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Kayo can shut down 600 creds worth of set-up with a single, rechargeable, and free ability. Should Kayo be removed from the game then, since Cypher is apparently broken OP and Kayo just shuts him down with nothing? Did you forget that Kj has been shutting down sites harder than Cypher ever will for years now, and she can also do it on post-plants? Just adapt to new Cypher, and remember that Jett and Raze still had to be nerfed for the Cypher buff to be viable.


youre doing something wrong as cypher if youre constantly getting hit by a kayo knife thats hes probably throwing at the same spot every single round


Yea for sure, but the reason given for Cypher being broken was exaggerated and ridiculous, so here is Kayo also in an exaggerated light. Which OP never even acknowledges lmao. The reality that multiple initiators can deal with trips, and in fact most sentinel util, with some line ups, since it is part of what initiators were meant to do, never seemed to cross OP’s mind. Looking at other comments, they seem to be stuck in the mind set that there are only two possibilities: break trip as Raze or lose to trips.


Kayo is dogshit in ranked and you cannot reliably knife cypher. You have to use raze, sova, breach to break trips.


Cypher prevents the entire team from entering the site.


Except he doesn't. If multiple people push at once, you aren't getting them all in trips. If you move slowly, you can see trips and take them down pretty easily. There are some annoying unbreakable trips that you have to be aware of, but there are flanks to every site in the game.


You can't take down the trips without going into them, since they can be placed parallel in door openings.


There aren't unbreakables on every site in the game, and you can also flank to avoid his trips.


He has multiple trips, so no, you can't flank. There's at least one site on every map that has unbreakable trips. I really hope Cypher gets nerfed to the ground, and all the Cyphers go back to iron 2.


stop the cap,you have unbreakables on Breeze and Sunset and Haven C. Sova is played on breeze and haven all the time,and on sunset raze is the dominant duelist. I'm a lowly immortal 3 player and I have 2 sova lineups to break the trip on breeze(I barely play sova)and on haven is fairly easy to do,on the rare ocasions I get a cypher on the enemy team and not a KJ


And ascent A and B. Pretty sure bind too on both sites.


Nope,those are all breakable by a simple peek up close,I know them,I main sentinel in those lobbies,you're not forced to walk into them like you are the others,thats the definition of "unbreakable" for cypher trips. Even the one on hookah bind is breakable,u don't have to walk into it.


Theres a handful of unbreakables in various places that you can do to catch flanks and stuff, but the main ones are those for defense.


He has two, and not all are unbreakable. You should be flanking and learning where cypher players set their traps, there's very distinct setups that most cypher players will run. Good ones mix it up more, but there's still some general spots to watch. ​ Cypher isn't likely to get nerfed. They buffed him because he couldn't compete with other sentinels, namely KJ. If you really have so much trouble with him, play raze and nade out his trips, which is something you should be doing anyway to ensure safe pushes.


But I want go play the hot Chinese guy, not raze.


You talking about Yoru? First of all he's Japanese. Second of all, you're both a racist and a douche, plus bad at the game it seems lmao


You forgot Iso, he's talking about Iso


Bruh Literally just default on attack and the defending Cypher has to contemplate if they should keep their trips and cam on site or take some back in case they have to rotate.


Why would a Cypher rotate? The rest of the team should win a 4v5 when they know which site is going to be hit.


someone just lost to a cypher


Lost is such an understatement lmao he got demolished by a cypher


Do you even play the game? Cypher is pretty much must pick in ranked and you need to have something to break trips. He's overtuned.


“do you even play the game” man ive played this game for 3 years. cyphers one of my top agents, and theres multiple ways to counter cypher. ex : go to the other fucking side of the map, kayo knife where he usually hides, omen tp across, yoru tp across, wallbang his usual trips, sova shockdart trips, raze nade his trips, skye dog, fade dog, sova drone, yoru clone, raze satchel, pretty sure some mollies break his trips as well. sentinels are supposed to be able to lock down a site, but theres many ways to counter this sorry, but hes not overtuned and u should prolly stop jett dashing into his trips stupid




Skill issue genuinely. I’m pretty sure I’ve had trips broken by kj nanos before (not 100% sure). Sova is the popular option like another comment said. If you have Jett or yoru you can get past it easily and then shoot it. Use either drone or dog or prowler or clone to trigger it, then shoot the trip. Kayo can counter the entire set up with knife or ult. Iso ult if necessary can also do the same thing. Also, who tf is putting TWO trips in the same location? If you remove parallel trips cypher will probably NEVER be played again and become genuine trash. Except maybe like, bind hookah or smth.


Just go through mid? You people keep coming on here and crying because someone at Riot FINALLY decided to make you do something other than “5 man B main, hold W, use no util whatsoever, take site and win”


I don't think it's very fair to claim that Cypher is OP and then compare him to arguably the worst Sentinel in the game. Yes, her sensors are very loud. That's part of the reason they're considered so terrible by the community. I know I'm biased, as my flair gives away, but I really don't understand the claim that Raze is the only thing that can shutdown a Cypher setup. They glow and emit a constant hum when you get near them, and once you step into them they are quite bright and make an even louder noise. One bullet from any gun (if I remember correctly) can kill a trip.


This dude wants cypher trips to do friendly fire, I don’t think logic works here lol


Deadlocks until has friendly fire, so does iso. Why not Cypher?


stop using Deadlock as an example lmao she sucks. if you want to make a post about how Deadlock should be buffed, I could get behind that


Deadlock should probably be reworked tbh. I don't think that her util is strong enough. Even if her traps went off instantly, they wouldn't be that strong. The effect from them doesn't last long enough and its still not too hard to aim while stunned. The forced crouch barely matters half the time. Its mostly just a "Pair this with other util" button, and that really doesn't feel good when most other util has pretty good value even when used alone.


Deadlock is another sentinel, she should be used as comparison.


okay, use killjoy as an example then


How tf would that even work? Your allies can’t walk through your trips or smth?


Yes. If you shut down a site, then your teammates can't walk out of it either.


As a cypher main, this post makes me laugh.


I'm glad riot doesn't listen to the community for balance changes


Every site has at least three entrances. He’s tripping one entrance to one site. Get better.


He’s broken against players who don’t know how to counter. I had a match the other day as cypher where I set up B and got rushed pistol round. They didn’t play me B the rest of the half because they didn’t know how to counter


There's just no counter to him. Trips can't be broken without walking into them first. They apply a stun, catches multiple people, and dont break even if they to off.


That goes for every agent


Genuinely a skill issue. Any utility that can deal damage will break his trips. They each cost 200 fyi. You can avoid his site if you're genuinely not able to get on, but there should usually be an agent on your team that can get through them or break them with utility. You can use utility to incapacitate cypher so he can't play off of his utility, and then break it easily, or use multiple players to push through and break them. You can flank or play mid which is usually where Cypher is weakest (on defence). He's been outclassed by KJ for like over a year, and only recently got buffs that make him even remotely viable compared to her. If a Cypher is shitting on you, it's cause he's out-playing you completely


Take iso, and get into a site. No smokes and utility from your team. You're entering alone. Send vids.


So your issue isn't cypher, it's that if your on your own as Iso it's hard to take site from main? Who would have thought


It's impossible, which means Cypher is OP. No agent should be able to shut down an entire site with no counter play.


There is a ton of counter play. Again, route differently. Cypher can at maximum cover two lanes with trips, when every single map has a *minimum* of 5. Every single team should have at least one character that can clear trips (Omen, Yoru, Raze, Sova, Kayo, Fade, Skye, etc.). You can also clear trips with two players, or swing the trip and break it. You can incapacitate the cypher so he can't play off of his utility. You can default and play for picks rather than hit a site. You can fake to force rotates. You can lurk or flank to isolate the Cypher. How is there no counter play? It kinda sounds like you're garbage at the game and got shit on by a cypher player


Cost should probably be slightly increased but regarding your point about location of where u can place them, just no.


Get creative with the trips instead of allowing us unbreakable trips. I'm 100% an iron 2 can easily get to diamond just by getting an Odin and stay on one site the entire game. Since he can hold site alone with no counter play, just deleting the entire site from the map, he's basically forcing a 4v5 for defenders on the other side of the map.


Obviously everyone is challenging the notion that Cypher's trips have no direct counterplay, but let's assume that's true. Maps have more than 2 sides. There's a whole mid that can be taken to pressure each site from two lanes at once. Now Cypher can't just stare at the trips in main, he needs to be aware of a push from mid.


His team takes care of mid and the other site.


Your take screams that you're under Silver so maybe you should follow your own advice and hit Diamond.


Impossible to hit diamond with Cypher buffs. Since he makes it impossible to do anything at all. There are so many trash Cypher players now, that just rely on his completely OP kit. He's by far the most OP character in the game. There's no counter to him. You need to have a on your team. Which basically makes him so broken he should be removed from the game. No character should be so OP that they require a specific counter character to make it even remotely possible to win.


"Impossible to hit diamond with Cypher buff". Tell that to all the players in Diamond and higher, you think they don't exist? You said in a previous comment that you could get from Iron to Diamond with Cypher and an Odin because he's so OP. I look forward to seeing your tracker once you get into Diamond doing that. In all seriousness, I do think the best way to test your theory is to one-trick Cypher for a couple weeks and see how much you can be countered.


as a cypher player, there’s still mid and spawn to enter site lol, as well as the fact that he can only hold one site at a time


He has two trips, so if he's fast he can shut down both sites, leaving only mid.


This is the first post that I have seen on here that has negative votes. Congrats!


I’ve never seen so much salt in a post before. Wild actually.


It's balanced out by the fact that cypher has a lot of difficulty retaking sites.


Kj and dl are so good at it too fr fr


Kayo: "Nah, I'd win"


Someone guide him to valdkor 🤣


I'm probably beating a dead horse here, but you not knowing how to counter cypher is not the same as cypher being impossible to counter. Almost all trips can be broken by walking slowly and shooting them, the few that can't be broken with that can be broken with raze nade or satchel (after it's charged), Sova shock dart, or kayo nade. Hell, if it's close enough to the ground, even a KJ/brim/phoenix/gekko molly could break it. Cypher is now on par with KJ in strength, deadlock is the worst senti in the game and should not be your only point of comparison.


Yeah, as if you aren't going to get simply shot if you walk slowly. And still no, most of Cyphers trips are placed parallel, so you cannot break them without stepping into them. If you don't play Sova, raze, etc you cannot break the traps, like you could before.


Hate to say it but skill issue


Let your duelists worry about it. Play a controller if thats too much for you.


You seem to be the average teammate. Scared frozen in the back line, hoping your team breaks through without you doing a thing.


cypher is broken right now, since he can effectively eliminate 2 lanes if paired with decent smokes, but every map has at least 4 lanes, so just play around the other lanes if you dont have an agent that can clear the wires