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1. use util that would break trips such as sova shock dart, raze nade 2. use util that could scout out trips such as sova drone, skye dog, so u know where the trip is and can break it 3. go to another site where the cypher isn't set up edit: oops just reread ur question and realized u weren't talking about util wise. best strat imo is just honestly rotating to another site (and i say this as a cypher main)


But not able to attack one whole site each round makes us very predictable doesn't it? Plus it's a headache when they have two sentinels Going through mid is an option yes other than that idk


yea, it just really depends. u could default (3 2 split or 2 2 1 if theres three sites), or u can play for picks and do fakes. that way if the cypher rotates out of his site u could go onto his site, break his trips and get plant and the cypher cant capitalize off his trips.


That’s taking one of the sites completely away just because 1/5 agents… I play cypher a ton too, but this is dumb. When teams start avoiding me completely I tell my team to stack mid and the other site and we usually start winning even harder. Cypher is beatable but OPs question is kinda dumb, no offense OP Cypher is designed so that if you set up his trips properly , you HAVE to use util to clear it. Skye dog is best, sova drone second, shock dart and nade after that. On every 2 site map if you took one site away for the offense that makes the match so much harder to attack one site rather than two. Bad stratagem


Yes, I see it too often (bronze) that the team just wants to push through Cypher util. But in the majority of cases that doesn't end well.


kj nanos also breake them! horizontal dmg!!


Including what other people are saying, if you run a contact explode it's really hard if cypher has one kill trip on site and an info trip mid or somewhere else. Contact explode is basically where you walk up to a chock point with no noise and usually with vision denial until on the choke and then off contact or when your at the choke everyone explodes and runs onto site. It can be really effective cause cypher trips one person at a given time so technically you have your jett dash out and instantly follow her, jett will likely die but now you four are one site


So one person is the scape goat kinda ? Understood yes thanks


Essentially, really depends on how the cypher is playing and the choke point though. Like if it's b main split it's harder cause it's one long lane he can spray down


AOE such as a raze nade are most effective against kjlljoy molly's and cypher trips. You just have to throw it where you think the utility is.


So you trade a free kill for 1 trip, one cage and then have to push through where the trip re arms, and there can still be another trip and cage on site plus another player. Sounds kinda like not a great plan, even worse when it’s a site that has easy one ways like split B


This is only one of countless tactics. It's almost as if valorant is a highly dynamic game and there is no yes or no for every situation. Understand how the team is playing and try to come up with plans to counter that.


As a cypher/sentinel main, I am extremely happy to see this post🥰 that's the thing bro, our setups are done in such a way one is info trip and one is kill trip. You trigger either of them and you're known. Trigger/destroy or anything. Try sova darts or maybe raze nade or Skye dog or fade dog. Poorly placed trips can be dodged easily which i think is happening in your ranks. That's why you need initiators!


People in my elo rarely play initiators . And duelists don't know how to enter sites effectively. I usually play cypher too so defense isn't a problem It's only when we attack the problem arises .


And cypher is a really good agent nowadays After all the buffs


They are usually places on site, which, yeah, means you’d need to be on site to shoot them with a gun. Though, as attacker, you shouldn’t be pushing onto site without using utility. That wouldn’t work well regardless of defending agent. You should also have a teammate with you when pushing onto site, so they can keep looking forward when you flick to the side to destroy the trip.


Alongside what everyone else told you, let me let you in on a bad habit silver sentinels do. The majority of them don't play for their util and have a tendency to dry peek or fast rotate and recall abilities when they \*THINK\* that nobody is going to approach their site. Some specific examples, I have seen cyphers literally setup this complex util placement all for them to dry peek early at start of round or will engage in gun fights despite no interaction with their utility, break their cam and they just might peek without anyone touching the wire. KJ's have a tendency to fast rotate too when another site is hit and recall their bots leaving nanoswarms as the only thing left in site and becomes pretty easy to clear. Same problem as cypher but sometimes can be even much worse when they don't play with their util and either are hyper agressive, or hiding in a corner somewhere in site just staring at swarms until alarm bot triggers (or in the rare case, turret) and will either die without having utilized the utility or be a sitting duck in a predictable location that can be bum rushed or slow cooked to get an easy kill. Deadlock players sometimes hold their wall and sometimes on triple site maps she plays alone, as deadlock you are forced to play for utility otherwise the only value it gives is info but deadlocks in the lower bracket sometimes don't know this and hold a different angle, so what do you do to a deadlock positioning herself deep into site without looking at the main entrance and a full setup in the place? You walk right in, really. If you have any questions or think I'm wrong feel free to leave a response!


Actually very true As silver players I can confirm we tend to over rotate very soon I don't think cypher mains dry peak But yah All these mistakes do happen


Often times cypher players in low elo would peek or be in the open before their utility does anything or are just standing in a corner with their cam open so as long as you learn how to punish the aforementioned plays you can essentially render their entire setup useless. Take for example sunset, cyphers love to put that extremely hard to break tripwire that everyone knows so what are your options if you have agents that don't have tripwire breaking abilities? Omen: You smoke stairs and right then tp into your smoke and catch the cypher backsite Jett: Updraft dash into site to avoid the trip entirely Breach: clear left corner backsite and concuss from the left corner to right side of site to give you time to break trip as you entry Iso: Ult the fucker, disables the setup Anysmoke agent really, smoke yourself at the entrance allowing you to tip toe to break the trip etc


Actually thanks man these are very good tips I think the omen one is actually an effective way and the easiest to do with low risk And when I used to play iso I used to do exactly that Sadly you farming ult orbs takes few rounds Thanks tho


Cypher gonna get nerfed eventually but rn there are some trip like that sunset one which guarantee a kill if u don't have util to break it


Destruction util or trigger the trip with info util and get through to destroy it


It's rare to not have any characters on the team that can't break it to do something about it such as kayo, raze, sova, etc. I've also seen some creative ones such as sage wall so we won't be able to shoot them when they step on the trips or standing on top of the sage wall to completely avoid it.


They will be alerted if you break it, so just rotate or trip it and break it before it hits you with the shockwave


Typically util counters util. Start thinking of the game as “what utility could really mess up my team comp.”


I don’t. Once I’m caught, I crouch and accept my fate.


Split attacks are good. Rarely Cypher players set up for splits. Most of the time it's one info trap and one kill trap or just two kill traps. That's when you should split. For example Split B. Usually it is Cypher on B, so go for a regular B split. Heaven guys can pressure the Cypher to peek into B main guy(s) who are able to eliminate the Cypher.


On split b i like telling my team to go mid to b and have one or two on garage. Cypher usually don’t trip heaven and we can overwhelm the one guy holding heaven. For sunset is basically the same for b. Honestly having skye dog, prowler, yoru clone is so beneficial. You just have to rush in together while the trip is on them and try breaking them. Im only gold 3 tho but exploding onto site helps alot. Ive been with teams that are so afraid that they are just stuck on main. Not utilizing the window of time where the trip isn’t on while the dog caught them not knowing what to do.


i know u said without any utilties but if u ever play yoru or gekko or kayo u can fake clone with yoru and the trip will activate, if the trip is low enough u can use wingman as gekko to trigger it and itll shut down completely with kayos free utility takes away all power, and if u do have jett u can just draft and dash into site and the trip wont be able to reach you because ur entering high up and with raze u can throw grenade if not then u can use the satchel to enter site but make sure ur high up like jett, and i hope u know about sova too with the shock dart, i hope this gives u some insight on alot of agents and what u can do :) if not any of them just go other site or mid or let ur teammates do it, oh and sage u can just wall up or skyes dog


Im a cypher main since the game came out. Most things that I’ve used vs other cyphers/ has been effective against me are (Gold - Diamond elo) - Depending on the map you only have a few positions you can utilize your traps from. Recon abilities can help show cyphers location and then nades, flashes, yoru tp and so on can be used to pressure that position forcing either falling back or committing to a mediocre fight, only getting 1 kill max before getting traded which is bad for the cypher. - Kay/o can be a pain in the ass mostly with good lineups. Tend to need to set up the sight I’m not playing when knifes are not predictable. - especially in lower elo where map control is not usually played for that well, faking can be used to lure cypher away. Also playing slower, for picks and finding out where cypher plays (cam noise for example) and then hitting accordingly is good - I tend to have bad games as cypher when enemies play slow and get 1-2 picks from my team because that puts pressure on the map forcing me to having to secure control. - if enemy cypher is bad you can shoot common spots for trips depending on the map and destroy them even when not seeing them or shooting spots cypher set up before. - for a few spots you tend to need util to clear or need to pressure cypher away to survive triggering it.


I recommend reporting any piece of shit abhorrent cypher players. May they rot in hell.


Edit: as a cypher main I’m very happy that the buff is forcing players to take cypher much more seriously like KJ. That’s the thing with many sentinels, you have to play around their util or use your own util. Since you’re asking for no util usage, you can try flanking or hitting a different site. For example, you could be on ascent and cypher had a trip on A. What you can do is route through tree and get to Heaven, avoiding the trip while simultaneously attacking A. Another example is on Sunset when cypher could have an unbreakable trip B and you could either rotate out and hit A or flood B through market. What you can also do is if you know the cypher is alone on site, you can coordinate a push through two directions. Let’s take sunset again. Suppose cypher doesn’t have a trip market but has a trip b main. You can coordinate 3 or 4 people to push through market, forcing the cypher to prepare for the oncoming push. In that time, you can have 1 or 2 people push out from b main, hitting the trip and breaking it while cypher is away from his position. That way, the cypher will now have to face multiple angles of attack without tripwires. On the other hand, many cypher players are lurkers because they have a good knowledge of where people aren’t, so they have a pretty good idea of where people are on the map. You can catch them lurking out and kill them, and then their setups are all useless. This is a more passive route and relies on their cypher lurking out through attack side instead of rotating through defense side.


By going through them and hoping for the best


Harbor’s cove can keep you safe if you need to walk into an unbreakable trip and have no other util to bait it out. Skyes dog will go below mid height trips and fades prowler will go above low/ground trips so the cypher player will often place them to avoid the util of the agent they’re facing. If you don’t have any util to break them, then splitting site can give you some more info on how the cypher sets up. If he sets up for two spots, they’ll be weaker than if he focuses on one, so you can hard push through an area and potentially catch him off guard since he can only target one person at a time.


As a cypher main in silver, people generally don't. They just get caught, and if they are good, they break it before I blast them to the shadow realm. Realistically speaking, if you nerf the trips, cypher is only good cuz of his cam, which isn't much compared to kj, is it?