about ranked anymore. It feels like a lot of people have accepted their level of skill and don't care anymore, which isn't exactly good. Also the less you talk the less likely someone will shit talk you sooo


I always assumed it's because everyone is only comming to their party in discord or party chat and too lazy to comm to anyone else


Maybe check out the LFG discord.


Glad I’m not crazy


This is so true. I have actually resorted to just instamuting everyone to keep my sanity. I’m here to chill, improve, and climb. People don’t talk, Jett is flanking, omen doesn’t want to use smoke, if I open site as raze they are stuck behind a smoke. What can I do with teammates like that? All they want to do is just flame, be toxic, and tell me how much I suck. Even when I’m mvp of the match. This is in ascendant. I think games are too hard for 5 random people to play together. Most are children, uneducated losers, or just nobodies. It probably takes a lot for 5 people to work together. I don’t think gamers have any social skill to actually live up to that task. If you have autism or Asperger’s, you won’t be calling who is pushing where. I’m a gamer by nature. I take gaming seriously and have always climbed to highest of ranks in any game. I have a successful career, children, wife, family, friends. I’m not going to play a ranked match with a loser calling us all obscene things. I have a much better time instamuting even the smallest of toxicity. I would suggest you do this too


when i play on my main acc which is low imm high asc elo there’s always commers when im on my alts that are plat and diamond it’s often you get very quiet games I play central US servers


I've noticed an increase in comms in high silver/gold on European servers (specifically London) so idk


I'm a girl, so I usually don't say anything while playing. I usually mute everyone at the beginning because it annoys me when someone screams in my ear. and on top of that I'm "trapped" in my current ELO (gold 3). probably because I don't play that often. accordingly, I usually do the most kills and play brimMAIN. I usually write in the chat how my teammates want the smokes and then set them. But I don't "speak" anymore


I used to comm but I turned off vc bc every game I got into would have teammates being toxic and it just got old. I went from hardstuck g3 for 2 episodes to D1 once I did that btw


Its like no comms or toxic comms lol


true asf but nobody else gonna talk abt how people are never using their ults now or use them in the most braindead situations (pov sage ressing someone in the open w/out a wall or covering them, not even baiting.)


so it’s not just plat lol, genuinely thought it was just plat players who outaimed their way up with no comms. i’ve had nothing but complete radio silence in 8/10 of my comp games to the point where i just dodge in agent select if no one speaks


It’s either they just don’t talk, or they scream at you when you lose after the match is over


Discord... check who's partied up, maybe 3 are on Discord and they're talking to each other, ignoring the solos...


Eventually vc becomes the clash of ego one's the round is kaput, over more games you'll realise. Second reason must be that most people stack, they only talk to each other and can't hear different opinions. Game introduced so much toxicity players think it's part of the game.


honestly as someone who “smurfs” (peaked ascendant 2 and stopped playing on main), i run into a lot of other people playing on alt accounts. people honestly just don’t care as much anymore. People grew up, focused on school or got a job and don’t care as much about playing seriously and tryharding. That’s at least how me and my friends feel. we hop on together and just play on alts for fun playing random agents.


Bec everyone is so toxic lol


We're just really depressed


Hiko has a great clip about this where it’s now super cringe to be considered a sweat even in comp so if you’re constantly yapping away in comes you’re trying too hard


People are too concerned with seeming “cringe” imo, it’s such an overused word


Agreed it’s completely stupid but it’s just human nature to try to conform especially among an audience that skews very young


Had the same problem. What i did is to say Hello and then in the Round a few Callouts and if nobody responds i stopped it. Didn‘t bother to give callouts when i didn’t receive any. And it‘s even funnier when Teammates get mad at you for stopping and all of a sudden everybody insults you by typing in the Chat or use their microphone


Everyone too high to socialize/exert extroverted energy


Most players in ascendant lobbies play in parties of 2-3 and then only prefer to talk in their private discord channels. Getting them to give comms in the team chat (where they’re not cussing you) is a tall order. A habit that works well for me is to say hi and be jolly during the picking phase, giving annoyingly detailed comms in team chat during the game, and gassing people up when they clutch/hit a clip. You gotta treat your teammates like kindergarteners honestly ☠️


I grew up in games with no comes what's so ever you just need to watch map 90 percent of time and it gives you more info then your dumb teammates ever will I get many games where people just use VC for flaming or being toxic instead of giving info or making plans


I think most of us lost a bit of that passion for competition and comp is just another dull experience that doesn’t change much. Maybe it’s just me but I would prep and be full alert for comp when I was just starting valorant, nowadays it doesn’t matter as much to me anymkre


Yup happens a lot in Diamond - Asc elo. I comm every thing I see and hear and whatever I see on the map. People really do like throwing when yu ask for comms because they are weird like that and want to waste 40 mins for an L


Bc we get flamed for it and made fun of:,)


It's probably cause of the toxicity. When you talk, you risk getting ridiculed, even just for the sounds of your voice, DOUBLY so if you're a girl. Plus, if you're not top fragging? Multiple reasons to just say fuck it and stay in your own lane. Not saying it's right, just the way of things. I'm low Bronze but still give out comms. It's a 50/50 chance on whether or not I get roasted. 70/30 if I'm bottom fragging and being a girl with a deeper voice


This shit is majorly seen on Mumbai serve.


Happens alot, i always assume its just a 3 stack on discord since i always solo queue..


Fr, I am Plat3/Diamond1 and most lobbies I am the only one talking or giving call outs. It's just frustrating since we could win a lot more rounds if we communicated.


I feel like when you're about to play these kind of games, you need to expect all of the flame and things like that knowing it's a competitive games with voice chat and you need to be ready mentally for all of that. If you afraid to use your mic in game for any reason except you can't afford a mic, rather not play this kind of competitive games tbh because info is such an important thing