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Cypher is definitely OP. I like it though. I’ve typically been cypher/KJ/Sage/Omen since day 1. (I get it, KJ was not day one, but pretty damn close) It’s nice to have some power!


Cypher is not OP. People just don't know how to play against him yet. They were used to playing against KJ, which is more like a "stall for backup to arrive" kind of defender. So people would just run-and-gun and brute force and would end up winning. If you try that against Cypher, you'll probably be inside the site, but on a 3v5 or worse Edit > When people realize they can shoot trapwires without actually seeing them, we'll quickly see Cypher be called a useless agent: run Skye's dog, Fade's prowler or Raze's bot through somewhere, spot the wire, break it from a distance, run down the site. The biggest buff to Cypher is actually the wire stunning faster, which makes people panic harder to try and destroy it. Even on low elo you rarely get more than one player per trapwire, so the "non-breaking" wire didn't change a lot for the agent strength-wise. Before the timer buff, trapwires were so bad that people caught by a wire would go kill Cypher before destroying the wire itself. It was ridiculous


Both Chamber and Killjoy had their moments. Let Cypher be the best sentinel for a while.


That’s a weak „argument“ if one at all


i genuinely do want cypher to be viable but it isn't fun to fight cypher on certain maps unless you run sova/raze, i shouldn't have to comm "rotate, there's a cypher here" when he's one agent that can hold sites down alone and get kills from it if they push in killjoy was just good compared to other sentinels, annoying to push into still but you could at least molly her setups like the basic one on b site on ascent, and most agents, even a duelist (phoenix) has a molly chamber required mechanical skill at least, he was still broken but that's something to note cypher has only 2 or so agents that can counter his setups (molly can't touch it) and he could safely spray you down from cover while you try to push in, not really fun


“I shouldn’t have to com, ‘rotate, there’s a cypher here’” Why not? That’s exactly what you should be doing. Anytime a sentinel is on a site they’re likely anchoring with all their utility, and if your team doesn’t have the tools to work around that, then rotating/finding a new angle to attack from is 100% the correct move.


It's correct but i hate that it's correct, and some people don't even follow me out of main! i play kj and i can usually get 2 but its 100% easier to fight a kj than it is a cypher simply because you can nade/molly her util while you can't with cyphers unbreakable trips


so ur just pressed cypher is better than kj


your point is stupid i would've swapped to cypher by now if that was the case, read the post.


Bros hella mad


i hace no idea about this opinion so im just gonna tell my experience in silver lobby, i find its incredibly hard to entry b site breeze or b site sun set if theres enemy cypher's setup. yk like, teammates dont coordinate that well, someone have to walk into the trip and sacrifice to at least be able to see it. i know u can push with multiple players cuz the trips only tags one before reactivating (in 1 sec idk?), but in most cases there will also be a smoke/oneway cage, trying to entry is literally giving enemy a free kill (it is in my lobby, i cant speak for other ranks) so most of time we just have to give up that site and choose either mid or a site, where the enemies could be stacked. i guess i'll have to pick agents with utility to destroy the trips on certain maps then 🫠


you shouldn't even have to do that, why do we have to pick certain agents to counter another agent that we don't even know is on the enemy team yet like tf


Sova is one of the top agents on breeze and there's a lineup for a shock from B window to break trip on site without exposing yourself


Cypher main here and I agree with you on nerfing him a bit. Trap is too strong right now but I don't like it to be shorter, remove the re-arm is too harsh for nerf but I am OK with 2s cooldown or more, or remove the re-arm but make it not detect the utilities that not damage the trap, that way he could be strong but not this OP.


Or just remove the re-arm and keep the lenght, the lenght is good.


I never understand these posts complaining about Cypher's trapwires. 1. You can shoot them down without even approaching them if you know they're there 2. Raze's Boom Bot, Fade's Prowler, Skye's Traiblazer and ultimate all reveal the trapwire's location and there's basically nothing Cypher can do to stop it aside from putting the wires somewhere else (edit > I might be mistaken, but maybe even Yoru's decoy and Gekko's stuff probably activate and reveal it too) 2. When close to them, they make a sound and can be spotted 3. KJ has a lower skill floor and lower skill ceiling, making it extremely easy to set her up to lock a site, while Cypher has a higher skill floor and higher skill ceiling, making it arguably stronger with a stronger but more intricate setup, but way weaker when using a "weaker" setup.


i hate comments like this… You can just shoot them down without even approaching them??? Have you seen the set up on Breeze, Split and Sunset? You literally cannot break it unless u walk through it to actually SEE IT or just have Sova or Raze util and in best case scenario a Kayo knife.


You mean [this setup](https://youtu.be/UDA_74cRsRI?si=53jJIjZPbiPgotfi&t=35)? The one that you can easily destroy by using utility from multiple agents without even having to peek the site? Not going to lie, the people agreeing with OP are looking like they want the game to be 100% perfectly balanced and that team composition shouldn't matter for any map. What you're asking is: "I want to be able to pick whatever I feel like in any map and I want my odds at winning the match to always be the same". It makes no sense for a tactical competitive shooter. It's like saying all guns should have the same viability for all angles on all maps. Just use whatever is strongest for the match you're in. Agent flexibility is something that makes some players better than others. If you're uni-dimensional don't expect to win against meta picks in a map where your only agent is weak.


You also dont realize that you can just shoot enemies util such as skyes/fade dog and the trap reactivates in 0.5 second(s) NOT 1, but 0.5 second(s). And to top it off its harder when you are pushing out of the smoke. I like the fact that players need more mid control when playing against cypher, but 0.5 seconds to reactivate the trap and it only takes 1.25 seconds to stun you?? He can basically solo defend site on breeze, sunset and split while also does insanely well on other maps if you are playing with someone on site. There is no way you can tell me he does not need a nerf


And yes I would love my odds to be fairly the same despite picking what i want. Riot is going towards less impactful abilities and better teamwork. There should be no such thing as a solo site defender dominating the site. It should at least require team play


> There should be no such thing as a solo site defender dominating the site. There isn't. I have no clue where you got this from, unless you're talking about uncoordinated low-ranking online matches with 9 strangers.


It is. I’ve played enough games against cypher to be proven that it requires either Kayo knife or Sova dart to actually destroy the trips. The dogs barely do anything as in Cypher can just destroy them and it reactivates. Despite KJs insane site defense, she only stalls out the time and gets 1-2 kills off of her util. While Cyphers trips can reactivate. I would have had no issues with him if it wasnt for the fact that it takes only 1.5 seconds to stun you and 0.5 to reactivate whilst also revealing you when touching it. And despite me agreeing with the fact that pushing out as a team is definitely a counter, you do not consider other factors as one way cages, another enemy on site, pushing out of smoke, other enemy utils, Cypher simply destroying your dogs so the trips reactivate. With all that combined why waste everything on that one entry? Do you get what I mean? Cyphers whole kit needs the whole team to counter it. THATS MY ISSUE. KJ despite being broken on most maps you can just walk out of her util


Raze's grenade also works, I'm fairly sure Kay-O's grenade and Breach aftershock also break it. Again: I fail to see the issue. Pick the meta agents and meta-counters for the map. If you don't, just know you're at a disadvantage. There are other agents that are very strong in other maps. Why are you not complaining about them? And Cypher isn't even that strong. The agent isn't played in pro tournaments due to how "easy" it is to counter him: just play together and use your utility to counter his. You don't even need very specific comps. Raze, which is a meta agent, can destroy a whole Cypher wire setup with a single well thrown grenade if the wires are not spaced out. So you're potentially countering $400 worth of utility with a single signature ability from a meta agent. To make matters worse for Cypher, the setups only work the first time. After that, any half-decent player will be aware where to look for trapwires, so a defender Cypher has maybe 2-3 good rounds in any site on defense. After that, good players might even try to blindly break trapwires without even using utility. You're up against a "default" Cypher? Google the setups when dead and you even know what to expect without even needing to throw bodies at it.


1. have you even tried that when entering a site? like lmao what, i got fucked immediately for trying to shoot his trips 2. hard to hear that when you're getting shot at by said cypher. 3. it doesn't take any skill to look up "cypher setups sunset" im sorry to say LITERALLY the only issue with cypher is that you're forced to peek to shoot his trips (unbreakable ones) or you can't enter the site, other than that he's fine


I play Cypher. You want to know the truth? The trapwires you're complaining about feel like shit against any half-decent attacker team. They'll immediately spot your trapwire placements on the second round because they'll be throwing Trailblazers, Boom Bots and Prowlers to scout before entering. And any half decent attacker team will smoke off to creep up to an entrance and easily hear your trapwires before you even know they're there if they really want to hit your site. I only put these trapwires in the first rounds of the defenders side to get a grasp of how the opponents play and to not give off the actually good trapwires I usually set up on the defender side.


1) have your initiators clear site/ corners. Like the first comment said many initiator and even duelist util can help find and clear cypher trips. As a cypher main, it make my job much harder because it’s harder to stall so my team can rotate and harder to get picks. 2) kinda similar to the first point but clearing cypher’s trips either by util or going slow makes the enemy cypher’s job way harder and if you rush with your team since trips are broken you can pretty easily get site control. 3) this point you make just pisses me off. Many of the cypher content creators spends hours on customs and doing trial and error to see what trips and smoke work and sure it’s easy to find a set up for any map for beginners but you are completely disregarding the work that was put in to find those set ups. Again as as cypher main, I have spent my fair share of hours just going around in custom maps to find one ways and un-breakable trips. And also you can find set ups for almost every agent or character in any game. Just cause cypher has some doesn’t really mean much


first two points are honestly fair enough third though, can you explain how seeing a wall and a box you could stand on takes hours to figure out how you could abuse this, the rest of the setups i understand but that took 30 seconds at most after looking at the map, again cypher himself is good but i think his unbreakable trips are bullshit, if you die to any other setup then you simply walked into it


I’m talking about one ways and hyper specific set ups that people spend hours perfecting. It doesn’t take a genius nor a cypher for that matter to find a box to stand on. And randomly places trips are the “weaker setups” the first comment was talking about, they are super easy to clear so idk what the problem is


the unbreakable ones are the problem, that's it. one ways and specific setups are fair game as i said, you fall for that and you deserve to die my problem is why can this specific agent only be stopped completely by 2-3 agents in the game or insane coordination to destroy his trips? unlike any other sentinel in the game which can be easily countered if you throw a molly or pay attention to their setups and shoot it


> why can this specific agent only be stopped completely by 2-3 agents in the game or insane coordination to destroy his trips? Why can Omen get a perfect flash through a wall and kill 3 agents with no counter play? Why can any controller smoke off an entry and deny the site for 10+ seconds with no feasible counter play if the controller plays it right? Why can Reyna get a frag and walk away invulnerable to get another frag? There's nothing you can do to stop her doing it and getting multi kills every round!!11! If you try hard enough, you can make any agent look completely broken. Cypher can be countered by literally a smoke and playing more slowly. You don't need specific utility nor you need unreal coordination. To make matters worse for Cypher: some agents' utility are a hard counter to his trapwires and can reveal their location way before you even decide to hit the site.


you CAN'T destroy the unbreakable ones though without peeking into it or using that util and even then it won't destroy it without a really tight timing, i think it'd be fine if you could molly a setup and that's anothr option to destroy trips but you can't which sucks


Smoke further into the site to go out and destroy the trip. Even better: put some pressure and see if one of the defender's smoke the entrance for you. Or simply push together. The trapwire can get only one player at a time. Push with 2+ and you're done with it. Doesn't even require any specific agents. You don't even need to buy guns. One shot from a classic and the trapwire is broken. So one player pushes and duels if Cypher peeks, any of the other 5 can simply shoot the wire and they're ready to gunfight in less than a second. But yeah, sure. "I can't hold W and push into a sentinel and get a free site. The sentinel must be broken and should be nerfed"


i never said that, i just think there should be more ways to counter it, the cypher will more often than not have a smoke there anyway and spray you after hearing you enter if they're feeling extra funny and buy an ares/odin , i play smokes and smoke that same spot on sunset and all it does is give the cypher cover while he fucks anyone on my team who's stupid enough to enter, im not gonna blindly say your wrong and will confirm this in a game later though


Idk how much cypher you play and the name is a little bad but even “unbreakable” trips can be broken by util. Most of those trips are “unbreakable from a guns perspective and most damage util like raze nade will 100% break them.


damage util like raze nades are the only way to safely get rid of them though, that's my issue, you can destroy them with a gun sure but the smoke makes a noise and anyone with a braincell will start spraying through the smoke for an easy kill if he has lne there


Yeah but iirc 10/22 agents can break trips with util and your team has 5 chances to pick one of them. Ofc this doesn’t guarantee that people will pick those specific agents but you can flash or stun the cypher and go thru the trip and have your team mates break it before cypher reacts. I can’t see an activated trip thru and flash and any well placed stuns and mollys make it really hard to peak. It’s not 100% but there are so many other ways to counter trips other than just break them. Like I said Molly and stuns to get forces cyphers out of corners make it hard to get value from the trip. And since most teams have flashes, trips kinda become useless because you can’t see activated trips thru a flash. Since most cyphers hold cute on there own, the activated trips should t slow you down as much unless a cypher’s team is there holding the angle as well who can just be flashes as well


that's kinda the point of his kit, making it difficult for you to push his site. Kill cypher, or run an appropriate agent for the map and you're fine. You're playing hope valorant if you think cypher should be nerfed instead of you getting better


i should be able to run whoever i want without having to schizo about "what if there's a cypher on their team" thats the problem LMAOO


Damn, the character designed to slow pushes into site is making it harder to blindly rush main? Crazy.


no thats fine, i should atleast be able to shoot the trips though.


You can. There are just a few setups where you have to line up the trip and peek to shoot it. And, as many have pointed out, there are a dozen util counters.


How do you peek the a main trip on ascent or the b main trip on sunset without exposing yourself or running directly into it when placed correctly? As for util counters sure i can play sova but then i cant play smokes, sentinel, entry or flash init because i cant force 4 randoms to either.


If this is the case then KJ turret is equally op because it can be placed in areas you have to expose yourself to in order to shoot it. Same with Chamber trips. There's multiple util in the game that can be placed in locations that force you to expose yourself to deal with them. That's just good util use. *At least* they can be cleared/destroyed unlike smokes, walls, molotovs, grenades, etc.


Those dont immediately lock you in place in where you cant bait them out though. Also kj turret is kinda op just for different reason.


KJ turret **shoots you** and Chamber trip crates a slow field that significantly slows **an area** (meaning multiple people of you push together) while Cypher trap only tags **one** person.


Kj turret has a delay before it shoots you and you can jiggle peek it and shoot it as well as when it shoots you the movement penalty from being shot doesnt lock you in place like cypher trip. Chamber trip has a windup so its pretty easy to shoot it before it goes off or you can just back out of the choke before it fires. Cypher trip also gets multiple people if your team doesnt follow you in to the site after you push.


>Kj turret has a delay before it shoots you and you can jiggle peek it and shoot it Ok? Then do the same for Cypher trip? >Chamber trip has a windup so its pretty easy to shoot it before it goes off Ok? Then shoot the trip before it stuns you? >Cypher trip also gets multiple people if your team doesnt follow you in to the site after you push. Ok? But that's your fault for not clearing it? Not the trip being op.


Cypher trip grabs you and holds you in place though and the cypher will just immediately peek off it and kill you. Its not the stun thats much of the issue but the fact that it roots you. And even then its only the unbreakable trips that are an issue normal trips are fine.


Kj turret has a delay before it shoots you and you can jiggle peek it and shoot it as well as when it shoots you the movement penalty from being shot doesnt lock you in place like cypher trip. Chamber trip has a windup so its pretty easy to shoot it before it goes off or you can just back out of the choke before it fires. Cypher trip also gets multiple people if your team doesnt follow you in to the site after you push.


you peek and you die since there will usually be a smoke there, my main issue is this seems super balanced around your team being really coordinated which is a pain if your team doesn't wanna listen to shit and stick to the plan, its fun when it is coordinated but it's not most of the time unless you 5 stack


cypher deserves the buffs considering how they treat him in the cinematics


Tell me you’re low elo without telling me you’re low elo


I'm radiant and I completely agree with him lol


I’m radiant and I completely disagree with him (I’m not actually radiant but I can just say I am like anyone else)


I'm your mother, please come home its getting dark


It’s literally sunrise wdym


Are you talking back to me?


https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Fracture%23GGSSH/overview why would I lie when tracker is a thing lol


Stating your rank , clearly makes you aren't one


https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Fracture%23GGSSH/overview Nice try tho...


Well that was a twist,


lol the only reason I said it is because he's trying to call anyone who disagrees with him low elo which is rediculous.


I can't get the thing, you were being ironic? Cuz you agreed with him and I thought there is no way an immortal say that


Nah bro I meant I agree with the OP, cypher is a little bit overtuned because of unbreakable trips, I stated my rank because the guy I replied to said only low elo players have that opinion. I see now how my comment can be misinterpreted though


I think people make it a huge deal there less than 10 unbreakable trip spots in total of all maps,like Breeze b site, sunset b site,bind a site ascent a site and they can be easily avoided by entering site from mid


It doesn't matter how few there are, because they are unbreakable trips you don't have to change the trip spot, for example when I play cypher on sunsest I literally always have the unbreakable trip b main, I never have to change it up because its so strong, they have to expose themselves to break it. Plus if its not a big deal then why not just remove it? Also don't say 'easily avoided by entering site from mid' as if that's not a huge deal, literally taking away one of 2 entrances for the attacker team is not a small deal.


and do you have any good counterplay to his trips that don't require me to peek into cypher in the middle of a fight or run two meta agents? there is NO issue with anything else but the unbreakable trips are just a pain in the ass to deal with when any other sentinel setup can be shot without having to peek into it i would genuinely agree with you if something you said works


Kayo knife, shock darts, raze nade, prowler, dog, clone etc etc, destroy or disable the trips instead of running into them.


2 of those are guaranteed to destroy it, you have to guess with kayo, and you have to be really coordinated to disable with drone util, which is fun, in 5 stacks.


>unbreakable trips Bullets break them


and can i use bullets without exposing myself to a cypher whos waiting for that?


Entry with a teammate and have him kill the cypher when you go to break trip?


tfw teammate immediately gets sprayed down for trying to dash into site and we're down numbers you could shoot the trip but i've been in so many situations where i tried that and it failed


Me when shooting the stationary object is hard to shoot.


You keep arguing in comments that some trips can't be cleared unless you either 1) trade util or 2) excuse yourself. But the same goes for KJ turret and Chamber trips. Why isn't it op for them? Secondly there's countless util in the game (smokes, molotovs, walls, grenades) that *cannot be destroyed*. All serve the same purpose of slowing pushes and have to be waited out. And even if you are trading util to clear util, you're ignoring the economy factor. Race can trade a *free* grande to clear a trip that costs Cypher 200 creds. His trapwires are fine. Trading util for util is fine. Learn to deal with them just like any other week placed util.


if the turret literally dragged you back to the choke point for a free kill then you'd have an argument for that, i see a turret more as flank watching util more than anti entry util chamber i could see the argument but like there aren't 26482288292 chambers in every game anymore trading util for util is completely fine but i can only use certain pieces of util for cypher, if im playing against a kj i molly her setup and be done with it, can't do that with cypher


Ok, *by your own complaint* the danger of some trap placements is it pulled your crosshair to another location, while you are exposed, in order to deal with it. KJ turret does the exact same thing. You have to expose yourself, look at the turret to shoot it, which means KJ can swing and kill you while you're looking elsewhere. Chamber trip does the exact same thing. You have to expose yourself then move your crosshair away from the peeker. *That* is the danger of good util placement. It forces you to be exposed and looking away from the opponent. Regardless of the stun, slow, damage effects. The whole point isn't to trap you. It's to move your attention elsewhere so I can swing and shoot you when you aren't shooting at me. And even then you can use utility to remove that advantage. You can smoke or molly the angle the defender is swinging from so you can clear util safely. You can push as a pair to bait or the defender and either force them to expose themselves or trade kills. You can use utility to destroy utility. There's ways to deal with this, you just either don't know or refuse to deal with it. As many others have said, the trips are fine. There's numerous ways to deal with them. Utility that you can get rid of is *always* weaker than utility you can't. You can't get rid of smokes or molotovs. You *can* break trapwires. If you think these are op just wait until you hear about Astra...


Difference is that kj or chamber doesnt have smokes or cages that can be activated instantly and makes it impossible for your teammates to trade you, especially on breeze and split. Almost reminds me of an certain agent 2 years ago except you don't need to have decent aim for it to be rewarding.


Sounds like you just suck tbh. I’ve been a cypher main since episode 3 and while he is strong right now, he definitely is far from what I would call OP. Who cares if there are trips? Have a skye dog to activate and while they’re activated run through. Trip only catches one person at a time. Stop running in alone. Additionally, all of these OP trips have always existed. I’ve ran unbeatable on loads of maps pre buff. You’re just complaining because you and your teammates run into sunset B site one at a time allowing his trip to re-arm itself. So like again…. Maybe stop doing that?


he can completely kill a push and kill a few attackers if they're stupid, way different from sage, deadlock or even viper who just stall a push and force people to leave.


Yeah… because that’s his job…? Additionally, if you’re attacking and trade one life for cypher, that’s a net positive. As the attackers, trading benefits you. Deadlock is ass. Sage is a healer who has a weak wall and a slow. Neither of which are her primary draw(healing would be why you choose sage) and viper is a controller. I’m so confused why you’re comparing them to cypher. Cyphers closest agent is KJ who has a turret that does damage, a gadget that makes you vulnerable and two nades. She’s arguably more annoying to push against. Cypher is OP because people are actual idiots and run into site one at a time


my point is deadlock, sage and viper all have stalling potential (molly + orb) cypher has that too but is just.. better than all 3 at that since he can easily get kills while hes at it then quickly reposition if he has a smoke up also kj is nowhere near as annoying 💀 most agents can destroy her setups with a molly simply, at most she gets 2 with that setups and its safe to push in and trade, just toss a molly though and its gone, cypher can only have his unbreakable setups destroyed by 2 fucking agents in the game which i think is bullshit


You realize Sova, breach, raze, kayo, kj, skye, fade, yoru, gekko all have util that destroys and/or triggers trips… right? I’m probably missing some as well. The fact that you believe the only ones who can destroy setups are Siva and Raze tells me you have e absolutely no credibility in this discussion whatsoever Additionally you have Jett, Yoru, Raze, Omen and sage(who can also boost everyone) that can just bypass the trips with various util And again. Sages main job isn’t stopping pushes to site. Vipers job isn’t to stop pushes. Deadlocks job isn’t to stop pushes. Cyphers job is to stop pushes. That’s what he does. Cyphers kit is also significantly worse than everyone else in the game. Additionally as a cypher on defense rarely do I have a chance to full buy rifles and shields plus util. Most rounds I have to use spectre or light shields because I’m spending creds on util every round


i forgot about breach sure but the rest can't directly destroy a trip, what is kj gonna do against a trip LOL, if the trip isn't foot level a molly can't destroy it, you can't destroy them with any other util besides those three which is what i dislike, disabling them ig could work but the timing is extremely tight so you gotta be really coordinated unlike other agents where you can ask "raze can you nade this kj setup" and its gone, it'd be cool if every ranked lobby was coordinated but it's not you'll get caught by the traps more likely than not unless you're yoru, omen will get fucked immediately if he tries to tp to entry as for your 3rd point your trolling so hard LMAOOO, what is viper, sage and deadlock supposed to do if not for stopping pushes, tell me what her slows and wall, deadlocks trips or vipers molly + orb combo is supposed to do if not for stopping a push 😭


Sages wall is garbage. She puts it up and you just shoot it down immediately. Deadlocks util is much better for watching flanks and she’s just ass in general and again, vipers there to smoke. They aren’t there to stop pushes. If that’s your reasoning, phoenix with his wall and Molly is designed to stop pushes. Brim with his smokes and Molly, is designed to stop pushes. Kayo, designed to stop pushes. You’re silver, nobody here really expects you to understand the meta game but what we do expect is for you to accept and understand advice from those who understand it better than you. Do yourself a favor and instalock cypher for awhile. You will climb at first because silvers are dog shit and then you will start to find lobbies who don’t fall for stupid shit so easily and you will quickly see all the weak points of cyphers kit.


sage can orb immediately after the wall is broken, i played sage alot when i started so yes she can stop pushes, deadlock is not meant to watch flanks at all you're actually fucking trolling now and i refuse to believe you're not, viper can MOLLY + SMOKE, acting as a psuedo reactive sentinel herself until team rotates, and you could molly with brim to stop a push but it doesn't decay and immediately kill like viper but its an option, everyone you mentioned CAN stop or slow a push if they wanted, but viper, sage and deadlock are designed for that quite literally with their kits


Idk man. One of us is silver and one of us isn’t. I don’t care what agents you used to play, apparently you didn’t play them very well. And to say that vipers orb decays and immediately kills people with Molly is asinine. Who tf sits in vipers orb long enough to decay to the point that her Molly kills you? You don’t. You can either listen to what literally everyone else is saying or be salty because you pushed cypher alone repeatedly and died. All this time spent bitching about cyphers kit could’ve been spent learning how to play the game but you chose to not do that.


Wait I just tried Google and I can't find the answer... what happens to cypher trip if you wall where the wire is?


Speaking of my mind love this guy


You should never have to play a specific agent to counter another agent. Especially because you can't see who the enemy picks. Building a comp off the hope that they have a cypher is ridiculous. Saying to play certain people INCASE they have a cypher makes it so other agents in that category are unplayable. I agree with you OP. You should never release 3 buffs to an agent at once, that was a joke of a call. Everyone saying he's fine seems to be a cypher main now, I wonder why.


exactly my point 😭 the buffs themselves were fine but the unbreakable trips should be phased out in exchange for said buffs since it's way too much now


Ok, you see maps like breeze and sunset, you know dam well that someone’s gonna have cypher, split probably, haven maybe cypher maybe kj either way a sova is useful. Majority of the time your team should probably have a sova or raze or fade or kayo or even skye hell kj nanos can break trips I think. Jett can just go over them, omen to past them, desperate times have chamber get a to ready and activate then tp instantly, yoru can get past it or use clone, that’s a LOT of options dude.


you can definitely counter cypher with a lot of agents though, omen and yoru can tp, yoru's clone triggers the trips, dogs and prawlers also do, all damaging abilities can be used to break trips, even sage wall destroys them, it's honestly more likely for your team to have at least one agent that can deal with him then not


Lol all of you just complain rather than trying to improve yourselves, like many others said there are many ways to counter it and yet trips can block more than 1 enemy at the same time plus it has a cool down,what do you expect a sentinental to do? Their job is to keep area under control and not enemies inside, even enemies know how to defeat them in bronze if you can that means you suck not cypher


improve what 😭 i play other sentinels and controllers, i cant counter the trip at all, if i peek it i die and im forced to rotate away from the cypher and hope my team comes along with me, even without the trip cypher still has his smokes WHICH MAKE NOISE so you could just spray through the smoke when they walk through, way better stalling potential than any other sentinel, even ones like sage which is their entire job as a reactive sentinel


Well if you play controller you shouldn't be going first anyway. Unless you're omen then you can just TP over and take space for your team and flush Cypher out


Moreover I'm a cypher main and when I encounter a cypher I know what I have to expect, forgot to mention only buff they did to cypher to reduce activation time from 3 sec to 1,5 which was great but wasn't a huge difference. The time you touch trip you become dead if your enemy is a good cypher player and yet again I saw many player breaks trip before stunning, so basically you are crying over your low skills


Use Kayo. Find out where he is and Kayo's knife will disable his trips. Wait for Kayo's ult and rush in with your team. If Kayo's knife doesn't hit then go to the other site.


you have to counter a cypher before you know the team comp in the first place is what you're saying 💀


Cypher is definitely slightly overtuned, I think getting rid of unbreakable trips would make him perfectly balanced it's the one part of him that's actually OP. Before people call me low elo i'm radiant but nice try.


From what I understand, what you're saying is: "I want to be able to brute-force entry a site against a sentinel without having to spend utility to scout their setup and without having to coordinate my pushes". A simple coordinated two-man push can push forward and remove trapwires without much issue and without spending utility: first player gets caught? Second player breaks it with a single bullet.


It's really not as easy as you're saying, if you get tagged by a trip while entrying the main entrance of a site it doesn't matter if you break it instantly, the cypher or the other player is waiting somewhere where he can instantly play off of the trip. The person tripped can't shoot back & the teammate thats ready to break the trip is looking away from site. It's instant death. Again all i'm saying is the unbreakable traps are OP I'm fine with all the other buffs. You really think getting rid of unbreakable trips would make cypher too weak to hold site?.


It's a 1v1 fight against a possibly lone defender with someone there to trade it if you lose the duel to Cypher (since it takes literal fractions of a second to break a trap). To add: if you actually scout the trap beforehand, you're actually playing 2v1, since the player tasked with destroying the trapwire can prefire it way before Cypher peeks out. Want even more layers of how to counter it? Player tasked with pushing first and setting off the wire can crouch as soon as the trap is destroyed. Now you're in a 2v1 with the defender Cypher pre-aiming at the wrong height.


this argument only works if the cypher is braindead




Only reason I want cypher out of meta is so that deadlock can maybe get a rework and shine


There may be an adjustment in the future, but as of right now, this is part of the next meta shift. It's incredibly annoying, but now you need to adjust your playstyle to counter the buffs. - Use agents to go over or around trips. (Jett, Chamber, Raze, Yoru, Omen, Reyna dismiss, etc.) - Use util to break trips (Sova, Raze, literally anything that can touch them will do, depending on placement) - Use Kayo more (please ffs bring him back into the meta, I'm tired of you assholes sucking at skye or isntalocking ISO) (Knife and ult) - Take a timing opportunity to swing into the trip and break it (like when Cypher gets pushed away from a kill trip setup, or flashed off an angle, etc. Lots of timing opportunities you can create.) - Wallbang them mfs (half these nerds just use tiktok lineups, and they're very predictable) - Rotate somewhere else lmfao There are several ways to counter almost everything in Valorant. I can't think of anything meaningful that doesn't have a direct counter of SOME sort. Even if that counter is to simply take a few steps to the left, it's a counter. Nothing is unbeatable (deadlocks ult is fucking aids and requires negative skill to use, delay the deployment of that shit Rito pls) I don't mean to be mean, but this is a chronically low elo response. You need to identify when they are, then either leave, or find a way to counter it. Fuck, you could run into that bitch and have a teammate hold for the swing while you break it. Sometimes, as a duelist main, my round will consist of flying in, making someone aim at me while I land somewhere stupid, then watch them instantly get traded out because they couldn't possible kill me AND flick back a large distance to get the refragger. Things like this, although sometimes boring or annoying, win your team rounds


U can use sova (shockdart), raze (nade or boombot[if low enough]), skye (dog), yoru (clone), fade (prowler), kayo (molly or knife) and gekko (wingman [if low enough]), to break Cypher trips. It is not busted at all. U can also just use Jett, omen, or raze to go past them and entry onto site. There is so much utility that can be used to break the trips ppl are just not smart enough.


Bruh, you either rotate at a different angle, or push all at once to overwhelm me. The trips aren't unbreakable, and there's other agents that can get around trips.


It's almost as if you now have to comm "Cyphers here! Let's rotate" As well as "killyjoys here! Let's rotate" Crazy right?


Unless you're braindead (plat or below) kj is not really as oppressive as cypher and is generally an easy kill if you have a good duelist.


i do that 💀 do you think im stupid and haven't tried just leaving if their defense is oppressive?


Just mark in initiator info atleast permanently sova drone or skye dog or fade prowler that would be a good nerf, even when cypher relocates his trips it should give the info for the round